A fire extinguisher is designed for use on small fires in the initial stage. Pressure gauge ensures the extinguisher is ready to use in an emergency with SureGrip Trigger. Here's an easy acronym for fire extinguisher use: P A S S-- Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep It's easy to remember how to use a fire extinguisher if you can remember the acronym PASS, which stands for Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep. To use a fire extinguisher correctly, experts say that one should remember the acronym P.A.S.S.--P: Pull the pin. Fire extinguisher use. P.A.S.S. PASS is the acronym used by the fire service to quickly remember extinguisher operating instructions. The handy PASS system is a simple and easy to remember way of using all types of fire extinguisher. The most common method for how to properly use a fire extinguisher is the PASS technique:-. There are four (4) basic steps for using modern portable fire extinguishers. A im. When operating a fire extinguisher, tell residents to remember the word PASS: Pull the pin. You bought to smother the sucker at its base. Typically, fire extinguishers are fairly easy to use in the case of a fire. technique: P. Pull the pin on the fire extinguisher in order to break the tamper seal. Get fire extinguisher tips from Travelers. Stand at least 6 to 8 feet from the fire. Use a portable fire extinguisher when the fire is confined to a small area, such as a wastebasket To operate the extinguisher, remember the word PASS For the home, select a multi-purpose extinguisher (can be used on all types of home fires) that is large enough to put out a small fire, but not so heavy as to be difficult to handle. The three most common kinds use air-pressurized water, carbon dioxide extinguisher and dry chemicals. Pinterest. • Use proper class of fire extinguisher only on fire it was designed for. The Amerex B402 is a dry chemical fire extinguisher certified for class A, B, and C fires, and it discharges for 14 seconds.One Amazon reviewer said that a home Amerex extinguisher that … The PASS method was created to make sure we can easily fight off any fire, using a fire extinguisher. The fire is spreading rapidly beyond the spot where it started. S: Sweep side to side. (Used on Class A, B, and C fires) It is the most common type of extinguisher. P.A.S.S. The acronym PASS is … Pull (Pin) Pull pin at the top of the extinguisher, breaking the seal. Sweep backward and forward. Precautions (call fire department, evacuate building, fire is confined, source is known, safe exit, right type of extinguisher, trained in using it) PASS Technique (pull, aim, squeeze, sweep) After completing this training program, employees will be able to: Using the correct type of extinguisher for the fire, use the four-step PASS technique. The firefighter we talked to gave them top marks for reliability and effectiveness.. Fire extinguishers. Remember, if you feel that you cannot safely extinguish the fire using the portable extinguisher available and if you have not already done so, pull the fire alarm, evacuate the area, and then call the fire department. Fire protection companies installing Fire Extinguishers typically locate them in areas that are visible and easily accessible. Squeeze the handles together to discharge the extinguishing agent inside. Most fire extinguishers can be operated using the PASS technique: PULL – Pull the pin. It is important to note that if a fire does occur in your workplace, that … If you want a heavy-duty, definitely-going-to-do-the-job fire extinguisher, then Amerex extinguishers are your best bet. The key to putting out a fire with an extinguisher is to use the PASS strategy: Pull the pin, Aim the hose, Squeeze the lever, and Sweep the hose. How to use a fire extinguisher PASS labeled instruction vector illustration. ), or otherwise requires the expertise of a fire brigade. Hitting the tops of the flame with the extinguisher received’t be efficient. If the extinguisher doesn’t have a pin, look for a lever or button instead. Fire extinguishers square measure meant to handle solely tiny fires. Grease fires spread. C = CONFINE the fire by closing all doors and windows E = EXTINGUISH the fire with a fire extinguisher, or EVACUATE the area if the fire is too large for a fire extinguisher. Squeeze the trigger and hold it, keeping the extinguisher upright. Standing approximately 6-10 feet from the fire, aim the nozzle of the fire extinguisher at the base of the fire, not at the flames. A: – Aim the extinguisher nozzle (or its horn or hose) at the base of the fire. PROPER USE OF FIRE EXTINGUISHERS (P.A.S.S.) Hold the fire extinguisher with the nozzle pointing away from you and remove the pin to unlock it. A: Aim the extinguisher nozzle on the hose low, toward the base of the fire. Aim: Aim low, pointing the nozzle or hose at the base of the fire. How to Use a Fire Extinguisher. To operate a fire extinguisher, remember the word “PASS:” Pull the pin. How to use a fire extinguisher PASS labeled instruction vector illustration. Some use expert system modules, which enable users to answer questions and receive reliable advice on how OSHA regulations