For all intents and purposes, Lily Potter is a Mary Sue and used essentially for man pain. As a baby, Harry Potter saved the world by not dyeing. Following the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, all the romantic relationships of the series were finally resolved. In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince , while Hermione didn’t outright plan Ron's breakup with Lavender Brown, she was clearly glad to have played a part in it. This particular question of why Hermione chose Ron over Harry seems to come almost entirely from people who watched the movies but never read the books. Close. Wiki User. At one point a female wizard named Romilda Vane (who according to Hermione "looked like she meant business") gives Harry a box of chocolates spiked with love potion. I think J.K. Rowling did it because she didn't want 2 of the main characters falling in love with each other. Of course not, Harry is not attracted to Hermione in the slightest. Yes At not point did Harry have a crush on Hermione. He disliked spending long periods of time with her one - on - one. As the books aren’t written... [Harry Potter] [Spoilers] Ron Weasley used the Imperius Curse on Hermione Granger to make her fall in love with him. Harry and Hermione are not suited to each other romantically. This is the biggest reason that this ship could never work, and so called fans who pu... At the time all the students accept Harry Potter had been accounted for, he had in fact been alone in the library, it did not matter that Harry vehemently denied any guilt, and had in fact declared undying love for Hermione. The novel was pretty popular when I was in middle school or high school and I always remembered… Although there are many actions between the two that fans interpret as romantic, especially when it comes to Draco, did he ever have a crush on Hermione? In the books it is made very clear that Harry and Hermione don't fit together. Hermione Granger is the girl we all looked up to as Harry Potter nerds growing up. Why Harry Picked Ginny, Rather Than Hermione, As A Romantic Partner. We were absolutely thrilled to see that not only did Ron and Hermione have an excellent marriage, but they still hadn’t lost their ability for witty banter. Cadmus Peverell fell in love with a woman, but she died of unknown causes before the two could be wed. After either creating or been given the Resurrection Stone by Death, he used it in an attempt to bring his late lover back to him, but this "revival" was incomplete and she was sad and cold, giving off the feelin… Another silence lasted. 9.7k. Hermione Granger has given him moral support, excellent advice, and loyalty.. Are you serious??! Hermione was madly in love with Harry throughout the books. That’s very obvious! Why would she express her feelings to Harry and... 15 Emma Watson Had A Huge Crush On Tom Felton While Filming The First 2 Harry Potter … As Alanna Bennett wrote , imagining Hermione as a woman of color opened up new avenues of … We all know about Harry Potter. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Chapter 11, The Dueling Club. Annnnnyway, what we have here is a Harry/Hermione luuuuv story (awwww) that takes place four years after the way. Hermione is also the godmother of Harry and Ginny Potter 's eldest child, James Sirius. Hermione moved from Draco's arms Salazar Slythrin's sword almost hit her head. She remains exactly as she is - petrified - until Harry and Ron later go and visit her and find the paper scrunched up in her hand – Au101 Jan 22 '16 at 0:38 She had nothing and no one to rely on, except for her good heart and good books. Hermione Jean Granger (/ h ɜːr ˈ m aɪ. We've Gathered 50 Of The Best Harry Potter Quotes From Hermione, Ron Weasley, Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Hagrid And Lord Voldemort. ‘I had to have a few goes to get it right, but,’ he shrugged modestly, ‘we got there in the end.’ ‘He was amazing!’ said Hermione… Hermione did not like Harry. She loved him. But not in a romantic way. The only two people she ever had a thing for, romantically, were Viktor Krun and Ronald Weasley. The idea of Hermione and Draco really interests me) We're married," said Hermione happily, as they entered their bedroom. 