Charlie handed the athame back to Harry, who then used the tip to stir the blood in the bowl. A strict law where you either follow the law and live your chosen life, or you break the law and lose your magic. SPOILERS AHEAD! The family and goblins shielded their eyes. Saturday, the 28th of June. Home Page Amanuensis's Fanfiction Art/Fic Tributes Fic Recommendations Amanuensis's LiveJournal Other Links amanuensis1 @ earthlink . Harry, who pretends to only speak German and refuses to sleep in the cupboard, does accidental magic at 10 and is picked up by WYRA, an organization that removes Muggleborns from their homes and adopts them out to Wizard families. The darkest thing I could think of was abandoning the person you want to be for the person you feel you must be, so thatâs what this is about. Harry stirred the blood seven times until a golden light shone from the bowl and encompassed the three mates. In canon, Ron has many opportunities to become The Resenter, and a few books have him dip into ⦠Merope Gaunt's ghost reunited with a Tom Marvolo Riddle just out of Hogwarts, Delphini is born the same year as ⦠By saving herself Hermione's decisions cause ripples to run through the Order. Ron is Overshadowed by Awesome, first by growing up with several more talented older brothers, then by hanging around with The Chosen One Harry and Teen Genius Hermione. For a children's fantasy series, Harry Potter does frequently present the realistic consequences of events. RSVP The Burrow. net The characters and the situations within these fanfiction stories are not my property. **THIS STORY WILL NOT BE UPDATED AS OF THIS TIME** After the war, the magical population has gone down significantly. A ROYAL expert believes Prince Harry's speech about mum Diana was "written with Meghan's help". Harry protests there is no need, as goblins did that already. After her divorce, Ginny isn't quite herself. When Luna takes it upon herself to find her a new hobby, Ginny doesn't expect it to stick. She expects even less for it to help her reconnect with an old friend. Harry and Ginny's marriage has come to a peaceful and amicable end. His adult children however, believe that Harry needs a companion. Ongoing, First published Mar 17, 2018. Everyone knew who she was and what her family had tried to do to the Boy Who Lived, the wizard who had come to be the entire magical world's darling. Close to the end of the 1996-1997 school year, Harry finally gave into his feelings and kissed Ginny in the Gryffindor Common Room, unbothered by the fact that at least fifty people were watching. They dated for a short time. At Dumbledore's funeral Harry broke up with Ginny, as being Harry Potter's girlfriend was dangerous. There's nothing the Goblin Nation can do about that. Only Irongut and Harry knew that he was also Lord Black, and after hearing the plot against him to marry Ginny Weasley, Harry had to take extraordinary steps in order to survive. Agreeing to marry Ginny Weasley just seemed like the thing to do, but their marriage application is rejected by the ministry because he has an active [â¦] Heartâs Desire 2/3 June 10, 2021 Title: Heartâs Desire Series: Heart & Soul Series Order: 1 Author: Keira Marcos Fandom: Harry Potter Relationship: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy Summary: Two years after the war, Harry is heartsore and lonely. the hp fanfiction of amanuensis. I'm sorry, Harry... but this contract is valid. Harry quickly healed Nevilleâs hand and then Charlieâs once they had added their blood to the bowl. The wedding of Harry and Ginny. at 6 o'clock in the evening. Unfortunately for Maeve, she was both of these, forced to live with people who condemned her. Summary: AU, Three changes bring forth an uneasy peace between the Ministry and Voldemort based upon a marriage contract. Harry Potter and the Future's Past by DriftWood1965 - The day after the Battle of Hogwarts, the Goddess of Love provides Harry and Hermione the chance to go back in time. You are cordially invited. In general: There are several points where the protagonists forget basic things as a result of their panic at a situation ⦠Art Fic, 1,000 Words with ⦠On Harry's seventeenth birthday, Ginny approached Harry ⦠During the announcement of Harry's supposed "death", Ginny's scream of anguish rivalled that of Ron's and Hermione's. After Harry revealed himself to be alive and defeated Voldemort, he commented that he and Ginny now had several years in which to talk. In the Deathly Hallows book, Ginny is initially forced to wait in the Room of Requirement while the Battle of Hogwarts⦠But if you look deeper you see the imperfections. And new friends, like Hermione Granger, and Professor McGonagall, and Professor Quirrellâ¦. Summary. Since this story spins off of canon, Harry's in a relationship with Ginny when we begin. Pottermania is an informal term first used around 1999 describing the craze Pairings written separated by a virgule are often shortened from the characters' full names to their initials, mainly for major characters who is easily recognized by their initials. Iâve always loved it. The most popular characters, namely Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, and Ginny, are often represented by their first initial alone, where⦠Obviously, I wasn't the only one because marguerite_26 prompted a Harry/Ginny pegging fic ⦠Ginny, though reluctant, accepted this and understood his reasonings. I have been reading fic since 2003, but initially read a lot of gen or het romances (Dramione was my first great OTP as a teenager). He again protests that it isn't his kid. Featuring a jealous!Ginny, a redeemed!Draco, a piano, hereditary curses, beauty potions, fatal allergy and caring!Lucius/Narcissa. on. "You have to get married. When Harry was 8 years old his parents were killed by burglers, and Harry was sent to live with the Dursleys. The hall was beautiful. Come read, write, and explore our site. Fanfic: A Very Secret Diary Ch 1, Harry Potter Ginnyâs and Tomâs conversations in the diary over the year. Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality by Less Wrong (#1) Petunia married a biochemist, and Harry grew up reading science and science fiction. She soon discovers that some things transcend marriage vows, sibling ties, and even children. Jade grew up in a rich family which at first glance seems like the perfect family. She was placed with her muggle family that despised anything abnormal and freakish. Luna Lovegood may seem like a strange person at first, which causes even usually open-minded Hermione to dismiss her at⦠Once Harry died and Ginny was finally allowed to grow up, the redhead found that no one was interested in marrying her. How will this all play out? Maeve Alarica Potter was orphaned at merely fifteen months old by a dark wizard who sought to end her. A marriage law is instigated during Hermione's sixth year. Ginny Weasley is getting married⦠to Blaise Zabini that is. Itâs been seven years since the fall of Voldemort and since Harry Potter has seen Draco Malfoy. Somehow fate has put them in each otherâs lives yet again. Summary: Narcissa never intended to marry, but circumstances change and needs must. Fanfic: Slytherinesque Revenge, Harry Potter | FanFiction. to the wedding of . The Dukes of Cambridge and Sussex yesterday unveiled a memorial statue of ⦠2star 3star 4stars 5star 10000w 50000w 100000w 150000w 300000w abused!harry animagus AU bdsm bond bottom!draco bottom!harry cat!harry complete crack!fic creature!draco creature!harry dark!harry de-aged!harry different!school dm/hg favorite fics fluff forced!marriage gen griffindor!draco harrypotter het hp/dm hp/dm/ss hp/gw hp/lm hp/lv hp/rw hp/ss hpauthor hpsearch independent!harry ⦠At Dumbledore's funeral Harry broke up with Ginny, as being Harry Potter's girlfriend was dangerous. Dumbledore had guardianship of you temporarily, and placed this contract. 2000s: Harry and Ginny get married sometime after the Second Wizarding War, presumably before their first child is born in 2004. The couple goes on to have three children: James Sirius, Albus Severus, and Lily Luna Potter. Harry and Ginny kiss for the first time. Harry smirked as he signed on the dotted line with the blood quill Irongut provided him. Mr. Harry James Potter. Harry Potter. Add to library 388 Discussion 539. It is very likely that they married soon after Ginny completed Hogwarts, due to their friends marrying at a young age. Back in session at Hogwarts, Harry is called to Dumbledore's office and told he needs to do the responsible thing and marry Ginny. Skip forward in time a little bit. The game has changed, those left behind need to adapt to survive. at Hattie's Wizard's Hall, Diagon Alley. I got into slash only in the last decade or so, but have recently realised I completely missed the early days of fandom classics when people were writing Drarry, Snarry, etc. Contains lots of manipulation. First published Mar 17, 2018. A single woman, seemingly destined to live loveless life finds love in the strangest way, a little girl who is starved for the affection of the only parent she has ever own. Hermione considers her options and makes her choice, it just wasn't the one they were expecting. is an archive of Harry Potter Fanfiction stories of all types and no restrictions. He and Irongut went over the marriage contract with a fine tooth comb. Weasleys and Dumbles tell him they will have Poppy verify the paternity. on archives which are slowly winking out of existence. Main Pairings: Hermione Granger/Harry Potter/Ron Weasley, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley Summary: When Harry fails to come home after his usual camping trip, his wife, Ginny, goes looking for answers. Warning: mentions suicide and abuse Mrs. Weasley, Ginny and Hermione had spent the morning setting up flowers and ribbons. This is a rich, startlingly told tale involving all my favorite things-- Lucius/Harry, a dark future, non-con-- ritualistically organized non-con in much of it--brave yet vulnerable Harry, and I think that all I can do to illustrate is share this bit of it with you: Lucius has been given a very delectably helpless Harry as a temporary gift, and prior to making use of him, reveals Harry's fate: and . The marriage law; a law that was put in place to grow the magic community after the devastation of the second wizard of war. Rating: T Miss Ginny Molly Weasley. Harry/Ginny Pretty Please with a Ginny on Top (NC-17 Smut Ginny/Harry) ~4,500 words reallycorking drew Pegged (NC-17 NWS â like woah), which made this slashy girl tingle with pleasure. I'm looking for a good fanfiction with Ginny, Harry, and Hermione as the main characters. LunaLuna Lovegood may seem like a strange person at first, which causes even usually open-minded Hermione to dismiss her at⦠Then came the Hogwarts letter, and a world of intriguing new possibilities to exploit. Ongoing. To save her life, Jade is forced to marry someone she doesn't like. Warnings: Magical slavery, dominance/submission, slash, angst, romance. You will have to marry Ginerva Weasley. The Ministry of Magic creates a new law with lots of extreme requirements. Rating: T; Escape by SingularOddities - A Marriage Law goes into place during Hermione's sixth year, causing her to make an unexpected choice. She Escaped Death By An InchIn the Deathly Hallows book, Ginny is initially forced to wait in the Room of Requirement while the Battle of Hogwarts⦠Harry Potter gives us the Trope Namer with Ron Weasley, Harry Potter's Number Two and one of his closest confidants.
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