51.3K 1.3K 30. Time to go!” called someone Harry didn’t know. "Are you alright, Harry?" Blind trans girl Harry Potter fic to spite JK Rowling’s TERF ass. The Harry Potter entries are some of this author’s oldest work, but they’re also damn good. When Harry suddenly gets chosen for the Twizard Tournament, Ron ditches him. “Hermione! "Mum says you guys can stay at my place over the summer!" harryandhermione harryxhermione harmione harrypotter harmony hermionegranger hermione hogwarts harry ronweasley potter granger fanfiction dracomalfoy ginnyweasley hhr harrypotterfanfiction ron romance weasley lunalovegood. "Oh, well I can't come. Harry sees this and greats her with a hug. Member Since 2008-04-11 5:39pm Stories 2 Reviews 201 I'm a 'mature' Harry Potter fan, who enjoys writing. Only Snape must overcome his insecurities and Harry his goal of remaining pure. Isabella Potter’s parents were murdered when she was a baby. When everyone is killed during the final Battle of Hogwarts, Fawkes decides to grant Harry one wish. Summary. Posts about hermione granger written by rosh999. The Wizarding World does not look kindly upon lesbian relationships. Hot New # 1. Feed. October 31 1981. Everyone knows Hermione Granger, the one that's best friends with the famous Harry Potter, knows nearly every spell, and is considered the princess of Gryffindor. “Alright then! May 24, 2016 - “ “Maybe we should just stay here, Harry. Harry decided to pretend to be asleep today, knowing that if his uncle believed he was asleep, he would punish him for being lazy. Summary. They dropped Harry at the entrance to the public library and told him to stay there till it closed then go to a near by park till they came for him. “Afternoon Mis Granger is a pleasure to meet you again” Harry greats her. Grow old…” ” And they would exchange glances and offer each other a small, tiny smile. We're all going to Italy. Adult-FanFiction.Org is not in any way associated with or related to FanFiction.Net Adult-FanFiction.org (AFF, the site), its owners, agents, and any other entities related to Adult-FanFiction.org or the AFF forum take no responsibility for the works posted to the Adult-FanFiction.org by its members. Bonded by Autumn. Surrounded by his dead friends and plagued by the death of Sirius, Harry wishes for a chance to redo it all from the very beginning. I have been of course reading and doing homework . Years later they meet again, and her only desire is to stay away from him. A split second decision leaves him standing before his friend, Hermione Granger’s house. Harry tried his best not to look embarrassed. Lets got this in the cars.” Harry followed Hermione down stairs, but at the same time looking for Dudley. While helping him with the tournament, Harry and Hermione start to notice each other in … HHr #american #granger #harry #hermione #mcgonagall #minerva #potter Fanfic: Isolation Ch 1, Harry Potter | FanFiction. Time Turner (Harry Potter) Time Travel. Opinion: This fanfiction was surprisingly well laid out. While many people recommend the forever uncompleted Raising Harry ‘verse (where Remus and Sirius sort of kidnap and raise Harry as their own), we’re going to give it to Reclamation. I write for a hobby, and have original work in addition to two Harry Potter Fan Fiction pieces. Hermione Granger Scars Ron Weasley Witches Wizards Draco Malfoy Love Crushes School Hogwarts. Harry was sitting in his room at Number Four Privet Drive. This is a Harry Potter fic that I hope is a little different. Well call me, or send Hedwig, with an answer! My family and I were wondering if you would like to stay with us for a while since Ron is in Romania. Her body was still firm as it had been twenty years ago, thanks to a healthy lifestyle, and felt she filled out her black skirt and white blouse just as well as her daughter filled out her own dress. After leaving her post as an Unspeakable at the Ministry of Magic Hermione Granger begins work on her own Time Turner in hopes to be able to travel over larger expanses of time. Harry and Hermione only argue with each other when it’s about something important, especially when Annabeth is concerned for Percy’s safety, just like Hermione is worried when Harry has to do something dangerous/impulsive. This day was the day that she was to stay with the Weasley's for the remainder of the summer. As they ascended the staircase Harry looked at pictures of a young Hermione and Elizabeth hanging on the wall. Hermione lead the way towards her bedroom. Once there Harry notices everything in the room. Status: Good. And the darkness inside her is something Hermione can't hide any longer. Hermione Granger Has a Penis. Mar 6, 2020 - Read Chapter 9 - They Know, Let's Fly Away from the story Fought Against Love & Evil by fanfiction7 with 6,337 reads. Follow/Fav Harry Granger. harryxhermione harmione harrypotter harmony hermionegranger hermione hogwarts harry ronweasley potter granger fanfiction dracomalfoy ginnyweasley hhr