Member Since 2011-07-03 3:21pm Stories 4 Reviews 622 i used to be beeezie, but hi. When Percy Jackson and his friends finally defeat Mother Earth and send the giants to literal hell, all Percy wants to do is settle down with his girlfriend Annabeth Chase. Welcome everyone to my very first story Black Madness. Fem!Harry, aka Lilith Dorea Black, twin of the ‘Boy-Who-Lived’ and her story of how she showed everyone she truly isn’t a Potter. (I will make them pay,) he thought, letting darkness nestle in his mind like an owl coming to roost. 2. senseless folly: It is sheer madness to speak as you do. He jerked his head in the direction of Alice Longbottom who was carrying Harry and Neville in slings, Susan grasped to her shoulder. Voldemort's Heir: A Percy Jackson and Harry Potter Crossover (Percy Jackson Fanfic) 236K 6.3K 11. It's obvious to me when he tried to get Snape into the Shrieking Shack that he had problems, and Azkaban couldn't have helped. Narcissa Malfoy nee Black takes a greater interest in the Line of Succession of the Black Family after Sirius is imprisoned, instead of simply believing her child will inherit what if she actually went ahead and checked it out long before Canon officially starts? Read ⁕ the madness of mr. crouch ⁕ from the story LIKE LIGHTNING | Harry Potter x Reader Fanfiction by living_typewriter (sma) with 2,610 reads. Register Today! Many Harry Potter fanfiction stories are truly brilliant and we picked 12 of the best HP fanfics to prove it. Okay, maybe he was nearing that stage, but that's because surviving this madness alone was a … They will learn to fear me. Buy on Amazon. However I will be taking a break from her to recharge my insanity batteries. The story begins right after the end of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", following Voldemort's ultimate defeat (2 May 1998), with Chapter 1 of"Wands High"taking place on7 May 1998, Thursday. Dumbledore spoke to Potter and Black, who were glaring at him. (I will make them pay,) he thought, letting darkness nestle in his mind like a owl coming to roost. Well he sure found the right place! Harry walked up the stairs and watched as the Weasley matriarch rushed toward the kitchen. you can also find me on ao3 under the same username - harry potter stuff is under the beeezie pseudonym. And she’s rather good at it too. The only love Harry has every shown you is platonic. Adopted by Bellatrix Black and Natasha Romanoff she begins her journey into a world of magic, politics, death, and maybe a little bit of love. I don't want the ambitions of a madman to fell the House of Black," she said simply. The sequel to ItMoaS. That had been a shock to everyone in the house. They had to be. As Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, strode away from number four, Privet Drive the anger that had controlled him earlier that evening began to fall away, replaced by the realization that he had royally screwed up. Harry's grandmother had been a Black. She's the sister of the "infamous" Gryffindor player, Sirius Black. "He tried to groom me, so he could weaponize the Black Madness," Adva green eyes bled purple. "Potter! Harry Potter: Pokémon Master. Chapter One: The Black Home. Sirius and the Black Madness I am looking for fics where someone realizes that Sirius is actually crazy and has more than a bit of the Black Madness in him. The pure-blood families like the Blacks simply removed Muggles and Squibs from their family trees.. I looked at any fanfiction sites it could possibly be (I originally read it on, and I simply can not find it. The Black Madness. Wake up!" 3. frenzy; rage. They claim to have entirely magical ancestry, but as Sirius Black informed his godson Harry Potter, no true pure-blood families existed by the twentieth century. With the notes Regulus left to guide them, Sirius, Remus, and Harry find the secret of Voldemort's immortality, and if they form a third side of the war while they're at it, well. Bellatrix had fallen to the famed Black Madness after prolonged overexposure to Dark Magic, and she and her husband now rotted in Azkaban. — Sirius Black to Harry Potter on his family's values [src] The Black family traces its origin back to the Middle Ages. They claim to have entirely magical ancestry, but as Sirius Black informed his godson Harry Potter, no true pure-blood families existed by the twentieth century. 4. intense excitement or enthusiasm. Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall and Kingsley Shacklebolt, with the help of other Aurors turn … James Potter and Sirius Black were the boys peering down at her. Summary. Fanfic: Harry Potter's Familiar Cat Ch 1, Harry Potter | FanFiction. Harry Potter: The Avenger by Dasteiza Rated: NC-17 - No One 17 and Under Admitted [ Reviews - 8] Summary: A barely aging Harry Potter, tired of living with the reminders of what once was decides to travel the multiverse in search of fun and adventure. ; The Bad Guy Wins: To the point where the story trailed off (over a decade prior to this posting) the Black Tide enjoyed an almost unbroken string of victories. His eyes were hazel, rather than bottle green like Harry's. "One day." Black Family Madness (Harry Potter) is just Borderline Personality Disorder. (I will