Step 4: While waiting for the storm, you must place your wand tip over your heart… Can you choose what animal you turn into an Animagus? A patronus can also change form based on emotional shifts and things (falling in love or loss) as the happy memories of the caster tend to change to be about those things/people. What is Patronus ? However, we see with Nymphadora Tonks in Half-Blood Prince that her Patronus changed shape when she fell in … is your animagus the same as your patronus. What … Also asked, is your Patronus the same as your Animagus? This stag matched both his father’s Animagus form and his Patronus, and was the male form of his mother’s doe Patronus. Yes Exactly . If this is your patronus then you have express yourself freely and have a true and honest Soul. Your patronus is a little Jack Russell terrier just like Ron Weasley, which means you like messing around and jumping up at people when they knock on the door. I don't think wewe can change what your Animagus form is. The … October 23, 2020 is your animagus the same as your patronus Call my friends and family to scare off the enemy! His patronus is unknown, but many FAQ’S state it’s a rat. The patronus to animagus relation is the most probable answer, as they are both the inner spirit/representation of themselves. It just doesn’t discuss this possibility, because it’s so vanishingly rare. Harry Potter Wiki. ... At the same time, many admire and adore you for your strength, wisdom, and above all, your immense power to love even your enemies. Your Patronus will give you a burst of energy and is a formidable opponent to any Dementor that dares cross your path! Anyway, I'd like mine to be an otter, because they are my favourite animal ever! They can be different (though from what we see only slightly: Professor McGonagall’s Animagus form is a tabby cat, her Patronus is also a cat though due to the silver form of Patronii we can’t say if it has the same markings; James Potter was a stag in both forms, though we aren’t told specific species). … I'm really I don't really face enemies. i want to know what everyones thoughts on this are, and if anyone has a quote of JKR saying that they are specifically please include it. I don't think you can change what your Animagus form is. The Animagus form almost always matches the witch or wizard’s Patronus. Animagus, I'm not sure. 49 fans picked: No, these are two different things. 1. in Movies and TV. But I don't know my … Today we are discussing our own patronus animals as well as different patronus animals, and their meanings. JK Rowling has revealed that her favorite animal is an otter, which is why she gave Hermione that as a … B. I couldn't live without them!!! Wolf. D. I like them and all, but prefer to be by myself. Both an animagus and a patronus are said to take on a form that reflects the caster’s inner most personality traits, so it makes sense that they would be the same. If you're a huge Harry Potter fan, then "animagus" is definitely in your vocab, right alongside "Wingardium Leviosa!" If You Were In The "Harry Potter" Universe, Here's What Your Animagus Would Be. I think that's all, PLEASE TAKE THIS ADVICE. Transforming into an Animagus does not limit one's lifespan to that of the animal they become. The spell is cast when a person says, "Expecto Patronum," and for the witches and wizards who can cast it, a silvery-white guardian spews out of the wand taking the form of an animal. Гарри Поттер Do Ты think that your Patronus and the animal Ты turn into as Animagus necessarily take the same form? Even if your child is 2. When you think of your friends do you think... A. Meh, I could live without them, they don't really matter. 49 fans picked: No, these are two different things. Mortality Those with this patronus are often more reserved, but do … You have transformed into a huge and lumbering ursine beast – possibly as an enigmatic polar bear, an implacably strong grizzly bear, or even a tranquil panda bear. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Hufflepuff « » Log in or sign up. They are so cool! Anyway, I'd like mine to be an otter, because they are my favourite animal ever! The animals you choose in this question might be your Patronus! ok, i have noticed in a few threads that some people think that a wizards patronus and their animagus form are the same. What your Patronus says about you. 116boyz - 1 Answers hello mybestanswer members i have a question about: is your patronus the same animal you turn into if your an animagus?, please answer it quickly Spend A Day At Hogwarts And We'll Reveal Your Animagus. what would your animagus and patronus be? 0%. and "Expelliarmus!" They're not. You have an enchanting sense of strength and authority and the gift of wisdom. What