Mulan (smart, courageous, athletic, she can fight. Most shows can’t say the same, especially since Avatar included disabled characters like Toph and Zuko as series regulars. The only guys who ask you Hanna Marin, are good looking, handsome, brooding and bad boy types. Hinata is one of the members of Team Kurenai. In both her drawn and live-action version, Black Widow is a hot female, but she is anything but a damsel in distress. Speaking of females, the Sonic universe might also be classified as "Hot Chick Heaven" because there's such a mess of very beautiful and tough women that it'll make you love the franchise even more! At number 3 comes yet another lady from Witcher 3 who is definitely gonna enchant you with her beauty. Some of these women were brought back and reused, often switching to the good guys to give the character a whole new look. 30 Hot Anime Girls That You Need To See. Enchantress. Jessica Alba – Sue Storm (2005 Fantastic Four). Simply put, she’s selfless and selfless people are hot and something the world sorely needs. Personally, I think Annie Leonhart takes the cake, and then Mikasa. Mikasa looks even hotter when she is in action killing titans and being badass. She is easily the most desirable female character in this series. Because Mikasa is the female lead, she sure is drawn pretty hot in both manga and anime. This concludes the Top 10 hottest female characters in Attack on Titan list. She is a buxom blonde beauty who is confident in the sex appeal she possesses. Jyn Erso. Bayonetta ( Bayonetta) 2. Trust me, Hanna Marin is not a girl you should ever ask out. Emma Frost, also known as the White Queen, was created by Chris Claremont and John Byrne. Taylor Alison Swift is a multi-Grammy award-winning American singer/songwriter who, in 2010 at the age of 20, became the youngest artist in history to win the Grammy Award for Album of the Year. Only Mortal Kombat female characters that are playable on PC are listed. She first appeared in Uncanny X-Men #129 as a villain. Want to know who Tekken's hottest female ... Admit it. Top Ten Hottest Female Characters from Naruto The Top Ten 1 Hinata Hyuga Hinata Hyuga is a fictional character in the anime and manga franchise Naruto, created by Masashi Kishimoto. 10. 3. Lucy Heartfilia is another sexy character from the ‘Fairy Tail’ series. 15 Ivy – Soul Calibur. In 2011 Swift was named Billboard's Woman of the Year. Starfire may have turned into the most sexualized character in hero funnies, and that is stating something. Alexandra Breckenridge 9. … To this day, the Avatar universe gets praise for its inclusive nature and incredible female characters.Avatar: The Last Airbender had characters like Katara, Toph Beifong, Suki, Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee that were as well-rounded as their male counterparts. If you’re not aware, the X-Men series that Jennifer is involved... 3. Read the list here. 10. Right off the bat, Triss is something of a suspicious character as her actions seem to be driven by ulterior motives. Meg (strong and dark personality, really hot, thin waist, tragic past, very hot and very interesting) 2. She’s the poster girl for sexy fighters, and pretty much the reason most of us got into Soul Calibur in the first place. Whenever the conversation for hottest Dragon Ball female character comes up, it's usually a tie between Dragon Ball Z ladies Bulma, Android 18, Videl or Maron, but Dragon Ball Super has changed the game and bought forth a new generation of female characters who are that much hotter in appearance. When we go through all the hottest female characters from Power Rangers, we came to fully grasp just how sexy this show was. The sexiest character in Naruto’s generation. Eliza Dushku 4.Erica Durance 5. Female Character Detail: Abel Reiss was one of the ancestors from the Reiss Family and half-sister of Historia Reiss. Yennefer is the raven-haired lover of Geralt and one of the most hottest characters in the whole series. Every season there was at least three or four really attractive women, both Rangers and villains. The anime has so many hot characters that it would be wrong for you not to know if you are an anime lover. Best Female Characters from Attack on Titan in 2021: 15. 8. She looked like an innocent kid with blue eyes and short hair. Jennifer Lawrence – Mystique (2011-Present X-Men). In this article, we celebrate 11 hot gamer girls – wonderful women united by their common love of gaming. 13. Snow White. She also … Who do you guys think is the hottest AoT female? She is The cousin of Neji Hyuga. 3 … 12. Sarah Michelle Gellar 6. Imagine how different things would be if the world was filled with people like Supergirl. Hottest Attack on Titan female character? At first glance, Faye from Cowboy Bebop seems like an arrogant person who doesn’t care about anyone but herself. Top 10 Hottest Mobile Legends Female Heroes Games. That's totally understandable, because some skins are just hot! It was a tough call between Jessica Alba and Jennifer Lawrence here. Lucy is one of the hottest anime characters. Star Wars fans who appreciate charismatic women will love this list of the 15 Hottest Female Star Wars characters. She might not look as pretty as the others but WOW, what a combination of characteristics) 4. And since Valentine's Day is around the corner, I've been inspired to make a top 10 list of the most beautiful female Sonic characters. Here we are, back with the continuation of Azeroth’s Beauty Contest. A list of the hottest Mortal Kombat female characters. 3) Ino Yamanaka. There is perhaps no character more selfish, yet compassionate than The Witcher’s Triss Merigold. We already took a look at the hottest male Fortnite skins last week, so here come the top 10 hottest, female Fortnite skins! She generally keeps a side ponytail and has an hourglass figure with her bosom measuring 36 inches, waist measuring at 24 inches and hips at 35 inches. READ MORE: Top 10 Hottest Female LoL Skins; The Top 10 Most Played Skins in Fortnite; Original article by EarlyGame's Alisa Eiber. Some want to date her, others want to be her. Adi Gallia, easily one of the most beautiful 'Star Wars' characters, is a female Tholothian Jedi Master. Not to say the previous Dragon Ball ladies are inferior or are no longer attractive, but you … Christina Hendricks 2. Hollywood’s 50 Favorite Female Characters. Hottest Female Marvel Characters 1. 