Concentra offers a convenient and reliable drug testing process for your company’s needs. I bought Magnum Synthetic Urine from the local smoke shop for $20, 2oz bottle. Test components vary depending on what each job requires a worker to do. Concentra performs a variety of pre-employment tests, including DOT physicals and drug testing. At Concentra Physical Therapy, the pre-employment test we most commonly perform is a “Human Performance Evaluation,” or HPE. Fill out our form and we’ll get in touch with you about our pre-employment drug test options and how to get started. There are many different types of pre-employment screenings, but the four most common Concentra is asked to provide include: DOT physicals. In other circumstances, such as pre-employment testing or testing as part of a workplace drug testing program, you are usually required to sign a consent form to permit your results to be shared in limited capacity on a need to know basis. Here's what you need to know about pre-employment drug test policies, pre-employment drug screening procedures, urine drug tests, hair drug tests and saliva drug tests. found out monday i would need a drug test the next week. According to, this panel tests for marijuana, cocaine, PCP, opiates and amphetamines. Return-to-duty drug test. This drug testing, however, is conducted at an accredited offsite drug testing lab. HR consultant coordinates with DER to schedule employee for RTW screen at Concentra Medical Center. I took a pre-employment physical and drug screen. The specimen was collected after-hours or on a weekend: Like most businesses, the drug testing business is usually a 9-5 affair, Monday-Friday as most drug tests are either pre-employment … Generally, the employer must inform a prospective employee that she is … Our substance abuse management program has more than 3,000 drug testing locations in network. OSHA physicals (including hazmat and respiratory exams) Pre-employment drug tests. I told her it may not be much because I really didn't have to use the restroom, and she said this was fine, however, I could not leave the facility until I gave a urine sample for the drug testing, otherwise it would be considered a refusal to test and I would fail. Get … So, in 2021, will the employer fault you for a failed drug test when you’re taking the marijuana for your medical ailments? At Concentra Physical Therapy, the pre-employment test we most commonly perform is a … It is part of the Select Medical Group and is known for its friendly customer service team. Answered April 11, 2018 - Front Office Lead (Former Employee) - Santa Rosa, CA. Answered June 15, 2021. All DOT test do require a urine collection for a urine dip that only tests for blood, urine, sugar, and protein. Cheating a drug test is getting tougher. How Some Job Candidates Try to Beat a Pre-Employment Drug Test. Had to come here for a pre-employment screening, oh boy! It gives you the chance to keep habitual users out of your workforce. You enter the bathroom at the site of testing, you’re handed a urine specimen bottle after you have checked-in. Urine tests are the most widespread and commonly used method, especially for pre-employment drug screenings. A pre-employment drug test procedure is the testing policy required by many companies before they will hire a candidate. Applicants for a job may have to submit to a drug and alcohol screening as part of the application process. Understanding Pre-Employment Drug Testing. Post-accident drug test. Employers may use several different drugs and alcohol tests. Depending on the state, it's possible for employees to be tested for drugs and alcohol in their workplace. Most cases no. Drug testing is the evaluation of urine, blood or another type of biological sample to determine if the subject has been using the drug or drugs in question. We’ve come a long way in what we know about marijuana and its effects and benefits. I got here at 10:40am, 3 hours later I still haven't gotten called back. Add an answer. Jose C. Norwalk, CA. Useful. What drug test should I expect' from Allied Universal employees. Recent recommendations regarding this business are as follows: "Do not recommend", "Do NOT use concentra. In large part, that's because specimen collection and lab testing techniques are getting better. I don't know how it is for males, but I was given a cup and a little wet wipe. Leaders at these companies rank candidate sobriety among "the criteria you believe will make them a successful and long-term employee of an organization," says Nina French, … I was ordered to take an Ecup Escreen123 Ereader 5 Panel Drug Screen. Additionally, employees may be required to have physicals if health or fitness is a job requirement. Cool. There are three primary ways to "try" to fool a drug Test: Dilution, Substitution, and Adulteration. Probationary drug test. The specific drugs detected depends on the type … Basic drugs are tested 5 panel urine. The three largest labs that perform drug and alcohol testing are as following: Concentra Occupational Health. Back to my drug testing at Concentra. Concentra can perform pre-employment drug tests at any of our more than 300 locations nationwide—and we can customize them for your workforce! … Typically DOT recertification exams do not require a drug test, only the urine dip or UA Analysis. —. They had me leave my purse and coat in another room and then patted me down. Concentra has been in business for over three decades. 