harrypotterfanfiction ron romance weasley lunalovegood. Emma knew that Harry obviously found Hermione attractive, and the two Granger women looked very similar with the dentist simply looking a bit older than the young witch, although not that much older. Hope you haven't forgotten to do your homework! Know she had a twin? Love always, Hermione. Harry and Hermione’s Summer Fun. Hermione lead the way towards her bedroom. Once there Harry notices everything in the room. The room was decorated in atypical Hogwarts fashion; a four poster bed, brown drawer, and her Hogwarts trunk. Between the wall and night stand was pictures of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, mainly of Harry from the last three years. Both Percabeth and Harmony compliment each over with the powerful combo of brains and bravery. "Excuse me Mr Granger, Mrs Granger" Harry said as said Grangers turned around. "Ah, Harry, come in, come in," Helen said worry lacing her voice. she waved a hand in front of him to pull him out his reverie. Harry then walked up to the elder Grangers, Dan and Emma Granger. Miss Granger awoke in her warm cozy bed and stared out into the morning light. 383 Stories. Hermione Granger’s birth took place on 19th September 1979 and … Harry James Potter walked into the kitchen and instantly saw the carry cot on the table. Sitting in the small couch silently, The mentioned girl looked down at her lap. Sort by: Hot. Summary: After the defeat of Voldemort, Harry and Ginny rekindle their relationship; quickly discovering that their relationship seems to be going very easily.Ginny goes back to Hogwarts for her last year, while Harry decides that he would like to run the Hog’s Head in Hogsmeade, just to be closer to her. When they hug Harry feels her breasts against his chest and he thinks he feels her smelling him. Hermione was marshalling her relatives into setting up the tables, folding chairs, plates, utensils, and all the paraphernalia of a summer picnic. Granger closed up the boot of the car, and Harry hopped into the back seat next to Hermione. Ron and Harry are Horcrux hunting and Hermione has been left at Hogwarts to help the Order make it safe for the other students. Vernon pushed Harry's door open, turned the light on, and gasped in fury that the freak was still sleeping. Harry stays with Hermione willingly. Sirius was told to stay at Headquarters for his own safety. It was supposed to be easy. Now, with his father locked away, Lord Voldemort threatens all that Draco holds dear. We need to talk upstairs now,” quickly said Hermione, “I will show you were you will be sleeping.” Together they pick up Harry’s trunk and headed upstairs. Located : Harry Potter > FemSlash - Female/Female Hermione Granger starts her fourth year at Hogwarts nagged by a great problem: her parents lost their job and now the whole family is struggling. No. To sate her own lust, and that of her closest friends, she will turn her classmates into her slaves. Hermione was thinking she needed to act asa real friend so Harry didn't have second thoughts. Then he saw a woman that look a little like Hermione. He went back to his room, grabbed a belt, marched back to Harry's room, and woke him with a whipping. Her brother lives with her aunt and uncle, while she lives with her godfather. Hot … Mum says she's never been before. The words spat out of the boy’s mouth as he ran a hand through his messy hair. draco, love, potter. Since this fic is gonna be quite long, I’m adding a key here. Much to his surprise, both Draco and Harry grow to love the man that Severus is and each other, leading them to stay until the very end. Ron Weasley was born on 1st March 1980 and his real-life form of Rupert Grint on 24th August 1988. *sighs for chemistry* Hermione had gotten a little sister (only by a year) and everything seemed perfect for the Granger family, all until their birthday. Mrs_Granger (2 found) Page 1 of 1. We will give you a glimpse into what they are about – according to their authors – but we will allow you to be as surprised as we were upon reading them. Mine is ok. The loss of Sirius hit him hard, but he was coping with that. When Dumbledore leaves Harry Potter on their doorstep and disappears, she takes him away. Located : Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Lucius/Hermione: In another life, Hermione Granger fell in love with Lucius Malfoy but this was a love that was not meant to be. At the time of writing, Harry Crow sits in the fourth spot of most-favorited Harry Potter fics on FanFiction.net and is the author's longest work by far. After an argument with the Dursley’s, Harry Potter is left with nowhere to go. P.S. A bikini, a bit of nighttime swimming, and Harry’s lack of a bathing suit opens up a new relationship that the two could have never imagined. Fortunately, one Narcissa Malfoy has the perfect plan to fix said situation… but the price is something Hermione would’ve never thought of paying. Starts before Ariadne has even figured out she’s a girl and before she is rescued from the Dursleys. 