Eva Lily Potter, a girl taken away, or rather given away, to an evil organization called HYDRA at the age of five. MikeL59: 2 845 Fri, 20 May 16 05:45:36 by MikeL59: Xander is Nick Fury: laesin: 1 906 Fri, 20 May 16 04:24:22 by laesin: Xander as Giles' Brother: rotsap: 1 675 Wed, 18 May 16 21:15:55 by Oxnate: Harry Potter back in time fic: Kitty: 14 3174 The Archive of Our Own was born out of fans rebelling against corporate exploitation. (Harry/Snape, G) Harry Potter and the Canadian Shack (524 words) December 17, 2001 Written for Cesperanza's Canadian Shack Challenge. Looking for a BtVS/Harry Potter X-over with a dash of Babylon 5 - FOUND!! And so when Nick Fury had received the call from Agent Romanoff to inform him that Harry Potter was sitting on Stark's couch, he had felt perfectly justified in indulging in some choice swearwords to express his ire. "Put on the suit, let's go a few rounds," Steve barked at Tony. He was the heir of Salazar Slytherin and was ordered to finish his work. Agent Coulson is revealed to be "Molly's accountant squib cousin", tying him to their family tree and making him one of Harry and the Weasleys' extended relatives. Challenge for Lent - 40 fics in 40 fandoms. In 1998, two years after she had left school Harry Potter Fanfiction by Amanuensis Categorizing my stories confounds me. This is focused on Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic specifically. "'Cause it is. Harry Potter • 3105 stories • Updated 27 Jun. As early as Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Ron was prone to pitching fits, being dramatic, and falling prey to mood swings – and all because Viktor Krum showed up and asked Hermione to a dance. As in Harry Potter canon, the pureblood Wizarding families of England have intermarried to such a degree that they are all related.. Hope you like it. Slice of Life. Sister of Peter Parker. Fanfic: The Sorting Hat (Avengers) Summary: It's a boring snow day at the Avengers Mansion. Another Fem Harry Potter story. 1 Early Life 1. He now believed he was Pietro Maximoff; Wanda's twin brother. Love, of course. In an interview with Emma Watson, who played Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films, Joanne Rowling stated that the reason for the Hermione/Ron pairing (and perhaps by implication Harry and Hermione not ending up together) was "wish fulfillment." Spoilers, and a certain amount of ranting, ahead. Voldemort's back, but the Ministry of Magic is in denial, so they decide the best solution is to start a Government Conspiracy and cover up all the evidence. 5. Twisting the Hellmouth is a fan fiction archive of over 20,000 Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel crossover stories. (defeating a certain dark wizard would also be a plus, of course.) QUIZ: How well do you actually remember all 8 Harry Potter films? J.K. Rowling and Emma Watson discuss Ron, Hermione, and Harry: The full interview By Andrew Sims The full conversation between J.K. Rowling and … @lizzie1745 @lizzziegust1745 @TheHouseTheBrave. Twelve years later the Avengers Initiative is put into play after the Tesseract is stolen by visiting alien, Loki. Nov 22, 2015 - Follow me on Wattpad. Ouch, that’s a bit harsh. After arriving in Asgard with Loki, the healers were quick to heal and restore his mind. It tells the story of a very different Harry Potter: brought up by his scientist stepfather and a loving aunt Petunia, the boy possesses an intelligent, inquisitive mind and a healthy bit of skepticism. Published: 2015-09-22. Madam Pomfrey has enough patients. After a decade, a mostly reformed Loki restores his memories, introducing Thor's son, Harry, to new family and friends. Art by YJSwtB. avengers fanfiction steve hits peter, Action Fanfiction Romance Steve Rogers Oc Captain America Tony Stark Iron Man Hulk Bruce Banner Natasha Romanoff Black Widow Peter Parker Spiderman Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier Avengers … Apparently the Asgardian God Loki has stolen the Tesseract, compromised several agents, and Fury’s gathering his Super Secret Boy Band to save the day,” Tony explained, “Coulson said he e-mailed you some info. Nov 12, 2017 - Read Chapter 2 from the story My Mom's Brother by percyjharrypandpjo (Thalia Grayson) with 28,493 reads. See hot celebrity videos, E! Avengers fanfiction peter scared of tony. What have I told you abo-" he cut off, staring at the screen. Harry didn't keep a "stiff upper lip" for long, as he, too, began weeping in joy when he saw his parents. When North creates time-travelling snow globes, discover the consequences of allowing them to fall into the wrong hands. I mean he’s not Ron after all. HARRY POTTER/N*SYNC CROSSOVER SEXY FANFICTION. You