Share with: Link: Copy link. 443 votes, 76 comments. Northern Overture, Swirling Cherry Blossoms, Microlayer Medley, Skybound Oratorio, and Aurora Noctis all happened before it and haven't had rerun. Azur Lane. Instead, I’m talking about the special event from Azur Lane that puts some extra English in your dock, Aurora Noctis. Dec 22 2020 - Jan 05 2021. Today the good folks at Yostar had plenty of news for the fans of the shipgirl-focused mobile game Azur Lane … Increases own damage against Destroyers and Light Cruisers by 15% (35%). T32 533mm Acoustic Torpedo Design 135 : Limit: 1/1. Noctis, by the way, is Latin for “night.” I know because I Googled it. Azur Lane. Into Azur Lane world, one of his favorite game. Combat Preparation: Iron Blood - Phase I. Dec 22 2020 - Dec 29 2020. Points are rewarded for defeating the boss at any map (except EX). Basically it's a more consistent version of the Twin 381/406mm guns due to … No other ships from new event. Aurora. [ Azur Lane: Crosswave - Wave 41] Veterans, Standoff, & Big Dumb Dumb: 2020-08-18 [ World of Warships ] Grinding Before Tomorrow's Update (LIVE) 2020-08-16 [ Forza Horizon 4 ] Willys Jeep Is Unexpectedly Good (B Class Rally/Cross Country) 2020-08-16 [ Azur Lane ] Give Me My KMS Shipfus, Plz (Aurora Noctis Event) 2020-08-15 Aurora Noctis Event Shop Limit 5/5. From discord to saving azur lane. Oh well might have better luck with the Rerun. Oh and if Honoka isn't in the Venus Vacation and if Azur Lane characters aren't added to than instead of skins. Oct 23rd 2019 - Nov 7th 2019. There are currently 6 UR ships in the game: FdG, Sandy, Warspite, Azuma, Shinano, and Drake. Deutschland. Sep 26th 2019 - Oct 10th 2019. [ Azur Lane ] Give Me My KMS Shipfus, Plz (Aurora Noctis Event) 2020-08-15 [ COD:MW 2019 ] Hippy ISO (ISO Hipfire Class) 2020-08-13 [ Forza Horizon 4 ] Dangerously Fun Stratos (A Class Rally RWD) 2020-08-11 [ Azur Lane: Crosswave - Wave 40] Special Meal, Cleaning, & Hobby: 2020-08-11 [ World of Warships ] Back To Shipping The Ship Out Of Me Sign Up. Recent Post by Page. She survived all of the Scherzo SP stage, only sinking right before Bismarck herself accepted her fate. 1. ... because we got ISSS crammed into our timetable, moving Aurora Noctis right in front of Scherzo. As Enterprise is to discover, modern war is only two percent heart-pounding terror, action, valor, and glory. Today at 8:00 AM. Try again next week. 19. level 2. So I was glad that the Aurora Noctis Event went extremely well. Everyone must be pretty busy playing instead of posting. Activate All Out Assault I (II) : Admiral Hipper Class once every 9 (6) times the main gun is fired. Translated Cn Usagi Sensei S Pve Ship Tier List Ver 55 Aurora Noctis Update Azurelane . Polaris Orchestra, ready to perform. Vacation Lane. So Alaska as a special-forward-position backline ship doesn't make sense. Scherzo of Iron and Blood event rerun. Today publisher Yostar released the English-subtitled version of the anime-style … Features character Suruga from Azur Lane: Crosswave. Link to post Azur Lane Gets Anime-Style Trailer In English for Aurora Noctis Event. Those who were playing Azur Lane back in 2019 might remember that this event first launched in October of that year. 1. Soundtrack found in Azur Lane's Aurora Noctis event, during combat sequences in the event story tiles. Halloween 2019. Volleyball Scrimmage. Aftermath of Aurora Noctis Scherzo of Iron and Blood event rerun ... Azur Lane FanFiction Fanfiction. Ongoing. Gear Skin Box (Hospital) 2000 : Limit: 4/4. I'd say the main flaw of the new Triple 305 it isn't very good if you want big-dick burn damage, since one of the variables for ignition damage is the base/raw damage of the shell that sets the fire. Aurora Noctis will be live from 8/6/2020 to 8/19/2020, (UTC-7)! Well this just got interesting for some reason one person was taken but he … The rest is paperwork, tedium, and headaches. *ahem* Even at Dev20 and level 40, Mainz is surprisingly durable. 4. Last, but not least, the pre-event”Nocturne Before Nightfall” will serve as a prelude for “Aurora Noctis,” which has already been released in Japan and China. “Strive, Wish, and Strategize” event stages will be available permanently in War Archives after the next maintenance. Stay tuned! #AzurLane #Yostar The americans have a Vanguard (Sandy) and the Germans have a Backline (FdG). For perspective, a spark (pick your unit) in Granblue Fantasy costs around 800-900 USD if you do it starting from scratch. Say hello to the ship with the highest fleet healing potential in Azur Lane, HMS Perseus. Nov 26 2020 - Dec 10 2020. Press alt + / to open this menu. New collab is with DOAX VV. When sortieing with a ship equipping this gear: changes the battle background music. Visiting Enterprise's stern plate again. 1. Shields last for 5 (15) seconds. Azur Lane Getting Event Reruns, Crosswave Event, and More Skins. Oct 17th 2019 - Oct 24th 2019. 