I don't see how they can take people's money for the product in it's current state. Airline and GA traffic is 100%, no GA aircraft showing. [FSX] - [P3D] - [P3D4] - Just Flight, Traffic Global (Traffic) » Миссии, трафик, звуки, паки и утилиты для FS2004, FSX, P3D :: rutr.life The new add-on will inject thousands of AI control flights within the simulator, populating X-Plane with real-world aircraft and airlines flying accurate routes to a schedule. Lots of FAQs and the devs can deal directly with any issues in there. 1.1.8 i have EDDF loaded with airplanes, i do have a problem with Cargo traffic. Just flight should never sell and promote Global Traffic when clearly there are so many issues especially as their earlier Traffic 360 installed so easily! It is available to view at the end of this article. v1.1.0.1 - Potential fixes for crash on startup issues - Missing FSX traffic bug fixed - SAS flight plans added - United Airlines flight plans added - Southwest Airlines flight plans added - Traffic app will now run at the end of installation - AI aircraft sounds fixed. The traffic will consist of 65 different aircraft types, with over 860 liveries from around the globe. Traffic Global (for X-Plane 11 Windows) Download In Stock. Martyn - Just Flight Installation. The prop disks are certainly fixed, although the Dash8-400 seems a bit odd as the props appear to be permanently at idle (blades visible) and at times reverse direction. For X-Plane pilots wishing to fill up big airports with lots of realistic air traffic, Traffic Global from Just Flight is the answer. I don't use it, but JustFlight has a forum for Traffic global at Traffic Global for X-Plane 11 | Just Flight Community. Each update is provided by simply re-downloading the latest version from the My Account section of the website. After months of development previews and teasing, Just Flight has released their rendition of an X-Plane AI addon, called Traffic Global. Just Flight have released an update to their latest AI Traffic Addon, Traffic Global, which is currently in Early Access! A private forum for customers taking part in the Just Flight Traffic Global Early Access program. Now Traffic Global, the latest and greatest edition, is populating the virtual skies and making your flight environment 'as busy as it gets'. Now available at the FlightSim.Com Store from Just Flight is their latest AI package for FSX/P3D, Traffic Global . Review: Just Flight - Traffic Global. 1. Andrew Hill i9-9900KS 64GB Dual RTX 2080 Super P3D V5 & MSFS 2020. The changelog consists of 59 items, addressing bugs, improvements and additions throughout the plugin. - Fix performance drop with Flight Factor A350 and potentially others - Add option to disable Traffic Global when the "RELEASE_AIRCRAFT" message is received from another plugin instead of just disabling TCAS - Fix a rare crash when calculating taxi routes - Change the radiobutton appearance slightly to make it more different from switches. Just Flight’s popular traffic addon, traffic Global has been released for those who use X-Plane 11 on a Mac. Traffic Global will inject thousands of AI control flights within the simulator, populating X-Plane with real-world aircraft and airlines flying accurate routes to a schedule. I have used TG since release and have tried to help users if I can with install and compiling, and have shown how too create and edit flight plans. Account Login. Populating airports with realistic moving aircraft really adds to the realism and makes the sim world seem alive. US$52.99. You might want to try asking there as well if you haven't already. Just Flight - Traffic Global for FSX/P3D. Email Address. IMHO this is like a pre alpha, I see just flight have not responded to any threads on the forum regarding this. Just yesterday was the final teaser unveiled - announcing today, October 23rd, as the release date for their first X-Plane plugin. Includes is 65 aircraft types and over 860 liveries with worldwide coverage. 1 like; Comment. A friendly and knowledgeable community contributes regularly, and the Just Trains Crew are daily visitors. Traffic Global aims to add worldwide AI traffic to the skies of X-Plane 11. (New paints are nice though). https://traffic.justflight.com. IML. Please enter a valid email address. However, I am unable to run the Traffic Global application setup routine. Default X-Plane AI traffic is lack-luster, but reviewer Michael Hayward found that Traffic Global fills the world with airlines, while having a minimal effect on frame rates. @Bob-S said in Lots of traffic missing: I have version. I just had the same issue with v I just updated to version and that seems to work okay with TG and let me activate it. Hundreds of combinations of airlines and aircraft provided - Traffic Global comes with 65 aircraft types over 860 liveries covering most of the world’s airlines. Review: Just Flight - Traffic Global For P3D. Traffic Global (XP11) Changelog. Just Flight forum We have a new community forum for Just Flight & Just Trains where you can discuss our products and general PC and sim-related topics. ! Just Flight announced on Facebook that Traffic Global will be released October 23rd for X-Plane 11. The traffic is loaded into the sim via .bgl files. Moreover, Just Flight has taken the time to deliver a 'Developer's Diary,' and has been maintained and updated once a month regarding the progress of Traffic Global. Just Flight has released its long-awaited Traffic Global expansion pack for X-Plane 11. There have been a variety of methods of doing this over the years and Just Flight with their Global Traffic have one of the best since it uses actual real world flight schedules. Latest Update: 10/05/2021 The below log shows all updates for this product since release: v1.1.0010 This re-release is a collection of fixes and imp... Mon, 10 May, 2021 at 1:37 PM. Then straight out of the blue came my answer in a form of an update in a new version to v1.0.9997. Traffic global... No traffic. Traffic