AngelHarry. Pin Auf Everything Anything. By: David boreanaz's wife247. Harry potter fem harry potter reading the books fictionhunt and the deathly hallows – book plot with albus dumbledore fem harry potter reading the books fictionhunt dead and the ministry weakened, lord voldemort’ s power continues to grow over both the muggle and wizarding world. Peter Pettigrew, still alive, escapes again in his rat Animagus form and Fudge tries . Perfect Situations & Matryoshka Vignettes by … OR. 20 Oct 2019. Just as harry was sent to the dursleys, so violet potter was he is also a believer that the decisions albus dumbledore made had the capacity to terribly blow up when it came to harry potter or in this case fem harry. Harry Potter ne retournera pas à Poudlard pour sa septième année. I was a weird one—I came into Harry Potter fanfiction later in my life. Daphne Greengrass and the Importance of Intent by Petrificus Somewhatus. Harry Potter. 0:12. The Virgule. Draco/Harry Fanfic Recs "Potter, you can skin Malfoy's shrivelfig." Of all the time periods in Harry Potter, the Marauder era has long been … After a late night of partying a group of eight teenagers wake to find that Aiden Zabini has been murdered in cold blood. Fem!Harry Diary!Tom Eventual TMR/HP Currently in 4th year: The Triwizard Tournament has come to Hogwarts… and things seem to finally be heating up with Tom and Harry… Sound the Death Knell by: Tsume Yuki. Fearing Hera to be a dark creature, they place her with the Dursleys and hide her existence from the rest of the magical world. She wondered why she ended up being brought with her Uncle instead of her Aunt or Cousin, while Vernon thought of places to leave the child. The Observer Effect. So you'll find a list of category descriptions by each, and you'll find the pairings as well. Tweet. Fem!Harry I love reading because sometimes Petunia will treat her different (either with the og coloring or not). All this and more to be found in our massive collection of Harry Potter crossover stories. Tavern Songs for the Abyss. For those who need a little inspiration when is comes to writing fanfiction. Focus: Books » Harry Potter, Since: 08-27-18 . This will be a Harry Potter/DC universe crossover. Show Most Recent Bookmarks; Bookmarked by DragonessFey. Harry Potter ; Fem!Harry ENF Sign in to follow this . Lemons aka sex, slash, voyeurism, twincest, incest, shota, minors having sex with older men, threesomes, moresomes, twisted truth or dare, obvious OOCness for some people and done on purpose for this is just a steamy pwp fic, which I hope is humorous too. Author: MayMarlow. Time travel fics in Harry Potter fandom. Fem!Harry is a tag which refers to a female variant of Harry Potter within the Harry Potter fan-fiction community. Every Tuesday, hosts Allie LeFevere, Lyndsay Rush, and Danny Chapman read a new chapter of Harry Potter erotic fanfiction. Followers. Dating Harry Potter and being Sirius Black’s daughter…. Harry Potter. However, the two are different in one key detail: whereas My Immortal was written by a Wangsty 13-year-old girl, this was (also ostensibly) written by an Ax-Crazy 13-year-old boy. “I personally am agnostic leaning toward atheism,” Radcliffe tells The Post. Evil Ethan. Community » Books » Harry Potter » Supernatural Harry Potter: Harry is an angel. Harry Potter crossover fanfiction archive with over 49,852 stories. — Hagrid defending Lily and James. All submitted "FanFic" stories remain the property of their authors and must not be copied in any form without their consent. I take it over from animegirla33 I have new book covers, I made them myself. In this story, Harry discovers a mirror that shows his titular equal and opposite: a female version of himself, beautiful and dangerous, and well-versed in Dark magic. Often times in fanfiction, authors use certain abbreviations or phrases that may be confusing to new users. Heaven's newest Archangel has … You're back (a Harry Potter fanfic) Fanfiction. Exactly how odd turned out to be far odder than she originally thought. Follow/Fav Guardian Angel. Jade Angel Chapter 1, a Harry Potter + Supernatural Crossover fanfic | FanFiction. Fem!Harry I love reading because sometimes Petunia will treat her different (either with the og coloring or not). Daniel Radcliffe. J.K. Rowling has made it very easy for the various Harry Potter fans to get their fanfiction written with some very clever and original twists on the characters. Fanfiction Fantasy Harry Potter Tom Riddle Fem Harry Hadie (fem harry) is 