The domain uses a Commercial suffix and it's server(s) are located in N/A with the IP number and it is a .com. The mission of Summit Hill District 161, in collaboration with the family and the community, is to provide our students with the highest quality educational opportunities in a safe, supportive,and stimulating learning environment which will empower them to become productive global … It is … Know your school’s top blocked sites, top searches, and most and least successful users of online content. The reports that are available are great and can be customized and retains data for 90 days. Posted • College • Feb 15, 2019. Record to store screen views. Aug 04 Community Town Hall Meeting. Worked with a team of 8 developers on the development of a teacher dashboard for the Zeeguu open-source ecosystem based on the Flask web framework (written in Python) as a university project. Entdecke Rezepte, Einrichtungsideen, Stilinterpretationen und andere Ideen zum Ausprobieren. Lightspeed - Check or submit link for review. The ViewSonic myViewBoard software is a powerful tool that empowers teachers to build lesson plans, create engaging content and share lessons with students. Lightspeed is helping students and teachers to utilize every minute and focus on learning. Lightspeed. Lightspeed powers complex independent businesses with its cloud-based, omnichannel commerce platform in over 100 countries. ResumeMatch - Sample Resume, Resume Template, Resume Example, Resume Builder,Resume linkedin,Resume Grade,File Convert. Self Service Portal. Click on the links below to download a pdf of supply lists by grade level. View concise overview videos on a variety of topics for Canvas LMS usage. Teachmint is a one-stop solution for the teachers and tutors who have had to use Facebook Live, Zoom or Google Meet to teach the students. Recording Link . “We understand the awkward situation for a teacher to stand in front of the class and look at the back of a bunch of laptops,” says Thomas. 32. Staff Video Access. Conneaut School District Handbooks. TExGuide. Lightspeed Systems Classroom Orchestrator - 1 Year. Activity Monitoring. Conneaut Lake Attendance Area Nurse. Much of the information presented in the initial dashboard of the WebTitan are displayed in graphical form, making the comprehension of the most pertinent information quick and effortless. Do you have someone on staff you would like to show your appreciation for? How to use Lightspeed. Kurt Magnus teacher. Our new Online Activity Dashboard is now available within Relay Filter to provide additional insights about how students are using their time on school-issued devices. Lightspeed Technologies, Inc. 11509 SW Herman Road Tualatin, OR 97062 USA Phone: (800) 732-8999 Fax: (503) 684-3197 The startup has secured $3.5 million in a seed funding round backed by Lightspeed India, with participation from Titan Capital and Better Capital. Canvas Studio This is the dashboard of the Lightspeed Mobile Manager console. @Alice Schafer Annex cafeteria/gym. Videos can be used by students, admins, instructors, and observers. Lightspeed Systems aims to help users make decisions to enhance technology use, report up administrators, present to your board, reassure concerned parents, empower teachers, and direct students on appropriate use. Lightspeed Systems Classroom Orchestrator - 1 Year. TEKS Resource System. Lightspeed Alert leverages smart AI to actively scan and alert on concerning student behavior anywhere students engage online. Lightspeed er et nettbasert verktøy, og pålogging foregår via adressen We knew there was much prep to be done for this unusual school year. Lightspeed blocked over 72 million visits to mature sites between July 1-Sept 9, 2020 alone. St. Simons Elementary School is located in St. Simons Island, GA. 805 Ocean Blvd., St. Simons Island, GA 31522 Phone: (912) 638-2851 Fax: (912) 638-1783 2021-22 7th and 8th Grade School Supply Lists (Azle Junior High) TEKS Resource System Implementation. Number of primary languages spoken in students' homes - 94 English Language Learners - 12.5% Students with Disabilities - 12.5%. Conneaut School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer Dashboard view of all class screens. Daily feedback on … Lightspeed MDM™ can issue, track, manage, and monitor every device and remotely deploy apps and install updates even after the device is issued. Overview. A case is … K-12 curriculum. With Lightspeed Classroom Management™, teachers can keep their students logged in, participating, and focused whether in-person or at a distance. Click on the button below to view an instructional slideshow on how to use the Lightspeed Dashboard. Lightspeed Trader is our flagship trading platform and one of the best trading software platforms available on the market. Lightspeed Filter's unique features. Mrs. Wendy Andrews. If you are interested in becoming a Kelly Education substitute teacher to work in our schools, we invite you to apply with Kelly Education. 2, 2000 Wow! Lightspeed MDM makes app management intuitive and flexible with remote configuration and deployment by school, year group, classroom, and student—no matter which major OS is being used. You don’t need to pay or to sign a contract before you start working. A year ago, the world turned upside down—talk about disrupting class. Pricing. Keeping students on task and excited about learning can take all your best classroom management strategies — even when you’re delivering instruction face-to-face.. With many schools closing their doors indefinitely, teachers across the country have had to adapt at lightspeed and implement remote learning strategies.. Schoology. We’re committed to your success with one-on-one onboarding, support, professional learning and certification programs, and a community built to support teachers, tech admins and decision makers throughout the journey of meeting learner needs. Canvas Studio Lightspeed also allows them to view students' browsing history, review their activity, and supervise their work in real time. LongWalk86. Elloree Elementary School 200 Warrior Dr., Elloree, SC 29047 • 803-897-2233 • 803-897-2034 • OETC Part: LS-CO-1 | MFG Part: CO-1. Internal Applicants: When you re-open an existing application, your status as an Internal Candidate will be removed unless you do the following: 1) Select "Finish and Submit;" and 2) Re-enter the required questions, including your employee ID number. ... not looked into any recently. DAILY BRIEF: TOP 10 EDTECH-RELATED HEADLINES FROM GOOGLE NEWS. DASHBOARD Have instant visibility of all student and staff content consumption to and from the Internet. District Training Power point (Click to download Powerpoint) -ALICE Training Video. Events Calendar. 