probably never expected to see those words together, but Calico has a way better imagination than you. The Weasley twins are at a party attempting to pick up Muggle men when they're both seduced by Lance Bass. Sexy wizard/popstar hijinks follow. Chapter 31: The Battle of Hogwarts. Harry Potter's is probably the biggest and one of the first to take place in the virtual world of the internet. He was flanked by James and Lily Potter, who beamed at the sight of their son. score: 11,637 , and 117 people voted. Then Nicholas Fury stalked into the room with Coulson on his tail. It's not easy to disappoint the big man on campus but you've managed to do it! Harry and Hermione had their moments, but they didn't snip at each other the way Ron and Hermione did. When Callen Potter (fem!harry) is offered the chance to right previous wrongs and prevent people of her time from going through the same horrifying victory, she takes it, no matter the price she must pay. Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality by Less Wrong (#1) Petunia married a biochemist, and Harry grew up reading science and science fiction. When the players came to the top box to receive the Cup, Draco whistled at Lynch and blew him a kiss. Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. JOHNNY Depp was all smiles on the red carpet of the Classic Rock Roll of Honour awards in Japan as he prepares to join the Harry Potter world … Nick Fury, Agent Coulson, and Loki drop by and everyone starts discussing Harry Potter. by. Since the Harry Potter universe is one where there are 75 (75!) Nick Fury turns up to bail him out and then lets him loose. It was a snow day in New York City and none of the villains seemed willing to leave their lairs to go bother the city. Universal's Islands of Adventure. For people looking to give away, challenge, or adopt fanfiction story ideas about Criminal Minds. "Why the hell does that look like Hogwarts." We're very sad to report that award-winning actress Helen McCrory (Peaky Blinders, Harry Potter) has passed away at the age of 52 after a battle with … Professor Salazar Slytherin was a pure-blood wizard of medieval times. He explains that because he did a damn good job of kicking ass, Turk’s men were going to come recruit him for a job as a professional hood rat. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince; Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows; Of course, the books then spawned the popular series of Harry Potter Movies. "Hello, Pup," said a voice that was unmistakenly Sirius Black. No. He said in a monotone voice. Here and there shone the pearly white figures of the school ghosts. bradleycolin bradleycolin - the big Bradley&Colin LJ Community 4 months ago. SATURDAY 24 NOVEMBER 2012 SAT 00:00 Midnight News The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. SAT 00:30 Book of the Week Patrick Leigh Fermor: An Adventure What if Fury arranged to keep Sirius Black in the Avengers Tower till he was no longer a wanted man? Dealing with Harry Potter was always guaranteed to leave him with a headache and a worldwide crisis to deal with. Minor Clint Barton/Phil Coulson. 2. loyalty, crossover, happiness. 10 Worst: Abusing Harry. Let’s continue our quest of discovering the best Harry Potter fanfiction stories of this year with 4 new entries! All About Harry Potter. 3,944. Mystery Romance Series Marvel Harry Potter Crossover ... Avengers Tony Stark Steve Rogers Nick Fury Natasha Romanoff Kaitlyn Kilron Glimmer Of Light Harry Potter Marvel Crossover Facing East. God, he's such a good brother. Universal CityWalk. Our friendly neighborhood Super Hero decides to join his best friends Ned, MJ, and the rest of the gang on a European vacation. Summary. As Harry and Ginny turned, three more spirits stepped out of the shadows. Hey, Uncle Nick." Lastly, Ireland won which meant Draco could once again lord his victory over Harry Potter. Chappell said that despite all of the Harry Potter mania of the past 20 years, he had never read the series. But Harry always seemed more interested in catching the snitch than doing his homework. [Looks at Stark] "You're probably right, but I have my own vendettas to work out. Well, what happens when she has to work for S.H.I.E.L.D with her brother..? Home of Warner Bros Movies, TV Shows and Video Games including Harry Potter, DC Comics and more! He just hates the way you're so optimistic about everything, ugh. Charlie agrees to work for Dumbledore and the Order, seeking to protect her nephew, Harry Potter. ... "Unless provoked of course. — Nick and GF Alyssa Scott welcomed Zen Cannon to the world nearly 2 weeks ago. This was going to be The Aventures Of Fury As Peter’s Dad and it turned into Fury Complaining