Sirius stepped out of the darkness of the living room and into the fiery glow which was emitted off the gas lamps in the gloomy hall of 12 Grimmauld Place. By now, Amelia, Miss Granger and a house-elf were shielding Harry Potter and a giant black dog from Mad-Eye's Stun-spells. I write it (badly). I want you to take over as Manager of the Potter and Black affairs. Fanfic: His Secret Ch 1, Harry Potter | FanFiction. as he tried to rein in his rage against Bellatrix and her master, Voldemort. Harry instantly put up his guard again, and the dog whimpered and slunk up to him to lick his hand. After the attack, Hagrid, on Professor Dumbledores orders, brings Harry to Privet Drive to live with his only remaining relatives, the Dursleys. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. The dog's named slim and the milk is skim. A fanfic in which Sirius reaches Godric's Hollow in time to warn the Potters that Peter betrayed them. He was always doing what he had to do to keep the wizarding world safe. A pureblood charm laid upon the Potter line appears to be the cause, and he must take part in an ancient courtship ritual to wed and produce heirs in order to save himself from losing his magic completely. If witches could have puppies, Hermione would have been on track for a huge litter. During the First Wizarding War in the 1970s, Elphias Doge became a member of the Order of the Phoenix, an organisation led and founded by his friend Albus Dumbledore, in order to oppose Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Dearest Harry, Now that you have turned 16 we think that it is time you knew the truth. Yeah, Harry nodded. AN: This is just something that has been bouncing around my head for a while and I decided I would try to write it out. Completed May 3, 2018 Otherworldly Mail. Amelia had heard the rumours about Ludo Bagman having a gambling addiction, and Amelia figured that Bagman stood to lose big money if he declared Potter in forfeit. Harry Potter dies for the 7th time, forcing Death to have a face to skull talk with the young man. Harry James Potter's right hand was clenched into a fist. Hermione felt the hot explosion deep in the core of her being. This story is all about Hannah's love story. There was a girl, who could never love herself. When a Mirror Shatters (Drarry Fanfiction) 493K 16.6K 8. Keeping what he really is is harder than he thought it would be as Sirius accompanies Harry to Hogwarts. And then more Abyssals came and those too were covered up. This fanfiction book starts from the summer break after the fifth year. The old wizard claimed that he wanted Harry to have a normal childhood. Remembering the large bulldog with little fondness, Harry carefully walked around the downstairs, looking for the dog. Having stormed Privet Drive to kidnap Harry Potter the Deatheaters returned with two very fat male muggles, a thin horse looking muggle woman, and a black wolf puppy. Throughout the book, I will have it as a conversation type with narrations. This story is set in an AU that twists cannon, and covers Harry's first year at Hogwarts. draco-malfoy. Hannah has a HUGE crush of George Weasley of which only Ginny and Hermione know. Lily has been jealous of her sister her … Rose Lily Potter, Harry's younger twin, the real Girl Who Lived. While everyone was digging into and Sugar Quills getting their Harry fix, I was still reading Canon Only Pride and Prejudice stories, and then, between 2008 and 2010, Anything But Canon Twilight fics. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. Comfort Suicide. Part 1 of The Chronicles Of Harry James Potter. There was a boy, whom she loved. One gloomy night after quidditch, Harry Potter walked into an old bathroom to find Draco Malfoy crying in front of a mirror. His nose to the floor, the dog sniffed his way around the room until it found Potter's bed. I once managed to convince a university to actually give me money to read, write and study it. After discovering his connection to Voldemort, being outed as trans to the entire school, and surviving the fire that burnt down the Dursley’s house, all Harry wants to do is spend a quiet summer at the Hog’s Head with Aberforth before returning to … There was a hunter, who preyed on both of them. "It's funny," Harry told the dog, "I just ran away because a woman was calling my mum a worthless mutt, and now I meet a worthless mutt that's much nicer than her purebred dogs." Harry's life has never been so good. No, he would never call that thing by that name again. After years searching for his magically hidden godson, Sirius finds nine year old Harry Potter living with the Dursleys, and goes from convict to guard dog in order to protect him. Non-canon Harry Potter erotica: m/m. Hagrid finally leads Harry out into a small courtyard at the back of the pub, where they are able to enter Diagon … Cocking his head to the side the dog let out a small whimper before bunching his feet together and leaped onto Harry's bed. In reward for your service, I will pay you 10,000 galleons a month." After