flickr/alfonsator. Honduras has a population of just over 8 million and an economy primarily driven by exports—propped up in no small way by remittances. Population. The highest increase in Honduras was recorded in 1978 with 3.14%. Honduras: 9,904,607: 1.63 %: 158,490: 89: 111,890-6,800: 2.5: 24: 57 %: 0.13 %: 93: United Arab Emirates: 9,890,402: 1.23 %: 119,873: 118: 83,600: 40,000: 1.4: 33: 86 %: 0.13 %: 94: Hungary: 9,660,351-0.25 %-24,328: 107: 90,530: 6,000: 1.5: 43: 72 %: 0.12 %: 95: Tajikistan: 9,537,645: 2.32 %: 216,627: 68: 139,960-20,000: 3.6: 22: 27 %: 0.12 %: 96: Belarus: 9,449,323-0.03 %-3,088: 47: … Directory of Cities, Towns, and Regions in Honduras Data tables, maps, charts, and live population clock. City Population, Urban Area Population, City; 1: Tegucigalpa: 1,483,762: 850,848: 2: San Pedro Sula: 928,215: 489,466 Published by Statista Research Department , Jun 27, 2012. Populated Places extracted from Open Street Map (OSM) by MapAction P-coded from the Honduras - Subnational Administrative Boundaries Common Operational Dataset. Major cities - population: 1.444 million TEGUCIGALPA (capital), 903,000 San Pedro Sula (2020) Definition: This entry provides the population of the capital and up to five major cities defined as urban agglomerations with populations of at least 750,000 people. The population density in Honduras is about 58 inhabitants per square kilometer. Toggle navigation. Two-thirds of its roughly 9 million people live in poverty, according to the World Bank, and in rural areas, 1 … Honduras Open Street Map populated places. Find Out Copán, called Xukpi by its residents, rises out of the mist of western Honduras, in a pocket of alluvial soil amid rugged topography. The Capital City of Honduras is Tegucigalpa. On the basis of data from cities in 101 countries from 2009 to 2013, 65 per cent of the urban population was served by municipal waste collection. Full name: Republic of Honduras Population: 7.7 million (UN, 2011) Capital: Tegucigalpa Area: 112,492 sq km (43,433 sq miles) Major languages: Spanish, indigenous languages, English Major religion: Christianity Life expectancy: 71 years (men), 76 years (women) (UN) Monetary unit: 1 lempira = 100 centavos Main exports: Coffee, bananas, shellfish, meat, timber, gold and other minerals The South and West currently seem to be attractive places to move, as the U.S. Census Bureau reports eight of the 15 cities with the largest population gains between 2010 and 2019 were located in the South and five were in the West. Roatán is one of the Honduras Bay Islands in the Caribbean Sea. Honduras Road Network Map. Since the beginning of the 20th century at least, Honduras has publicly framed itself as a mestizo nation, along other Latin American countries such as Guatemalaor Mexico, ignoring and at times disparaging both the European component of the populatio… Cities of Stone: The Classic Maya, A.D. 250-900. provides information about 2,667,417 cities in the whole world ! Honduras is administratively divided into 18 departments which are subdivided into 298 municipalities. Christopher Columbus became the first European to visit Honduras when he landed at Bay Islands during his fourth voyage to American continents in 1502. City: Population: 1: Tegucigalpa: 850,737: 2: San Pedro Sula: 489,355: 3: Choloma: 138,989: 4: La Ceiba: 130,107: 5: El Progreso: 100,699: 6: Ciudad Choluteca: 75,761: 7: Comayagua: 58,673: 8: Puerto Cortez: 47,902: 9: La Lima: 45,844: 10: Danli: 44,688: 11: Siguatepeque: 43,030: 12: Juticalpa: 33,575: 13: Villanueva: 31,460: 14: Tocoa: 30,674: 15: Tela: 29,214: 16: Santa Rosa de Copan: 27,642: 17: … Population of Francisco Morazán; Population of Cortez; Population of Olancho; Population of Yoro; Population of Atlantis List of Cities and Towns in Honduras. Population of Honduras: today, historical, and projected population, growth rate, immigration, median age. This country covers an area of 43,278 square miles and has a population of The Flag of Honduras can be seen below: Capital and largest city is Tegucigalpa , second largest city is San Pedro Sula . Map created by National Geographic Maps. A small island off the northern coast of Honduras, Roatan has become a popular tourist destination over the last couple of years. The largest cities in Honduras, ranked by population. (This is not a complete city list. The Journey of your life in numbers and dates! • The growth of urban population is Honduras has been accelerated; the urban population reaches more than half of the total population. Many vacationers choose to visit Roatan because of its diving opportunities and picturesque white-sand beaches. Population growth in Honduras. The birth rate during this period was 32.65 per 1,000, the death rate 5.31 per 1,000. El Progreso. La Ceiba. Honduras has 0 cities with more than a million people, 5 cities with between 100,000 and 1 million people, and 28 cities with between 10,000 and 100,000 people. The largest city in Honduras is , with a population of people. Honduras is located in the middle of Central America. Honduras is a low middle-income country that faces major challenges, with more than 66 percent of the