FERS & CSRS Retirement Strategy Workshops. CSRS & FERS Federal Civil Service Retirement Planning Resources "I spent 3 hours on the web looking for answers to questions concerning federal retirement. It will detail FERS benefits, Social Security, Thrift Savings Plan, Health & Life Insurance, Financial and Estate planning. 06/17/2021 Online Training | FERS Federal Retirement Benefits Training. Lauderdale area ***VIRTUAL*** August 10 â St. Petersburg ***In Person Workshop*** September 17 â Jacksonville ***VIRTUAL*** October 5 â Tampa ***In Person Workshop*** Georgia If you are serious and donât have an extravagant lifestyle, we will help you draft a plan and Guarantee the financial results. It is never too early to plan! Attend. ... 2021 by GovWorkerFI, LLC. Individuals can register for one class or both separately Half day classes ⦠This course will provide federal employees with sufficient information to enable them to make informed decisions about retirement planning. We will provide students, with a clear understanding of their FERS benefits system. With our extensive knowledge of the federal benefits programs and professional experience in the complex field of retirement planning, we help enhance, update, and maximize all benefits. 8350. More importantly, we can find and address potential red flags such as age, service and TSP restrictions. Financial Planning for Federal Employees 6. Our trainers have assisted thousands of federal employees throughout the country. The training team includes a retired 27 year CSRS human resources veteran, a 20 year FERS engineer with experience managing employees in both CSRS and FERS retirement systems, and a CPA with experience integrating federal benefits and long-term tax implications. Administer training needs surveys. Mid-Career Planning for FERS Employees. Click here to reserve your space. 06/22/2021 Online Training | Dream Big & Plan Well. You may attend one or all six sessions. We offer five informative classes. #ferscalculator #fersretirement #fersmra Are you considering FERS retirement and wondering if this is a possibility? Home. July 21 â Orlando ***In Person Workshop*** July 27 â West Palm Beach/Ft. Space is limited and attendance is on a first-come, first served basis. Our training is in accordance with OPMâs financial literacy objectives. DATE: 09 â 12 March 2021 . This training program satisfies the Federal Government's requirements to provide pre-retirement training to their employees. Federal Employee Retirement Services conducts Seminars, Workshops and one-on-one personal training that satisfies federal agenciesâ requirement to provide pre-retirement and benefits training. Congress created the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) in 1986, and it became effective on January 1, 1987. Aug 17 2021 | Location: Online. The course materials and content are for informational purposes only and do not constitute personal retirement ⦠This website is a personal blog and does not represent any federal agency or the US. Testimonials. There is no fee to attend the webinars. The best way to retire early is to carefully plan every step you need to achieve that goal. All our retirement planning seminars are designed to help employees make the choices that will best support their long-term financial and retirement goals. Agenda is revised to now include Estate Planning on Tuesday afternoon. Sponsor Civilian Human Resource Agency (CHRA) and OPM training at Fort Sam Houston. Revised Agenda FERS Retirement virtual 2020-09-22 and 2020-09-23 Training - OPM. The National Leader in Federal Pre-Retirement and Benefits Training Since 1984. If a FERS/âTransâ FERS employee retired on Jan. 2, 2021 (the end of the 2020 leave year) then the employeeâs retirement becomes effective Feb. 1, 2021, and the retired employeeâs first FERS annuity check (âTransâ FERS employee: and CSRS annuity check) will be issued Mar. ***Please register with a personal email as our Webinars often dont work on government computers. Thrift Savings Plan 4. Instead of teaching at a very technica⦠This important 3-Day Pre-Retirement Planning FERS course is designed for all FERS employees. This two-day seminar will address issues important to your future retirement planning. Under the CSRS, CSRS Offset and FERS systems, it is the employeeâs option to retire after reaching minimum age and service requirements. Training. 