finding Harry at the Dursely's he realized that Harry has social anxiety, so he became Harry's service dog. The shocked goblin humbly accepted his promotion. Harry doesn't know what to say when, as they walk through the Leaky Cauldron, he is the focus of all attention. After going through a rather painful Inheritance on his 16th birthday where he wakes up in the medi-wing of Gringotts and learns the truth, that he not only has a 'Twin Sister' but a 'Family' the reunited siblings begin planning their revenge on … It’s just for fun. In minutes, Harry had his proof but before he left, he addressed Griphook, "Griphook, I really want to thank you for all your help in the last few days. This is an interactive story containing 435 chapters. Sirius Black's Service Dogs Chapter 2, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction Chapter 2: Dog-Father Harry yawned and rolled over. In The Wolfsbane Effect by Kerichi, Remus is torn between his two loves, Tonks and Sirius. Since then Vernon had given Harry and his 'emotional support dog' a wide berth. Petunia was scared to even raise her voice to Harry since the dog growled every time someone even looked at Harry the wrong way. As if on cue Snuffles started snarling. [Source] Dobby has no master! A Harry Potter GTS story. Get access to every new feature the moment it comes out. I am a fanficion writer, working on a Harry Potter fanfiction. After learning of the betrayals heaped upon him, as well as the horrors Voldemort and his followers would go on to perpetrate, Harry agrees to go back as an employee of Death, LLC. Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban soon after he was imprisoned. He hand flopped over the side of the bed and smacked the face of the man lying in the transfigured cot beside the bed. During that time, he would usually wear a silly hat. This time you must blame Zukerburg for my procrastination. Sirius Black's Service Dogs Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction Chapter 1: Apologies Harry sat on the bench in the park on Magnolia Crescent. Harry you are not a Potter, not by blood. # 2. The Harry Potter series has sold billions of dollars worth of books, movie tickets and DVDs because it's one of those rare series that children can enjoy but won't make adults want to gouge out their eyes. I ride my bike to the giant dyke, it keeps out the watter and we do what we gotta. If that wasn’t enough to worry about Fenrir has to figure out how to kidnap the Lambs’ Heir, Harry – his mate. For us…when we think bold we think ideas that we weren’t expecting, and there were parts of each of the … Despite the newfound safety, his mental illness thrives amidst new adventures, mishaps and relationships included in being fourteen. On he... 'It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live' Wise words spoken by a wise man; howeve... After the end of the first Wizarding war, Lucius Malfoy did … Sirius Black's Service Dogs Chapter 1: Prologue, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction. He finds himself shaking hands again and again with the people in the pub, and is introduced to his new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Quirrell. Harry the Whore Sirius broke out of Azkaban a month before Harry's eleventh birthday. Hot chicks with pointy sticks meet young wizards with, er, pointy sticks. I make no money on this. Lots of pointy stickiness all-round as Harry, Ron & Hermione get a little help in the war against Lord Voldermort. Then, there was the anger he felt for Dumbledore. Completed. I read it avidly. Located : Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Fenrir [FG/HP] A society of werewolves has nothing to fear, except The Lambs, a collection of elemental werewolf-hunters. A fanfic in which Voldy does not exist. Author J.K. Rowling had a way of throwing a bone to the grown-ups here and there by slipping in sly little adult references along the way. If we know the headmaster like we do then he has not told you who you really are, and that means it falls on us to tell you. Except no one knows but her. Harry and the Shipgirls is a Harry Potter / KanColle crossover fanfic written by Harry Leferts. Harry looked up at his godfather, glittering emerald eyes meeting warm brown ones, and smiled. Saxon’s huge knot had grown to maximum inside Hermione, and the dog barked with joy as he came. medusa. I would not wholeheartedly put this story on the list of best books like Harry Potter to read when you miss the magic, but it is one of the best Harry Potter fanfiction stories to date. Given his role within the Order, it is … So I know this is a tad unexpected. Lily had told her as much when she'd visited her at her home for the first and last time shortly after she'd acquired the creature with its messy black hair and green eyes that weren't Lily's eyes. Wheelchair Mystique. True magic. Dobby is a free elf, and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends!Dobby's pride of being a free elf, and his loyalty towards Harry Potter Dobby (28 June (year