Summary: James and you have been secretly dating behind your brother, Severus’ back.When he finds out, he is certainly not thrilled, … James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, & Peter Pettigrew. Synopsis: James and Lily Potter have had to learn everything about their son through people who have died and come Above. Just a situation which I had to get out of my mind. Time travel fics in Harry Potter fandom. When Reece met James Sirius Potter their worlds were changed forever. Remus was the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts during Harry's third year, and quickly became his favourite professor. They had all graduated from Hogwarts a scant two months ago (two weeks later James and Lily had joined the countless couples who married early due to the heavy atmosphere that had settled upon the wizarding world). S E R I E S. - Dad!Marauders (Remus x reader, Sirius x reader, James x reader) Separate stories about the marauders as dads. Harry Potter Marauders ... Serendipity (n) finding something good without looking for it - Marauders Era Fanfiction - Eva Taylor. Little family moment between three generation of Potters, and of course, Sirius. “I don’t like it,“ Sirius said, aware as the words came out of his mouth that he was beginning to sound like a broken record. Crossovers. He trains Harry and teaches him to swim. Remus wouldn’t consider blushing as something Sirius Black does, but the colour on his cheeks having been caught staring is definitely red. He thought of his friends, his parents, the prophecy. Sirius Black x Reader FANFICTION- The Lady Is A Tramp. James, as a single dad, meets you and he introduces you to his life with Harry. Their other roommate, James, takes one look at Remus’ distressed appearance, and Sirius’ grim expression, firmly keeping his eyes fixed on the paper, and picks up his mug to leave the kitchen, not even bothering to come up with an excuse. Romance Fanfiction Next Generation James Potter Harry Potter Hogwarts Seamus Finnigan ... Next Generation fanfiction! Casey Finnigan,a 16 year old who has a crush on her best friend James Potter. What could go wrong on their back to Hogwarts? Chapter 2: Snake Talk. They travel back in time and meet the marauders. "Boy! “I didn’t expect you’d … pairing: james potter x reader, remus lupin x reader, james potter x lily potter. As soon as the black spots faded from his sight he saw the one thing that he had dreaded: Lily Evens helping James Potter. The prequel, set three years before Harry’s birth, tells the story of James Potter and Sirius Black, an enchanted motorbike (sound familiar? The Third generation of Potter, Malfoy, Weasely and others accidentally travel back in time to the Marauder era to escape death eaters after their parents are killed by the Dark Lord. Template:RbJames Sirius Potter was born on July 16, 2005.James is the eldest child to Harry and Ginny Potter. December 14 - Resistance [James Potter x Reader]. He felt a surge of triumph as James fell to the ground. Now James and Lily will get to meet their son, for the very first time. It had been Ginny's idea to take the kids to Godric's Hollow on Halloween, to show James his grandparents' graves and the Potter statue to help him understand. In early 2008, Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling wrote an 800-word prequel story — the only ‘Potter prequel’ she’ll ever pen. Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality by Less Wrong is probably the most unique HP fanfiction piece in existence. Summary: At first Harry wonders if they’ve managed to destroy his vaults and are trying to tell him in the most oblique way possible. He joins the Wynwood Dragons professional quidditch team shortly … Right. This was just an idea i can't get out of my head. Get access to every new feature the moment it comes out. Summary. Relationships : Harry Potter/Tom Riddle . And James Potter was many things, but crazy wasn't one of them. - The Wedding (Sirius x reader, James x Lily) Their lives, loves, mischief and brotherhood. And he heard about their best friend, Remus, who was a werewolf. Harry Potter and the Natural 20 by Sir Poley - This story blends the worlds of Harry Potter and Dungeons and Dragons for a 74 chapter epic adventure. As Harry and Ginny's first child, James Sirius Potter, would not only have the Potter and Weasley blood running through him but was also the namesake of two of the best pranksters Hogwarts had ever seen. Aleta Ogord, Ravager Captain, second only to the admiral of the fleet her … This fanfic also features one of my favorite scenes in all of fanfiction. Sirius … James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter and Lily Luna Potter. Where I live it’s already 84℉ so this completely feasible but if you don’t live in hell and it’s still cold and wintery outside just push it back a few months. Summary: The Story of the Marauders from beginning to end. Now most of the next generation kids are stuck in 1995. Prev Chapter Next Chapter. 189071 words, 73 CH so far Remus Lupin/Sirius Black, James Potter/Lily Evans eeeee. It was his birthright. They played several small pranks on the Ginny and Anne (they found out his Grandmother’s name when someone called round). Largely told from Sirius' and Remus' points of view with everyone else mixed in at times.) lily, hogwarts, jily. Love fics that includes a possessive Sirius. He was so upset. They meet their Grandparents. ... Harry Potter Slash FanFiction. Modern AU - The alternate universe plot takes place in present day. Many families were coming to attend the birthday party. New life is ahead for you and Sirius. As Harry’s Sixth Year dawns, a war is beginning. There are fantastic Marauders shenanigans, and James Potter II gives his grandpappy a run for his money in this hilarious and heart-warming story. June 1976 - James humiliates Snape (again) on the day of the DADA O.W.L.s for Sirius' amusement. James Potter arrives at Hogwarts, adored and full of confidence. “This does