Join our discussion on HERA (European Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority) Incubator. By launching the joint HERA JRP PS Call for Proposals, the funding organisations involved want to create opportunities for humanities-led, collaborative, transnational research that will result in new academic insights relevant to major social, cultural, and political challenges facing Europe and the world. All official European Union website addresses are in the europa… Communication ‘Building a European Health Union: Reinforcing the EU’s resilience for cross-border health threats’5, the Commission will launch a preparatory action for HERA focusing on emerging biological threats to human health, in advance of the Authority’s operationalisation. HERA connects environment, health and climate communities, sectors and policy areas for the interdisciplinary international research cooperation. The HERA JRP PS is co-funded by humanities funding agencies in 24 participating countries and the European Commission… 17 February 2021. by eub2 -- last modified 17 February 2021. The European Commission has today, in its first NextGenerationEU transaction, raised a €20 billion via a ten-year bond due on 4 July 2031 to finance Europe's recovery from the coronavirus crisis and its consequences. EU and US take decisive step … Members of the EP Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety discuss the HERA Incubator - Anticipating the threat of COVID-19 variants. The EU-funded HERA project will advance an environment and health research programme by adopting an integrative and systemic method considering global environmental changes. We must stay ahead of the threat of new coronavirus variants. On 27 January, the European Commission launched the consultation on the European Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority, HERA for short. On 31 March, the Commission launched an online public consultation on the Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA). 2. Part of the EU’s answer to the COVID-19 pandemic and a strong European Health Union, HERA aims to improve Europe’s capacity and readiness to respond to cross-border health threats and emergencies. In parallel, in the context of the European Health Union, the Commission is advancing its plan to establish the new EU Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA), an equivalent to the US Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, BARDA. Advertisement. Along with the European Commission, €20 million (£17m) has been invested in 20 European research teams. The European Commission should ensure HERA includes a strong mechanism for coordination with other organizations, bodies and initiatives that have competences in the emerging diseases field in Europe and with allies across the globe. HERA – Humanities in the European Research Area - is a partnership between 24 Humanities Research Councils across Europe and the European Commission, with the objective of firmly establishing the humanities in the European Research Area and in the European Commission Framework Programmes. HERA should be provided additional authority to promote innovation through industry assistance and partnerships. . The “HERA Incubator” programme is set to receive atleast €30 million from Horizon 2020, with a further €120 million from Horizon Europe. The content of this website represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency or … HERA’s governance needs to be designed carefully because healthcare is a national competence in the EU treaties. Other EU agencies focused on health or medicines are intergovernmental—they answer to member states—and are independent of the European Commission. European Commission Presents Hera Incubator to Bolster Fight against Coronavirus. In parallel, in the context of the European Health Union, the Commission is advancing its plan to establish the new EU Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA), an equivalent to the US Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, BARDA. Follow the announcement by President von der Leyen and Commissioners Kyriakides and Breton. a proposal by the European Commission (at the request of the European Parliament or the Council) may put forward such a legislative framework and place the Agency under the authority of the Council. The European Commission launched an online public consultation on the Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA). The European Commission’s “Roadmap on Vaccination” (2019) envisions, alongside the promotion of “COVID19 variants” and other features, the introduction of “immunization information systems” and “a common vaccination card/ passport for EU citizens” to be introduced by 2022. HERA: closer coordination in the EU against COVID-19. The HERA incubator is our plan against COVID-19 variants. HERA is a great opportunity to build on the excellent European science, to learn the lessons from the ongoing crisis and ensure that the public acts as a wise investor which steers meaningful, public health needs-driven innovation . The European Commission today (17 February) launched the “HERA Incubator”, as both a “blueprint” for long-term health emergencies and a way to stop COVID-19 mutations. Check against delivery. The first public event of the EHS Task Force will debate the Commission’s work on emergency preparedness and the EU’s capacity to swiftly secure access to the necessary vaccines, whenever needed. For an extended explanation of this proposal, please refer to the attached note (Attachment 1). The Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA) Incubator will bring together science, industry and public authorities, and leverage … The HERA Joint Research Programme European Public Space, Culture and Integration (HERA JRP PS) consortium will establish a 4th joint transnational programme for multi-disciplinary research. This new BARDA-like body aims to improve Europe’s capacity and readiness to respond to cross-border health threats and emergencies. This transcription speech is the result of an automatic process. Opening statement by Commission. European Commission is taking the first steps towards building the European Health Union.It was announced by President von der Leyen in her State of the Union address.. HERA – Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority In light of the above, I would like to ask the Commission the following questions: On November 11, 2020, the European Commission published a policy briefing on "Strengthening our medical and scientific agencies", under which a new EU Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (EU HERA) is introduced. UN global compact. On 31 March, the EU Commission launched an online public consultation on the Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA). The new European COVID-19 Mutual Biodiversity Readiness Plan called "HERA Incubator" will work with researchers, biotechnology companies, manufacturers and public authorities in the EU and globally to identify new variants, provide incentives for the development of new and to … An official website of the European UnionAn official EU websiteHow do you know? HERA carries out national, regional, and European consultations with researchers and all other relevant stakeholders to address environment, ecosystem quality, climate and health research needs and gaps. European Commission creates HERA – EU Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority, a new body to prepare for future Pandemics. In 2020, the European Commission announced the EU “Health Emergency and Preparedness Response Authority” (HERA) as part of a broader set of proposals for an EU Health Union. The Commission proposes immediate action to prepare Europe for the increased threat of coronavirus mutations. Press corner | European Commission. This article is brought to you in association with the European Commission. On 31 March, the Commission launched an online public consultation on the Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA). The European Commission is planning to put forward a legislative proposal for HERA in September 2021. This is why we are setting up a bio-defence preparedness platform, called HERA incubator. At a conference in Gdansk, Poland in September 2019, the HERA network launched its fourth joint research programme ‘Public Spaces: Culture and Integration in Europe’ (2019-2022). President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen announced the creation of the new office for respond to the future pandemics – Health Emergency preparedness and Response Authority – HERA as the European Commission reported. HERA Incubator - Anticipating COVID-19 variants.

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