8 when she ran away from her aunt an uncle abuse when her magic takes her back in time to 1934 where she is put in wool's orphanage where she and tom met. Share Share Tweet Email. Holly has won the Triwizard Tournament, Cedric is dead, and Voldemort is back. Before he can process these recent events, he and many others are invited to the Room of Requirement to read a very special set of books. fem harry Fantasy Thriller Harry Potter Dark Harry Fem Harry Potter Dumbledore Bashing ... It all starts with a prophecy. This is the introduction story of the series I've developed based on Hera's life. Latest: Only Villains Do That by … Below is a list of some of the most common pairings and their associated names. At once, the new parents appointed Remus Lupin and Marlene McKinnon as Maddy's … MC was a (chinese) huge fan of Harry Potter and read the books multiple times. Eventual Slash, threesome with Wincest. Take Our Free 5-Day Writing Mini-Course! ... at some point around fourth year, realizes she has unparalleled access and influence over fem!Harry. Harry Potter ALL are… Hari (Harry) Lily Potter the girl who lived is abused by her only living relatives. Victoria Potter is a fun read where Petunia treated her differently growing up and kinda placed all of her childhood expectations on fem!Harry. The story does not continue. Email. Adventure Fanfiction Fantasy Fem Harry Reading The Book Harry Potter Holly has won the Triwizard Tournament, Cedric is dead, and Voldemort is back. Before he can process these recent events, he and many others are invited to the Room of Requirement to read a very special set of books. fem harry Fem harry potter pregnant fanfic. There are no rules in a war, Harry knows, when he decides to go back in time to be the father he thinks Tom Riddle should have had. Harry Potter not knowin’ his own story when every kid in our world knows his name!" The Snape that features in this dark tale of erotica and romance was conceived before the publishing of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, so fans still thought the potions master was as … Stories that meet board standards will be archived in the Library. Ever since Sirius Black, her adoptive father, had been arrested, she had to work hard to keep her and her family afloat. There is little information to point them in the direction of his killer other than the fact it was one of their very own. … Love’s Labours, Paradise Lost by Veresna Ussep Featured Art: Detention by Dixiebell12 | Learn How We Protect Fan Artists! Angel that fell from heaven - SERIE’S MASTERLIST - [y/n]’s hugest love has always been Quidditch and when the Weasley’s invite her to the Quidditch World Cup, she couldn’t say no. The story does not continue. Request. re posted AU Severus sadly passes away during the attack on Hogwarts leaving behind his young 18 year old fiancee Hermione Granger who is 28 weeks pregnant with their first child a set of twins his Godson Draco and his best friend's son Harry Potter who he cherished and loved like the boy was his own son. Summary---First year fem!Harry AU. Join the Harry Potter Fan Club, take part in the AR Hogwarts Sorting Ceremony, play quizzes and puzzles, and explore every corner of the Wizarding World with the official app. Much like My Immortal, it's a Harry Potter fanfic, it's So Bad, It's Good, and it's an extreme case of Canon Defilement. Pairing: Hermione Granger [4, Dec 10] Pairing: Other [3, Apr 11] Harry Potter > Angel-Centered • Sort: • • • List All 29 Stories • Add Story. Harry Potter. By: David boreanaz's wife247. Not Your Usual Veela Mate by Janara - An AU fic that begins at the beginning of Eirlys (Female Harry Potter) is a child of both Loki (MCU) and Zeus (PJO) via harry is zeus' mate fanfiction ; A Veela's Mate Draco Malfoy; Harry/Veela fics that aren't Fleur or Gabby; Femaleharry Stories Wattpad 2020 "Veela Draco" Stories 2020 Harry Potter: Nephalem (Rewrite) by Darth Nutters Rated: NC-17 - No One 17 and Under Admitted [ Reviews - 23] Summary: Harry Potter is born as one of the mythological Nephalem. Harry Potter • Angel-Centered • 29 stories • Updated Jun 16. Here Harry is female and goes by name Selene Rosalie Potter-Black nee Evans. Her hair was glowing as well, a silver light coming off of it. There's het in my slash, parody in my angst, dark stories have fluffy sequels, etc. “I don’t expect th… E. edwardpasco. Harry Potter Harry. Welcome to Harry Potter Fan Fiction Wiki! Les quatre amis vont se retrouver mêlés à la plus fantastique légende de