apply to their work site. Explore. PULL THE PIN – The safety pin is located in between the discharge lever and the carrying handle. Pass Method for putting out a fire. Check your fire extinguisher. Firemen in uniform use extinguisher and water from hose. Check that the extinguisher you intend to use is suitable for the type of fire encountered eg a water extinguisher must never be used on any fire involving electrical equipment. When using the pass technique with a fire extinguisher How far should you stand from the flames? Move to the proper distance. Aim the nozzle on the base of the fire. Attack the Fire Using the PASS Method: Pull the pin – by pulling the pin, the operating lever should unlock and allow you to discharge the extinguisher. Steps for Using a Fire Extinguisher: The PASS System. Are you looking for authenticated and correct information about how to use a Fire Extinguisher and much more? Once you’ve grabbed your fire extinguisher you need to pull the pin, which will activate the extinguisher and release the locking system. Squeeze the lever slowly and evenly. Parts of a Boat From a Front View. ; Squeeze the handle to discharge the extinguisher. Pull the pin. UA has adopted P-PASS for use in extinguisher training. PASS. Maybe it never crossed your mind, or maybe you assume it’s so simple it’s not something you need to learn. Do not touch the horn on a CO2 extinguisher, it gets very cold and can damage the skin. Aim. P – PULL the pin out: This unlocks the operating lever and allows you to discharge the extinguisher. Wood fires keep burning. How to Choose and Use the Right Fire Extinguisher. S: Squeeze the handle or lever to discharge the extinguisher. Some provide guidance information for developing a comprehensive safety and health program and include other recommended practices that often go beyond specific OSHA requirements. Using a Fire Extinguisher. How Fire Are Classified CLASS A: … Locate the fire Stand 6 to 8 feet away from fire. P ull. When things get out of hand, you want to use a fire extinguisher. Safety trainers use it to remind students of the following four steps: Pull and twist the pin holding the lever in place. The acronym PASS is used to describe these four basic steps. How to use a fire extinguisher. A. (cont) PULL Hold Fire Extinguisher Firmly and Pull The Pin Out. Using the correct type of extinguisher for the fire, use the four-step PASS technique. To use fire extinguishers correctly, remember the P.A.S.S. Safety manual demonstration visualization with all process steps explanation. Note: Please take this quiz using Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, or Opera. For instance, electrical systems caught on fire must be extinguished with a CO2 extinguisher, while most common fires should be put out by regular ABC dry powder extinguishers. S: – Squeeze the handle/Leaver to release the extinguishing agent. A sequence of fire extinguisher numbers and letters can save your life—or endanger it. It is important to note that you are NOT required to fight a fire. To use a fire extinguisher, follow the acronym PASS Pull - Pull the pin on the extinguisher Aim - Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire Squeeze - Squeeze the trigger to release the product Sweep - Sweep the nozzle from side to side (slowly) To request fire extinguisher training for your department, please contact Ambulatory Safety. You pass them all the time as you walk the hallways at work or school, and hopefully at home too. Aim low. stands for pull, aim, squeeze, and sweep. Fire extinguishers should ideally only be used by someone who has been trained to do so – and the following text does not count as training. Should you be required to operate a fire extinguisher, it can be quite confusing as to how to use it … When fire strikes at your workplace, be sure to follow these three steps. Each type of fire extinguisher is used for specific applications. If the pin is intact, the levers cannot be used and locked. Even if you have an ABC extinguisher, there may be something in the fire that is going to explode or produce highly toxic smoke. Activity: Can You Label the Parts of a Boat? Some extinguishers have other devices that prevent inadvertent operation. • Know where fire extinguishers are located and what class they are. Ventilation. Course Outline. Squeeze the lever. Sweep the nozzle or hose from side to side until the fire is out starting at the recommended distance. Use the correct fire extinguisher type to fight the fire. The PASS Fire Extinguisher technique should be common knowledge to EVERYONE! A, is almost anything like wood, paper, and trash. Aim low – point the extinguisher hose/nozzle at the base of the fire. ( 1 customer review) ₹ 149.00. To properly use an extinguisher, you must first be familiar with the type of fire each extinguisher is rated for and how it operates. When an active fire is in progress is the worst time to forget how to use a fire extinguisher. Mar 22, 2016 - Knowing how to use a fire extinguisher can help keep you safe in a fire while you wait for help to arrive. Fires can spread through the interior of a structure as the hot gases spread due