2 Newly Discovered Harry Potter Fanfiction Stories. Draco is forced by Snape to stay in Hogwarts for his own protection, but he can't leave the room he is given; Granger's room. 383 Stories. Struggling with the manifestation of unexpected family magic and his morality, his impossible task is set. Hermione, Harry, and Ron have a secret, they aren't as perfect as everyone believes. As they set off, Harry couldn’t quite believe his luck. Harry Crow by RobSt Word count: 737,006. Post war, after a disasterous attempt at a relationship with Ron, Professor Granger gets dragged into a whole new world that she must navigate and must put her own past to rest before she is able to accept her future. The day Voldemort was destroyed by the love a mother held for her son. I’m Hermione mother.” Said Mrs. Granger … Hermione Dumbledore Snape Hermione Granger Ron Weasley Harry Sorcerer Philosopher Chamber Of Secrets Power Voldemort. He knew that it was not his fault that he was killed. After the events in the Department of Mysteries, Harry had been feeling that something wasn't quite right. She’s a witch, about to go off to Hogwarts. Adventure Romance Harry Potter Ron Weasley Hermione Granger Fanfic ... Born few months after Lily and James graduated, their eldest child, a daughter, was not of interest to Voldemort. However, when he discovered the girl had powers beyond belief, Voldemort decided he could not and would not allow either of the Potter children to survive. Starting with Draco Malfoy. He whispered. While Harry Potter was born on 31st July 1980, the actor Daniel Radcliffe was born on 23rd July 1989. Minor Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley. “Hi Harry please call Emma” she says. “Hello Harry. Let’s continue our quest of discovering the best Harry Potter fanfiction stories of this year with 4 new entries! Und dieses Kapitel hat mal wieder recht lange auf sich warten lassen... ich will versuchen, ab sofort wieder etwas schneller zu sein! By: Astiar. Harry looks around a bit then says. Summary: Post HBP. She held up the letter, still grinning. This fic, however, is one that stays with you long after reading. asked Hermione. “Hello Harry! With her bad luck, her twin younger brothers seem to have discovered her secret. Note, some things might lack context if you skip. Harry!" "Harry! Harry read the letter three times then looked at Hedwig's cage. Posted in Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe, Content Rating-HP: Teen (PG-13), Deviates from canon in or just prior to Chapter 1, but consistent with canon backstory, Drama/Angst, Friendship/Mentorship, Gen, Harry Potter, Harry Potter/Hermione Granger, Harry rescued from the Dursleys, Harry-centric, Het: M/F, Main Character Death, Neville-centric, Original Character featured, … But fate seems to have other plans and they are brought together time and time again. Chapters 1 … No list of Harmony fanfiction would be complete without an entry from RobSt, a popular author who writes Harry/Hermione stories exclusively. The Granger Family Reunion-----Harry leaned against the wall by the Grangers' dining room window and looked into their back garden. A Harry Potter and Hermione Granger Fanfic. Harry is entering his fourth year, and something strange is happening. His name was picked from the Goblet of Fire even though he didn't put it in. Now he needs to survive the Triwizard Tournament. He also realizes his true feelings for Hermione. All his thoughts about welcoming the Grangers home and giving Hermione a crushing hug, it would have been the first one he ever instigated, were forgotten. At the start of fourth year, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are ready to begin the new year filled with magic. “Ok then Emma” Harry reply’s. Granger Family Hermione stood in the doorway wearing a pink tank top and an off white skirt. Since then, she began understanding that a war was going to erupt and she would have to join Harry, along with their other friend Ron Weasley, in the fight. Ron actually stopped eating. Hermione Granger Draco Malfoy Harry Sister Lumos Draco X Oc Draco Fanfiction Harry Potter Sister Elisa Lily Potter. Professor McGonagall has watched the Dursleys all day and can see what sort of people they are. He'd met them briefly after third year but it was only a small greeting. *Hermione Granger Sister Story* One night, the Granger family found a baby girl on their door step. Sort by: Hot. 308K 8.1K 37. A life of privilege practically written in the stars. “For heaven’s sakes, Elisa.”. The night Lily and James Potter were murdered and the attempted murder of Harry James Potter was to take place. Harry McGonagall Fanfiction. Located : Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes: Harri Potter (FemHarry / Female Harry Potter) is a pure lesbian in love with her secret girlfriend Hermione Granger.

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