To Carol Also Peter Is There. Nick Fury fully expected to be married to his work and never have a family of his own. Then He meets and falls for a Man who already has two daughters. Meghan, 39, and Harry, 36, are currently living in California in a sprawling nine-bedroom house with their one-year-old son, Archie Harrison. Now, I don't think the real Nick Fury would be very worshipful, towards anyone, and you take the events of Captain Marvel's solo movie into account, this is a major clue that this is not Nick Fury, but Talos instead. ; The Frost Clan - yes, that clan - is descended from a squib of the Malfoy family. The man had been messing with his vision, hiding Loki's antics from him, but the All-Father had forgotten, that nothing is hidden from death. Lily shrugged. No surprise considering Draco hates pretty much everyone. (Harry/Draco) The Seasonless World (11,063 words) September 14, 2000 Five years later. Harry Potter and The Fury of the Blacks A Storm Is Brewing Harry woke up to his uncle shouting for breakfast around eightish. This quiz is harder than making polyjuice potion. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Albus is said to look much like Harry and to be the only one of his siblings to have inherited Lily Potter's green eyes. Commenting on the possibility of Ciaran Hinds portraying Albus Dumbledore's brother, Aberforth, in 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows', his … No one knows who she is other than her brother, really. Comments: 249 Kudos: 771 Bookmarks: 238 Hits: 26452. The Art Of Cooking For Two by littleblackfox is an MCU AU, no superpowers, with Nick Fury as a cranky Paul Hollywood avatar and Peggy Carter, old lady version, filling the role of Mary Berry to absolute perfection. Dumbledore...hates you. 3,944. Comedy. He becomes Harry Daniels. Explore the Parks. Just try not to injure yourself. Summary. MLP: FiM. Home of Warner Bros Movies, TV Shows and Video Games including Harry Potter, DC Comics and more! It's been 22 years since the release of J.K. Rowling's inaugural novel Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (and 10 since she put the book series to rest with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows ... refuses to move away from his body and is so grief-stricken that it scares Harry, his dead brother has a smile on his face due to him, ... Nick Fury… Then came the Hogwarts letter, and a world of intriguing new possibilities to exploit. Albus. Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality has a password be "Sword fish melon friend." What if Nick Fury knew all about the Wizarding World? Xover: A Child Avenged, Harry Potter & Avengers | FanFiction. Amos. Were you paying attention during the Harry Potter saga? Fem! The Institute Saga is a set of crossover stories of Superman and X-Men: Evolution by TheBeardedOne (who also wrote Harry Tano and Invisible Fox).It has several mainline stories, a pair of secondary stories which have been re-purposed by the author to act as a crossover and even partially crosses over with a story written by a different author entirely. director Nick Fury in both Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger.In addition, the … SHIELD also found Rogers alive,” Harry is the older twin brother of Christopher Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived. 1. Now I'm going to see my brother-in-law. cmplotbunnyfarm The Criminal Minds Plot Bunny Adoption Farm 4 months ago. Lots of pointy stickiness all-round as Harry, Ron & Hermione get a little help in the war against Lord Voldermort. While everyone was digging into fanfiction.net and Sugar Quills getting their Harry fix, I was still reading Canon Only Pride and Prejudice stories, and then, between 2008 and 2010, Anything But Canon Twilight fics. He lay there beneath the _ Invisibility Cloak feeling the blood from his nose flow, hot and wet, over his face, listening to the voices and footsteps in the corridor beyond. I was a weird one—I came into Harry Potter fanfiction later in my life. Tony slowly stopped wheezing and met the kid's eyes. Chapter 28: A fractured group Summary: Adventure. Argus. With that last warning, Harry Potter dissolved into a shower of snow and Ice. Lynch saw this and blew a kiss back good-naturedly despite looking heavily concussed. They could tell Harry was a soldier boy. Loki and Harry got along well with them and basically by now he have adopted Harry as his own child, he even went as far to change his name slightly. Completed March 22, 2019 quynh. Since the release of the mega-hit Harry Potter series, muggles everywhere have been interested in the magical and mystifying names within J.K. Rowling’s wizard world. The enchanted ceiling