1. The Enigma and the Shark. Oct 23rd 2019 - Oct 30th 2019. Thats a Backline and vanguard for the British (warspite and drake) and the Japanese (Shinano and Azuma). Log In. Share. Eventually the Aurora Noctis event ran which had a number of german ship drops and the rerun … The main objective of the Halloween Chaos event was to defeat specific numbers of enemies in order to receive rewards of varying quality. Dec 10 2020 - Dec 21 2020. ... All event ships but Perseus, I wanted to get that twintails as well. 1. Sea Hornet 2000 : Limit: 10/10. [ Azur Lane: Crosswave - Wave 41] Veterans, Standoff, & Big Dumb Dumb: 2020-08-18 [ World of Warships ] Grinding Before Tomorrow's Update (LIVE) 2020-08-16 [ Forza Horizon 4 ] Willys Jeep Is Unexpectedly Good (B Class Rally/Cross Country) 2020-08-16 [ Azur Lane ] Give Me My KMS Shipfus, Plz (Aurora Noctis Event) 2020-08-15 Every 9 (6) shots from the main gun, triggers Full Barrage - Deutschland Class I (II). Synopsis: Azur Lane is whole once more and ready to take the war to the Sirens. Accessibility Help. Well on one hand Odin has the same exact bore that Alaska does, both use 12"/305mm guns. Admiral Hipper. Increases own damage dealt to Destroyers, transport vessels, torpedo boats, and suicide boats by 10% (20%). Create New Account. or. Basically some random adventures with the ship girls I have. Translated Cn Usagi Sensei S Pve Tier List Ver 51 Crimson Echoes Rerun Update Album On Imgur . Time to cheer for your favorite idols, Commander! Ankimo. Azur Lane ENUpdate: 6 August 202040 cubes for Perseus only . T4 Eagle Union Tech Box 300 : ... Azur Lane Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. 144k members in the AzureLane community. All Normal maps will have x3 Points bonus for first clear each day. Press J to jump to the feed. HD version: #AzurLane #Yostar The Enigma and the Shark Rerun. The Halloween Chaos Rerun Event. The event maps consist of eight Normal stages, eight Hard stages and an EX stage. Chosen to lead them, Enterprise steps into the unfamiliar shoes of command-and all the problems that come with it. Night of the "Witches" 2nd Rerun. This is the complete story collection for the Azur Lane event Aurora Noctis. This is more brutal than last year lol. ... No breaks between Aurora Noctis and Scherzo rerun. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Share this post. For this event, there are six main ships to look out for. These would be the Royal Navy ships Howe, Perseus, Hermione, Eagle, Valiant and Icarus . Of those, four can only be acquired via the Construction Pool so those are the ones you’ll need to get with your precious cubes. The activity in here has really fallen off a cliff. See more of Azur Lane on Facebook. Also congrats to Nimi for finally getting an oath skin xD The Amagi skin was also revealed and worth the wait. Aftermath of Aurora Noctis. Aurora Noctis event Statistics; HP 1250 → 7467: Armor Heavy Reload 55 → 150: Firepower 79 → 407: Torpedo 0 → 0: Evasion 6 → 31: Anti-Air 40 → 212: Aviation 0 → 0: Oil 5 → 14: ASW 0 → 0: ... Azur Lane Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. OTOH the devs do take some cues from WoWS and in that game Odin is classified as a BB, while Alaska (and Azuma) are classified as cruisers. Reruns don't always happen in the same order as the events came out but you should probably expect at least two or three of those to rerun before Shinano's event even has a chance. Some love scenarios, random skits, gacha summons, and other things. Hermione 8000 : Limit: 15/15. Facebook. Share. 17. The EN version of this event uses the Danger … Random Dynamic Resources is a frontline market research company providing field research services across Africa. Available as a drop during the Aurora Noctis (B2, D2), and Dreamwaker's Butterfly (T3, HT3) Events. Azur lane had been doing tests on me for some time to no avail and they kept me as a Ace in the hole despite my rebellious nature and disobedience, The Sirens had considered me important and the final key to their theoretical projects. Increases own damage dealt to Destroyers, transport vessels, torpedo boats, and suicide boats by 10% (20%). Nov 26 2020 - Dec 10 2020. That being said, most people serious enough to go for URs probably have some cubes and won't even need to get to get all the way to pity since a 1.2% rate isn't that bad. Subreddit for the mobile game Azur Lane. The event maps consist of eight Normal stages, eight Hard stages and an EX stage. Points are rewarded for defeating the boss at any map (except EX). All Normal maps will have x3 Points bonus for first clear each day. The EN version of this event uses the Danger Level mechanic. The Aurora Noctis Lucky Bag will be available after maintenance! Soon, I find myself fighting for my life and eventually. 19 parts. Enterprise's in what may be my last battle. This is not my day. Fanclub Sleepover. October 2019 finally saw a much-welcomed rerun of Graf Spee, with Divergent Chessboard then getting its rerun in November, during the height of ''AL'' [='s=] anime-induced hype wave to boot. Available from the Exchange Shop during the Looking Glass of Fact and Fiction event. While alive in fleet, decreases the Evasion Rate of all enemy Destroyers and Light Cruisers by 10% (20%). When this ship is attacked: 3.5% (8%) chance to decrease the DMG of the incoming attack by 50%. Email or Phone: Password: Forgot account? We develop field research tools that enhance productivity and optimize market research values via the use of up to date consumer– oriented technology, in–built strict quality control … While it is possible to get her via construction, her drop rate is lower than the four previously mentioned ships. Fortunately, you have two other options to get her. One is by farming the boss on either the B3 or D3 event maps. The other is buying her straight up from the event store for 8,000 Royal Coronets. Every 30 seconds: deploy 2 rotating shields that can block up to 10 rounds shells each.
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