to the expansion of the gases as a result of the combustion. When extinguishing a fire, you should PASS: P: Pull the pin on the fire extinguisher. Aim at the base of the fire. Dry Chemical fire extinguishers. It's easy to remember how to use a fire extinguisher if you can remember the acronym PASS, which stands for Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep. It is not intended for use on an out-of-control fire, such as one which has reached the ceiling, endangers the user (i.e., no escape route, smoke, explosion hazard, etc. Squeeze the set off. The P.A.S.S method is an easy tool to remember how you should use a fire extinguisher in case of an emergency. How to use Fire Extinguisher? CO2 fire extinguishers. Pull: Pull the pin, this will break the tamper seal. Approach the fire standing at a safe distance. P-PASS. Before proceeding, make sure you are physically able to handle the fire extinguisher, safe from the fire’s toxic smoke and have a clear escape route. They are ideally suited for indoor applications where delicate equipment or processes require a clean extinguishing agent. For instance, electrical systems caught on fire must be extinguished with a CO2 extinguisher, while most common fires should be put out by regular ABC dry powder extinguishers. Hold the extinguisher with the nozzle pointing away from you and release the locking mechanism. If you have the slightest doubt about your control of the situation, do not attempt to fight the fire. Pro 340 3-A:40-B:C Fire Extinguisher Having a fire extinguisher within reach can Having a fire extinguisher within reach can help you create a path to safety and may even help put out a small, contained fire. Chances are, you will know what's burning, or at least have a pretty good idea, but if you don't, let the fire department handle it. Electrical fires cascade. Aim the fire extinguisher low, with the nozzle pointed at the base of the fire. Squeeze. Aim at the base of the fire. These small, compact tools can be used to put out fires and keep them from spreading. Pulling the pin unlocks the operating lever or buttno so you can discharge the extinguisher. Parts of a Boat From a Side View. This will also break the tamper seal. Sweep the nozzle side to side A missing symbol tells you only that the extinguisher has not been tested for a given class of fire. If you’ve never used one before, there’s no need to worry. Before tackling a fire with a fire extinguisher make sure you or someone else has raised the fire alarm and that you have a safe evacuation route. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. When it is time to use the extinguisher on a fire, just remember PASS! Aim low. Hold the extinguisher with the nozzle pointing away from you, and release the locking mechanism. Pull the pin. Topic 1: The Many Parts of a Boat. The correct fire extinguisher to use in this instance is the Class K fire extinguisher which is the wet chemical fire extinguisher. P – P in PASS means pull the pin on the fire extinguisher. The fire extinguisher is one of the best safety tools in the event of a fire that any employee can handle. Depending on the type of fire class you need to extinguish, you need to use an appropriate type of extinguisher. Using an Extinguisher. Fire extinguishers usually look similar, and all have a nozzle that is designed to put out flames in a fairly fast manner. P.A.S.S. ; Aim the nozzle towards the base of the fire. A- Aim. How To Use A Fire Extinguisher: PASS Technique. A im the hose nozzle low toward the base of the fire. 4. This will allow you to discharge the extinguisher. Fire Extinguishers • Not all fire extinguishers are the same. A fire extinguisher is an active fire protection device used to extinguish or control small fires, often in emergency situations. Teach people how to use a fire extinguisher. ; Remembering how to use a fire extinguisher, remember the PASS-word. Be sure that you know how to properly use the fire extinguisher.Using a Fire Extinguisher.To use a fire extinguisher properly, learn the PASS procedure: Pull the Pin; Aim the Nozzle at the Base of the Fire; Squeeze the Trigger Unit 1: Before Getting Underway. How to Use a Fire Extinguisher. Make sure the fire is confined to a small area and is not spreading. What Are The Different Types Of Fire Extinguishers? All fire extinguishers are labeled using standard symbols for the classes of fires– a red slash through any of the symbols tells you that the extinguisher cannot be used on that class of fire. Fire extinguishers are located throughout every building on campus. Pull The first step is to pull the pin at the top of the extinguisher. This free workplace safety poster reminds workers to the P.A.S.S. Depending on the type of fire class you need to extinguish, you need to use an appropriate type of extinguisher. Meets U.S. Coast Guard standards for marine use. In this video you'll learn how to use a fire extinguisher and what to look for when purchasing a fire extinguisher. