The rabbit as a patronus delves more into the inquisitive, open side of myself that I sometimes allow to be masked by acedemics and cynicism. Answers to Get Rare Patronus on || Pottermore || 2020 Trick - YouTube. LOG IN TO YOUR ACCOUNT. it’s not guaranteed and can take a few tries, but just quickly click the rightmost answer until you get the uncommon phase. A rabbit? Sounds like a bunch of fun right? What to click will be blue. Lop-eared Rabbit - Choose "discover truth" in Part 2.3, choose "Rabbit" in Part 3.3; How to Get Patronus By Attribute. After much teasing, JK Rowling released her long-awaited Patronus quiz on on Thursday. If you want to take the quiz a second time though, you’ll have to create a second Pottermore account, but Houston-based writer Melissa Veres — who got a red squirrel the first time she took the quiz — says it’s worth the trouble to find the perfect Patronus. Patronus minks do not take kindly to attacks on their casters. "Harry Potter" site Pottermore unveiled a new quiz Thursday that allows fans to discover their Patronus. Pink Unicorn Onesie Ebay. The following will list all possible questions to get as well as what to click if you get them. (Read 3547 times) September 22, 2016, 09:26:03 AM. A Wild Rabbit is a type of rabbit and one possible corporeal form of the Patronus Charm.1 Pottermore (Appears as a Patronus) Wizarding World (Appears as a Patronus) Rabbit – Those with a Rabbit for a patronus are often instinctive, unpredictable and spontaneous. They have good coordination and reflexes skills. They are gentle, nurturing, clever and quick-witted. Did your Patronus make my list? What did you think of the definitions ? An otter? This is how Harry Potter summoned his Stag. 8 strange Patronus results I got from that Pottermore quiz. The Patronus Quiz is an interactive feature added to Pottermore on the 22nd September in 2016. Now that you’ve taken care of that, we think it’s time for you to take one of the most classic of all Harry Potter quizzes! Once you've answered enough questions, you … Try to think of your happiest memory. Keen-eyed and quick-witted, Dementors don’t stand a chance against these ferocious fellows! Personally, I have had actually encounters with my actual patronus (The Fox) as well as the animal I most associate with (The Rabbit). Pottermore's article on the Patronus Charm, written by J.K. Rowling, answers this question:. Joss … Appearances First thing's first, there are seven stages to getting a rare patronus. From the mouth of JK Rowling herself, the quiz works great because she got a heron. To have a snake represent any part of you is very powerful indeed. I took the @pottermore test (which I wrote) ages ago when it was a work in progress and got a pine marten Patronus. Your patronus is a stag just like Harry Potter, which means you are brave. Watch later. Password. Now you can find out for sure. Your patronus is a JACK RUSSELL! There was huge buzz circulating around the new Pottermore quiz that allows account holders to discover their Patronus. #HarryPotter #VeryRarePatronus #Pottermore #WizardingworldHow to get a Very Rare Patronus on (Pottermore) (Note: The provided answers will... #HarryPotter #VeryRarePatronus #Pottermore #WizardingworldHow to get a Very Rare Patronus on (Pottermore) (Note: The provided answers will... “A red squirrel didn't feel like it … Pottermore introduced a test to reveal what form your Patronus would take. After just a handful of questions, Harry Potter fans are able to learn their own personal method for fending off dementors. Forgot your password? The most common house for the rabbit patronus is Hufflepuff, the most common signs are Cancer and Libra. According to Pottermore, Dumbledore's Patronus takes one of the most uncommon forms. Should the Patronus be determined as rare, they will be given another set of choices. Behind the scenes. Maybe a doe? Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling gave us eight books, a bunch of blockbuster movies, the sequel in the form of a play, The Cursed Child, and the digital world of Pottermore… Read 3547 times. The Patronus Charm is an ancient protection charm that creates the shape of an animal in its full corporeal form. It takes the shape of an animal with who the owner shares a great affinity which will act as a guardian. It is the main defence against Dementors. On 22 September 2016, Pottermore released the Patronus Quiz. Your patronus is a STAG! Hello!In this video i will show you how to get a Wild Rabbit Patronus.Also, a little editing mistake in the video. … When he realizes that Tonks had fallen in love with Lupin, he understands that the shape of her Patronus had changed to match his and become a wolf. For this Pottermore Patronus Quiz, you don’t have to sign up. Take your time, answer each and every question as truthfully as possible, and you will know which animal is your Patronus. Resourceful animals that thrive near freshwater, they will go to any ends to protect the witch or wizard who cast them. Users may follow the story to find out their Patronus by selecting sets of timed choices with their instinct. What animal would be your patronus in Harry Potter? A Patronus is a charm in the “Harry Potter” universe that’s used to drive away soul-sucking Dementors. The exact form of the Patronus will not be apparent until the spell has been successfully cast. If you fail to answer a question within the allotted time, you skip that question and go to another one. One of the most powerful defensive charms known to wizardkind, the Patronus can also be used as a messenger between wizards. Once you’ve become acquainted, you’ll be able to share your results, read the Patronus Charm writing by J.K. Rowling, or go back and visit your Patronus … Unsurprisingly, not everyone was pleased with their result. A complete list of all patronuses that are featured in the Pottermore patronus quiz. (My patronus, in case anyone cares, is a dolphin. A Complete List of Pottermore Patronuses . Both animals’ meanings pretty accurately describe my personality traits and the type of person I feel I tend to be like. 3 mins read. The form of a Patronus may change during the course of a witch or wizard’s life. The Patronus Charm is an ancient protection charm that creates the shape of an animal in its full corporeal form. Pottermore's new Patronus quiz swept social media Thursday, allowing muggles everywhere to pretend like magic was real for a few precious minutes. Post by now-at-punkwarren-deactivated20 (via