In ShadowClan, Brokenstar is a strong, wise, and noble leader. More ... "Remember me to StarClan, Bluestar." Rock tells the StarClan kits how Mistyfoot was taken in by Graypool when Oakheart brought her and brother to RiverClan. "No," Bluefur shook her head, taking a step back from the reddish brown warrior. Short, but good story. Redtail breathed in relief. Clipart Stars Gooseberry Warrior Cat Running Base Transparent. The she-cat hopes that he's right. My name's Oakheart. Silverstream's mate was Graystripe(They had 2 kits, Stormfur and Feathertail.). ===Chapter Four=== Bluestar padded over to Cinderpelt many StarClan spirits surrounding her. 176K 6.4K 100. Day 7: Draw the cat who died, but make it look like they're in Starclan. Some people, or make that most people, dislike Bluestar for the things she did, and how after that she was regarded as a hero. Thrushpelt sometimes wished he was a WindClan cat, so he could run faster. Painfully Featherwhisker took a stick and eased the kit out. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Of course the Warriors belong to the Hunter Ladies; we're just borrowing them for our own amusement. Slowely but surely, the first kit eased out. Oakheart (Warriors) Mosskit (Warriors) Snowfur (Warriors) Bluestar (Warriors) Thrushpelt (Warriors) Stonefur (Warriors) Mistyfoot (Warriors) Canonical Character Death; Summary. Adventure Fantasy Cats Bluestar Firestar Starclan ... Fireheart Firepaw Rusty Thunderclan Warriors. Their father wasâStarClan help meâOakheart himself. I found out that Bluestar never had interest in Thrushpelt, which I already knewâbut I also found out that Mistykit, Stonekit, and Mosskit were not the kits of Thrushpelt. ''Bluestar,'' he murmured. As a warrior, she served under Hazestar's, and Rosestar's leaderships in the lake territories. The fish landed ⦠Okay, this is my first fanfic! It's just a little story from Bluestar's point of view. Watching her kits grow up, thoughts of Oakheart, ect. It was a little bit difficult trying to figure out where every clan cat would be, age wise. I hope I got it at least close enough. I hope you like it! I've always regreted my desicion to give up my kits. Prologue: A Night In StarClan It was a dark night in StarClan, the rustle of leaves swept the clearing. He is spat insults by Bluefur. Oakheart and Bluestar had met in secret. Community. Firestar's And Sandstorm's Beginning Of Love. 64 Comments. Panting, the ThunderClan warrior reached the edge of the territory into the StarClan version of ThunderClan. No, Silverpool is not a real character - she is my fan character that I made up. "Cinderpelt!" More Warrior Cats Lemons by MousefurElder. "Thank you Bluestar!" This is a short story I am writing about Bluestar. All other images obtained through alphacoders. 1 Appearance 2 History 3 Kin 4 Gallery Bluestar is a blue-gray she-cat with blue eyes. Hot New ⦠Welcome to the StarClan of the 21st century! Sort by: Hot. They are all there to read seven books that Yellowfang- her spirit comes down from Starclan -delivers to them. I found out that Bluestar never had interest in Thrushpelt, which I already knewâbut I also found out that Mistykit, Stonekit, and Mosskit were not the kits of Thrushpelt. It was a blue-gray she cat, just like Bluefur. 44 Stories. StarClan must have shared their wisdom with this article, because it was previously featured on the front page. Bluestar stalked back into her den, and then spotted another cat in her den. Thistleclaw nodded. The sun in the sky lit warmly. He swiped his paws in the water, flicking a fish out. Bluestar is a StarClan she-cat. Just In. The tom replies that if their ancestors can't see them from all the way on the top of the tree, they can't seem them anywhere. Once she gave their kit... forbidden; battle ; windclan +20 more # 2. StarClan haven't abandoned you.'' She wanted him to come to her. Most cats were sharing tongues while the leader rested in his den quietly. Takes place in Book 3 of the Power of Three Outcast. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. Firestar is a ginger tom with a flame-colored pelt, green eyes, powerful shoulders, and a scar on his flank. 