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. A simple fire extinguisher training technique to use with employees is the PASS method: P ull the pin on the extinguisher. P.A.S.S… Fire Extinguisher Use Use the acronym PASS to remember how to use a fire extinguisher. Aim at the base of the fire. The PASS Technique makes using the extinguisher easy. P –Pull A –Aim S –Squeeze S –Sweep. Read this ebook with amazing content. Today. There are a whole host of different fire extinguishers which can be used to tackle specific types of fires, and while it is important to select the right one, knowing how to use an extinguisher correctly is also vital. Most extinguishers are easy to use as they operate on the PASS technique. A pin is inserted into the handle to keep discharge safe from running out. But no matter how many times you’ve seen them in your day-to-day life, you’ve probably given little thought as to how you actually use one. ; Sweep the nozzle from side to side aiming at the base of the fire. Pages: 28. Stand 8 to 10 feet away from the fire and follow the four-step PASS procedure. Pull: Pull the pin, this will break the tamper seal. Use the PASS technique for discharging AN device and from the realm if the hearth flares up once more. Also fights gasoline and oil fires as well as electrical equipment fires. P ull the pin, A im at the base of the fire standing 6 to 8 feet away, S queeze the lever, and S weep side to side. The Fire Extinguisher PASS Method. method when using a fire extinguisher. Having your employees trained to properly use a fire extinguisher is important. Using the wrong extinguisher can make a fire significantly worse. manner. Pull the pin. Emergency flames … How To Use a Fire Extinguisher. Cartoon vector illustration. A fire extinguisher is an active fire protection device used to extinguish or control small fires, often in emergency situations. A full explanation of P.A.S.S can be seen in the poster itself. S: Squeeze the trigger. Pull the pin. Aim low. Each sentence of the ebook is full of great information and worth reading. Presentation Summary : Extinguishing a Fire with an Extinguisher. Pull Aim Squeeze Sweep. In this article, it will cover how to properly use a fire extinguisher, using the pass method. Keep the fire extinguisher aimed at the base of the fire and move it from side to side until the flames are extinguished. Topic 2: Types of Boat Hulls. To extinguish a fire using a portable fire extinguisher we recommend using the acronym PASS (Pull, Aim, Squeeze & Sweep). A: Aim the extinguisher nozzle on the hose low, toward the base of the fire. • Number 1 goal = Safety. Step one, check to make sure the fire extinguisher you have on hand is the correct type of extinguisher to extinguish the type of fire. Safety manual demonstration visualization with all process steps explanation. Moreover, a fire extinguisher should only be activated once the fire alarm has been triggered and you … To operate a fire extinguisher, remember the acronym PASS: Pull the pin. It is ideal for the trained personnel to handle extinguishers. extinguisher to use. This will allow you to discharge the extinguisher. Electrical fires are a Class C fire, which means that you will need an extinguisher that is appropriate for this type of fire. Aim the nozzle or hose at the base of the fire from the recommended safe distance. Squeeze the operating lever to discharge the fire extinguishing agent. Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating. The acronym “PASS” tells people how to operate a fire extinguisher. Note: Do not touch the plastic discharge horn on a CO2 extinguisher. How to use a Fire Extinguisher in Australia There are FIVE main types of portable fire extinguishers used in Australia. As you’ve seen, all these fires need the right fire extinguisher agent to be put out. S weep the nozzle from side to side at the base of the flames until extinguished. Remember The PASS Word. What’s it stand for, I hear you ask? If you pass the quiz, you will be awarded a personalized completion certificate that acknowledges your participation in this program. Download steps. Businessman use fire extinguisher for stop debt bomb. However, it is just as crucial for an employee to know when using the extinguisher will work, this is why keeping your fire equipment maintenance up to date is essential. To operate a fire extinguisher, remember the word PASS: P ull the pin. Stand in an upright position holding the extinguisher firmly with. Nevertheless, if a fire accident occurs and there is no one trained to help out then anyone can come through. PASS stands for: P - Pull the pin. Fire extinguishers are an invaluable tool to help fight smaller fires or to protect evacuation routes in the event of a larger one. 5. Fire Extinguisher PASS Method. How to use a fire extinguisher. AIM LOW – Point the extinguisher nozzle (or its horn or hose) at the base of the fire. In that: Pull the pin and break the seal Answer the following true or false questions about how to operate a fire extinguisher. Squeeze the lever – this should discharge the extinguishing agent. To reduce panic in the event of a fire, pre-assign certain individuals to manage fire extinguishers, others to call for help and everyone else to get out. The PASS system P- Pull the pin. Before discharging the extinguisher, move