With branding using BYO domain! Sample code that gives you a root-relative URL to your attachment: 1. require_once ('/path/to/simple_html_dom.php'); $html = file_get_html ('http://www.cnn.com/'); $images = array (); foreach ($html->find ('img') as $element) { $images [$element->src] = true; } $tg = new thumbnailGenerator; foreach ($images as $url => $void) { $tg->generate ($url, 100, 100, '/path/to/thumbnails/' . Video Embed field creates a simple field type that allows you to embed videos from YouTube and Vimeo and show their thumbnail previews simply by entering the video's url. 1. add_image_size ( 'category-thumb', 300, 9999 ); Here is an example of how to create custom Featured Image sizes in your theme’s functions.php … Which brings us to the topic of this blog post, i.e. To create the playlists for the advertising loops on the LED modules, users can drag and drop preview thumbnails of video and image files. Your snapshot will be processed in just a few seconds. Go ahead and create the example.php file with the following contents. $youtubeVideoId. This plugin can be used to display images, flash, YouTube, Vimeo, iFrame etc in a lightbox overlay. Get YouTube Video Thumbnail Image. This function returns array of attachment metadata in the format required by wp_update_attachment_metadata (). This particular example assumes a picture of a user is being uploaded and because of browser caching needs a unique number at the end to make the browser load a new picture for review at the time of upload. Take a note of the video id Define an