The Nakajima Ki-87 was a Japanese high-altitude fighter - interceptor of World War II. The Focke-Wulf FW-190 was widely believed to be the best fighter aircraft of World War II. However, the Me 262s were vulnerable at takeoff and landing, and parked on their airfields they were sitting ducks. 1. The Luftwaffe’s High-Flying Diesel-Powered Bomber. Most German fighters had inferior high-altitude performance, and purpose-built types (like the Ta 152H) suffered from supercharger problems. Where???? * Over London, the Supermarine Spitfire. It's lack of range isn't a problem, it's speed and maneuverability are awesome, and it's pilots... In Europe fighter planes tended to fly at high altitudes. During the early days of the Battle of Britain, British citizens would stop in the street... If you're flying low altitude, climb to 4k and wait to be dived on (if low alt jet, fly to 6k). 3,500 of these fighters were built and operated with … This realy depended on were they were fighting. In the Europion theatre if a fighter was flying top Cover for a Bomber Formation they would fly Abo... Allied fighters were at a severe disadvantage in taking on the jets at high altitude, as they were significantly faster than any piston driven plane. If so, The ME-262 is up there, but was a jet of course. Sequels will receive twice as much scrutiny--I really don't want to add Iron Eagle II, III, and IV OR ID4 II. It was a single seat, exhaust-driven turbo-supercharged engined, low-wing monoplane with a conventional undercarriage . The FW 190A-8 of 1944 incorporated other improvements, including increased fuel capacity for longer range and an improved power boost system to improve high altitude performance. The greatest of the daylight twin engine piston powered fighters, the Lightning was designed by the master aircraft architect Clarence Kelly Johnson Conceived as a high-speed, high-altitude (44,000 feet!) It was intended to be made in at least three versions—the Ta 152H Höhenjäger, the Ta 152C designed for medium-altitude operations and ground-attack using a Daimler-Benz DB 603 and smaller wings, and … The Germans had operational versions of the l [ ]ong-winged JU-86R that through the en... Discuss the list here This Spitfire could reach 454 mph and had a range of up to 850 miles. 450 mph. With its turbo-supercharger it was the best high altitude fighter of the war, except for a few and relatively insignificant Ta 152s or experimentals. Best Fighter of WWII - Criteria, by Greg_P . The P-51, and most high altitude fighters, weren't meant to play the offensive, they were meant to play the defensive. No doubt many of you have seen Corky Meyer's article in Flight Journal about this subject. However the US Army Air Corps decided that no fighter would ever be required to operate at high altitude so they removed the turbo-supercharger and developed the P-39 into a low altitude fighter par excellence. Most talked-about new fighter plane in the European war theater is Germany’s Focke-Wulf 190. P-51 Mustang. Concerning High Altitude Fighter Sweeps - 3/17/2019 7:30:42 PM Big B . It was basically an FW-190D with longer wings and an improved turbocharger which made for great high-altitude performance. In the summer of 1940, a challenging new opponent appeared in the skies over Britain. Ground Attack Aircraft / High-Altitude Fighter Proposal. What was the best fighter of World War II? at best altitude. Those would be the P47s,P51D series, The bf109s, Fw190s, La-9, Mig-15, any griffon spit, typhoon and tempest, ki-84,j2m, and a7m(i think). The P-51 was at the top for fighters. Here is an interview one of the leading German aces gave with World War II Magazine: “From the time the Luftw... Lavochkin La-11 A powerful dogfighter, the Yakovlev Yak-3 was small and light but robust all the same. In the article, he states clearly that any plane worthy of being called "the best" should have several characteristics and should be able to fly at least four missions: Flag images indicative of country of origin and not necessarily the primary operator. Everywhere between the ground up to about 25,000 to 30,000 ft which was pretty much the ceiling for internal combustion engines whose performance s... Allied fighters were at a severe disadvantage in taking on the jets at high altitude, as they were significantly faster than any piston driven plane. In 1940, those two fighter aircraft between them, defeated the might of Germany's Luftwaffe in what became known as The Battle of Britain. The greatest air battle of the war. There are a total of [ 154 ] WW2 Fighters Ranked-by-Speed entries in the Military Factory. The prevailing opinion among the FW-190D-9 pilots was that it was the best Luftwaffe propeller-driven fighter of the entire war and was more than a match for the P-51 Mustang. 