seem to concern you and your son-”. Four blondes, three pairs... [COMPLETED] James Potter and Kristen Wood have hated each other for years. "Ah. I didn’t finish it before it was too late but I wanted to finally finish this in her memory. Tags: Family, Angst. In this fic, James is a brilliant leader with powerful magic, and is always one step ahead of Voldemort. Sirius bites his lip, and tilts his head downwards, before looking up at Remus through his lashes. It was published online on June 11, 2008. Tobias was tortured by Death Eaters so has trouble walking without canes. He has two younger siblings,Albus SeverusandLily Luna. Add to … Summary: James Sirius, Albus Severus and Lily Luna Potter meet the portraits of Albus Dumbeldore, Sirius Black and Severus Snape. The James Potter series is an unofficial sequel-series of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter universe, written by G. Norman Lippert. It was his destiny. (fem!Sirius, the day she ran away to the Potters, James/ fem!Sirus) Language: English. Harry barely made it out of the Department of Mysteries. A vault in the name of Lily and James Potter. He kept hitting James until a familiar scream and a bright light blinded him. - The Wedding (Sirius x reader, James x Lily) - Cursed (Sirius x reader) You get hit by a life-threatening curse and the marauders take care of you. A1: To any children Sirius has we give them trust vaults of $50,000 Galleons to refill each year after their 11th birthday to their 17th birthday. He lives with the Potters for a while until … net The characters and the situations within these fanfiction stories are not my property. Sirius shook his head. James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter and Lily Luna Potter. James stops Snape from going through, thereby saving his life. He nearly lost his godfather, nearly lost his freedom, nearly lost everything. Apart from the fact that they have no way of getting back to their parents everything is normal. The pairing is James-Sirius and, although I don't consider myself as a romance writer, their evolving relationship is a very important part of the story. Sirius manages to lock himself out of his own flat. JOIN HARRY POTTER FANFICTION. James Potter II was brought up with affectionate stories about Albus Dumbledore, so when he meets the man, he not overly awed. Meet the Grandparents Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction. The Order Reads: A Harry Potter Fanfiction - Chapter 2: Snake Talk. First female keeper for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Summary. The map was co-created by Remus and Sirius during their Hogwarts years, with help from James Potter and Peter Pettigrew. She was like his father, a prankster but she studied very well. James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter and Lily Luna Potter. All of the Potter property was covered in snow, for yet another load had fallen over Southern England that night, and now, at three in the afternoon, everything was white and untouched. Rose laughed softly. During his seventh year of school he gets many offers from pro teams. Know we will be watching in heaven. "Yeah, it can be chaotic sometimes." Unlike his younger brother Regulus and just about all of his … James & Sirius Prequel. In which James Sirius Potter begins to fall for a lovely girl, but is afraid of his friends thinking that he's "going soft." Go." The lives of once young wizards, Harry Potter, and his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, and many more all of whom were once students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He knew he had to be polite, he would anyway, anything for Lily, but as he messed his hair up for the 122nd time in that hour, he heard a tapping at his window. Harry Potter Hermione and Sirius. After the disaster of her fifth year, Grace Potter gets a strange letter from Draco Malfoy. But when he turns the page he realises they’ve found a vault. Lily can’t keep a cactus alive. He was born on 3rd November, 1959 and is the eldest son of Orion and Walburga Black. When Liam Evans and Jamie Potter are trapped under the mistletoe, there is only one way of getting out. But after 100 long years on Earth, Harry's finally at the Gate. Remus hissed from the doorway from an abandoned potions classroom down the corridor. I am writing a fanfic where Sirius loses his sight because of an accident during potions and his life undergoes a radical change. ... Ellie was Sirius's daughter. Sirius runs away from home and is disowned by his family. ImageFind images and videos about sirius black, james potter and remus lupin on We Heart It - the app to get lost in what you love. 1 Little Mischief Makers by Escaped.prisioner.of.Azkaban What would happened if Lily, James and Sirius survived? Not when it came to Lily Evans – as long as crazy in love didn't count, he was actually quite sane in that department. You could have cried in relief but also in anger. James and Albus Potter raced down the halls of Hogwarts. Notably, Rowling’s Pottermore article dispelled the fan theory that James was the son of Charlus Potter, … The map plays an important role in Prisoner of Azkaban (and some subsequent movies), but viewers are never really given any information regarding its production.. While Sirius awaits trial, Harry is a prisoner on Privet Drive, hidden away from the Wizarding World. It was his future. Summary James Potter is eighteen and a fucking mess when he meets Sirius Black, the future king of England in the back of his dormitory room. Lily Evans is seventeen when she meets the second Prince of England, the King who shall never be. ... the last time she'd had a family gathering of her own that was anything more than just her parents and sometimes grandparents. Other AU - Mistletoe | AO3 - Genderbend Jily! The pairing is James-Sirius and, although I don't consider myself as a romance writer, their evolving relationship is a very important part of the story. The time spent with his