population living in poverty in 2016, according to official data. With its 8,598,561 people, Honduras is the 93rd largest country in the world by population. The population pressure on urban spaces has changed the urban morphology in the main cities of Honduras manifesting itself in Roatan. Mountains are plentiful in Honduras, with peaks as high as 9,347 feet (2,849 meters), though Honduras is the only country in Central America without volcanoes. Population density is much more intense within Honduras’s capital borders with an average 22,000 residents per square mile (8,400 per square kilometer). Looking back, in the year of 1960, Honduras had a population of 2.0 million people. Honduras - Urban population (% of total population) Urban population (% of total population) in Honduras was 57.10 as of 2018. In July of 2000 the population of Honduras was estimated at 6.25 million, with an annual growth rate of 2.52 percent. Pacific coast and central populations suffered considerable population reduction and displacement due to Spanish gold and silver mining activities in Honduras. Media in category "Populated places in Honduras" This category contains only the following file. Honduras … ... Honduras Population Map 1983. Main cities : 815 000 people. Searchable Map and Satellite View of Tegucigalpa using Google Earth Data Satellite view is showing Tegucigalpa, largest city and since 1880 the national capital of Honduras. They are the descendants of African-Carib populations from the Caribbean island of St Vincent who were exiled to the Honduran coast in the eighteenth century. These are tags to the Honduran largest 40 cities where the most members reside. Honduras cost of living, internet speed, weather and other metrics as a place to work remotely for digital nomads. Honduras Shaded Relief Map 1985. Name, city Population, people; 1: Francisco Morazán: 1 350 000: 2: Cortez: 1 300 000: 3: … A popular port-of-call for cruise ships, the island of Roatan is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Honduras because of its beautiful scenery and variety of activities. Question: What is the population of Honduras? Use the form to ask a question or … None of those cities, however, attempted the urbanisation from scratch now being eyed in Honduras. Art Galleries in Honduras Art Museums in Honduras Children's Museums in Honduras History Museums in Honduras Science Museums in Honduras Speciality Museums in Honduras. These are all residents who live permanently in the country but were born in another country. Please enter your date of birth, country of birth and sex at birth: Female Male. Click a city tag below for a list of members there. The best way to cap off a day of pristine Roatán reef diving and heart-pumping adventure is to sip a sunset cocktail by the beach. Largest cities in El Salvador. Some cities, such as Detroit, have decreased in population. Honduras: 1,020,000: El Salvador: 737,000: Mongolia: 567,200: Congo, Rep. 550,000: Mauritania: 450,000: Lesotho: 352,000: Georgia: 344,000: Papua New Guinea: 300,000: Eswatini: 175,000: Timor-Leste: 155,000: Bhutan: 100,000: West Bank and Gaza: 50,820: Cabo Verde: 50,000: Vanuatu: 20,000: Solomon Islands: 20,000: Sao Tome and Principe: 8,700: Kiribati: 2,000: Micronesia: 2,000: Djibouti: … Honduras possesses multiple strengths with the potential for a faster growth and higher shared prosperity, with its strategic location, a growing industrial base, ongoing efforts to diversify its exports, and a young and growing population. Its highest value over the past 58 years was 57.10 in 2018, while its lowest value was 22.75 in 1960. The total population … The smallest increase in 2019 with 1.65%. On this page you can find past, current and future population statistics for Honduras (from 1950-2100), population map, demographics, live population counter etc. Definition: Urban population refers to people living in urban areas as defined by national statistical offices. Some cities thrive even through hard economic times, including the current COVID-19 pandemic, while others struggle. Spoken languages are Spanish (official), Garifuna, Miskito, and Bay Islands Creole English, as well as various indigenous languages. It is the 103rd largest country in the world by area with 112,090 square kilometers. Honduras Towns Villages Localities Map 2004. Population: 9,904,607. The vast majority of the population of Honduras consider themselves to be white or Mestizo. About 90% of the population is Mestizo (mixed European and Amerindian ancestry). In addition, 7% are of American Indian descent while 2% declare themselves to be black. Most Honduras expatriates are in the United States. Farmers will regularly swell the slums that swarm around large cities, especially the capital Tegucigalpa, whose population has exploded to almost 2.4 millions, and San Pedro Sula, which has become the second largest urban area in the country with 1.5 million inhabitants. At the lowest level, some caserios are subdivided into 3336 barrios or colonias. 1. Population: 7,713,468,205. 