24. Random Testing: These tests may be done monthly, quarterly, or even … She pulled … Pre-Employment Drug Screening & Medical Marijuana in 2021. However, the implementation of this policy may depend on QuikTrip’s locations or divisions. My experience with Concentra pre-employment drug testing and physical exam. It can be worrisome to a medical marijuana user when it comes to employment. Random drug test. The sample should also be between 90-100 degrees Fahrenheit. The physical went great. On 4/28/21 I signed in at 8:48am and was out by 11:08am for what took them 2 minutes to perform. Concentra is a renowned name in the industry. Reasonable suspicion drug test. It is common for employers to require a job candidate to complete a pre-employment drug test, … This is a machine that takes the cup from you and immediately runs the test. Some employers may include some prescription drugs, such as oxycodone and barbiturates. i’m 5’3 180 pounds and i passed a pre employment drug test! Types of Non-DOT drug tests include: Pre-Employment Tests: Many companies now require all new hires to pass a drug test before starting work. Most employers prefer to opt for a Concentra’s Drug Test because it is the most reliable when it comes to detecting any of the substances mentioned above in the blood sample of the candidate. Concentra uses the eCup method for testing. Concentra has full-service substance abuse management programs that follow all state and federal regulations, educate employees and supervisors, administer pre-employment and random drug testing, and securely maintain drug test records and employee health files. Find drug screen results from tests processed at a Concentra location. Employers may also request testing for other drugs. Employers typically use a five-panel street drug screen for potential employees. At QuikTrip Atlanta, Georgia, for example, pre-employment drug testing is generally conducted. Hair samples can often detect prior drug use from months ago because hair grows slowly. The MA asked me to give a urine sample to test for glucose.. Answered February 25, 2019 - quality assurance agent (Former Employee) - Americus, GA. Standard urinalysis drug test. It may also be used for employees who are returning to work after an injury or absence, at which time it may be referred to as a pre-placement drug test. Pre-employment drug test. Negative RTW test must be achieved within four weeks of a decision letter being issued. Help job seekers learn about the company by being objective and to the point. The bottle has a light blue top. Most labs offer a ten-panel test, which tests for alcohol, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, methaqualone, methadone, and propoxyphene in … If employees have drugs in the system, can they really beat a drug test? If its like the lab I went to- no they will not watch you. You empty out your pockets, lock everything in a box, go in and pee in the cup, then come out. They take the temperature of your sample, then send it away. Substitution is the best method. Concentra Urgent Care. She called me to the back, and as she was explaining the steps for me she was searching in the cabinet for an Ecup. Concentra Drug Screen Portal. Commonly, urine tests, blood test, breath tests, saliva tests, and sweat tests are used to detect the presence of drugs and alcohol. Validity testing includes creatinine, specific gravity and urea. Asked June 9, 2021. Funny. Answered July 2, 2019 - Medical Assistant (Current Employee) - Tempe, AZ. Help job seekers learn about the company by being objective and to the point. Test components vary depending on what each job requires a worker to do. The cup has built in reagent strips for drugs and validity testing. 01/06/17 6:45pm When I first walked in and went up to the counter I could tell the lady was unhappy, she was rude in telling me to sign in. Answered May 6, 2018 - Full time APRN (Former Employee) - Oklahoma. 2 photos. i had received a job offer for USPS and when I went in for my drug screening at Concentra Medical Clinic in San Bernardino the clinician who took my drug test, "Kristy" messed everything up for me. There are many different types of pre-employment tests, but every kind of pre-employment test must meet all ADA and EEOC requirements. I wasn't allowed to flush, but when I had my pants back up they came in and checked the cup and the toilet. It has 520 medical facilities in 44 states. Pre-employment screenings are becoming increasingly popular for their efficacy in reducing workplace drug use, providing employers with a viable solution to the expense and risk of workers that abuse drugs. Concentra Employer Portal. No state has a complete ban on non-DOT drug testing in the workplace, but some have guidelines that must be followed to remain in compliance with state law. With this test, drug use can be detected for varying amounts of time. Quest Diagnostics. 