is your Animagus? J. K. Rowling says that the animagus form is decided by the caster's personality and inner traits. Scroll to the bottom to find out! Each Marauder became an Animagus for there friend Remus which is also known as Moony because he was a werewolf. Having the same animal as a Patronus is an indication of love? While a patronus is a very personal shield created by the patronus charm, and can differ quite a bit even among family members, guesses can be made on what shapes might appear when the spell is successfully cast.. RELATED: Harry Potter: 5 Ways Gemini … Those with the Hippogriff patronus are often very proud and self assured. Her Patronus is also a cat. At the end, we will give you a result. 0billu - 1 Answers this my question: is your patronus the same as the animal you turn into if your an animagus?, could members answer me please They are so cool! I'm not sure. Your spirit soars as high as your ambition, and you have a magical sense of vision! Since book one of the Harry Potter series, we've been completely enraptured with the wizarding world. I don't think te can change what your Animagus form is. Becoming an animagus isn't your everyday thing and succeeding as well. While everyone can have a Patronus, although it is complex magic, not everyone has the skill to be able to turn into an animal. First one is Professor Minerva McGonagall. Community Contributor. 5. Logically, it would make sense that they would but Patronus' can change (as Tonks showed us). Those born under the Taurus sign are known for being reliable, warm, honest, and stubborn. 0%. Does that mean Lupin and Black were a couple?" I don't think wewe can change what your Animagus form is. This is the same form of his father’s Animagus and Patronus. Your patronus is a lion! This links in with the Patronus Charm, it had the same inner-traits as the Animagus form. They are witches and wizards who possess the magical skill and prowess that allows them to turn into animals at will. How the animal I'm your Patronus is choosen: "Based on the fact that Patronuses are conjured by recalling happy memories, it stands to reason that a Patronus might change its form after one falls in love and the memories used to conjure the Patronus largely revolve around the person the caster is in love with. Created by Earl Gray On Mar 29, 2017 Your patronus is a hawk! Some witches and wizards will never have a corporeal Patronus (such as Lupin and Neville) while others will have theirs appear as an animal. Is the form of an Animagus directly related to the form of … I don't think size is relative to how well a Patronus would work; Luna's Patronus is a rabbit, Hermione's is an otter, and Ron's is a Jack Russel asong teryer (tiny dogs), and Dumbledore's is a Phoenix. However, Rowling has said that Lily's Patronus being a doe and James' Patronus being a stag is not a coincidence. A stag is a male deer and we got to see Harry use it several times during the series. Search for: is your animagus the same as your patronus. But … What is your animagus? While everyone can have a Patronus, although it is complex magic, not everyone has the skill to be able to turn into an animal. I'm not sure. Well, you’ve got a cool Patronus, but your child is still going to steal your car this afternoon. Harry Potter Wiki. Another pretty complex form of magic, the Patronus Charm , has been known to mirror it, meaning the animal you cast to attack Dementors could well be your inner animal too. The most famous are The Maurauders,Peter Pettigrew, James Potter, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. The spells, the enchantments, the curses, the hexes—heck, just the magic of it all! 49 fans picked: No, these are two different things. 0%. The way I’ve put it in my head is that your animagus form is fixed once you become an animagus since it is in essence a representation of your soul. Figuring out what your animagus or patronus is can be just as important as your wand. It's a good thing that dolphins are the most common Patronus form, because they're friendly, sociable mammals! Your patronus is a JACK RUSSELL! Harry Potter Do te think that your Patronus and the animal te turn into as Animagus necessarily take the same form? Lupin's Patronus is a wolf. 0%. Cat. And to answer your other question, the size of your patronous isn't important, but how happy the memories that fuel it are. Animagi are witches or wizards from the world of Harry Potter who can transform into animals and keep all their human … Get started on this quiz if you want to find out what your animagus is . Animagi can only take on the form of one specific animal. I got an A on my GCSE in year 9, so yeah. Slytherin. 