strike them down, one by one. Summary: [Loki/HP] Having mastered the ability to travel between worlds without the use of the Bifrost, Loki stumbles upon Harry Potter and decides to keep him, for all kings need a consort. This is kind of a bonus epilogue as I'm going to use it to set up the next chapter of Alice's journey. Harry Potter is murdered, crucified for the last-ditch effort at the greater good. Black Madness Chapter 29, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction. But death is not as black and white as one would want it, not when Death claims you as his master. It is the best Harry Potter fanfiction for the anarchist in you. Harry's Madness contains examples of: And I Must Scream: Dudley Dursely has his head sewn on to a Frankenstein's monster, Grawp with some parts from dragons and a manticore added, and is used as a weapon for months. snapped Professor Snape turning his attention back to the unconscious teen leaning on him. 463K 8.9K 1.8K. Harry, left to his own thoughts, brewed them into a stew that was black and thick and viscous. its not monsterfucking if the monster is sorta human. When the sorting hat shouts King Slytherin sorting him into Slytherin as the king. 777 Harry Potter - Carry On Wayward Son » by Sliksick On the job one night, Crowley discovers a house with a child being abused by a family. Mackenzie is Harry Potters brother, when Harry Potter is with his aunt and uncle, Mackenzie is with another wizarding family. The Other Side: A Harry Potter FanFiction. Harry is no one's sacrifice. Borderline Personality Disorder. June 25, 2018 Elizabeth. More accurately, she’s a witch that can see the future. The forgotten twin sister of Harry Potter is found after 12 years underground in a cellar at the Riddle House. There will be sex and violence but most of it will be suggested or referenced rather than actually described. "Because if I am to marry Sirius Black, I am to marry into this family. However, this job, which was just supposed to be providing Harry with research and allow him to expand on his knowledge, will have him make grand discoveries about himself and that of the entire magical race. They will learn to fear me. 1/3 stories all separate from eachother and during different times of Harry's life but all with a different twist to the Creepypasta tale. "Harry Potter!" I am hoping this will make it easier, and help support some awesome writers … Harry Potter. Cygnus Black Bashing. After that bit of news, the twins had taken to calling him cousin each time they saw him, … Welcome to the Avalon Region. I am not a … The Madness Within: A Harry Potter FanFiction 15.4K Reads 574 Votes 9 Part Story. Add to library 12 Discussion 2. Just Too Much. Read about her and her odd prank filled life. Hermione, Ginny, Ron and Luna approached them softly, kneeling down beside them watching quietly. What if Harry Potter had been affected terribly by his living environment. Harry, left to his own thoughts, brewed them into a stew that was black and thick and viscous. I love Harry, and he loves me, and you just need to get over the fact that he doesn't love you" Hermione shouted. Mad scientist Harry Potter, now twenty years old, is sent to the SGC to half-join SG-1, accompanying them on missions. The description went like this: "Well, now he is known as Judal or Judar, but once upon a time, he was known as Harry Potter, before his mind fell into madness." What if other beings had to step in. The Black family traces its origin back to the Middle Ages. This year, Snape was looking forward to the entertainment they would provide, because he knew, with out a shadow of a doubt, that if he kept his nose out of their business, they would ignore him. Mention of abuse, death scenes. The child is Harry Potter before he ever got his letter to Hogwarts. The Black Family Madness. Druella Rosier Black Bashing. But when he joins Sam Uley’s druggie cult, she is left alone to deal with the voices in her head. (I will strike them down, one by one or all at once. Harry is left to his own devices when the apocalypse hits, and he begins to talk to the animated corpses. Action Romance Harry Potter. Harry Potter was the son of James Potter in name only, and that fact was enough to change Severus Snape's opinion of the boy. So … Mordred Cosmos Riddle-Black reminds Dumbledore of Tom Riddle but has the wild look in his eyes as Sirius Black. APWBD, Weasly, HG, Potter, SB, RL BASH/DISLIKE. Definition of madness courtesy of dictionary-dot-com. Get access to every new feature the moment it comes out. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.. You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. But Sirius Black isn't going to let Harry face Voldemort unprepared, and if that means he has to break away from Albus Dumbledore, so be it. Dumbledore had two Aurors escort Potter and Black to their seats, and restrain them from going after Harry. "He tried to mold me," the teen said. Harry Potter King Slytherin:Eyes Of Madness (hiatus) Mordred Cosmos Riddle-Black reminds Dumbledore of Tom Riddle but has the wild look in his eyes as Sirius Black. Conan is a fun shape shifter and metamorphmagus. all the evil characters are still evil BUT in a different way. These are recommendations made by Tropers for Harry Potter general fanfic, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. "Oh yeah, he loves you so much that the moment he found out you were having his baby, he ran away" Ginny retorted. A Moment of Madness by Miss Haggan. The Black Madness was a sign someone was a member of the Black family. And Hermione knew there could only be one boy who looked that much like Harry without actually being Harry, especially one who had an outstandingly handsome black-haired friend. A divorced traitor to the Death Eaters and a barely redeemed monster to the rest of Wizarding Britain, there are few people she trusts. It was called Rise of the Black Sun. Conan Black has always been the tomboy. Black Madness Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction. "Give him permission to get some Basilisk ingredients." It’s been nearly four years since baby Harry Potter defeated the Dark Lord, and Bellatrix Black is struggling to rebuild her life. And, no, he wasn't broken like the shattered shards of glass and bone littering the streets. A Catalog of any and all good Harry Potter Fanfiction I come across on Wattpad. When people not related o the Blacks by blood begin catching the Black Madness, people realize there is more than one way to be family. The Change, Better or For Worse. Manipulative Albus Dumbledore. "You'll be sharing with Ron," Mrs. Weasley told Harry as she shooed him up the stairs in number twelve, Grimmauld Place. ... the adults in the Wizarding World, except for Sirius and Molly, the author does a great job of depicting pure chaos and madness. Summary. Thor, Loki, etc belong to Marvel, Stan Lee, et co. When the sorting hat shouts King Slytherin sorting him into Slytherin as the king. Marauders Era Love Story Fabian Prewett Gideon Prewett Marauders Era Fanfiction Fabian Prewett Love Story Fabian Prewett Fanfiction Lily Evans Sirius Black Molly Prewett. This year promises to be special, for Harry Potter, the destroyer of Voldemort, is coming to take his place among the future trainers and begin his Pokémon Journey. Here, children go to Hogwarts, the premiere school for inspiring trainers, where they learn how to train Pokémon. The Forgotten Twin - A Harry Potter Fanfiction Fanfiction. I make no money from this and own nothing, don’t sue. James gritted out, having heard something similar from Aberforth's brother, but with more immediacy and a prophecy thrown in. “Berkana” Disclaimer: Harry Potter is property of JK Rowling, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros, et all. Rating Mature Chapters 5 Reviews 23 Views 100,085 ... Last night I told Harry this secret, that has been tearing me apart, and now he's missing” ... JOIN HARRY POTTER FANFICTION. Megra Carpenter is a social Chameleon in her small town of La Push, she only has one friend besides her no longer living brother, Quil Atera. It was more than enough to bring the young Potter patriarch's hackles up. Spoilers if you haven't read the books. Angelique is a seer. They hadn't had a proper king for 50 years the last king was his father Tom Marvolo Riddle. Madness(Mad-nis) noun 1. the state of being mad; insanity. There will be some canon moments but most of it is strictly the result of my own twisted imagination set in the fun world of Harry Potter that JKR so kindly gifted us. They claim to have entirely magical ancestry, but as Sirius Black informed his godson Harry Potter, no true pure-blood families existed by the twentieth century. The pure-blood families like the Blacks simply removed Muggles and Squibs from their family trees. Only, everyone sees Seers as crazy loons. Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Harry Potter is Skull (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!) The Black Madness was a sign someone was a member of the Black family. When people not related o the Blacks by blood begin catching the Black Madness, people realize there is more than one way to be family. Harry Potter King Slytherin:Eyes Of Madness(hiatus) Fanfiction. Harry had been watching the man out of the corner of his eyes and saw instantly when the man realized he was in attendance. Professor Lupin would always just smile exasperatedly and blame it on his Black blood. The Best Harry Potter Fanfictions - Catalog Fanfiction. Noelle had been right. He takes the kid in and adopts him as his son. Harry started and blinked fuzzily at his professor, obviously still in pain. I know it can sometimes be difficult to find the good ones. yrs 5-7 Mostly for girls, read if you want boys. Mackenzie has to prove her family worthy and when she gets into Hogwarts, she doesn't think she can do that. The traditional look for the majority of the Black family is dark hair and dark eyes, though there were some exceptions: Sirius Black III was grey-eyed, Andromeda Tonks née Black had light brown hair, and Narcissa Malfoy née Black was blonde-haired and blue-eyed. Proof that the remaining 10% are worth being thrown off the Astronomy Tower for here.. They whisper about it on hushed lips with wary eyes, staring at us. I have decided to carry on Alice's adventures as she is just far too much of a fun character not to use again.

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