Reborn as The-Girl-Who-Lived by Snowheart. Adventure Harry Potter Reading Harry Potter Books. After a nasty beating breaks loose some memories, he starts to experiment only to find he really may be different. All original char... siriusblack. Perfect Situations & Matryoshka Vignettes by … Beiträge: 73. Kategorie: Fanfiction / Bücher / Harry Potter. ok danke. Victoire wakes up her father, Harry, in the only way she knows how. Series. Harry Potter… Harry Potter has been slaughtered. For once in his life, he had tried to verify the situation before brashly rushing out. FanFiction. Creampie. Community. Hermione Granger, the last remaining member of the golden trio, has been deposited in a … Most readers of harry Potter fanfiction are familiar with "My Immortal", but if you haven't heard of it (you Prep!) let me give you a rundown of this masterpiece. Geschichte: Fanfiction / Bücher / Harry Potter / Harry Potter - FFs / Harry Potter und der Tod. Inhalt ist versteckt. 1. James Potter and the Hall of Elders' Crossing (James Potter, #1) G. Norman Lippert (Goodreads … Suche: Fanfiction / Bücher / Harry Potter / Harry Potter - FFs. Harry Potter and the Natural 20 by Sir Poley - This story blends the worlds of Harry Potter and Dungeons and Dragons for a 74 chapter epic adventure. Forum. Once we learned that Neville, not Harry, had the potential to … Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery 30. Part of the Daughters of Potter 2018, first posted on my blog on June 10th, 2018. Adamantium Chapter 10, a Harry Potter + X-Men: The Movie Crossover fanfic | FanFiction Halloween came upon them, though Erik's hope to continue a tradition he had accidentally spawned were nixed when Harry asked him if he wanted to attend a "Death Day … This is a fan fiction based off the characters from the Harry Potter book series. Phantastische Tierwesen 321. Es geht weiter mit Sweet Hermarry Fanfiction Harry Potter-die Fortsetzung vom Teil 2. Neues Forum Hilfe / Support Tutorials Folge uns Fanshop Sponsor werden. lg Helium. Until she meets them. It's what's she's considered it's what her … Anzeigen. Reading this with the mind of someone who knows the Harry Potter novels by heart (and loves them) won’t do. Für Slash-Stories bitte ich den anderen Thread zu nutzen. During the war both sides have children, Draco and Harry. Und ich suche Susan Bones / Harry Potter oder Susan Bones / Ronald Weasley Würde mich freuen, wenn ihr eine tolle FF mit diesem Parring kennt. I've been thinking about a fanfic where there is a war between the Sirens and the Mermaids with the Malfoys leading the Sirens and the Potters leading the Mermaids. His ill fated trip and its consequences weighed heavily on his mind. There's het in my slash, parody in my angst, dark stories have fluffy sequels, etc. Includes Slytherin!Harry, Fem!Harry, Plothole!Harry, Flamboyant!Harry, Joker!Harry, Dark!Harry and more. I've had this idea for a while but don't think I'll be able to do it justice. The Marauder's pride themselves on two things; pranks, and terrorizing one Severus Snape. Beitrag #283, verfasst am 04.02.2011 | 18:29 Uhr. Harry Potter und das verwunschene Kind 79. If you’re a newbie, try out Mobile Version Login Registrieren. Amelia Weasley. Hier soll allen Harry Potter Fans ein Platz geboten werden Geschichten, die man für lesenswert hält anderen vorzustellen. Rough Sex. Und vielleicht rettet sie noch diesen arroganten Potter, wenn sie schon dabei ist. wattys2017; harry-potter; snakes +16 more # 8. Lactation. Es handelt sich um eine Fanfiction mit Slash (Harry/Draco). 2k+ Magic of the Force » by Vimesenthusiast Harry's always wondered why the Dursleys hated him. MuilehHallo Leute! Band rauskam, ist Blaise ein Mädchen. Hier ist eine kleine Harry Potter Fanfiction! Destiny Reversed by chattypandagurl. Geschichten und Texte zu Harry Potter - FFs - Harry Potter - Bücher - Fanfiction | Seite 1. A... femaleharry; wbwl ; badjames +22 more # 7. Harry Potter finds himself thrust into the Magical Society woefully inept and far too innocent. Summary. Cliche title I know. Harry Potter was quietly contemplating the events of the Department of Mysteries as he sat in his Uncle's car as they rode home. He was forced to do all the chores. Daphne Greengrass and the Importance of Intent by Petrificus