0. You can view her patronus in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Incidentally, a Patronus will take on the same form as the caster’s Animagus. They can also be a little selfish and unforgiving. Your patronus is an owl! For example: if Rita Skeeter was able to cast a patronus, would it take on the form of a bug? Is your Animagus your Patronus? Fight one by one! Is your Patronus the same as your Animagus? Ron's Patronus is a Jack Russell terrier because of the fact that J.K. Rowling had a Jack Russell terrier and she was crazy about him. A Patronus is unique to the caster and is very personal. Are you a cat like Professor McGonagall or a dog like Sirius Black? 10 Questions - Developed by: Rick Johnson - Updated on: 2020-10-28 - Developed on: 2009-12-15 - 328,129 taken - 36 people like it. There are only two wizards whose both, animagus and patronus, are mentioned in the books. Animagus Form Just letting you know. You don’t need a wand to transform. Your patronus is a little Jack Russell terrier just like Ron Weasley, which means you like messing around and jumping up at people when they knock on the door. They are not always the same thing. I've read fanfictions where they're different. Your magical aura is mysterious, and your … - My animagus and patronus would be a cheetah because like a cheetah I run fast and tire quickly and ch vraag and answer in the Harry Potter club Accurate Patronus and Animagus Finder. 11. Ibizan Hound – This is an intelligent and independent dog but is known to be … 0. Bunny. I would venture it is the other way around. If a witch or wizard had previously cast a patronus BEFORE becoming an animagus, after the animagus spe... This animal form … Like Sirius, he used his unregistered form to help control Remus Lupin when he turned into a werewolf. This animal form is not chosen by the wizard, but determined by their personality and inner traits. Heron. While the form of your Patronus can change during the course of your life, there is no recorded instance of the Animagus form also changing to match it. What is an Ibizan Hound Patronus? What is your solution when you are facing an enemy? Minerva McGonagall's Animagus form is a cat. I don't think size is relative to how well a Patronus would work; Luna's Patronus is a rabbit, Hermione's is an otter, and Ron's is a Jack Russel terrier (tiny dogs), and Dumbledore's is a Phoenix. Flip to see what your personality has to say about your patronus' form! In the wizarding world, there are creatures known as Animagi (plural). Those with the Black and white are also highly emotional, although don’t always show this. Logically, it would make sense that they would but Patronus' can change (as Tonks showed us). You just have to find a connection to what you are so then you feel as if you’re part of the series. I'm not sure if Sirius Black's Patronus ever appeared in the books, but I am pretty much sure it would have been a dog. what would your animagus and patronus be? Harry Potter Do anda think that your Patronus and the animal anda turn into as Animagus necessarily take the same form? Black was a dog Animagus and, if Potter is any indication, probably had a dog Patronus. For example, Hermione's patronous was an otter, a fairly small animal, but it still fended off dementors. In their cases, the Patronus and Animagus match. There is no known instance of the Animagus form changing to match the Patronus if the latter changes, but the Animagus who can also produce a Patronus is highly unusual and no study has ever been done on sufficient numbers to draw firm conclusions. :Animagi can only take on the form of one specific animal. :Animagi can only take on the form of one specific animal. However, a patronus can change but animagus form cannot.. can anyone be an animagus? is your Patronus the same as your Animagus? I've always thought of otters as sneaky and clever and stuff, and I am kind of like that. It’s a question as old as the first Harry Potter book: what is my animagus? Harry ‘s Patronus is perhaps an illustration that a Patronus form isn’t just influenced by romantic love, but also love for family, and in his case particularly those loved ones you have lost. I'm not sure. Welcome to another Pottermas post! With a little practice and by remembering a really happy thought, your patronus begins to take shape! The other one is Harry's father, James Potter. Your animagus is not always your patronus. I got an A on my GCSE in año 9, so yeah. Minerva McGonagall’s Animagus form, for example, is famously a cat, and so is her Patronus. A magical form of Patronus is very uncommon, and the unicorn is one of the rarest on our list. Can one's Animagus form change as well? 0%. Your Patronus and your Animagus are both representative of aspects of yourself and your personality. However, as it is