toward or away from the fire so you're standing 6 to 8 feet (1.8 to 2.4 m) (1.8 to 2.4 m) away. 1. A portable fire extinguisher can quickly control a small fire if applied by an individual properly trained. All you need to do is remember the PASS system, and you’ll be able to do so: – P ull the pin. S: Sweep the nozzle back and forth. Firefighters extinguish outdoor fire. This is perhaps the most important stage when confronted with a fire. (Use on Class B and C fires) They remove both the oxygen element and the heat element from the fire triangle. It is not recommended that children use fire extinguishers. You can move closer once you start dousing the fire and the flames die down. P.A.S.S. Any fire extinguisher has a label on it. Well here we go: P – Pull out the safety pin out at the top of the fire extinguisher in order to free the lever. Most of the types operate using the P.A.S.S. With this in mind, this month we’d like to highlight the PASS System to help you remember that the main stages of the process. In fact, giving you confidence to react quickly during an emergency is a big part of our passion for helping you protect your people and your business. They work by inhibiting … Any fire extinguisher has a label on it. If the device is empty and also the hearth isn't out, evacuate instantly. With dry chemical extinguishers , nitrogen is typically used; water and foam extinguishers typically use air. Follow the fire extinguisher pass method to successfully put out a fire. Answer to Question #1: PASS is the acronym for using a fire extinguisher. These industrial fire extinguisher models are extremely versatile and ready to tackle flammable liquid and electrical fire hazards. Every fire extinguisher is equipped with a pin just like tin packs. (cont) AIM Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire. Quick Fire Extinguisher Quiz. The National Fire Protection Association or NFPA recommends an ABC Fire Extinguisher for use in homes. To help remember the use of a fire extinguisher the acronym PASS was created. Portable Fire Extinguishers - PASS Be sure to remember the PASS operatin gtechnique for portable fire extinguishers. Multipurpose fire extinguisher features U. L. 1-A 10-B:C rated for wood, paper, trash and plastics fires. Some provide guidance information for developing a comprehensive safety and health program and include other recommended practices that often go beyond specific OSHA requirements. Once you learn how to use a fire extinguisher, you'll want to find the best one for your needs. It can be difficult to think clearly during an emergency, so fire safety has a long-standing acronym to help you recall the steps involved in operating your fire extinguisher. 5. There is a very simple acronym you can remember when using a fire extinguisher. To help you remember how to use an extinguisher, use the acronym PASS: Pull the extinguisher ‘s safety pin. Knowing how to use one in an emergency is critical. The first step is to remove the pin at the top of the fire extinguisher. Point the nozzle at the base of the fire. Be sure that you have an unobstructed escape route. Use a portable fire extinguisher when the fire is confined to a small area, such as a wastebasket, and is not growing; everyone has exited the building; the fire department has been called or is being called; and the room is not filled with smoke. S: – Sweep from side to side at the base of the fire. In this video, we'll teach you how to properly use a fire extinguisher using the PASS method. Pull the pin at the top of the extinguisher. Fire code has a lot to say about choosing and placing extinguishers for just this reason. A: Aim at the base of the fire. PASS. S queeze the handle to release the extinguishing agent. This will break the tamper seal. In your home you may want to store them in areas that are easily accessible. What are the 4 steps in using a fire extinguisher? In a managed method, squeeze the set off to launch the agent. Aim the chemical at the source of the flames rather than at the flames themselves, standing at least 6 feet from the fire. This Kidde Pro 340 fire extinguisher is UL rated 3-A, 40-B: C and is ideal for light manufacturing areas, restaurants, auto showrooms, parking garages and storage areas. Displacement Hulls. PASS: How to Use a Fire Extinguisher In the event of a fire, it is crucial that you are aware of the correct procedures that you need to follow in order to ensure everybody gets out safely. PASS is the acronym used to describe the four essential steps of operating a fire extinguisher. Some use expert system modules, which enable users to answer questions and receive reliable advice on how OSHA regulations apply to their work site. Using A Portable Fire Extinguisher Utilizing The Pass Method 286195 PPT. If the hearth grows on the far side what may be safely handled, evacuate instantly. Every fire extinguisher is fastened with a zip tie attached to the pin. Not all fire extinguishers are suitable for all classes of fire. Approximately 10% of fires reported in Apple Valley were successfully extinguished using a fire extinguisher.
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