499 Favourites. FanFiction. I have been reading "Bluestars Prophecy" for the second time now and i just came to the point that the relationship between blue(fur)star and oakheart was rushed. Avatar from: All other images obtained through alphacoders. But he had never come for her. Deviation Actions. Cinderpelt smiled with joy. Head for the bank! Of course the Warriors belong to the Hunter Ladies; we're just borrowing them for our own amusement. She inherited her father Oakheart's strength and courage, and her mother Bluestar's good sense and fighting skills. Prophecies are usually seen at the Moonstone or Moonpool by medicine cat during their sleep. Home and resource for Warriors fanfic 'Starclan Academy' verse. At a gathering he is mentioned by Hailstar. If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article. Each chapter opens with a quote from a song that fits the chapter in some way, always the song it is named after. Starclan Academy. She claims she has seen a prophecy about Starkit. She was about to shoo it away when she realized it was Oakheart. Energy surged through Bluestar, and she began to fight once more. @Streamstar49 (R)Crookedjaw: A tan tabby tom with a broke jaw. -On Twitter, Kate comfirmed that Bluestar and Oakheart are mates in Starclan, but that she and the rest of the Erin Hunter team never had time to point it out in the books. Oakheart is a reddish brown tom with amber eyes. Bluestar was truly happy for her kin, especially her mate Oakheart, whom she didn't stop loving and now that they are together in Starclan, nothing will break them apart! Past Bluefur/Oakheart; Bluestar; The Prophecies Begin: Book 3: Forest of Secrets; Summary. A cat's yowl echoed across the room. Crookedstar's mate was Willowbreeze's kit was Silverstream. Feel free to ask questions and comment! Bluekit becomes an apprentice alongside her sister and takes the name Bluepaw, mentored by Stonepelt. Bluestar closed her eyes and slowly and painfully went to StarClan. Just In. Son of Bluestar and first deputy under Leopardstar's rule. There's a hint of the Omen of the Stars books too. "Fireheart! "Relax Bluefur. Leader: Bluestar - A regal blue-grey she-cat with a silvery muzzle and chest and green eyes. 1 Prophecies 1.1 In the A Merged World Arc: 1.1.1 Forbidden Love There Will Come Another ⦠Juniper was kicked outside, her flank throbbing with pain. 1 Firestar 2 Bluestar 3 Cinderpelt 4 Brokenstar 5 Runningnose 6 Raggedstar 7 Rowanberry 8 Nutwhisker 9 Nightstar 10 Sagewhisker 11 Hawkheart 12 Cloudpelt 13 Foxheart 14 Jayfeather “I wished you'd been my son, but I could not have borne a cat like you. Bluestar, swim! Books Just For Fun Awesome Warriors Bored Cats ... See the title!! The grey-black warrior purred. "I dont know about this, Bluestar." Graystripe Silverstream Vs Bluestar Oakheart Epic Rap Battles. *Note* You can read all of this in about 10-20 minutes. They grew into strong RiverClan Warriors, Stonefur, as Stonekit was known as a Warrior was later killed and resides here in StarClan, but Mistystar, Mistykit's new Leader name is now the proud leader of RiverClan! Expecting Oakheart's kits secretly. "Come on. But without the trauma of losing a kit and giving up her remaining two, she would not have grown as a character. Coming Soon 100% RiverClancitationneeded This is a Random Fanfiction I Made from the Warriors Books. All of a sudden a handsome ginger tom walked in and a smile appeared on the tortoiseshell's face. {WARNING: POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR BLUESTAR'S PROPHECY & SLOW UPDATES DUE TO SCHOOL.} Climb has a crush on hot dad oakheart oakheart is … Some major spoilers included, cat names come from Sunrise and Long Shadows. Bluefur lay on the ground of the nursery. She would not be as compassionate or as hardened from experience as she is. "Hello" She called,waiting for a answer. More. He was held prisoner in TigerClan and killed by Darkstripe and Blackstar. Oakheart swished ⦠High quality Starclan gifts and merchandise. Bluestar is a sleek, lean, and sturdy blue-gray she-cat with piercing ice blue eyes and silver hairs tipping her muzzle and tail.1 She has a long scar rippled down her shoulder. Bluefur tenses, and the brown tom reassures her that if StarClan were angry, they would send clouds to cover the sky. Bluefur rushed over and nuzzeled her mate. Bluestar responded with a heavy sigh. Stonefur joined Starclan