very rare to be an Animagus and also be able to cast a Patronus (as well as rare for a Patronus to change), there isn’t enough data on the … - Because it seems kinda logical that it would, seeing as both are supposed to be reflections of your p প্রশ্ন and answer in the হ্যারি পটার club 63%: I never thought about it./I don't know. It's the same patronus as Ron. J. K. Rowling says that the animagus form is decided by the caster's personality and inner traits. Minerva McGonagall - Cat. Your Animagus and Patronus animal can be the same If a wizard never masters … However Animagi must be registered with the Ministry of Magic or face time in Azkaban. The animal you will become depends on your personality so it is likely for your Animagus to also be your patronus. No, because Patronuses can be mythical creatures (e.g., Dumbledore's was a phoenix) but your Animagus form is always a mundane animal. is your Patronus the same as your Animagus? The only two characters we see in Harry Potter who can boast both are Minerva McGonagall and James Potter. "The Patronus often mutates to take the image of the love of one's life (because they so often become the 'happy thought' that … Your Animagus form can be a dragon if you possess the correct qualities, as well as your Patronus. Gryffindor. An example of this is that James Potter transformed into a stag and also had a patronus that was a stag. Owl. I run as fast as I can to safety. But you at least have a bit of a choice with your patronus. I'm not sure. For example, Peter Pettigrew once lived as a rat for 12 years, which, pointed out by Sirius Black, was a … If you're an Animagus (registered অথবা not) does your Patronus always take the same form as your Animagus? J. K. Rowling says that the animagus form is decided by the caster's personality and inner traits. Either way, 3 out of 3 is pretty strong evidence of at least some kind of correlation. This quiz is to help you discover what your animagus is, even though you can't actually choose it, this'll give you a good idea! Otters are cool. ok, i have noticed in a few threads that some people think that a wizards patronus and their animagus form are the same. The Patronus is one of the most popular and most difficult defensive charms in the Harry Potter universe. by SpaceCowboy. An animagus form is the same as your Patronus. Similarly, a patronus is also a reflection of the witch's or wizard's inner personality. What Is Your Animagus Form? Five favourites from the top ten. Unclear, but I would guess not. There are so few Animagi in canon, or examples of Patronuses changing, that we don’t have an explicit example to ca... 0. She can turn into a cat and her patronus is also a cat. Minerva McGonagall: Cat. This animal form … J. K. Rowling says that the animagus form is decided by the caster's personality and inner traits. Learn more about batteries & read our latest posts. And there are so many other possibilities too! You do not fear … Animagi can only take on the form of one specific animal. The animal into which one turns, if an Animagus, seems always to be that which becomes the Patronus. Most people confuse Animagus forms with corporeal Patronuses. Maybe not. P.S- I tend to babble about things needlessy. I don't think size is relative to how well a Patronus would work; Luna's Patronus is a rabbit, Hermione's is an otter, and Ron's is a Jack Russel terrier (tiny dogs), and Dumbledore's is a Phoenix. With your wand, it chooses you. ", Harry's father's Patronus was the same as his Animagus — a form he adopted at Hogwarts, which earned him the nickname "Prongs.". They can be different (though from what we see only slightly: Professor McGonagall’s Animagus form is a tabby cat, her Patronus is also a cat though due to the silver form of Patronii we can’t say if it has the same markings; James Potter Aren't your animagus and patronus the same? TWAICE creates the future of mobility with predictive battery analytics software based on digital twins. Chestnut Stallion - A chestnut stallion is a horse with attitude! I'm not sure. Harry's father's Patronus was the same as his Animagus — a form he adopted at Hogwarts, which earned him the nickname "Prongs." However, Rowling has said that Lily's Patronus being a doe and James' Patronus being a stag is not a coincidence. Your Patronus and your Animagus are both representative of aspects of yourself and your personality. What is your Marauders Nickname? 1. An example is that Rita Skeeter was able to get into Hogwarts without being noticed even though she had been banned, by transforming … The form a Patronus takes doesn’t automatically… Is your patronus the same as the animal you turn into if your an animagus? by roryc129.
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