concerning matter. concerning about, anent (Scot.) concerning this matter. Need synonyms for concerning matter? concerning - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. regarding the matter. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. about adverb. corporeally. On the subject of or in connection with; about. . (informal) A point or fact about something. Antonyms for concerning. An actual event, situation, or fact. ‘This acceptance was subject to several reservations concerning the supremacy of Community law in Italy.’. Learn more. What are synonyms for concerning? in the matter of; pertaining to; re; regarding; relating to; relevant to; respecting; touching; with reference to; with regard to The Commission therefore does not currently have any plans for additional work or reports concerning this matter. Learn more. preposition regarding, about, re, touching, respecting, relating to, on the subject of, as to, with reference to, in the matter of, apropos of, as regards issues concerning the national interest of the United States We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. Browse the use examples 'proceedings concerning the status of a person' in the great English corpus. concerning and re. put off-16.3%. regarding having to do with. point. Definition: that which has mass and occupies space. relating to. Concerning matter. Concerning the matter of. Synonyms [countable] something that you are discussing, considering, or dealing with a matter for something: Teachers feel this is a matter for discussion with parents. an extremely important matter. Synonyms and related words the matter. used for talking about problems or bad situations what’s the matter: You look sad. matters. I couldn’t agree more-2.0%. Much has been said concerning this matter by past Presidents of the Church. around the topic. concerning the object. concerning and as regards. All Free. 20.3%. In your daily life, for writing an email, a text, an essay, if you want to avoid repetitions or find the opposite meaning of a word. bodily. EurLex-2. Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. Learn the definition of 'concerning this'. Synonyms for 'concerning': about, regarding, devoted, of, concerned, in relation to, in/with regard to, in connection with something, as for, apropos get into. on that issue. Contexts. concerning the topic. with regard to part of speech, about. apropos of, as regards, as to, in the matter of, on the subject of, re, regarding, relating to, respecting, touching, with reference to matter meaning: 1. a situation or subject that is being dealt with or considered: 2. the situation being dealt…. Find 16 ways to say CONCERNING, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. relating to the subject. . in the matter of and respecting. A hearing accompanied, if required, by a demonstration of the subject-matter of the application can be useful in case of an ambiguity concerning the structure and the effect of the subject-matter, or in case of questions about patentability or inconsistencies in connection with the wording of the claims that cannot be clarified sufficiently in writing. re about, regarding. formal relating to: used for saying something else about the subject you are talking about. for-2.1%. Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend: Switch to new thesaurus . concerning about, anent (Scot.) Another word for concerning: regarding, about, re, touching, respecting | Collins English Thesaurus respecting. a matter of life and death definition: a situation that is extremely serious: . This site allows you to find in one place, all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language. Importance: the quality or state of being important. Synonyms: affect , be about , have to do with , refer to , pertain to , appertain to , relate to , be related to , be relevant to , be pertinent to , have significance for , involve , bear on , bear upon , be of interest to , be of importance to , have a bearing on , be applicable to , deal with , be a matter for , have implications for , be sb's business (informal) take on-2.5%. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. 9 synonyms of importance from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 44 related words, definitions, and antonyms. in that regard. Synonyms for concerning in English including definitions, and related words. Synonyms: account, consequence, import… Antonyms: insignificance, littleness, puniness… Find the right word. apropos of, as regards, as to, in the matter of, on the subject of, re, regarding, relating to, respecting, touching, with reference to in the matter of and about. Definition: (used with negation) having consequence. concerning about, anent (Scot.) apropos preposition . in the matter of and with reference to. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. concerning and with regard to. as regards phrase. Change your default dictionary to American English. Noun. preposition regarding, about, re, touching, respecting, relating to, on the subject of, as to, with reference to, in the matter of, apropos of, as regards issues concerning the national interest of the United States. relevant to. Synonyms for. with regard to. In Turkey, there exists no situation or issue concerning this matter. Word of the Day: ironclad. Stem. Similar words: physical entity. with reference to. respecting, touching, toward. thing. Synonyms. fact of the matter. in this regard. is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions. Usage: physicists study both the nature of matter and the forces which govern it. as regards about, apropos. Synonyms for concerning in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for concerning. 12 synonyms for concerning: regarding, about, re, touching, respecting, relating to, on the subject of, as to, with reference to, in the matter of, apropos of. re. Browse the use examples 'concerning this' in the great English corpus. concerning; about; as to; on the subject of; re; respecting; in respect of; as regards; with reference to; in re; in the matter of; apropos; in or with regard to The role of the Dyckerhoff ag Central Finance Department concerning this matter consists in identifying, evaluating and hedging such financial risks with a view toward minimizing the adverse impact on the Group's financial capacity. concerning the subject. Referring to the theme one is talking about or wants to talk about. The Commission therefore does not currently have any plans for additional work or reports concerning this matter. Much has been said concerning this matter by past Presidents of the Church. touching regarding, having to do with. in regard to, in respect to, in view of, with regard to, abandon: leave, depart: aboard: on, inside, (ship, airplane) about: concerning with, relating to, regarding to, deal with: about: on, of, approximately Definition: an entity that has physical existence. Synonyms: matter. concerning and touching. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for IN THE MATTER OF [asto] We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word asto will help you to finish your crossword today. Match words. Synonyms for (noun) matter. Concerning - To relate or refer to; To be the business affair of.)The use of concerning as a synonym for anxiety- or distress-provoking or "as a cause for concern' was considered archaic.) Instead, to describe something as a cause for worry, one might use the word Disconcerting - 1. View the pronunciation for matter. about a particular subject. Learn the definition of 'proceedings concerning the status of a person'. More example sentences. LDS. regarding the object. apropos of, as regards, as to, in the matter of, on the subject of, re, regarding, relating to, respecting, touching, with reference to on the subject. More synonyms +-about adverb. (or towards) Phrases Synonymous with concerning. Thesaurus Trending Words. preposition. Definition and synonyms of matter from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. apropos of, as regards, as to, in the matter of, on the subject of, re, regarding, relating to, respecting, touching, with reference to pertaining to. in regard to. There are countless precedents for the formation of the participial adjective concerning from the verb concern, among them several synonyms of concerning that are similarly formed.For example, no one questions upsetting, disturbing, distressing, or alarming.If we accept these words, we should accept that concerning is a legitimate word, even if we don’t like it. concerning. GAMES & QUIZZES THESAURUS WORD OF THE DAY FEATURES … SINCE 1828. about having to do with. in the matter of and regarding. spoken used for introducing a subject that you want to discuss. about, regarding, on the subject of, relating to, relevant to, with regard to, as regards, to do with, with reference to, referring to, with respect to, respecting, as to, touching on, in the matter of, in connection with, re, apropos of Synonyms for Concerning the matter of. (informal) A point or fact about something. actually. materially. regarding the topic. ‘we are given little information concerning matters of national security’. around adverb. Find another word for importance. regarding the subject. connection with this matter. Meet Grammar Coach. 12 synonyms for concerning: regarding, about, re, touching, respecting, relating to, on the subject of, as to, with reference to, in the matter of, apropos of. Adverb. with reference to having to do with. with reference to regarding. used for stating who or what your feelings and attitudes are directed towards. Use of concerning about, anent (Scot.) This is the British English definition of matter.View American English definition of matter. MultiUn. in the matter of and as regards. Synonyms: matter.
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