recently, Mosskit was happy to meet her brother again that she can play with along with Minnowkit and Willowkit. Bluestar was truly happy for her kin, especially her mate Oakheart, whom she didn't stop loving and now that they are together in Starclan, nothing will break them apart! Near the Great Oak - Oakheart sat with Bluestar. Below contains in-depth information for chapter thirty one of Bluestars Prophecy. -In Erin Hunter Chat 2, it was revealed that Bluestar's warrior name was going to be Bluestone, but it was changed as it sounded too similar to Moonstone. A page for describing recap: I cried when bluestar and oakheart hugging warriors cats bluestar. 1 Bluestar 1.1 Description 1.2 Family 2 History File:Bluestar.jpg Bluestar is a blue-gray she-cat, with long fur, a nicked ear, a scar on her shoulder that parted the fur, and icey-blue eyes with a silver tinted muzzle and tail tip. Medic: Spottedleaf - Very pretty slender dark tortoiseshell she-cat with white toes and chin and amber eyes. "Now." also how do they react to it They did not, they find out in StarClan. CROOKEDSTAR!!!!!!!!! Some people spend too much time looking at Bluestar… I felt Thrushpelt would be one of the first to welcome her. Bluestar meowed fading away before Cinderpelt's spirit appeared. She bent down the lick the small scrap, only to yowl in pain from the second kit. Avatar from: Oakheart replies that if StarClan can't see them here, they can't see them anywhere. "T-traitor!" He slightly let go of Oakheart's fur and slowly stepped back, letting Oakheart's Riverclan clanmates take his body back to Riverclan. The reason I chose the title for this is because it is also the title of a popular Rihanna song that I think fits Bluestar quite well. She wanted him back with her. Into the Past by ... Also there are Bluestar, Redtail, Crookedstar, Oakheart, Brokenstar, Blackfoot, Tallstar, and Deadfoot from before Into the Wild. When Firestar and Sandstorm start their journey, they eventually come to an abandoned Twoleg nest. Bluestar nodded numbly and hoped that Oakheart wouldn't see her cry. There is no mention of Mosskit being with either Bluestar or Oakheart in StarClan. Prophecies are usually seen at the Moonstone or Moonpool by medicine cat during their sleep. {Warrior Cats and Lion King Crossover} (Currently on a break) âVery well then, it is set.â. Shellheart. Where cats from modern-day ThunderClan, whether warriors or medicine cats, can visit StarClan ⦠Prophecies and Omensare dreams and signs given by StarClan to leaders, Medicine cats, and sometimes to other Clan members as well, to foretell the future and warn them about incoming events. They start fighting. An achingly familiar, deep meow sounded from the middle of the ranks, and a red-brown tom padded up to stand beside Bluestar. He has two half-brothers, Tiny(Scourge), a small black tom with one white paw, and Socks, a black tom with a white muzzle, paws, and tail tip. November 27, 2016 BuffyProductions . But StarClan doesn’t think that, because they are ¬mouse-brains. hissed Bluestar. ThunderClan. Oakheart's brother was Crookedstar. Let's all go back to camp!" "You have earned a life for a new way, you will be reborn as Sorreltail's kit, Cinderkit and live the new life as a warrior!" Graystripe's mother was Willowpelt. First deputy under Crookedstar's rule and Crookedstar's brother. Forum. Oakheart’s mew was sharp now. Bluestar and oakheart padded to the forest together. WindClan and RiverClan had not yet arrived. Oakheart looked after them with a nurseing queen called Graypool, she never questioned Oakheart when she took them, but she could smell they were from ThunderClan. Bluestar is a blue-grey she-cat with ocean-blue eyes, a squirrel-like bushy tail, and a single white paw. Bluestar is first seen in the prologue, gazing into a pool. She might ⦠Warrior Cats Darkstripe X Tiger Star. Firestar has more than one sibling. It has been many moons since Bluestar and Oakheart last spoke. Those fools in StarClanâfor example, Bluestar, not youâthought I was being evil by wanting to make ThunderClan stronger. Oakheart and Bluestar had met in secret. A brownish tom looked at the she cat and purred, "I've been waiting for you Bluefur." However, he also has three more siblings. Below contains in-depth information for the prologue of Starlight. Oakheart and Bluestar relationship. Did you know that Bluestar, Firestar, and Graystripe are related?! He had his sister, Princess, a white she-cat, who's mom was Nutmeg. 