of the Great Hall was dark and scattered with stars, and below it the four long House tables were lined with disheveled students, some in traveling cloaks, others in dressing gowns. A Station Eight Fan Web Site Index; About. Lynch saw this and blew a kiss back good-naturedly despite looking heavily concussed. Our household has just finished reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and the general feeling is one of disappointment. The fifth book in the Harry Potter series. Whenever he has a mission, his 'eye' is fixed on it. When Daisy 'Quake' Johnson bursts in with her ragtag team, known as the Astro Ambassadors, to rescue him, Fury has three thoughts: 1) Coulson's former hacker now lived in space. Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality by Less Wrong is probably the most unique HP fanfiction piece in existence. Nick Fury : There was an idea, Stark knows this, called the Avengers Initiative. Henry has already written about the claim, made recently by the much-reviled A.S. Byatt,that Harry is derivative and ersatz.The real problem is more that Harry seems to be an idiot. The Wizard Changeling Ravenof_flame. Want to Read. Followed by Weather. com is an archive of Harry Potter Fanfiction stories of all types and no restrictions. + Once, Thor was James Potter, New Mexico being a refinement of Odin's technique (being murdered didn't do Thor's sanity any favours). Ace, the main character of the story was shot. He hates the way you walk, talk and act. After that Halloween, his parents forget about him in favor of Chris. The two were opposites and hardly got along, and after the unfortunate death of their sister, their relationship became all the more strained. But what if after 12 years later, Harry had met the Avengers? Kaitlyn Kilron planned her trip to America to escape from reality, but instead, Karma has come to haunt her, and won't stop until … TtH hosts all genres of cross over fanfic as well as non-crossover stories from both BtVS and other fandoms by writers who archive their cross-over fan fiction here. Nick Cannon Welcomes Seventh Child, Zen, With Alyssa Scott — Nick Cannon is on a baby roll ... he just welcomed #7 and the kid's really Zen! Widely known as the best/worst piece of fanfiction in Harry Potter history, this story revolves around 17-year-old Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way, a … After he overhears his parents talking about doing something terrible to him, he runs. Actor: Ciarán Hinds. Try not to let all that Time-Turner business confuse you. The estranged younger brother of Albus Dumbledore owns the Hog's Head pub in Hogsmeade. Child of the Storm by Nimbus Llewelyn. Hydra had erased his memories, and replaced them. When the players came to the top box to receive the Cup, Draco whistled at Lynch and blew him a kiss. Harry Potter and Twilight Female Harry Potter Hari aka Reese. Chapter 28: A fractured group Summary: Easily the worst decision made by the Dursleys was the one to treat Harry terribly. Dumbledores explanation? You may not be able to go to Hogwarts, but now you can find out which magical witch or wizard best fits your personality. Nick Fury paced the floor of the board room, one eye glaring at Tony in particular. “Please help your brother Thor, tell him that we love him and will be happy to meet them.” Frigga was cryptic with her words as always but Thor would always be ready to help Loki. Nick Fury/Harry Potter. A lot has happened to Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury since he first appeared in the end credits scene in 2008's Iron Man. News Now clips, interviews, movie premiers, exclusives, and more! "Fury's" response? Dumbledore's Army was also an organisation founded … Chapter 8 - Victorious Snape Harry could not move a muscle. And last year marked 15 years since Harry Potter was brought to the big screen. saving…. Hurt Crossover Avengers Hydra Quiddich Hp No Slash Agents Of Shield Eva Lily Potter Harry Potter Family. A Harry Potter actress fled her home after her father and brother threatened to kill her for going out with a Hindu man, a court heard yesterday. Penelope is known as the Spider Queen. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter™. reader and writer who lives in Philadelphia, PA. She is currently working on completing her debut romance novel, (working title) Black Ice. Universal's Volcano Bay. Its … To top all, her body stops aging. This pairing, aka "Dramione", expresses the thin line between love and hate. Parents: Severus Snape (father) and Lily Evans (mother; deceased). Harry threatened the Asgardian, knowing that his warning will be relayed to the Asgard's All-Father.
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