l'humanité. Dureing the Fourth year Fleur never ends up getting on good terms with Fem!Harry the way she does for canon Harry and leading to Fleur decideding to to punish Fem!harry. I've taken down incomplete stories that haven't been updated since 2006 and any nonworking links that I couldn't find elsewhere. Unsure of people, Harry lives life in either an air of resignation or detached indifference. Future EC/HP Product sold by (Harry Potter and Severus Snape fanfiction) Sweet and Sour (Snape/Hagrid) Thin Line (Snape/Black family) Untouchable Secrets (James/Snape) Walking The Plank (Harry/Snape) Wolf and Hound (Remus/Sirius) Other. You can get your fanfiction about anything that you want as long as you follow the legal guidelines set forth by the publisher. i’ve finally finished the template for the x readers for the encyclopedia (if there are characters you want me to add, send a message!) Clara Lupin-Black was a very busy girl. Now Angel is soul bonded to a Trickster god slash Arch Angel… To them, she is just a deaf freak, who as unnatural accidents. Its fan fiction of harry potter. re posted AU Severus sadly passes away during the attack on Hogwarts leaving behind his young 18 year old fiancee Hermione Granger who is 28 weeks pregnant with their first child a set of twins his Godson Draco and his best friend's son Harry Potter who he cherished and loved like the boy was his own son. Continue reading 17 Harry Potter Fanfics to Read Before You Die → Fanfiction Writing Masterclass × Rec Lists; Home; About; Blog; Contact; Our Blog. Join her as she makes new friends, goes on new adventures, and falls in love. Daniel Radcliffe. Starts off from the Quidditch world cup, Harry finds a more important reason to fight for and that sometimes, a fairytale or legend is a lot more than it seems. All I can remember is that neville was the bwl, ginny was a potter, and snape and voldemort were in harry's head, acting like a faux angel and devil over harry's shoulder. I don't update this page much anymore with new stuff. Updated as of 12/11/08. 47K Shares. He becomes obsessed with her, and eventually finds a way to travel to her … Lily and James Potter gave birth to twins, Hera (fem!Harry) and Charlus. Harry Potter. Alphabetical Popular Recent. Replied a 5 year old girl starting to get dressed. If you would like custom Harry Potter fanfiction recommendations sent straight to your email fill out this form! PWP. If you need help, you can contact: The Bureaucrats: HarryPotter512 and Scarletmoon579. He decides that instead of running away and hiding for the rest of his life, he will take back his future. Blue Foundation Apathy. Bottom Harry Potter; since Fem LV has that big dick energy; Horcruxes; Angst and Fluff and Smut; Summary. Marauder's Era How Sirius Knew… Fem!Harry I love reading because sometimes Petunia will treat her different (either with the og coloring or not). By Rotem Rusak Published Nov 18, 2019. (fem!Harry, powerful!Harry, sporadic updates!) Of course, they won’t all be good, but there’ll be something to suit everyone! A Dragon Lover Ch 1, Harry Potter . Fun and excitement, Mystery and awe, The lightining scar on Harry, Is what we all saw. 1955) was an English pure-blood2 witch, the youngest daughter of Cygnus and Druella Black (née Rosier), younger sister of Bellatrix Lestrange and Andromeda Tonks, wife of Lucius Malfoy, mother of Draco Malfoy, and the grandmother of Scorpius Malfoy. The terms can apply to all fanfictions but the examples are Harry Potter related. Alexandra Potter has finally come to Hogwarts, where she will meet new friends and discover a world of magic. They are living in the town and Harley's hyenas bring the baby to them. Sum: ‘ Avada Kedavra’. Fans love to explore the Marauder era in fanfiction, especially when it comes to pairings. This one is Harry and Hermione. Harry Potter Fanfiction by Amanuensis Categorizing my stories confounds me. Hogwarts. In the end there is a small section of people going to the future. After Sirius’ death, Harry’s life continues downhill as he finds out about betrayals, manipulations, lordships, and delves into politics and power plays as he transfers to Beauxbatons and champions for several gods. Beings with great power, born from an angel and a demon, and ruled by the Originals, the first beings of existance. Based on an original new story by J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne and John Tiffany, a new play by Jack Thorne, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is the eighth story in the Harry Potter series and the first official Harry Potter story to be presented on stage. Press J to jump to the feed. Language: English Words: 302,305 Chapters: 20/? Instagram. 