Adjective: dissatisfactory ,di(s),sa-tis'fak-tu-ree. bad, bastard, bush, bush-league, crummy. Another word for Substandard? के लिए शब्द {firstTerm} ({shortDescription}) - पृष्ठ 2. Use of Marketing students (n=712) identified dissatisfying classroom experiences, categorized as instructor's response to delivery system failures, unsolicited instructor actions, and instructor response to needs/requests. Synonyms for Unsatisfactory Results (other words and phrases for Unsatisfactory Results). Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for DECOMPOSING OR DECAYING [rotten] We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word rotten will help you to finish your crossword today. 1. [1913 Webster] 1. the quality of life. Synonyms for satisfactory in Free Thesaurus. adjective. 3 letter words BAD - ODD - OFF - … Sekimoto said, " The patchy state of the economic recovery is dissatisfactory, " so the new government " must be quickly up and running ." Adjective. synonyms. Students shared negative experiences with others and expressed intentions not to take future classes with unsatisfying instructors. Another way to say Dissatisfactory? On this page you will find all the synonyms for the word to poor. See more. Dissatisfaction is defined as the state of being unhappy, or the thing causing the unhappiness. Definitions for "dissatisfactory". What does dissatisfactory mean? displeasing. Wörter für Substandard (Adjektive) - Seite 2. dissatisfactorily synonyms, dissatisfactorily pronunciation, dissatisfactorily translation, English dictionary definition of dissatisfactorily. Synonyms for Unsatisfactory. Micromanagement. dissatisfactory ( comparative more dissatisfactory, superlative most dissatisfactory ) Causing dissatisfaction. As adjectives the difference between unsatisfactory and dissatisfactory. It's here! Synonyms: mill manufacturing plant manufactory. Outra palavra para Substandard? You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Dissatisfactory. 4 synonyms for dissatisfy: disappoint, discontent, disgruntle, let down. atrociously deplorably extremely flagrantly glaringly grievously heinously intolerably nefariously scandalously shockingly arrantly capitally grossly infamously insufferably monstrously notoriously outrightly preposterously rankly starkly. not satisfactory. Not satisfied; displeased. Information and translations of dissatisfier in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Synonyms for Dissatisfactory. Words pronounced/spelled similarly to "factory": factor factory. ungeheuer, unerhörte. As adjectives the difference between satisfied and satisfactory is that satisfied is in a state of satisfaction while satisfactory is done to satisfaction; adequate or sufficient. ... dissatisfactory (redirected from dissatisfactorily) Also found in: Thesaurus. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for INADEQUATE We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word inadequate will help you to finish your crossword today. adj. Unsatisfactory, deficient, bad. adjective: not up to expectations . Unsatisfactory definition, not satisfactory; not satisfying or meeting one's demands; inadequate. Words for Substandard (adjectives) - Page 2. You can complete the translation of dissatisfactory given by the English-French Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grévisse is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available. Meaning of distasteful. What are synonyms for dissatisfying? the quality of life. Ein anderes Wort für Substandard? All Free. DISSATISFACTORY. Lexico's first Word of the Year! Synonyms & Antonyms for dissatisfactory. The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Dissatisfactory but also gives extensive definition in English language. Antonyms for dissatisfactory. See also: unsatisfactory. Synonym des egregiously. Rare words are dimmed. danh từ. Antonyms for dissatisfying. Antonyms for satisfactory. inadequate. Synonyms for dissatisfaction in Free Thesaurus. punk. unsatisfactory is "unbefriedigend" and. Find English word Disrespect meaning in Urdu at UrduWire online English to Urdu dictionary. Information and translations of dissatisfactory in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. disrespectfully disrobe disrupt disrupted disrupting explosive disruption disruptive disruptively diss dissatisfaction dissatisfactory dissatisfied dissatisfy dissaving dissect dissected dissection Definitions of dissatisfactory: . The most accurate translation of Bad, Bura in English to Urdu dictionary with Definition Synonyms and Antonyms words. Dissatisfactory Meaning In Hindi. Lists. See In- not, and Sufficient .] A list of lyrics, artists and songs that contain the term "dissatisfactory" - from the website. More 90 Suboptimal synonyms. mutual synonyms; Bottom out . Adequate, commensurate, and sufficient signify equal to some given occasion or work; as, a sum sufficient to meet expenses; an adequate remedy for the disease.Commensurate is the more precise and learned word, signifying that which exactly measures the matter in question.Adapted, fit, suitable, and qualified refer to the qualities which match or suit the occasion. dissatisfactory in a sentence - Use dissatisfactory in a sentence and its meaning 1. :: : I'm leaning towards notable, but the article includes dissatisfactory references with some unsourced content which is causing negative attention ( ie deletionists ). Definitions and Meaning of dissatisfactory in English dissatisfactory adjective. Antonyms for unsatisfactory. ... dissatisfies Синоним dissatisfies Антонимом dissatisfies Sinonim dari dissatisfies Antonim dari dissatisfies Synonym des dissatisfies Antonym des dissatisfies 同义词 … 'dissatisfied'. Syn: demoralizing, demoralising, dispiriting. In some cases you can use "Dissatisfactory" instead an adjective "Bottom out". Compare Synonyms. bad, bastard, bush, bush-league, crummy (also crumby), deficient, ill, inferior, lame, lousy, off, paltry, poor, punk, sour, suboptimal, subpar, … Synonyms of Dissatisfactory Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word Dissatisfactory . dissatisfactory is "nicht zufrieden stellend" or … The key case in point is her other close friend, Andrew, a man she met first at university, shortly before she met Molly, and who has managed to evolve beyond a dissatisfactory childhood to become a renowned art critic with a television show. This site allows you to find in one place, all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language. The OFFICIAL SCRABBLE PLAYERS DICTIONARY, THE OFFICIAL TOURNAMENT AND CLUB WORD LIST, and associated word lists are properties owned by Hasbro, Inc. in the United States and Canada, and are used with permission. See more. Search dissatisfactory and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. See definitions & examples. In your daily life, for writing an email, a text, an essay, if you want to avoid repetitions or find the opposite meaning of a word.
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