11. The Luftwaffe had a specially converted JU86P that was credited with flying at 42,000 feet over the UK and later on in North Africa. To stop it fro... The A6M Zero formed the backbone of the IJN carrier-based fighter capability. Whatever we put in this list some numb-nut or another will have different ideas. Does a FW190D9 always defeat a P-47 at 30,000 ft? This was brought back by a US vet at the end of the war. Like that of the Bf 109, the FW 190 was utilized for a variety of missions. 30231, as ONLY used in conjunction with late-war high-altitude fighter aircraft! Speed was 405 m.p.h. at 16,100 ft. The evolution of fighters in this period was a Darwinian bloodbath that would have had Richard Dawkins slavering with excitement. Similarly, where low-altitude and high-altitude fighters are compared any advantage shown by the former will be reduced as the high-altitude fighter gets nearer to its best operational altitude. I don't know those are the ones i can think of off the top of my head. As the war in Europe started brewing stronger, the United States anticipated the grim unfolding and decided to put all her military might on alert. Used specifically in the Me262, He162, Do335 and others! Jun 13, 2009 #1. For the P-47 as high altitude, I qualified it with a "perhaps". The newly modified interceptor performed wonderfully. It's much harder to entice people up. To qualify, there's got to be at least one dogfight in the film that involves fighter jets or aircraft. Kingsport Times (Kingsport, Tennesse) August 13, 1942. Generally the reason for this was that a greater percent of dogfighting occured at altitudes below 20,000 feet, in the Eastern Theater, where as in the Western Theater the majority were fought in support of high altitude bombers. 9. The late in the war introduced Jumo 004 jet engines tended to flame-out above 30,000 feet, especially when flights of jets were trying to hold formation. When we consider the 2nd generation WW2 fighters, there is little to choose between them. Discussions on all aspects of the Japanese Empire, from the capture of Taiwan until the end of the Second World War. In honor of Tank, the FW-190’s designation was changed to Tank, or Ta-152. Here, you must qualify with "considered by many". Here is an interesting note on aircraft in WW2; of the top 10 aces of the Soviet Union, 5 flew the greatly maligned Bell P-39 Airacobra. Posts: 4870 Joined: 6/1/2005 From: Old Los Angeles pre-1960 Status: offline: Hello, I have been pondering the subject of high-altitude fighter sweeps as a tactic in this game. Wikimedia. In total over 15,000 of these were manufactured. I've always liked the Focke-Wulf Ta 152, and with its 48,000 ft ceiling and 470mph top speed, it has to be one of the very best single-engine high altitude interceptors of WW2. The Luftwaffe’s High-Flying Diesel-Powered Bomber A Russian prince piloting a modified Spitfire for the RAF targeted a Junkers JU-86R during World War II’s highest aerial combat In the summer of 1940, a challenging new opponent appeared in the skies over Britain. Had the war lasted and the high-flying B-29 been committed to Europe then this aircraft would have been its nemesis. interceptor, at its introduction the twin-engine Lightning also had a greater range (1,300 combat miles) than any contemporary fighters. High-altitude fighters. Together, these two aircraft are often credited with being the cornerstone of … US expects to ‘top’ Focke-Wulf 190 in high altitude dog fights of future. From very low to very high. Combat aircraft often flew extremely low to avoid detection and enemy fire. The highest flying airplanes could reach ab... 1945. The plane is widely regarded as the most capable WW2 carrier-based fighter. Here’s our selection, the order they appear is, more or less, totally… It was literally Enterprise vs. Japan. What's the best fighter plane film you've ever seen? Entries are listed below by maximum reported speed (descending) by specific production model. The basic BMW radial engine had clearly reached its maximum performance limits. If we're talking strictly prop-driven fighter planes, then yes, the TA-152 was supposed to be an outstanding plane. 