roxanne-a-weasley-blog) April 22, 2013 at 10:49 AM | Post Permalink | 402 notes. Regardless, I’m happy with what Pottermore assigned me: the hummingbird. Answer the mysterious questions, and navigate your way through the forest to cast your new Patronus friend. Mole - Moles are small, velvety-furred mammals that live underground. They are smart and friendly dogs with few health issues, and are known to be vocal. Arabesque. Patronus Analysis 041 Occamy So a Patronus is a form of magic that is quite frankly a bit advanced. Since then, Patronuses have become one of the most iconic elements of the entire franchise. In each stage, they will ask you one question, but the question is different every time. If you're not familiar, the magical conjurings take the form of spirit animals which protect a witch or wizard from the soul-sucking dementors. Did You Get A Weird Patronus From That Pottermore Quiz? As such, they have excellent noses and have the common trait of “fixation” on a target or goal that many hunting breeds exhibit. # harry potter # patronus # rabbit. Serpents in general are often seen as wise, as well as symbols of healing or change, and the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. You Have Produced a Very Rare Patronus It Is a Unicorn SHARE RETURN TO MY PROFILE My Slytherin Gets the Dragon and My Gyrffindor Gets the Unicorn Time to See What My Other Two Get . That’s a lovely, graceful animal to have as a Patronus, and one that I find kinda magical already. In the Danish version of Beedle the Bard's tales Babbitty Rabbitty was replaced by Hare Hop and as such her Animagus is a hare instead of a rabbit. MuggleNet collected all 142 possibilities in one list. If you’re wondering which animals you can get, we have a complete Patronus list. Tonks originally conjured a Patronus in the shape of a hare, according to Pottermore. Nymphadora Tonks also had a hare patronus, specifically in the form of a Jack Rabbit, until her growing love for Remus Lupin in 1996 resulted in it changing to a wolf. Are you a stag? The spell itself, Expecto Patronum, is the only tool to … A complete list of all patronuses that are featured in the Pottermore patronus quiz. Email Address. Your patronus is a little Jack Russell terrier just like Ron Weasley, which means you like messing around and jumping up at people when they knock on the door. Patronus Analysis 046 Black and White Mare. Answers to Get Rare Patronus on || Pottermore || 2020 Trick. Harry Potter fans the world over rejoiced at the news today that there is officially a Patronus quiz on Pottermore, through which faithful students … Brian September 23, 2016. When I told my boyfriend that the quiz cast me as a rabbit, he was shocked. As most of you are aware, the quiz entails you to answer between 5 and 7 randomly selected questions with a time limit for each question. The Patronus Charm is a defensive spell that produces a silver guardian in the form of an animal. The aim is to produce a silvery-white guardian or protector, which takes the form of an animal. Here’s How Pottermore Discovers Your True Patronus. They spend their lives digging and foraging … J.K. Rowling ’s Pottermore is finally giving us a way to answer the question we’ve had all along: “What’s my patronus?”. Pottermore Patronus Dapple Grey Horses Harry Potter Fan Art How To Train Your Dragon Ravenclaw Wattpad Fantastic Beasts Hogwarts Entj. But for us, living in a Muggle world, it’s not that easy. Before we start let's classify some Patronus as rare and unusual.Unusual Patronus are those that a Aardvark; Abraxan Winged Horse (very rare) Adder; Albatross; Badger; Basset Hound; Bat (unusual) Bay Mare; Bay Stallion; Beagle What is my Patronus animal? This list may never be complete, but given the wide range of outcomes our staff received, we knew we had to put a list together. Best carry a bag of carrots in case they're peckish. Fans immediately logged on to … The Patronus guardian will protect a witch or wizard against Dementors. Instances have been known of the form of the Patronus transforming due to bereavement, falling in love or profound shifts in a … Mobile App Showcase Theme So how was it? It is the main defence against Dementors.. On 22 September 2016, Pottermore released the Patronus Quiz. I was happy, because… I … January 22, 2018. I love the fact that it builds on a theme. If you don’t see your Patronus on here, please comment below, and we will add it to the list! Although, maybe there really is some magic in Pottermore, because an Answer the mysterious questions, and navigate your way through the forest to cast your new Patronus friend.Once you’ve become acquainted, you’ll be able to share your results, read the Patronus Charm writing by J.K. Rowling, or go back and visit your Patronus – which you can do at any time J.K. Rowling also shared the story of discovering her own Patronus … Having no description of what it means to have your Patronus manifest as this or that creature is disappointing. He argued that I would be a predator, because I am more likely to stand up for others than to ride away from the fight. Adders, being snakes, are heavy with symbolism. I am writing this post not necessarily because the basset hound is one of my absolute favourite breeds, but because it is a favourite of a good friend of mine who provides excellent target digital marketing services and according to Pottermore, is his patronus. You only get … J.K. Rowling's Pottermore website announced Thursday that a new Patronus … The Patronus shape was later confirmed to be a Phoenix on Pottermore: "It can be no surprise that Dumbledore had an affinity with this particular creature, given that his own animal companion was an enigmatic and loyal phoenix, Fawkes." Here is my Patronus on Pottermore: Pottermore patronus list. It takes the shape of an animal with who the owner shares a great affinity which will act as a guardian. Not yet a member? Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban introduced the idea of the Patronus charm in Harry Potter canon. Which is very important. Author Topic: Patronus test on Pottermore! Member; 163 Posts; Patronus test on Pottermore! Edit 2: Turns out there are two more questions (so a grand total of 7 questions in the quiz), but you only get the 6th if your patronus is "unusual" and the 7th if it's "very rare". It's good to have positive confirmation of one's work. Beagles are hunting hounds bred primarily to help hunt small game, particularly rabbits.

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