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 2060 2065 2070 2075 2080 2085 2090 2095 2100 9,904,608 Population. The Motor City, which once had 1.8 million residents in the 1950s, went down to a population of 1,027,974 in 1990 and has continued to decline. Honduras Shaded Relief Map 1985. Latinos are the largest group, with its share of the total population growing from from 49% to … When we are talking about the population of Roatan, we estimate it to be between 100,000 and 120,000. Order now and you can immediately download the document to your own computer and read or print using the free Acrobat Reader program. In 2000, for every person who died in Honduras, approximately 6 were born. WORLD - 2019. List of cities in Honduras by population. What's my place in the world population? Density of population is calculated as permanently settled population of Honduras divided by total area of the country. POPULATION. Welcome ! Download - Excel CSV - Sources. Additionally, Honduras shares borders with Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua. The total population in Honduras was estimated at 9.0 million people in 2019, according to the latest census figures and projections from Trading Economics. According to the the 2010 Belize Population Census, Belize demographics as reflected by ethnicity exhibited the following trends: Latino, Creole, Maya, Garifuna and Mennonite remained the five largest ethnic groups. Average homicide rates … For statistical purposes, the municipalities are further subdivided into 3731 aldeas, and those into 27969 caserios. 1 (a) In 2019, the population of Tegucigalpa was 1.12 million people and the population of San Pedro Sula was 639 000 people. Find out all 369 cities and 330 metropolitan areas ranked in our 28-page $4.99 $1.99 pdf instant version of America's Safest (and Most Dangerous) Cities document. The data are based on the results of censuses, as well as on estimates and projections of the United Nations Population Division. Honduras costs $1,722 per month to live and work remotely. Data tables, maps, charts, and live population clock. Once part of Spain's vast empire in the New World, Honduras became an independent nation in 1821. TOP AND BOTTOM 25 CITIES OVERALL. Air pollution is a major environmental health risk. Each municipality has its own elected mayor as opposed to the appointed governors of departments. While there are significant Garífuna populations in the cities, most are located in … A map of Honduras. Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras. San Pedro Sula. La Ceiba. This a list of cities in Honduras. Population is based on the 2010 estimates. At present, Honduras has an estimated population of around 8.3 million inhabitants and more than half of them are living in urban areas. Mestizos (meaning mixed European and Amerindian) have been reported by the CIA World Factbook to be about 87% of the population of Honduras. The top of the rankings has not changed. How long will I live? In rural areas, approximately one out of 5 Hondurans live in extreme poverty, or on less than US$1.90 per day. This is a list of countries and dependencies ranked by human population density, and measured by the number of human inhabitants per square kilometre or square mile.The list includes sovereign states and self-governing dependent territories based upon the ISO standard ISO 3166-1.The list also includes but does not rank unrecognized but de facto independent countries. Honduras population is equivalent to 0.13% of the total world population. Municipalities are the only administrative division in Honduras that possess local government. . Buxar city is governed by Municipal Corporation which comes under Buxar Metropolitan Region.The Buxar city is located in Bihar state of India. Main cities : 815 000 people: Tegucigalpa (capital) 385 000 people: San Pedro Sula : 90 000 people: La Ceiba : 86 000 people: El Progreso : 77 000 people: Choluteca This page provides - Honduras Population - actual values, historical data, forecast, chart, statistics, economic calendar and news. As in other Latin American countries, the question of racial breakdown of a national population is contentious. Factbook > Countries > Honduras > Demographics. ... Honduras Population Map 1983. Claim: An image contrasts radically different gun laws and homicide rates in Honduras and Switzerland. Zooming out to country-level land borders for the Honduras, population density thins out to an average 229 people per square mile (89 per square kilometer). The population of Honduras, as estimated in late 2010, is 7,212,000. The Spanish introduced various customs that blended with the native culture over time, including the Spanish language. LARGER print means more members live there. Update to date information about population of Honduras in 2021. Honduras has four distinct regions: the central highlands, Pacific lowlands, eastern Caribbean lowlands, and northern coastal plains and mountains. Best Cities in Honduras to Visit | Major Cities in Honduras The Classic Period, which began around A.D. 250, was the golden age of the Maya Empire. To view all cities list, which is about 40 cities in total, click on a letter tag above.)

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