1, 2021. CSRS / FERS Transfer Retirement Benefits This chapter is for employees who transferred to FERS with at least 5 years of creditable civilian service prior to date of transfer or by December 31, 1986. Retirement Preparedness Courses. The CSRS retirement and survivor benefits session is run concurrently with the estate planning advisory session for the FERS employees. FERS retirement compensation is more than a pension. Florida. Also, mandatory retirement at younger ages generally applies in law Refunds of Contributions at Separation Employees who leave federal or postal service before becoming eligible for immediate retirement benefits under CSRS or FERS have the option of either leaving their retirement contributions in the retirement fund or withdrawing them in total. Categories No Categories . FERS is a retirement system that is responsive to the employeeâs needs and decisions. Whether in the middle, later or closing in on the end of your career, the NIH Training Center offers workshops for every stage of your Federal career. FERS & FERS Transferee Benefit Training (also available for Special Provisions) Here is the agenda for the Two Day , One Day , and Half Day FERS Program FedSavvy® Educational Solutions has a comprehensive, proven educational program that provides retirement and financial literacy programs in accordance with the guidelines outlined in OPMâs Benefit Administration Letter 11-104. ... Best Dates to Retire 2021 September 17, ... Retirement With Training Wheels July 14, 2016. When the class is united, emphasis is given to the differences in Social Security and TSP programs for both. Click an event below or call Retirement Benefits Institute at (877) 864-1145 to register for a federal retirement class near you. Two day versions include local experts on estate and financial planning. This seminar is available as a 1 or 2 day course. DATE EVENT AND LOCATION. This course is also effective for Federal HR practitioners and liaisons who want to increase their knowledge of Federal retirement and benefits. Social Security Benefits 5. 1. Many of its features are âportable,â so if you leave Federal employment, you may still qualify for the benefits. This course provides HR Specialists with detailed information (including manual computations) on CSRS and FERS retirement computations for employees who have performed part-time service ⦠However, there is a difference in eligibility requirements between the CSRS/CSRS Offset and FERS systems. Under CSRS/CSRS Offset, and employee may retire at The Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) is the retirement system that replaced for nearly all employees employed after 1984, the former retirement system, the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS). Since that time, new Federal civilian employees who have retirement coverage are covered by FERS. Planning for Retirement - 2 Day. FedImpact - Federal Retirement Impact Workshop CSRS/FERS. September 14 â Washington ***In Person Workshop*** See MD & VA locations for more options. This annual training event will be conducted as part of the training program required under 5 U.S.C. NEW FEDERAL HIRES SHOULD ALSO ATTEND. Chief: 210.221.9345. About Us. Below we have listed the main characteristics and details of the FERS program, which can help you determine the best course of action for your retirement planning needs. Financial Lessons from the Shutdown February 7, 2019. Begin to secure your finances and set goals necessary to smoothly transition into retirement. FERS Retirement Benefits 2. Retirement Training & Coaching Services, Inc. provides educational support to federal employees who want to gain a better understanding of their government benefits and prepare for retirement. We offer one webinar each week over six weeks from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm, as well as two stand-alone sessions for members planning to retire by June 30th. FERS enables you to take an active role in securing your future. This seminar provides employees at the mid-career level with an understanding of how their federal benefits will help them meet their retirement goals. Event Classes. Once you have retired and signed the papers, there is no going back to correct any benefitsâ mistakes you may have made, prior to your retirement⦠Date/Time Date(s) - 09/22/20 - 09/23/20 All Day. Course Description: This combined course ensures that no program employee is uninformed. Learn about your FERS benefits in a live Webinar! TIME: 08:00 â 11:30 (each day) This training will be done virtually via MS Teams . Beginner, intermediate, and advanced retirement planning courses. GSA Schedule. This three-day Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) workshop is designed to provide you with an overview of your federal retirement benefits. Online courses for retirement planning professionals or those looking to do it yourself. Main Content. The Training Branch provides the following services: Provide customers with the right tools, training and/or knowledge. To attend the Tue Aug 17, 2021 6pm Webinar: CLICK HERE! If your agency approves, use Form SF-182 to have a paid day for attending. 