10) Supermarine MKs 24 Spitfire The WWII British Spitfire was one of the ultimate fighters of the war, had tremendous fire power and could climb to a high rate of altitude at a very fast rate. 808 mph. Maximum speed was 308 miles per … Soviet Yakovlev Yak-3 Pinterest via Produced fighter in history, they produced a total of [ 81 ] WW2 Soviet aircraft ( 1939-1945 ) in. In the later years of WWII, the greatest threat to the Japanese was the looming threat of high-altitude bombers, the Nakajima Ki-84 had great climbing speed and its engine could reach the altitude to attack them. Feel free to add anymore. The 109 was the most produced fighter in history, they produced a total of 33,984 airframes from 1936 -1945. Gloster Meteor and it was heavily armored as well engine – best russian ww2 fighter plane it liked by the. First flown in 1932, only 151 were built. The WWII futuristic 405mph high-altitude interceptor. The 190 is literally one of the best fighters of all time, ... they added a Rolls Royce Merlin engine and this completely transformed its performance at high altitude (15,000+ feet) which meant it matched or even bettered that of the Luftwaffe’s fighter jets. And even thought it couldn’t climb or turn (“dogfight”) with smaller aircraft, despite what terrible History Channel documentaries and decades of poorly researched computer/video games try and sell, that kind of tight turning combat was NOT in … The Ta 152 was a development of the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 aircraft. The P-51 Mustang Fighter, a North American Aviation, is one of the most iconic fighter / fighter bombers that is single-seated and was used during World War 2. As the war went on the FW-190 was manufactured in no fewer than 40 … Jun 2, 2016 Nick Knight. You might want to also bump the altitude up to 7-8km thats high. Even a 36,000ft ceiling B-50 Superfortress would have to worry about the Ta 152 attacking from above. A prototype German reconnaissance airplane, it flew at a leisurely 200 mph but could climb to an altitude of 41,000 feet—well out of reach of the Royal Air Force’s best interceptor, the Supermarine Spitfire. Army Air Forces McDonnell XP-67 Bat. You are bidding on a SUPERB and EXTRAORDINARILY RARE example of a WW2 German Luftwaffe Model 30 IS24 Sitzfallschirm 10-404.G2 (Seat Parachute), Fl. The Focke-Wulf Ta 152 was a World War II German high-altitude fighter-interceptor designed by Kurt Tank and produced by Focke-Wulf. Seems like a Corsair got a kill at 49,000 feet by buzzsawing a Japanese aircraft's tail off. His .50 cal MG's were frozen up. Two different wings, five different engines, have counterclockwise-rotation props, unlike originals. If you're playing high altitude, fly as high as you can, I fly to around 8k in my P-51. 2009-06-13T03:19. Altitude is the more correct term, and of course, it all depends on the mission. Bomber escort was usually at higher altitudes from approximately 1... Bombers don't count. 1943. However, the Me 262s were vulnerable at takeoff and landing, and parked on their airfields they were sitting ducks. Known as the “Army Zero” and later code-named “Oscar,” the Ki-43 Hayabusa (Peregrine Falcon) became the JAAF’s most important fighter of World War II. The Hayabusa served throughout the Pacific War, undergoing several design upgrades to improve performance, protection, and firepower. During the early stages of the war, the A6M easily outperformed allied aircraft, both … Faster and possessed of greater range than the Spitfire XIX, the Ta 152H was possibly the finest piston-engined fighter in the world at high altitude. After taking all these considerations into account, the position of the aircraft relative to … Also consider WW2 Fighters Ranked-by-Speed, WW2 Bombers Ranked-by-Speed and WW2 X-planes Ranked-by-Speed. The birth of the best Italian fighter plane of WW2, the Macchi C.205V Veltro was harassed by high authorities within the Italian Air Ministry who, for some reasons, preferred to support the all-new Fiat G.55 Centauro and Reggiane Re 2005 instead of moving ahead at a much faster pace with a natural development of an already well-established MC.202 Folgore. Joining the Japanese Navy at age 16 he was one of 70 students accepted into flight training of out 1,500 applicants. Its excellent performance was a huge surprise to the Luftwaffe – they started to fear this low altitude fighter-interceptor when they found out it could out-climb, out-turn and even out-accelerate their Focke-Wulf 190 and Messerschmitt Bf 109. The D Model was the stepping stone that led to the high-altitude Focke-Wulf Ta 152. Multi-Engined fighters (High Altitude, Long Range, Interceptor, Heavy and Night fighters) in WWII: Heinkel He 219A-7 Weight = 11,200 kg; Dornier Do 217M-1 Weight = 9,065-10,950 kg; Northrop P-61B-20-NO Black Widow Weight =10,637 kg; Junkers Ju 88A-4 Weight = 9,860 kg; Mitsubishi Ki-67Ib Weight = 8,649 kg Best climb was down to 2,756 ft./min. More often than not, however, the BF 109 handled the high altitude fighting while the FW 190 handled the low altitude stuff. It could reach an altitude of 38,500 feet with a 3,900 feet per minute rate of climb.

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