2011-07 … Copy. I love Harry Potter but after re-reading the chapter "The Deathday Party" I realized something about Nearly Headless Nick. If JK totally did it Id be really happy, not that I don't like ron. Once Sirius whisked him to France, Harry studied tirelessly to become one of the most powerful and practiced wizards in the world by age 15. From the very beginning, Ron was absolutely unkind to Hermione. She knew exactly what to do and how to do it. J.K. Rowling confirmed that there were certain "charged moments" where things could … 2. The Yule Ball is often the source of Malfoy’s imaginary crush on Hermione. Tom Felton, the actor who played Draco Malfoy, just said Harry was actually in love with him the entire time. Thanks, Hermione… - Ron allows Hermione to be herself. - In short, Ron is able to afflict a more wider and deeper range of emotions in Hermione than Harry does. - Comparatively, Harry makes Hermione sad and happy, but Hermione is fearful of being herself in front of Harry often times. It would have been a great plot twist. Best Answer. Love allows Harry to live, and then ensures that he has the support he needs to fight off the forces of evil. Warner Bros. Every Harry Potter fan knows Hermione Granger is Harry’s most intelligent friend. Ron and Hermione – an awkward love story Whether we’ve watched movies or read books from the Harry Potter series, we know how the story ends between Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. Did Draco really love Hermione? Many fans have speculated if there were ever any romantic feelings between the two. Harry Potter, K+, English, Angst & Romance, chapters: 36, words: 147k+, favs: 202, follows: 196, updated: 7/20/2014 published: 2/9/2010, Harry P., Hermione G. 42 Beacon by quintilis Her love for him was like the beacon of a lighthouse – but all lights can be turned off. she looked at me. In fact, Snape’s entire backstory, present, and future was dependent entirely on his love for Lily Potter. 12 Did You Ever Love Someone by mar-hhr4ever This is a one-shot fanfic based on the song Did You Ever Love Someone, by Jessica Simpson. However, the two don't actually admit their feelings to each other, in part because they are too busy dealing with Horcruxes and dodging Voldemort's forces to do so. Draco didn’t even have time to scream. In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Hermione was incensed of Ron’s attraction toward Fleur Delacour and never backed down at throwing insults toward the gorgeous Veela. He went on to be the Herbolgy professor for Hogwarts. In 1998, Hermione went back to Hogwarts to attain her N.E.W.T.s. Introduction In this article, I analyze how the Harry Potter novels bring to awareness two fundamental aspects of the human condition: the importance of one’s choices and the inevitability of … Hermione was also in love with Ron. Throughout the "Harry Potter" series, Hermione Granger was often the voice of reason among her best friends, Harry and Ron. I dare say Harry and Hermione never had any real romantic feelings for each other. Daniel Radcliffe: %3E Q: There is something going on between the... Love and death are major themes in J.K.Rowling’s Harry Potter books. Harry Potter has had the benefit of an excellent female friend since he was eleven years old. Rubeus Hagrid continued to work at Hogwarts and would have young Albus Potter to his hut to tea. Hermione was devastated, when Ron was missing and it took some time, before she continued the Horcrux hunt. The two look pretty intimate and actually share a kiss while Harry is watching them, but the kiss isn't really anything special — in fact, it's pretty tame. The novel was pretty popular when I was in middle school or high school and I always remembered… The ceremony had been magnificent. Pomphrey asked for the seventh time. Hermione was extremely passionate about freeing the house elves, which she debated extensively and even founded the S.P.E.W. In the interest of continuing the Hermione love, I thought we could take a look back on all the times Harry Potter probably would have died had he not had a friend like Hermione. Ron was the best man while Ginny was the bridesmaid. You know a girl wants to snog a guy and the girl does not want to snog a guy, this two make really big difference. Hermione wanted to snog ron beca... Harry Potter and Humanity: Choices, Love, and Death Shawn E. Klein Rockford College 1. For several moments, the man just stared at the body of Draco Malfoy. Summary. In the books? No. We know for sure that Harry didn’t have any romantic attraction to Hermione since he is the POV character and we are privy to his... "I'm sorry. When it was announced that Noma Dumezweni would play a grown-up Hermione Granger in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, the Harry Potter play set to open in … During Harry and Ron's first major fall-out in The Goblet Of Fire, Harry was forced to spend a lot of his time with Hermione. ə n i / / ˈ ɡ r eɪ n dʒ ər / hur-MY-ə-nee GRAYN-jər) is a fictional character in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. But neither Harry nor Hermione ever had a romantic relationship with each other. She is, by far, the greatest aspect of every single Harry Potter film/book/meme/etc. From discovering her magic to the epilogue, here are the big Harry Potter moments we