5. A/N This is my try of a wrong boy who lived story. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.. You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. TtH hosts all genres of cross over fanfic as well as non-crossover stories from both BtVS and other fandoms by writers who archive their cross-over fan fiction here. Language: English. Madelyn "Maddy" Isabella Potter is the oldest and only daughter of Lily and James Potter and older sister of the famous Harry Potter. Hermione Granger gets paired with Draco Malfoy. She is the focus of the story 'Serpentis Inter Leones', by PrincessDaydream77, and it's sequel story, 'Repromissionum Leo'. Share. Fanfic: Arch Angel Lucifer, Harry Potter | FanFiction. Harry Potter Movies Tier List. Eliezer Yudkowsky (Goodreads Author) 4.39 avg rating — 14,439 ratings. Bookmarker's Collections: Harry Potter x Percy Jackson; Footer. Reading a harry potter fanfiction with hedgie & otter for christmas. 2 Werewolves appear in the form of a wolf but, there are distinctions between them and regular wolves. LF a fic which is one of the first fanfic I ever read. Length: 2 chapters Warnings: AU! A new reaper has been born and walks among mortals, she is Death's granddaughter, she is Death's little Angel. By: David boreanaz's wife247. Alice-Gehabich. Place to submit Harry Potter fanfiction for review and consideration. I’d love to know how I can improve my writing x Rescued by the Flamels, Hera is soon placed with her new family, the Cullens. I never read fem Harry Potter parents return stories so I decided to write one Charlotte potter (fem Harry) hasn't had an easy life. She had these strange silvery-white wings on her back, almost angelic in appearance. Sybill Trelawney has a catastrophic vision: Teantaichean, the terrifying monster of a thousand tentacles, is summoned by a treacherous wizard who desires the destruction of all the wizards world. Most of fics will be a character traveling back to his younger self, but ocassionally there will be just a time travel. Log In Sign Up. Proof that the remaining 10% is worth Neville playing for England in the National Quidditch Tournament for here.. Her origins, of which she roughly has two, stem from the gender of her writer, and tend to influence what type of character she is. AngelHarry. score: 11,637 , and 117 … I take it over from animegirla33 I have new book covers, I made them myself. Harry Potter stumbles upon an ancient room located deep within the Department Of Mysteries. Harry Potter Art.. Terri Heard; August 10, 2018; Share 1. There are Harry Potter Crossover, Slash, Het and all that in between. Fem!harry gets dominated by Fleur. blinny, marriage, dramione. Character-driven story, lots of world building. Latest news. Additionally, pairings can be given a variety of names and be referred to in a variety of ways. Is it possible to get a Harry Potter fanfiction written about you? eleannampasta. One day Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn are hiding out in a small town in England and, after "evacuating" the inhabitants of one home, they find a baby left on their doorstep. Blank walls suck, so bring some life to your dorm, bedroom, office, studio, wherever,Printed on 185gsm semi gloss poster paper,Custom cut - refer to size chart for finished measurements,Includes a 3/16 inch (5mm) white border to assist in framing . One day he meets Harry Styles and has to rethink the concept of Good and Evil. 6. 569 Heavenly Demon » by kirallie Up for Adoption AU. Come read, write, and explore our site. Discontinued. Or. FanFiction | unleash ... Follow/Fav His Angel. If you’re a newbie, try out Fantasy Harry Potter Tom Riddle Fem Harry Hadie (fem harry) is 8 when she ran away from her aunt an uncle abuse when her magic takes her back in time to 1934 where she is put in wool's orphanage where she and tom met. Harry acts as his guardian angel and guides him towards making better decisions but what happens when their feelings start to get involved? fem Harry Tom Riddle/harry Potter Mpreg Fanfiction. They had flown to Manhattan from London the night before for one of Vernon's big important meetings. But they were glad to summon the infamous Trickster Loki in order to deal with a growing problem know as Umbridge. Summary. HP / James Bond x-over – Harry uses the first chance he gets to escape