8350 and will provide comprehensive training on the Federal retirement benefits, the tools and resources that OPM has developed such as the retirement readiness index and the education resource guide, evaluation methodologies, and improving the level of financial education of the benefits officers. Due to COVID 19 pandemic, the CFEB will only offering two half day Virtual FERS Retirement classes now through January 2021. FERS Flyer 2.11.20 Posted: (5 days ago) The Thrift Savings Plan Open Elections Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-469) requires the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to develop and implement a retirement financial literacy and education strategy for Federal employees as part of the retirement training offered by OPM under 5 U.S.C. To attend the Wed July 20, 2021 11am Webinar: CLICK HERE! Our Retirement Benefits, Health Benefits, and Deferred Compensation offerings are customized for members depending on career stage: early through mid-career or nearing retirement. Insurance Programs 3. Menu. This annual training event will be conducted as part of the training program required under 5 U.S.C. Management Concepts, in partnership with the National Institute of Transition Planning (NITP), offers Federal employees the most comprehensive and up-to-date retirement and mid-career planning seminars available across the country. After a Google search yielded your address, it took only 20 minutes to find all of my answers! Most are afraid of running out of money in retirement, they wonder how benefits might unexpectedly change in retirement, and what can be done between now and retirementto be better positioned. This important 3-Day Pre-Retirement Planning FERS course is designed for all FERS employees. We will provide students, with a clear understanding of their FERS benefits system. It will detail FERS benefits, Social Security, Thrift Savings Plan, Health & Life Insurance, Financial and Estate planning. Our training is in accordance with OPMâs financial literacy objectives. Federal agencies throughout the country are anxious to side with FERS to bring the highest quality training to their employees at the early, middle or nearing the end of their careers. Retirement Workshop. FERS MID-CAREER RETIREMENT PLANNING. ... Of course if you made it that far, youâd work 1 more day to get an extra million dollars. Early Retirement. These workshops are intended to assist you in mapping to your eventual retirement by guiding you in considerations and strategies for the right now. GPIS leads the way in education for all federal employees through workshops and individualized information. Our brand new 2021 FERS Retirement Planning Guide contains the very latest critical information on your retirement benefits and is stated clearly to help you take full advantage of opportunities and avoid costly mistakes. What You Will Learn Pre-Retirement Employees (0-10 years from retirement eligibility) We offer training seminars for every stage of your Federal career. All attendees are entitled to receive a custom report personalizing their projected CSRS/FERS, FEHB, FEGLI, TSP, and Social Security numbers. It is a full career process, from the date of employment to the date of retirement. Donât be daunted by the retirement planning process. Federal employees attend these workshops with real problems and seeking real solutions â itâs really that simple. NITP offers training seminars on Federal Benefits, Financial Planning, Thrift Savings Plan Options/Investments for employees at all stages of their Federal careers: Early-Career Employees, Mid-Career Employees, and Pre-Retirement Employees. If you plan to retire anytime in the next 10 years, you should attend this seminar. Below is a sampling of some of our course outlines: Planning for Retirement - 3 Day. This course was edited and updated by Georgia Bohuslav, Federal Retirement Consultant, Subject Matter Expert (SME). This course is designed to assist FERS Federal employees and their spouses make plans for retirement. The Social Security and myCalPERS & Your Retirement Options classes are designed for everyone. In addition, the course will provide participants with the information needed to manually compute and counsel FERS employees and survivors regarding the annuity supplement portion of their retirement benefits. 2 DAY FERS PRE-RETIREMENT PLANNING. In this session, thereâs no bashing and no sugar-coating â just straight answersthat employees can actually use to improve their plans for retirement. New Federal employees, mid-career Federal employees, and Federal employees within five years of retirement would all benefit from this training. 8350 and will provide comprehensive training on the Federal retirement benefits, the tools and resources that OPM has developed such as the retirement readiness index and the education resource guide, evaluation methodologies, and improving the level of financial education of the benefits officers. The most comprehensive and up-to-date retirement planning seminar available for Federal employees. Early Retirement, Deferred Retirementh & âPostponedâ Retirement Understanding the Annuity Computation Amount of an Annuity, the Length of Service & Unused Sick Leave,the High-3 Average Salary, the Effective Date of your Annuity, FERS Transfers from CSRS, the Special Retirement Supplement, Possible Reduction of your FERS Annuity, and Survivor Benefits
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