Somewhatus. Just In. We all know about Harry Potter, this is the story of his sister who tries hard to make sure that her brother survives the war and protect him from Voldemort and also making sure that they have fun … Crossovers. suche eine fanfiktion mit dem pairing: Harry Potter / Blaise Zabini (femal) ich kenne schon dunkle zeiten von heiko2003 also kein slash sondern femal blaise Da ich neulich erst darüber gestolpert bin beim Überfliegen - in der Themensuche hatte jemand Schatten der Wahl empfohlen. Forum. His Secret by LunaBeth203. Harry was not in a good mood. FanFiction. Anzeigen Die Sucheinstellungen deiner zuletzt durchgeführten Suche wurden im Formular voreingestellt. jamespotter. Registriere dich kostenlos und erhalte Zugriff auf Favoriten, Mail, Lesezeichen, Farbvorlagen, Download von Geschichten uvm.! Möchtest du eine neue Suche beginnen, benutze den Button "Sucheinstellungen zurücksetzen". Prompt. Fantasy Romance Harry Potter. 7.5K 230 22. Adamantium Chapter 1, a Harry Potter + X-Men: The Movie Crossover fanfic | FanFiction Magneto will be slightly OC, as will Mystique. Voldemort's army has succeeded. Dort wartete Cedric schon auf mich. Wir gingen zusammen den Weg entlang. Harry Potter - MMFFs 859. Come read, write, and explore our site. Read the most popular harrypotter stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. He is relaxing with his friends when, all of a sudden, Dolores Umbridge strides into the room, a wide, toady smile on her face. He is born the eldest son of Lyanna Stark and Prince Rhaegar Targaryen; only this time Rhaegar survives the Battle at the Trident in secret due to the actions of Ned Stark just as Lyanna survives the birth of their son. Da die Geschichte geschrieben wurde bevor der 6. There are currently over 608,000 Harry Potter fan fictions on euneirophrenia - a dramione fanfiction by calliebby. He was strict and firm with … Geschichten und Texte zu Harry Potter - FFs - Harry Potter - Bücher - Fanfiction | Seite 2615. Books » Harry Potter Rated: T, English, Hurt/Comfort, Words: 11k+, Favs: 192, Follows: 163, Published: 6/25/2011 Updated: 4/7/2012} 90 Chapter 1. Contractual Invalidation by R-dude. Vielen Dank. Usually, the books are quoted verbatim, somebody interrupts literally every sentence just for the sake of commenting, and there's no actual plot. Es steht noch offen mit wem sie zusammenkommt. Harry Potter FanFiction. Als wir an einem See vorbei kamen stoppte er mich. Wir setzten uns zusammen auf eine Bank und betrachteten die Seerosen die gerade zu blühen begannen. Harry Potter was supposed to be the golden boy, the savior of the wizarding world. Harry Potter - FFs 52.260. Just another Weasley~(Harry potter... by Kit-Kat. She has no one. Wiedergeboren in die Welt von Harry Potter, Poppy Evans hat nur ein Ziel: sicher zu stellen, dass sie nicht die einzige magische Evans nach dem Jahr 1982 ist. 1 Kapitel - 603 Wörter - Erstellt von: Kimnani - Entwickelt am: 13.12.2017 - 3.466 mal aufgerufen - Die Geschichte ist noch in Arbeit - 5 Personen gefällt es. Community. Harry Potter Siren/Mermaid Fanfic. Rang: Schreibkraft . Neues Forum Hilfe / Support Tutorials Folge uns Fanshop Sponsor werden. Please leave a review. Registriere dich kostenlos und erhalte Zugriff auf Favoriten, Mail, Lesezeichen, Farbvorlagen, Download von Geschichten uvm.! If you are looking for the best Harry Poter fanfiction stories out there, you should know that the world of Harry Potter fanfiction is vast and all-encompassing. More. The Daughter Of Wolfstar - A Harry Potter Fanfiction. Harriet potter was always neglected by her parents because they think her twin brother Harry Potter is the boy who lived, when in reality the real saviour is Harriet. He had not recieved any letters from any of his friends all summer and aunt Petunia was as strict as ever. All previous ties to The Order of the Phoenix have been cut. The characters and the situations within these fanfiction stories are not my property. They are the property of J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers, and others, and are used without permission; challenge to copyright is not intended and should not be construed. Ich fände es sehr gut, wenn in diesem Thread ausschließlich Geschichten vorgestellt werden, die männliche/weibliche Parings enthält. I almost feel sorry for him. So you'll find a list of category descriptions by each, and you'll find the pairings as well. Mostly because they're now in a place where they're not automatically hated for being mutants. Completed. Harry Potter characters reading the Harry Potter books is a trope that in my experience is universally handled terribly. Star Wars and Harry Potter Crossovers. Wolves Remus Lupin Sirius Black Wolfstar Harry Potter Ron Weasley ... Lyra James Lupin is the daughter of a mass murderer and a werewolf. Part 76 of Breeding Ground. 