father and Sirius however was aiding towards mischief. Harry Potter: The forgotten twin - A Hinny fanfiction Chapter 2 of 7 Meeting at the party. His godparents, as well as his uncle and aunt were Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. James was named in honour of his paternal grandfather and his father's godfather ( James Potter and Sirius Black ). In 2015 he began attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was to no one's surprise sorted into Gryffindor House . He found out that James’s uncle, Charlus, had been married to Sirius’s great aunt Dorea. As Lily, Sirius, James, and Remus panted against the wall, Peter crossed the room to … Get in here," came a high-pitched shriek. In the summer of 2019, James Sirius Potter knocks over a magical hourglass that sends himself, his cousins, and his siblings back in time to 1996, Harry Potter's sixth year. summary: a recounting of the events that lead up to james and lily’s death, and the guilt you hold with it. Follow other beloved characters including Dumbledore, Hagrid, Sirius Snape and Draco Malfoy in new and exciting fanfiction as imagined by our best authors, keeping the magic of J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter series alive. ... meeting a defiant refusal every time. It was handwritten for a charity event at Waterstone’s and auctioned off for £25,000. (A HP Fanfic) Fanfiction. - Cursed (Sirius x reader) You get hit by a life-threatening curse and the marauders take care of you. Luckily for him, there’s someone rather interesting who’s willing to keep him company. James Sirius Potter knew he was not supposed to be in his Dad's study, but when James gets curious nothing can stop him. Hermione’s destiny is altered by the Powers that Be. pre-1909–d. ), and an altercation with Muggle policemen. Most of fics will be a character traveling back to his younger self, but ocassionally there will be just a time travel. The Life and Times Ch 1, Harry Potter | FanFiction. Lily Evans Severus Snape. It all came back to the prophecy. Sirius Black was James Potter’s closest friend, Harry Potter’s godfather, and an Animagus, who was falsely accused of betrayal and murder and imprisoned in Azkaban.. History. Year 6: James Sirius. “I… Suddenly beginning to understand why the people in the books and movies do all those stupid things. The money raised went to English PEN and Dyslexia Action. word count: 2,510. warnings: mentions of death, mentions of anxiety, jily death Since hearing it, he couldn't think of any alternative. As an orphan Harry Potter is mistreated by his guardian aunt and uncle and their son. Within moments Snape was sitting on top of James Potter as he pummeled his sworn enemy. He could have anyone for a friend, yet he is instantly drawn to handsome, dark-haired Sirius Black - … From the corner of his eyes, Sirius sees him give Remus a pointed look as he walks past. Fantasy Romance Harry Potter Fanfiction Harry Potter. One of the biggest sins of the movie series is not going into detail regarding the Marauder's Map. the hp fanfiction of amanuensis. In 2014, James, along with his family, attended the finale of the Quidditch World Cup in the Patagonian Desert. A Harry who growls at his enemies like his animagus form would or whose nails are almost claw-like in nature. Time travel fics in Harry Potter fandom. Sirius Black was the elder of two boys born to an aristocratic family that was fiercely proud of its pureblood status and vehemently anti-Muggle. Title: Resistance Pairing: James Potter x Snape!Female!Reader Word count: 1.4k Published: 14 December, 2020 Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore Notes: This is part of Heloise’s Christmas Calendar. “HEY WHAT ABOUT ME” James roared, “I died too in case you didn’t hear!”. But he just felt a hole for his father's parents. In the end there is a small section of people going to the future. Fantasy Romance Harry Potter Gen Z Harry Potter Harry Potter Next Generation. 544. Or, I want his form to actually affect him like it affected animagi in Canon. Characters: Tom Riddle, Harry Potter, Mr Borgin . In the original book, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Sirius Black lays out the entire story of the Marauders and the Marauders’ Map for Harry, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger. this really has no ending it's just a plot bunny I couldn't ignore. Sirius, also startled, jerks his head up when he suddenly meets Remus’ gaze. Main Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter. RELATED: Harry Potter: 10 Hufflepuff Logic Memes That Are Hilariously True. They meet their Grandparents. Pairings: Lily/James. New life is ahead for you and Sirius. The Orchid by @nah-she-didnt [3.7k, G, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter] James is a plant enthusiast. James Potter had found himself madly in love with his best friend. Home Page Amanuensis's Fanfiction Art/Fic Tributes Fic Recommendations Amanuensis's LiveJournal Other Links amanuensis1 @ earthlink . They travel back in time and meet the marauders. To any children know we love you. James Potter is not only alive (and suddenly not her father) but strangely possessive of her. /: This was for @turning-dreams-into-chaos ‘s writing challenge. I am writing a fanfic where Sirius loses his sight because of an accident during potions and his life undergoes a radical change. If Sirius has a dog-like laugh and Pettigrew has mouse-like features, then Harry's animagus should also affect him in some way. Harry had been hesitant at first, thinking James was too young to understand the sad history behind the Potter name. It was ingrained in his brain, and somewhere in the back of his mind, he found he wasn't surprised. Snape lives in a converted Mill, under a bridge, in a muggle village. Sirius, James, and Lily were all part of the Order of the Phoenix, a group of witches and wizards who were desperately fighting againstVoldemort.

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