unknown) – March, 1998) was a male house-elf who served the Malfoy family. It is a truth universally acknowledged, that fanfiction is glorious, self-indulgent trash. Jasmine Evans was a sweet, clever prankster and Lily Evans' twin sister.Most people describe Lily like a perfect girl without flaws, but she is nothing like that. Sirius Black Remus Lupin Marauders Era James Potter X Oc. The story opens with an adult Harry finally defeating Voldemort after fighting him and his Death Eaters for about thirteen years. Series. Federal Entertainment Report - Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, two magicals who dissapeared after the battle of Hogwarts have reappeared, this short story covers the beginning of their time in the 23rd Century from Civillian through to Citizenship by … The sudden new weight on the bed caused the sleeping child to bounce awake. " I was a weird one—I came into Harry Potter fanfiction later in my life. Please watch the warnings because it will have some SQUEAK in it. He needs to help, but he can't let his real feelings show. He noticed several large bags of premium dog food in the dining room, and finally in the living room found Ripper. 6 Bold Harry Potter Fanfiction Stories That Worked The term ‘bold’ is definitely one of those words that can mean different things to different people. Harry Potter • 3105 stories • Updated 27 Jun. Lucius Malfoy carried the puppy that was behaving as if a properly trained pooch, while Fenrir Greyback and the Lestrange brothers dragged the muggles forward. Because if he had developed facebook this prompt wouldn't have caught my eye and I would be writing this in addition to Unlocking Time. It was a nice day, not too cloudy, and the breeze was cool. Everything allowed except Hard Vore, Stomping, gore or Blood. The large dog, easily the same size as Harry, was sleeping on the couch. The Dursleys treated him like a dog and forced him to drink skim milk. A/N: hey there! Harry Potter Has a Pet Snake. And in the end, she found out...the truth. Disclaimer: I own nothing to do with Harry potter. Petunia had known the baby that had been left on her doorstep was adopted. dracomalfoy. His grades were excellent, he was captain of the Gryffindor team, he had wonderful friends and his boyfriend was the most handsome and sweet alpha he could dream of, Cedric Diggory, they two forming the most popular and admired couple in Hogwarts. It will be PWP and Harry is a MINOR in this fanfic. Harry doesn't know what to feel, they've been enemies for forever. Hannah Lily Potter is Harry's twin sister. Summary. Exotic Pet, a Doctor Who + Harry Potter Crossover fanfic | FanFiction. Saxon’s heavy balls pumped dog sperm directly into the exhausted girl’s womb. ANYWAY THIS IS A CASUAL ONE-SHOT SET IN THE … The dog's tail stopped wagging and the dog closed its mouth. His name would forever be Tom. Harry almost dies at the hands of Vernon Dursley but is rescued and thrust into a life filled with love, acceptance and care. What! Harry James Potter has been lied too for the very 'Last' time. Summary. Hermione, Queen of Witches is an Old School fanfic from the active days of Sugar Quills. In five books, the alternatively titled Secret Diary of Hermione Granger tells the story from Hermione’s point of view in the form of a diary. Hermione, Queen of Witches is an Old School fanfic from the active days of Sugar Quills. In five books, the alternatively titled Secret Diary of Hermione Granger tells the story from Hermione’s point of view in the form of a diary. After the End is another Old School fanfiction, completed in 2003. One of the most popular male on male couples in the Harry Potter fandom are Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (WolfStar). Everybody knows that Draco Malfoy is Hogwart's biggest bully. You were taken in by us not long after you were born. A fanfic in which Lily and James still died but Hagrid gave Harry to Sirius. Before any fangirls try to smite me, I will say I adore fanfiction. Located : Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Sirius Harry wakes on his twenty-fifth birthday to find that his magic has become dangerously unstable. Show more featured. JOIN HARRY POTTER FANFICTION. Harry and the Shipgirls. Decades before the start of the story, the first Abyssals came and attacked, and the event was covered up by wizards to keep magic hidden from the muggles. Just another Weasley~ (Harry potter... by Kit-Kat. +6 more. With not one but two Lord Voldemorts out there wreaking havoc – one of whom keeps trying to befriend Harry – he has enough trouble on his plate already. Perfect niece or nightmare, it was up to the Dursleys. Strangely intune with the Magic around her, Rebekah was brought up as part of the family. So this erotic fanfic has a little bit to offer to both the canon fans and the WolfStar believers. Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past is a Harry Potter Peggy Sue fic written by S'TarKan / Viridian / Evil Author Lord.

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