want to experience from Hermione's POV. "Hermione, I don't know how I … Avid Harry Potter fans will be familiar with the slow-burning romance between Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, which finally culminated in their marriage at the end of the wizarding series. In The Deathly Hallows (both the book as well as the movie ), Ron gets corrupted by the power of the Locket 's curse. She’s the girl that could overcome anything that comes her way. But there's a lot that many fans didn't catch about their relationship. Archived. In the interest of continuing the Hermione love, I thought we could take a look back on all the times Harry Potter probably would have died had he not had a friend like Hermione. its just that harry and hermione will be together. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or anything related to it. No, they loved each other like siblings. But he knew he shouldn’t linger too long. "Hermione-" "No need Harry." Why did Hermione stay with Harry and not leave with Ron? Image: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, London Production 2019 – Photo by Manuel Harlan. "You're stuck with me for life now," said Harry while kissing her deeply. DANIEL RADCLIFFE as Harry Potter, EMMA WATSON as Hermione Granger and RUPERT GRINT as Ron Weasley in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2. Both Harry and Hermione proved time and again how dedicated they are to helping others, friends or otherwise. The power of love is a thread that runs through all seven of the Harry Potter books, but Rowling’s argument concerning love is clear even from the very first pages of the very first novel in the series. SUBSCRIBE ️ to the official Wizarding World YouTube channel, home of Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts. Hermione was an extremely competitive young witch who had no legacy to witness to. … Even while he was with Ginny, Harry was always in … His strongest relationships are with: Ginny Weasley, Hedwig, Dobby, his parents, his children, Hermione Granger, the Weasley family, Sirius Black, Albus Dumbledore, Rubeus Hagrid, Minerva McGonagall, Remus Lupin, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, and Teddy Lupin. Ron and Hermione are basically the power couple of the Harry Potter world. It should not be taken lightly that he gave Hermione this honor. Hermione Jean Weasley (née Granger) (is one of the main characters from the Harry Potter series.She is the love interest of Ron Weasley.. Hermione is a student at Hogwarts and is friends with Harry and Ron. and the reason why I fell in love with the series in the first place. Chapter Twenty-Three: Legendary Love. Harry doesn't eat them, but his friend Ron does, at which point he becomes a slack-jawed lust-obsessed zombie who has to be cured by a teacher just so he can function again. AN: So welcome to a protest to the epilogue! Throughout the "Harry Potter" series, Hermione Granger was often the voice of reason among her best friends, Harry and Ron. Author's Note: Again, I do not own Harry Potter. Twilight did it, so, your turn, Harry Potter. Among the trio, Hermione's bravery and self-sacrifice are matched only by Harry Potter himself. (I really like Ron and Hermione too. HHr HHr Harry Potter, K, English, Romance, words: 2k+, favs: 16, follows: 2, 9/3/2004 , Harry P., Hermione G. ‘It’s what you did to open the locket,’ he told Harry apologetically. After the "Harry Potter" books became a sensation, it was only a matter of time before the studios noticed how beloved they were and brought them to the big screen.Among the most successful film franchises of all time, there is no doubt that the Harry Potter movies mean the world to an entire generation of moviegoers.. Sorry! Here are 15 sweet facts about Hermione and Draco BTS of Harry Potter. W e We loved trying to solve the mysteries of the Harry Potter books, but damn, Hermione usually got there before we did. She could never compete with her sister and she was always on the bad end of relationships. Harry blocked the swing of the sword with Godric Gryffindor sword as Draco tugged Hermione away. Harry occasionally went to visit with him, but did not maintain a relationship with the other Dursleys. Hermione, too, loved Harry in a way you love a friend. By the start of the Deathly Hallows, Ron and Hermione are all but together, and Harry seems to acknowledge that their relationship is an unacknowledged fact. A jet of green light shot out of the man’s wand and hit Draco directly in the chest. In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Harry, Ron, and Hermione head to a pub, the Three Broom Sticks. FanTheory spoiler. Before we jump into this article, I just want to say that, for the record, I love Hermione Jean Granger more than life itself. Image: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, London Production 2019 – Photo by Manuel Harlan. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is the opportunity to do that. One pairing many people wanted to see in the original Harry Potter series was Draco and Hermione. The fact that Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter, and Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley ended up together was probably one of the… Wiki User. Photo by Jaap Buitendijk / Warner Bros. Liveabout. Yes but she loved Ron more As a friend, but not as lovers. The famous trio: Ronald Weasley, Harry Potter, and Hermione Granger When hearing about Harry Potter, it's almost a guarantee that a reader will praise the friendship between the famous trio: Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, and Hermione Granger. 1. She said continuing to pick at the grass. Harry Potter: 20 Things Hermione Did Between Deathly Hallows And Cursed Child. Of the three main characters in the Harry Potter universe, Hermione has to be the most important. Yes, Harry's the actual protagonist, but without Hermione, he would've died in The Philosopher's Stone itself. Why doesn't Harry Potter like Hermione Granger? I wonder whether you're basing it on the movie characters instead of the book characters. In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince , while Hermione didn’t outright plan Ron's breakup with Lavender Brown, she was clearly glad to have played a part in it. She was the only one of the trio to do this, and by 2017 (nineteen years later) Hermione and Ron Weasley were married with two children: Rose and Hugo Granger-Weasley. Hannah Abbott ran the Leaky Cauldron. And then Harry and Ron go down to the Quidditch match and then McGonagall comes along, calls the match off and leads Harry and Ron off to petrified Hermione in the hospital wing. Harry Potter might be the "savior of the story" but there are so many things that Hermione does better than him! When Ron asked Hermione to marry him again. Despite her being one of his closest friends, Harry frequently missed Ron's company, as Hermione spent a lot of her time in the library studying, rather than messing about and having fun in the common room. At five years old, Sirius Black rescued him from the brink of death at the hands of the Dursleys. Yes, and it would have been amazing. She Stole. March 11th, 2020. ∙ 2011-07-31 19:29:11. The famous trio: Ronald Weasley, Harry Potter, and Hermione Granger When hearing about Harry Potter, it's almost a guarantee that a reader will praise the friendship between the famous trio: Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, and Hermione Granger. Potion Ingredients: Through the confusion, Harry saw Hermione slip quietly into Snape’s office. ‘He did!’ whispered Hermione. I think J.K. Rowling did it because she didn't want 2 of the main characters falling in love with each other. Actually, the whole Universe knows it. As one of the most dynamic characters who are extremely smart, talented, and loyal, it’s no wonder that many fans love her. When Ron asked Hermione to marry him again. Harry's guilt had been a forgone conclusion as far as almost every one in the school was concerned. Hermione Granger might not be the main character from the Harry Potter series, but she is rather loved by most fans. Thanks, Hermione… Hermione loved Ron, as she married him. Chapter Two: "Mr. Potter will you at least sit down?" Harry loves Ginny and Hermione loves Ron.The only time Harry & Hermione kiss is when the horcrux is opened but this is not the real Harry and Hermione. Hermione likes Ron. Although it is never outright said, it seems that Hermione and Ron had crushes on each other throughout the entire series. Also, if you pay close attention, in the first 2 books it seems like Harry and Hermionie are in love with each other. I hope you all enjoy. The Harry and Hermione fans weren't happy with the last book - even though a Hermione/Ron relationship had been heavily hinted since Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. After the curse hit Draco, he feel to the ground face first. Harry still had his arms … lol I love Jo's work, but I just can't get behind those cannon pairings. ‘Show him, Ron!’ Ron made a horrible, strangled hissing noise. He has a breakdown with Harry and decides to storm out and leave. Harry Potter: 25 Things Hermione Can Do That Harry Can't. While they survey their surroundings, Harry spots Ginny in a corner booth with Dean. Also, if you pay close attention, in the first 2 books it seems like Harry and Hermionie are in love with each other. It really hurt her, when she saw him with Lavender Brown and it was shown several times, how much she cared about him. Making Love. If we’d been at Hogwarts alongside Harry, we like to think we’d have been the best of friends and had some role to play in his many and varied challenges of Hogwarts life. coz if she killed him off the stupid and unrealistic love story of ron and hermione never would have happened and HP would have been really perfect. Greatest Couple There Ever Could Have Been For me, one of the most unexpected and disappointing aspects of the Harry Potter series was the relationship status of some of the most important characters. "I'll teach you to stand against me, to still love Potter," Voldmort yelled as he took another swing at Hermione. Hermione I really am." Even though Harry Potter was the hero of the whole series who was the reckoning of the Death Eaters and their master, our favorite wizard/witch is Hermione Granger. In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Hermione was incensed of Ron’s attraction toward Fleur Delacour and never backed down at throwing insults toward the gorgeous Veela. Due to Harry’s own relationship with his godfather Sirius Black, the title of godparent certainly means a lot to him. Shipping and the Harry Potter franchise go together like Bertie Bott's and Chocolate Frogs; it just makes sense. Posted by 2 years ago. the 'plump' one in the Granger Family. Now, being 27, her love life was plummeting. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Chapter 10, The Rogue Bludger. 4 [Harry Potter] [Spoilers] Ron Weasley used the Imperius Curse on Hermione Granger to make her fall in love … Harry saw Hermione slide back into the dungeon, the front of her robes bulging. We were absolutely thrilled to see that not only did Ron and Hermione have an excellent marriage, but they still hadn’t lost their ability for witty banter. Hermione's Harry Chapter 2, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction. While fans have long been waiting for Ron and Hermione to lock lips in "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2," Rupert Grint and Emma Watson have said that … Without Ron and Hermione (well, mostly Hermione, to be honest) Harry Potter would probably only be a third of the hero he is. The introduction of the ginger, freckled, jumper-hating Ron and the bushy haired, eternally clever Hermione would form a trio so foolhardy, hilarious and almighty, that even that pesky Lord Voldemort couldn’t touch them. » by writrfreak15 Meet Hermione Jane Granger, a.k.a. And that is not an exaggeration. Hermione is undoubtedly the smartest and most responsible person that he has ever met, so this likely made her a shoe-in for the role. They had tears in their eyes during the exchange of rings. That love manifests through him. This was very much the case for Emma and Tom, who (despite being enemies on the big screen) love and support each other in real-life. She could have made an amazing love story, almost like Pride and Prejudice. The explanation is very simple – Harry has a very strong sexual desire for Ginny. If any of you out there are still busy shipping Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, I’ve got news for you. Here are 25 examples. The chosen one, the boy who lived, the boy who “single-handedly” saved the world from Voldemort. The screen writer, Steven Kloves hated Hated HATED Ron. Don’t take this judgement for 100 more years.Emma watson once said in an interview, “ Hermione's love towards harry is of only mother's love, she n... Hermione's Harry. Pansy Parkinson gaped at her as she walked by with Malfoy, and even he didn’t seem to … There is no textual evidence to suggest Draco Malfoy had a crush on Hermione Granger. I don't care what anyone thinks about the idea. "I can't believe it. In the books, i.e. canon, no. Neither Harry nor Hermione ever expressed or demonstrated the slightest romantic interest in each other in any of the... Neville Longbottom married Hannah Abbott. Is Harry Potter in love with Draco Malfoy? Did Hermione love Harry Potter? But there's more … 1. "I believe you and what you said was right. No. They viewed each other as siblings - fought like siblings, too. Any ‘sexual tension’ you see in the movies is in the imagination of the filmmak... There was that moment where Hermione kissed Harry's cheek as a way of saying GOOD LUCK, but … I'm sorry. 258 BET ME! Harry I was trying to figure out which one of you is the one I love." Mar 11, 2020. Hermione Jean Weasley (née Granger) (is one of the main characters from the Harry Potter series. She is the love interest of Ron Weasley. Hermione is a student at Hogwarts and is friends with Harry and Ron. Although it is never outright said, it seems that Hermione and Ron had crushes on each other throughout the entire series. Hermione's love interest lay in Ron, and Harry's lay with Ginny. But there's more …
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