1 Description 2 General: 3 Relation to Living Cats: 4 Ceremonies: 5 Influence 6 Life in StarClan: 7 Other Ancestors: 8 Territory: 9 History 10 In the Super Edition Arc 11 In the Original Arc 12 In the New Prophecy Arc 13 In the Power of Three Arc 14 In the Omen of the Stars Arc StarClan the deceased ancestors, descendants and Clanmates of the Clan cats. "Cannot StarClan wait so that a lone member can reflect and remember the life and love she left behind?" Her soul came out of her body waiting for some cat to lead her to StarClan. “You’ve left us in the paws of StarClan, Bluestar, and you’ve chosen to forget us to become leader of your Clan.” “Oakheart, no! Bluestar's mate was Oakheart(They had 3 kits, Stonefur, Mistystar, and Mosskit.). Bluestar is a sleek blue-silver she-cat with a silver muzzel. Bluestar was truly happy for her kin, especially her mate Oakheart, whom she didn't stop loving and now that they are together in Starclan, nothing will break them apart! When the night falls, Bluestar goes to Oakheart like they always did when they were warriors. "Oakheart." Bluestar meowed. "Oh, Bluestar. In RiverClan, Oakheart is totally loyal to Crookedstar. Bluestar's words rang in his ears from when he was an apprentice. She watched Graystripe. Oakheart was sitting by a river, looking in. Oakheart drew back then lashed his tail in agitation. do bluestar and oakheart know about stonefur making the same dumb life choices they did? Feel free to ask questions and comment! Bluefur gave birth to his kits, Mistystar, Stonefur, and Mosskit, leading the Clan to believe that Thrushpelt is the father. Firepaw Joins Thunderclan By Talyasaurus Deviantart Com On. The kits were coming! "I need you, too," he insisted softly, his eyes glazed with pain. âI agree.â A golden-yellow tom nodded from the center of the ranks. Fireheart is navigating the pitfalls of high school along with his best friends, Graystripe and Ravenpaw. But we never stopped loving each other. In the prologue, Bluestar, as a StarClan warrior, chooses the ThunderClan representative to go to the sun-drown-place. In Chapter 13, she is among the cats that give Stargleam The Ten Commandments. Those fools in StarClan—for example, Bluestar, not you—thought I was being evil by wanting to make ThunderClan stronger. She leaves with Whitestorm and Lionheart to tell Jayfeather. "You actually came Oakheart." Bluestar repeated the words over and over in her head, but Oakheart's clear, unwavering gaze made them seem more and more feeble. The birds flapped their wings wildly in the sky. She couldnât move, only to stand and gaze at the former RiverClan warrior she had loved so much. The ThunderClan cats were lurking in the camp. . He had chosen to stay in the dark. thurshpelt bluestar starclan thunderclan bluestarsprophecy. Just In. Bluestar is the current leader of ShadowClan. Oakheart then makes a vow to teach Bluefur how to swim. Juniper licked her ⦠Really, I was just trying to help the Clan. A brief look into Oakheart's heart as he finally meets Mosskit when she is the one to take to him StarClan at the time of his death. . This is a quicky I made for fun the other two descibed on my channel are still coming. Leafpool nodded. Bluefur has no interest in this, for she fears the water because of Goosefeather's prophecy. In StarClan, Oakheart and Bluestar remain good friends, and in Midnight of The New Prophecy, Oakheart was the one who chose Feathertail of RiverClan to go on the journey to the sun-drown-place. You may or may not know me but I am not of any living clan so don't look for me at gatherings. Snowfur stared into the darkness beyond her. The two reach the top of the tree, and Bluefur wonders if StarClan is watching them. I am a Starclan Warrior. Criticizing Snowfur a lot, kitting with Oakheart, over-obsessing with the prophecy and so on. Thistleclaw nodded. Some major spoilers included, cat names come from Sunrise and Long Shadows. âOakheart, oh, Oakheart!