24.1K 740 24. All submitted "FanFic" stories remain the property of their authors and must not be copied in any form without their consent. Anzeigen Anzeigeoptionen Review schreiben Regelverstoß melden Schriftgröße Schriftart Ausrichtung Zeilenabstand Zeilenbreite Kontrast kleiner größer Standard Source Sans (Standard) Times Arial Verdana Linksbündig Blocksatz kleiner größer Standard 20% 25% 33% 50% … So far I have Magneto, Mystique and Sabertooth here, though he … Harry Potter universe is phenomenally popular among fanfiction writers and readers. Her and her brother were raised by their werewolf father who struggled seriously with money, all thanks to his devastating curse. Of course, they won’t all be good, but there’ll be something to suit everyone! This is an unofficial fan site and is not connected or endorsed by J.K. Rowling or Warner Bros. Harry Potter and its characters are property of JK Rowling in association with Warner Brothers. Die Geschichte ist … Unatoned by SeriousScribble. She's the one no one knew. So imagine the absolute shock they would feel when a boy from Hufflepuff tells them off in a most terrifying way. Alone. Inhalt ist versteckt. Harry wohnt zuerst bei Snape und dann bei Lucius Malfoy. As the fleet of Stannis Baratheon is closing in, they flee to the Free Cities in exile. 334K 12.6K 30. There are not only thousands of fan-written stories available to read online, but also multiple websites dedicated to hosting Harry Potter fics of all lengths and genres. Inhalt ist versteckt. Hier geht es um Lily-Grace Dumbledore oder eher Lily-Grace Snape. Harry Potter Fanfiction by Amanuensis Categorizing my stories confounds me. Maggie is a quiet girl. Mobile Version Login Registrieren. That’s not even considering the vast number of fics on AO3, or assorted Livejournals. Star Wars and Harry Potter Crossover | FanFiction. This is a Harry Potter fanfiction story for people who want to read adventures as far away as possible from the canon. An einem schönen Sommermorgen trat ich vor mein Haus. More. He should never have gone there. Top 10 Harry Potter/Daphne Greengrass Fanfiction. Meera. Different Harry Potters visit Little Hangleton, and Voldemort's the only one with much sense around here. Adventure Fantasy Harry Potter Reading The Books Drarry. ich kann Dir eine nicht so bekannte Geschichte empfehlen, auf die das erste zutrifft: "Harry Potter und der Eid der Sidhe" von Ayumi21. The End of an Era ( (Marauder's Era - Sirius x Male OC)) 7 months ago Kaito and Ri'can. In order to enjoy it, you have to get out of your own head. It comes as no surprise that most stories are average at best, and many are incomplete. Harry Potter Fanfiction by Amanuensis Categorizing my stories confounds me. There's het in my slash, parody in my angst, dark stories have fluffy sequels, etc. So you'll find a list of category descriptions by each, and you'll find the pairings as well. Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net; Summary. is an archive of Harry Potter Fanfiction stories of all types and no restrictions. Just In. Harry Potter has just defeated Voldemort. Luckily for him, an older Slytherin Girl takes him under her scales. 2k+ The Many Harry Potters of Little Hangleton » by VivyPotter Also known as 'Harry and Voldemort Explore Fanfiction Tropes Together'. Sirius stepped out of the darkness of the living room and into the fiery glow which was emitted off the gas lamps in the gloomy hall of 12 Grimmauld Place. However, Harry Potter could never be normal in any world. I dont own Harry Potter obviously. 17 hours ago Lily Sirius Lupin . It was not all his fault per se but a part of it did fall on his shoulders.

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