1. Concentra was first mentioned on PissedConsumer on Jan 10, 2015 and since then this brand received 215 reviews.. Concentra ranks 454 of 2223 in Hospitals, Clinics and Medical Centers category. If an applicant is unable to stop using long enough to pass a test, you do not want them on your payroll. There are many circumstances that may require drug testing: Pre-employment drug screening test or random, work-related drug testing to identify on-the-job drug abuse. No they do not. They gave me instructions - pee a bit, wipe, then pee into the cup. QuikTrip basically does pre-employment drug testing of prospective full-time employees. Your answer will be posted publicly. Add an answer. What is a pre-employment drug test? 9/17/2016. I also … In states where it is permitted, employers also should be aware of … Employee contacts HR consultant to schedule the return-to-work (RTW) test at Concentra Medical Center. It is a cup with a mechanism much like a pregnancy test expect it test for drugs. Yes they do pre-employment drug test. Most of the time. It comes with the urine, a little bottle with a temp strip, and a hand-warmer. Some of the regular screens you may have to undergo are urine, nail clippings, swab, blood, and even … A pre-employment drug test is used to determine if a prospective hire uses illicit substances or abuses prescription medication. Find out more about drug tests at Concentra. They perform different checks depending on the instructions of the client. And still other companies use drug tests as part of their general background check procedures. 0. Must pass drug test. If an employer prefers, Concentra also has the capabilities to screen for a wider panel of substances. Came for a pre employment drug screening. A pre-employment drug test is a screening required before a job candidate can receive an offer of employment for a potential employer. Our drug testing turnaround times stay within 48 hours. Potential employees can take a pre-employment drug test at one of our convenient medical centers, or at your company’s onsite center. Employees drug test. In addition, this method is used for random drug screenings after employment. Find 5 answers to 'I’m being sent to concentra for pre employment physical. drank a gallon of water a day and a crap load of unsweetened decaf green tea and was completely fine and passed my drug test today! The type of drug testing performed will determine who is able to view the results. 4/27/21 I called in the Concord concentra and spoke with Julie to ask about walk ins and simply getting a ppd or the TB test done and she said oh we expedite ppds and at the most it will be a 45 minute wait for walk ins. pre-employment drug test. Our centers can obtain data from a variety of samples, but the two most common types are hair tests and urine tests. Are you a patient? What a nightmare, the girl that was taking my blood, what a rookie!!!! I had a Pre-Employment Physical scheduled at Concentra, for a Management position. Went like this: Tuesday 1pm arrive. Paperwork - clipboard. She says it'll be an hour. 'Place is VERY cold'. I wait and wait. Finally, I go in. BAC first !!! I blow in the tube. 000's !!! Next, Height and weight. 'A lot of walking around these crooked hallways. The overall rating of the company is 1.4 and consumers are mostly dissatisfied.. Still, … Health care, child care and petrochemical industries commonly use pre-employment drug testing, she explains. (Zero eye contact) then I was greeted with, you'll be here for at least an hour, fill this out and come back up to the counter.. 20. smoked on sunday (9th) had my drug test today (18th) was a casual smoker, maybe 4-5 times a week hitting my wax pen. Pre-employment examinations may include physical exams as well as health inquiries including drug and alcohol tests, psychological tests, and physical or mental health assessments. Only if the company requests it. I did a pre-employment 10 panel urine drug screen at Concentra for a travel cath lab position on wednesday may 2nd... My travel company informed me on friday may 4th that I had to take another 2 phase urine drug screen at Rockey Mountain Urgent Care facility because Concentra originally said they lost my urine sample. Poked me in both area looking for a vein and finally gets it. Find answers to 'I took a drug test for pre employment screening on Friday at 12:00pm how long does it takes' from Concentra employees. Pre-employment drug testing is often a requirement for people applying for a job. Post-accident testing is restricted or prohibited under some state and local drug testing laws. When an employer gets same day results. Human Performance Evaluations (HPEs) Concentra performs a variety of pre-employment tests, including DOT physicals and drug testing.

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