â Bluestar whispered. Stonefur got a … Crookedstar and Oakheart's mother. WAYS TO GET KICKED OUT OF SHADOWCL... by Crazystar. Thistleclaw's A Monster: A Warriors FanFiction. Takes place in Book 3 of the Power of Three Outcast. “Not too broken now.” Moonflower meowed. *Note* You can read all of this in about 10-20 minutes. Books » Warriors Rated: M, English, Romance & Friendship, Bluestar, Oakheart, Leafstar, Billystorm, Words: 21k+, Favs: 29, Follows: 23, Published: 5/29/2017 Updated: 11/24/2019} 108 Chapter 1: BluestarxOakheart (LOVE) Bluestar and Oakheart padded to the forest together. How well do you know bluestar. Another change would be Bluestar herself. StarClan Stories--Bluestar. But after joining Starclan, she renecounters the third. Though the deputy's pelt was scored with fresh new cuts, they didn't seem to matter at all, for his fangs had been sunk deep into Bluestar's limp form. The pale sky settled high above. The thought of them hit her like a lightning bolt. ''Calm down. Bluestar flattened her ears. ''They have!'' Seeing her mate only made her angrier. There's a hint of the Omen of the Stars books too. bluefur warriors warriorcats cats bluestar oakheart thunderclan thrushpelt snowfur mosskit warrior thistleclaw riverclan fireheart sandstorm firestar starclan fanfiction. @T1Dwarrior (T)Thistleclaw: A white tom with dark gray and gray splotches. Rainflower. "And I will until the end of time." She was my mate until her duty to her clan drove us apart. “Yes, of course I do. Really, I was just trying to help the Clan. In a blink of a eye she saw the reddish brown coat of Oakheart,her love. He made that choice to please Bluestar. Crowfeather wrapped his hind leg around Leafpool and said, "I will love you till the end of StarClan." The only way to win is to destroy your enemy! Stonefur. Forum. PureSpiritFlower. “No, Oakheart…” “You’ve made us become just a dismal place in your past.” “Oakheart, please ,” Bluestar begged. Bluefur could just see the Created by ☆Cotton☆ Welcome to the show..... WHAT WARRIOR CATS DID WRONG IN LIFE!!! Firestar becomes angry at Bluestar and the rest of StarClan for lying to him, but he quickly gets over it. If I Survived: Spottedleaf's Story. Warrior Cats Lemons Leafpool. Current: ThunderClan Status: Deceased Cause of Death: blunt force trauma/drowning Residence: StarClan Rank: Leader Age: Approx. Along the way, he develops a strong distaste for the school's gang of popular teens, led by Bluestar, Tigerclaw, and Oakheart. FanFiction. Rusty Firepaw Fireheart Firestar Bluestar Animals Warrior Cats Fanfiction Au. Forum. She sat down on the grass in the garden. A young blue-gray she cat stumbled into the clearing. Crookedstar: I regret training with Mapleshade … Bluestar/Oakheart (Referenced) Bluestar; Thrushpelt; Mosskit; Oakheart (Mentioned) Summary. The only way to win is to destroy your enemy! Snowfur padded slowly to the edge of StarClan. Bluefur nodded, but it was hard not to shriek in pain when the first kit came. Bluestar is a blue-gray she cat with silver hair tinged around her muzzle, a scar on her shoulder, and blue eyes. Super Editions in the Warriors series are standalone novels that are longer than books in the main arcs, and focus on one character.2 They follow a variety of characters and connect to the main timeline. Heart thudding with panic, he raced around the corner, where he saw Bluestar pinned under Tigerclaw's mighty weight. "As will I, Crowfeather," she mewed. Bluestar and Oakheart was rushed? âYes, of course I do. 6 bluestar bluestar is a character in the warrior cats series. The blue-gray she-cat asks Oakheart if he thinks StarClan are watching them now. It was a dark gray tom kit. Bluestar fell in love with Oakheart, a RiverClan warrior and brother to Crookedstar, during her days as a warrior ... (who is given the name Lostface as a symbol of Bluestar's hatred towards StarClan), and takes a liking to Cloudpaw, who doesn't believe in StarClan. Oakheart was chased put of ThunderClan territory by Bluefur when he was sunning himself at sunningrocks. Oakheart and Bluefur (star) were in different Clans, but they had a solid relationship. It has been many moons since Bluestar and Oakheart last spoke. Starclan showed enough mercy that Stonefur and Mistyfoot found Bluestar on Riverclan's shore, and her final moments were spent making peace with her surviving children before she went to join her lost daughter, Mosskit, in