global... No traffic. This topic has been deleted. Only users with topic management privileges can see it. I thought traffic global has gone 1.0, but it still says early access in my account. I've installed the latest version available and there are now no aircraft at any airports. Our old forum has been archived for read-only access as there is content that people may still find useful. To view the old forum please visit it at http://forum.justflight.com If you are after technical support for a product, the forums are not the best place to get a response from Just Flight / Just Trains. - Plugin Update : Traffic Global v1.0.9997 by JustFlight I was thinking only a week ago, that it had been a fair while (August 2020) since JustFlight had updated their Traffic Global application with any changes or new stuff. Traffic Global has been designed for the latest incarnations of Prepar3D and Flight Simulator X. ; Over 600,000 flights included by default – the flight database is created from recent commercially sourced flight data and processed using custom tools specifically written for Traffic Global. Login is on the top RH side. News! The development team wrote: “The Traffic Global developers have been hard at work updating the Early Access edition of our new AI traffic add-on for FSX and P3D, following all the feedback and helpful suggestions from buyers via the Early Access forum.” I don't compile Global traffic at all If you contact Just Flight support they can look into this for you. Default X-Plane AI traffic is lack-luster, but reviewer Michael Hayward found that Traffic Global fills the world with airlines, while having a minimal effect on frame rates. If that sounds like you then please send me a message! Subtotal. All of the airlines, aircraft types, and schedules will be up-to-date. I have Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit installed, and my simulator is P3D v3.4. It just crashes when I try to load it. Traffic Global is the latest incarnation in Just Flight's Traffic series and features thousands of detailed but FPS-efficient commercial airline AI aircraft built from the ground up, an extensive schedule of General Aviation flights and accurate flight plans based on real-world airline schedules. We are currently looking for some new testers to join our Traffic Global (for XP11) testing team, specifically those with significant experience using existing AI traffic products for XP11 and an understanding of the XP11 AI system. A new update for Traffic Global has been published by Just Flight. Available for immediate download. Check your simulator SimobjectPaths for a UTLive entry (FSX - fsx.cfg or Prepar3D simObjectPaths.cfg) 2) Look out over the next few days for a new content update for Traffic Global… US$52.99 (Remove) You will receive up to 173 points with this order, worth US$2.60 off a future order. flying-w. 1) I think something got left behind from the UTLive uninstall. If you had an account on forum.suprbay.org with at least one post, you do not need to re-register. - MSFS Message Forum where you can ask questions and talk about the sim Results 1 to 4 of 4 Thread: Article: Review: Just Flight - Traffic Global For P3D Quantity. Just Flight announced Traffic Global in April of this year.Since then, previews of the aircraft have periodically been published, along with an FAQ. Since the release, there have been 4 updates, some more major than others. User name is the email you used to buy TG and password is the order number from your JF account. Traffic Global was released about a month ago. Yes, it is - details in the manual that's installed as part of Traffic Global. Password is required. PTPhreak. Please enter a valid email address. FEATURES Hundreds of combinations of airlines and aircraft provided - Traffic Global comes with 65 aircraft types over 860 liveries covering most of the world’s airlines, plus GA. Over 600,000 flights included by default – the flight database is created from recent commercially sourced flight data and processed using custom tools specifically written for Traffic Global. Traffic Global XP is available in an instant download format, direct from the Just Flight website and it costs £35.00. Password. As I am stupid you do have to delete Traffic 360 in the first instance? I have often noticed that while flying with my VA and ready for departure, the callsign of my flight can be heard coming from the AI Global traffic flight, so the scheduling is very accurate. Except for the fact that that aircraft will only complete that return flight every single day. The new community forum is available at https://community.justflight.com As for my opinions on the future of TG I would like to see it succeed into what is was intended a real world AI traffic program that … The first version of the "Traffic" series came out 20 years ago and now the latest has been brought to FSX/Prepar3D users. It’s been over 20 years since Just Flight published the first instalment in the legendary Traffic series. The aircraft fleet is located outside of the simulator so that it can be used by more than one sim without having to double up on file sizes if you were installing locally (the location is customisable, but is in My Docs by default). Review: Just Flight - Traffic Global. October 23, 2019. Just Flight - Traffic Global (XP11) Product Changelog. If you have any issues with Traffic Global check out the Early Access forum. I added my own cargo flights and i compiled only my AI. Just downloaded and installed as per instructions and, to be honest, initially at least I can't see any improvement. Traffic Global installed successfully (into the default folders) on my PC. Why supply, not demand, is the concern for airline recovery. For X-Plane pilots wishing to fill up big airports with lots of realistic air traffic, Traffic Global from Just Flight is the answer. Restart flight sim and you should now see the Traffic Global A.I.

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