his horrible life at Privet Drive when he is offered a very special job by a man that is thought to be imprisoned in the infamous prison of Azkaban. Collections: 4 Comments: 227 Kudos: 871 Bookmarks: 505 Hits: 27001. | Amethyst Lilian Potter daughter of Lily Evans and James Potter. Fem!Harry. About the Archive. Nov 20, 2018 - Hermione Granger x Fem!Reader: ⊳Oneshots ⊳Imagines ⊳Would Includes ⊳G… #fanfiction #Fanfiction #amreading #books #wattpad There are currently over 608,000 Harry Potter fan fictions on I'm looking for a fanfic, not sure how old. Comment. It is set in the time of the original Order of the Phoenix. Unatoned by SeriousScribble. Brain Facts. Find out more. Let It Be. Angel, the girl that had appeared without warning and tried to save Sam, was glowing. A Fanfiction started by my best friend an I several years ago that I've decided to pick back up and start again! From loving Lily Potter to pernicious Petunia Dursley to maternal Molly Weasley to nasty Narcissa Malfoy, which Potter mom's style suits you best? Bloomsbury celebrates rescheduled Harry Potter Book Night 2021 with interactive Diagon Alley experience . What he finds there will completely alter his fate, - and with the help of some new friends, - that of the entire Galaxy. Most readers of harry Potter fanfiction are familiar with "My Immortal", but if you haven't heard of it (you Prep!) These are recommendations made by Tropers for Harry Potter Shipping fanfic, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Death has intervened in the world a few times, so when Voldemort's attack releases magic so powerful that Death has no choice but to notice how will it change the world. New fanfics added periodically, follow the blog to stay updated and find your next fav fanfic! It was a perfectly ordinary night when everything changed. After the war, Vitani Potter finds out that she's the daughter of the Goddess of Witchcraft and Magic, Hecate. Fem!Harry … Victoria Potter is a fun read where Petunia treated her differently growing up and kinda placed all of her childhood expectations on fem!Harry. I don't own any of the characters, however, I own the plot. The Boy with No Choice Poster. It was labeled as Draco x Scarlet x Severus, because Draco was being a brat and just HAD TO HAVE THAT POTTER GIRL. Harry Potter; Guardian of the Galaxy. Fem harry potter is a hitman fanfiction Image: Collage; Lily Potter, Petunia Dursley, Narcissa Malfoy Harry Potter certainly has a few different examples of motherhood in it. Fans. Harry Potter: 10 Marauders' Era Fanfiction Relationships We Wish Were Real. Herakles Potter knew she was odd. Summary. Followers 2. Hagrid had been a good friend of Harry Potter's parents, Lily and James, since the time they attended Hogwarts. Here at Esprit du Coeur there are tons of different Harry Potter story ideas, written by yours truly. do you have fic recs / accounts that write for harry potter characters / are you a fic writer that wants to add your fics to the encyclopedia ? If you do, i hope you enjoy it. These are recommendations made by Tropers for Harry Potter Crossover fanfic, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. See the site rules for details. Hagrid became a member of the Order of the Phoenix … The Girl Who lived but something corrupted her magic core is already gray it cannot go back to light core like many light families. Harry Potter is the only living magical left 10 years after Voldemort's demise, but such a life is not worth living. Ongoing. sad harry potter deaths. Behind the scenes. Many have wondered why Harry Potter did not develop an Obscurus, or become an Obscurial.On her official website F.A.Q., author J. K. Rowling answered: "An Obscurus is developed under very specific conditions: trauma associated with the use of magic, internalised hatred of one’s own magic and a conscious attempt to suppress it. Victoria Potter is a fun read where Petunia treated her differently growing up and kinda placed all of her childhood expectations on fem!Harry. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Harry Potter universe. Fan Fiction Archive - Categories. But then realizes she likes telling her what to do, and more so watching her … Archived. 