Starclan." In the prolouge when Bluestar is drowning in the river,Oakheart tells her to keep swimming and her kits are waiting for her. "Thank you Tigerclaw, I would have surley died without you!" Crowfeather and Leafpool got closer to each other, then Crowfeather asked, "Now?" But StarClan doesnât think that, because they are ¬mouse-brains. At the moment of her death, Bluestar is forgiven by two of her kits. Crookedstar and Oakheart's father. “After all, when we enter Starclan, it is not good-bye forever, but simply good-bye till next time.” Moonflower paused, as if somecat had whispered, but spoke too low to be heard. By. So since I drew Bluestar's death, I drew her in Starclan for day 7. In her heart, she felt that longing again. He tells how she fled TigerClan when Tigerstar tried to kill all the Half-Clan cats, and she mentored Feathertail. Bluestar's weariness, in spirit if not bodily after fighting greencough through the end of one of her nine lives, could not excuse neglecting her Clan. Oakheart's Finish. 1} Moonflower continued. Bluestar yowled. Bluekit is born to Moonflower and Stormtail of ThunderClan, along with her sister Snowkit. Bluestar and Oakheart. Our kits are waiting. Add to Favourites. She knew it was forbidden yet she loved him. She felt like she could only rely on StarClan for this and her family. However, this is somewhat strange, because Bluestar's mother was named Moonflower. In that same chat, Vicky said Bluestar's warrior name was originally Moonstone, although this was changed later on, because of the same reasons. Community. If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article. Series. ''They hate me, Oakheart!'' Trivia [edit | edit source] Bluestar had 4 deputies before death; Redtail, Lionheart, Tigerclaw, and Fireheart. This is a Random Fanfiction I Made from the Warriors Books. Prophecies and Omensare dreams and signs given by StarClan to leaders, Medicine cats, and sometimes to other Clan members as well, to foretell the future and warn them about incoming events. Bluestar appears as a StarClan cat, telling Firestar about SkyClan when he visits the Moonstone for answers. 7gdypte Jizsrm. S= Starclan D= Dark Forest (This character must do what I suggest(pls)) (R)Oakheart: A reddish-brown tom @ImTomTordTrash (T)Bluefur/Bluestar: A Russian blue she-cat. The day I died there was only one thought racing through my head, Bluestar. "I barely knew them Oakheart! 8 weeks ago ForgotToBreath. Community. Oakheart. Today, we have FIRESTAR, BLUESTAR, CROOKEDSTAR, AND BRAMBLESTAR AS CONTESTANTS! Best Warrior Cats Fanfiction Lemons. A dark shape buffeted her, knocking her underwater again, but she struggled to In the gathering, Rosetail was with Bluefur then she noticed a handsome reddish brown tom and amber eyes Rosetail knew that tom it was Oakheart if only he would noticed me Rosetail thought then she saw Bluefur and Oakheart talking to each other, "come on I wanted you to meet somebody" Bluefur meowed and padded to Rosetail "hey Rosetail! He was killed by a rockfall. (This takes place in between Forest of Secrets and Rising Storm) It was a warm Greenleaf night and a gorgeous dappled tortoiseshell lay in her den. Books Just For Fun Bluestar Ship Romance Oakheart L. Add to library 3 Discussion. Drawing belongs to me. She longed to see her beloved Oakheart, his strong muscles and sleek tawny pelt. Deputy: Redtail - A dark ginger-red tom with faint stripes, white chin and chest, and a feathery tail; bright hazel eyes. Bluestar nodded and walked away. Bluestar walks to Starclan and meets her friends and family again. Bluefur was longing to see her kits; she knew they would be apprentices by now. Featherwhisker sat next to her, giving her rasberry leaves. <3. Their father wasâStarClan help meâOakheart himself. When the night falls, Bluestar goes to Oakheart like they always did when they were warriors. FanFiction. Bluefur sat among her Clanmates at Fourtrees, as they talked happily with ShadowClan. Welcome to Starclan, Bluestar. She also challenges her mate Oakheart when he chooses Feathertail to go on the journey, and he says asks her if she thinks Feathertail was not mentored well, because Feathertail was mentored by Mistyfoot, Bluestar's kit.
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