11. With countless characters, featured in both the blockbuster films and spin-off television shows such as 'Clone Wars', 'Star Wars Rebels' and many more, here are the 20 hottest females to appear in 'Star Wars'. Padme Amidala is known to 'Star Wars' fans are a courageous, hopeful leader that served as the Queen and Senator of Naboo! Belle (intellectual, HOT) 3. Last time, we revealed our #10 to #6 picks for the Hottest WoW Characters, and now were back for the top 5.As with last time, we’re aiming to keep this conversation as classy as we can, given the subject. Naruto universe is filled with action not to mention hot Kunoichi. Voice Actor: Nazeeh Tarsha. Her status and dashing appearance are an easy entry for the hottest female character. Zorii Bliss. Girls who play video games are sexy. She is so defined by her looks that Dragon Con held a Dawn look-a-like contest from 1998 to 2010, even when the character wasn’t seen in any recent comic books. 1. She played a major role during the Galactic Republic and is a well-respected member of the Jedi High Council. This sexy anime girl is a definite must for the list! Abel Reiss. From the badass to the conventional to the confident and the quirky, hot fictional females light up the screen. ... Gamora is the super-hot green-skinned female protagonist to whom even the son of a Celestial lost his heart. If only she was real! I … Emma Frost. 2. I hope you enjoy. Sofia Vergara 7. she is not flat, she is hot, she is gentle and she is strong too. Absolutely a character doesn’t generally require superhuman capacities to be in this rundown yet on the off chance that they have one that would definitely be valued. 11. Betty Rubble is another character whose animated beauty is supplemented by her voice, as Bea Benaderet’s performance as Betty made her sound like the perfect wife. So without further adieu here is our list of the hottest female characters in our favorite far away galaxy from a long time ago. Please post pictures from the official manga/anime to support your case :D. And when you’re done reading, remember to check out the image gallery below... 1 comments. Even if the character has received criticism because of it. She only goes for hot, good looking, brooding and bad boy types with a perfect body. Carla Yeager – Emily Bett Rickards 3. With the popularity the games, i just think about post about Mobile Legends. The Hollywood Reporter's survey shows how Olivia Pope to Annie Hall become possible when the industry writes great female characters. So, ... Top 10 Hot Female Characters of Dead or Alive. Look at these hottest female DC characters: STARFIRE. Let’s be real, you can’t have a hot video game character list, and not include Ivy. Faye Valentine - Cowboy Bebop. In this article, we’re taking a leap down fantasy lane. Top 20 Hottest Female Cosplayer You Should Follow. Want to know who Tekken's hottest female characters are? Mai Shiranui in King of Fighters Supergirl is one of the hottest female characters in DC because she’s willing to and has sacrificed herself for the greater good. Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff, is #1 on our top 5 Hottest Marvel Female Characters, but in all honesty, positions don’t matter here. Karen Gillan 8. Top Ten Hottest Female Characters from Naruto 1 Hinata Hyuga Hinata Hyuga is a fictional character in the anime and manga franchise Naruto, created by Masashi... 2 Ino Yamanaka Ino Yamanaka is a fictional character from the manga and anime franchise Naruto, created by Masashi... 3 Kushina Uzumaki ... She may have had a minor role in Episode 9 but her skin tight outfit was a highlight of the film! Here are 15 hot female characters we … Scarlet Witch. From Tsunade to Hinata here is the list of sexiest female Naruto characters. She knows her ways around the universe and our hearts very well. With a well-endowed body after growing up, wearing the black survey corps uniform along with the support belts, Sasha is one of the hottest females in AOT. remember the incident when she stood against pain. For Overwatch on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Hottest OW characters: Female edition". Lara Croft ( Tomb Raider) English voice actor (Shadow of the Tomb Raider): Camilla Luddington Game's year of release:... 3. Sleeping Beauty. From the badass to the conventional to the confident and the quirky, hot fictional females light up the screen. Some want to date her, others want to be her. If only she was real! In this article, we’re taking a leap down fantasy lane. Here are 15 hot female characters we wish were real. 15. Jessica Rabbit However, that is not the reality. The Definitive Ranking Of Female Doctors On "Grey's Anatomy" ... Leah is sort of a background character, ... and has now landed a super hot husband and an adorable little kid to boot. Jyn Erso is definitely a hot character … 2. Skip to ... we celebrate 11 hot gamer girls – wonderful women united by their common love of gaming. Scarlet Witch. Sandra (Anime) Sasha Braus (Anime) Sunny Springer (Anime) T. Talking Titan (Anime) Y. Yelena (Anime) Ymir (Anime) Ymir Fritz (Anime) Don't forget to subscribe....Music:Track: Maryn - Shake You Off (feat. Some characters are more iconic than others, but all add excitement to the famous and popular space opera franchise, which features live-action films, animated series, comic books and more. 2. Top 10 Hottest Female Marvel Characters. It's been her revealing outfits that have made her the hottest and sexiest female villain in the Marvel universe. Posted by Razim February 1, 2020 January 18, 2021. Top 10 Hottest Mobile Legends Female Heroes. And it’s easy to see why she’s so beloved. Top 10 Hottest Female Characters of TV Series | Sexiest Girls of TV Dramas All Time 1. However, when people think of the hottest female characters in comics, she’ll always rank highly. The Byakugan princess is undoubtedly one of the sexiest characters in the entire series. Top 50 Hottest Female Video Game Characters 1. Teen female leads who are hot and beautiful, should never ask out if you're a geek or a nerd.

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