2k+ Raised by Darkness » by apple2011 After years of abuse by his uncle a seven year old Harry Potter is rescued from the Dursleys by a Dementor who senses his pain, Raised in Azkaban with a strange but caring family and new powers how will Harry react to the revelation he is famous, a wizard and has the power to speak to Dementors. Though not its own fanfic, Potterotica is a podcast worth checking out for any fan of Harry Potter erotica. James and Lily Potter. From the start of entering Hogwarts School he had been manipulated, He had found out about the Dragons and a plan had started formulating in his mind. Harry Potter Fanfiction Fanfiction based on the Harry Potter book/movie series! Harry Potter Fanfiction Playing With Pleasure Author: Rikku Rating: T17! Latest: Harry Potter and the Illusions of Reality by Sarcasm Dragon - T Jul 3, 2021 at 8:25 AM, Oculled1996. Fem!Harry ENF. Hermione Owns Fem!Harry. For the greater good. A self insert gary stu fanfic fixfic of harry potter. Count to Three (Harry/Ron/Hermione) (defunct, Wayback) A Family Affair (Weasleycest) (defunct) HarryDracoRonHermione (Harry/Draco and Ron/Hermione) It's … This is an unofficial fan site and is not connected or endorsed by J.K. Rowling or Warner Bros. Harry Potter and its characters are property of JK Rowling in association with Warner Brothers. Pin 47K. The Administrators: Aliceandjasperforever, Hermione524 and Philered. Introducing Harry Potter: Reading Magic . As in many other fandoms, romantic pairings are most commonly denoted … Her family has been associate with dark families for generations. Hecate directs her to Camp Half-Blood where she meets other demigods like her. Sorry. 4 Dark Harry Potter Fanfictions That Will Leave You Horrified 1. The woman -the ungodly goddess of the dark- the one who was destined, prophesied, and largely obsessed to bedevil his life, the one who had made him the chosen one- was calling for him, waiting for him, in the forbidden forest. Harry Potter stumbles upon an ancient room located deep within the Department Of Mysteries. Jul 15, 2017 - Read ~Chapter 2~ from the story Angel by SpanishRose66 (Slytherinprincess) with 7,272 reads. Author: luna_storm13 Published: 2015-12-24 Length: 9 Pages … Hermione, Ginny et Ron et lui vont essayer de découvrir la signification du dernier indice de Dumbledore qui devrait les mener à découvrir de nouveaux alliés pour combattre Voldemort. 566 An Angel and a Trickster » by sakurademonalchemist The twins had no idea what they were unleashing on the poor unsuspecting populace of Hogwarts...or how it would change the destiny of their surrogate sister Angel Potter. Her clothes were shining from an internal light, only instead of the plain gray hoodie and blue jeans, she was wearing some sort … For those of you who don't ship Harmione (Harry × Hermione) then please don't hate me and just don't read it if you don't ship Harmione. The Harry Potter fandom is unique in the variety and sheer number of pairings that are present within it. Naming Conventions. Follow/Fav Guardian Angel. A collection of Harry Potter tier list templates. Harriet potter was always neglected by her parents because they think her twin brother Harry Potter is the boy who lived, when in reality the real saviour is Harriet. Contractual Invalidation by R-dude. Here are 10 Marauder Era relationships we wish were real. I love Fanfics, so I decided to do one myself. re posted AU Severus sadly passes away during the attack on Hogwarts leaving behind his young 18 year old fiancee Hermione Granger who is 28 weeks pregnant with their first child a set of twins his Godson Draco and his best friend's son Harry Potter who he cherished and loved like the boy was his own son. After Tony Stark outs himself as Iron Man on live television, he acquires a magical stalker in the form of a bored (female) Harry Potter, who has emerged from the Veil of Death in a world without wizards. RSS. While everyone was digging into and Sugar Quills getting their Harry fix, I was still reading Canon Only Pride and Prejudice stories, and then, between 2008 and 2010, Anything But Canon Twilight fics. by. Categories All Stories Challenges. User account menu. harry potter fanfiction; harry potter fanfic rec; Posted 1 year ago. Daniel Radcliffe is playing an angel in his latest role, but in real life, he doesn’t believe in God. Top 10 Harry Potter/Daphne Greengrass Fanfiction. Welcome my Fanfiction of Harry Potter. A six year old Hariel Potter traces the strange marks on her skin, wondering at the meaning of the words her soulmate will speak. she cant decide whether she likes Severus bcause hes a teacher. If you dare brave the weirder parts of Harry Potter fandom, you will occasionally stumble upon gems like Equal and Opposite.

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