and Unemployment Rate by Ward Jan 2015(p) Dec 2014(r) Jan 2014 District of Columbia Labor Force, Employment, Unemployment. – The Washington, D.C., unemployment rate dropped to 8.5 percent in the month of October, a 0.2 percent decrease from September. The local rate of job growth in leisure and hospitality (+5.1 percent) was more than double the 2.3-percent gain for the nation. Education and health services employment grew 2.2 percent in the Washington area, compared to 2.7 percent nationally. Rent Burden by Ward; Educational Attainment; Unemployment rate by ward, by race, and educational attainment; Household Income by Race and Ward; Average Commute Times for Residents, by Ward; Childcare Availability by Ward; Percent of Job Postings that Don’t Require 4-Year Degree; DC Government SBE Spending This reflects a 68% percent increase over unemployment levels one year ago. Unemployment Ward Labor Force Employment Unemployment Rate 1 62,716 58,239 4,477 7.1 2 63,198 60,264 2,934 4.6 3 55,750 53,285 2,465 4.4 4 49,684 44,463 5,221 10.5 5 43,978 38,942 5,036 11.5 6 57,114 52,751 4,363 7.6 7 36,418 31,183 5,235 14.4 8 30,198 24,592 5,606 18.6 Unemployment Ward Labor Force Employment Unemployment Rate 1 62,438 57,768 4,670 7.5 Category. DC Action is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to using research, data, and a lens toward race equity to break down barriers that stand in the way of all kids reaching their full potential. NOTES: The December 2017 final and January 2018 preliminary unemployment rate and survey of jobs data along with the 2017 Annual Benchmark data for the District of Columbia, will be released on Monday, March 12, 2018. Welcome to the DC State Data Center Visualization Portal—your one-stop shop for demographic data on the residents of the District of Columbia. In Ward 8, the unemployment rate was 11.3 percent—the lowest since … Download copy of DC COVID-19 data. Download copy of DC COVID-19 data. Individual Poverty Rates Districtwide and by Ward. May jobless rates down in 21 states, up in 1; payroll jobs up in 14 states, down in 1. For most years the ward-specific data are pulled from does.dc. and Unemployment Rate by Ward Feb 2016(p) Jan 2016('r) Feb 2015 District of Columbia Labor Force, Employment, Unemployment. 1 44. Author: DC User Created Date: HOMEWARD DC 2.0 District of Columbia 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS. The current unemployment rate for Washington is 7.6% in February 2021. All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting. Work and Jobs. 2016-17. Hover over the graph to view data. Unemployment Ward Labor Force Employment Unemployment Rate 1 65,353 62,953 2,400 3.7 2 67,490 65,142 2,348 3.5 3 59,703 57,598 2,105 3.5 4 50,362 48,061 2,301 4.6 5 44,851 42,094 2,757 6.1 6 59,681 57,020 2,661 4.5 7 36,851 33,706 3,145 8.5 8 29,942 26,582 3,360 11.2 Unemployment Ward Labor Force Employment Unemployment Rate 1 64,510 61,588 2,922 4.5 of race or ward (DC BRFSS) • Residents who resided in Wards 4, 5, 7 and 8 had the highest rates of obesity, at 28.4%-36.2% (DC BRFSS) • Arthritis among obese residents decreased by 10.9% from 2011 to 2012 (DC BRFSS) • Stroke among obese residents decreased by 2.7% from 2011 to 2012 (DC BRFSS) • Compared to 2011, the percentage of residents In February 2008, the unemployment rate was 5.9 percent and 19,486 DC residents were out of work. FILE FOR MEUC. Washington, DC Unemployment Rate is at 6.60%, compared to 6.90% last month and 10.60% last year. FILE FOR BENEFITS. Employment. 0,59 pуб. Graph and download economic data for Unemployment Rate in Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV (MSA) (WASH911UR) from Jan 1990 to Apr 2021 about DC, Washington, WV, MD, VA, unemployment, rate, and USA. Dataviz Welcome Text. Trends in DC’s Unemployment Rate After falling in recent years, the District’s unemployment rate began to rise in 2008 and continued to rise throughout most of 2009, largely due to the national recession. Unemployment Ward Labor Force Employment Unemployment Rate 1 63,344 60,428 2,916 4.6 2 64,459 62,530 1,929 3.0 3 56,939 55,288 1,651 2.9 4 49,681 46,134 3,547 7.1 5 44,024 40,405 3,619 8.2 6 58,010 54,733 3,277 5.6 7 36,507 32,354 4,153 11.4 8 29,972 25,517 4,455 14.9 Unemployment Ward Labor Force Employment Unemployment Rate 1 63,032 59,966 3,066 4.9 Footnotes: Last Updated December 2020. Wards 7 and 8 had poverty rates of 25% and 29%, compared to Ward 3 at 2% in 2014. ZIP Code Facts & Statistics Questions? Resources by ZIP Code- DC Health Matters Connect; Community Health Needs Assessment. This is … But Not Because Of Fewer Job Opportunities News provided by. Metropolitan Area Employment and Unemployment. Poverty by ward in District of Columbia. In 2014, 19% of residents in the city lived in poverty, about the same as the DC poverty rate in 2010. Unemployment rates have increased throughout the city, but there are tremendous disparities in unemployment by neighborhood. The number of unemployed was 22,400, and the unemployment rate was 5.7 percent. Unemployment Data for DC Wards. The unemployment rate in Ward 8 far surpasses the rest of D.C., but a few groups are trying to change that. Obesity is a national and local epidemic. Cleared from Isolation: 12,029. In February 2009, DC’s unemployment rate was 9.9 percent and 32,761 residents were out of work. Use the menu on the right to select District-wide or one ward and the period of data to view. 2015-16. Census 2000 Unemployment by Census Tract. 2010-2014 ACS 5-Year Estimates Ward 7 The American Community Survey (ACS) is an ongoing survey that provides data every year giving communities the current information they need to plan investments and services. Ward 7 is marginally better off. However, these statistics do not tell the whole story. Because initial annual unemployment rate numbers are preliminary and subject to revision as more data are received by BLS, the source for each year is the most recent DOES publication covering that year. Preface - Page 4. The national unemployment rate of 6.0 percent was 1.6 percentage points higher than in March 2020. Letter from Mayor Bowser - Page 3. The District-wide unemployment rate helps us track the health of the District’s labor force overall, but it obscures the reality of geographic differences within DC’s labor force. Report. Veteran status . Metropolitan Area Employment and Unemployment. Workplace Fatalities in Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV – Full Tables: Workplace fatalities: Table: Feb 2014: Consumer Price Index, South Region – May 2021: Consumer price indexes: News Release: Jun 2021: Unemployment in the Washington Area by County – June 2020: Unemployment: News Release: Aug 2020 Source: DC Department of Employment Services, Office of Labor Market Research and Information. Office Hours Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Connect With Us 1050 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002 Phone: (202) 727-6436 TTY: 711 Email: [email protected] For years prior to 2010, the 2000 census share methodology was used to determine the Wards ratios. Financing Availability / Accessibility ; Change in total number of firms and sales, by firm size; Change in total number of firms and sales, by protected class; Number of Patents Issued to DC Residents; Private Sector GDP; Change in number of firms by age (>/= 10 years; 10 years) Quality jobs. The unemployment rate is defined as the number of unemployed people as a percent of the labor force (the number of employed and unemployed persons). By Henry Kerali. More than half of all adults living in DC are overweight or obese; rates climb to over 72% in the District’s Wards East of the River (Wards 7 and 8).
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