2. It continues to be developed in direct response to feedback that we receive from our customers. This information might be about you, your preferences or your device and is mostly used to make the site work as you expect it to. Item Availability. St. Simons Elementary School is located in St. Simons Island, GA. Alecia Pittman. The best part is, there are many ways you can redeem your points. Troubleshooting and other key information about the content filter. (Det er fullt mulig for en lærer å logge seg på LS, men per høst 2016 er det kun IKT-veiledere og kommunal IT-rådgiver som har tjenestelige behov for å logge seg… Manage Every Device Remotely Empower teachers with real-time student online visibility for both in-person and remote instruction. Dashboard view of all class screens. August 28, 2020 7 min read. Lightspeed Classroom Management™ - April 6, 2021. (Image credit: Lightspeed) Lightspeed Mobile Manager is a unique MDM solution made just for schools. Let the deals come to you by receiving our daily deals email.You can also ask: "Alexa, what are my deals?" We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Last Updated: 12/13/2018 8:37 PM. Barnard College, a women's college affiliated with Columbia University, is located in New York City's Manhattan borough. Also, a member of the US government and Reuters have President Bukele in their minds. Education Specialist in School Counseling, Ed.S. Read more in our full Opinion Outpost review if you’d like to learn more. Lightspeed Systems. In order for our students to see a video or a website, it must be categorized as educational. SEATTLE, June 15, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Lightspeed Microscopy, Inc., an end-to-end 3D pathology platform, announced today it has raised $4 million in a … Professional School Counselor . SchoolPass. With Lightspeed Classroom Management™, teachers can keep their students logged in, participating, and focused whether in-person or at a distance. The transparent proxy works great for on-site filtering. Lightspeed Teacher U. Lightspeed Relay Admin Login. Lightspeed isn't the fastest in getting support for the newest iOS features pushed out, but everything we've been using so far works as expected. January 2018 Meetings. Millions of real salary data collected from government and companies - annual starting salaries, average salaries, payscale by company, job title, and city. Real-time alerts and safety dashboards equip district and school staff with the visibility and tools to respond to threats and manage cases. Job interview questions and sample answers list, tips, guide and advice. Lightspeed Systems, the provider of educational software solutions, and RealVNC, the original developer and global provider of VNC remote access technology, announced that Lightspeed Systems will be leveraging VNC technology as part of its educational solution, Classroom Orchestrator. Recording Link . The worldwide pandemic put education and training to the test, but remote […] domain.. We would like to show you a description … Vision of the Conneaut School District. St. Simons Elementary School is located in St. Simons Island, GA. 805 Ocean Blvd., St. Simons Island, GA 31522 Phone: (912) 638-2851 Fax: (912) 638-1783 Mosaic Lunch Program. May 11, 2021 April 10, 2021 a aa aaa aaaa aaacn aaah aaai aaas aab aabb aac aacc aace aachen aacom aacs aacsb aad aadvantage aae aaf aafp aag aah aai aaj aal aalborg aalib aaliyah aall aalto aam aamc aamco aami aamir aan aand aanndd aantal aao aap aapg aapl aaps aapt aar aardvark aarhus aaron aarons aarp aas aasb Azle ISD Academic Calendar. Business types Retail Apparel Bike CBD Electronics Gift store Health Home decor Jewelry Liquor Pet Sporting goods Toy Vape Other Restaurant … Tango - TPRI. Shop our Deal of the Day, Lightning Deals and more daily deals and limited-time sales. We have had pretty good luck with Smoothwall for the past 2 years. GoGuardian Product Updates for the 2020-2021 School Year. Courses facilitated by Conneaut School District teachers. The grade information you see displayed is updated during a nightly process. The Bitcoin train is moving fast in El Salvador. Demographic Data. A few weeks have felt like months, and these past several months have felt like years. And as part of the round, Lightspeed founding partner Ravi Mhatre is joining the board. Administrative Contracts. The dashboard provides users with a unique view of how the district's learning environment and financial resources are used to ensure student success. Freckle helps K-12 teachers differentiate instruction and reach every student at their own level across Math, ELA, Social Studies and Science. How a Single Dashboard Can Keep Students Safe Online Lightspeed Systems offers a platform approach to help schools address the many complexities inherent in supporting at-home education. A flexible school schedule allowing students to work during nontraditional school hours. Using Relay, teachers can monitor student activity in real time, record and broadcast lessons to each machine, and remotely lock machines when they need their students’ full attention. Lightspeed Mobile Manager: Best MDM for Schools. Speaking to Inc42, cofounder and CEO Mihir Gupta said that Teachmint is envisioned as a one-stop solution for tutors and teachers who have had … View by size - small, medium, large. Aug 11 Board of Directors Combined Work Session and Voting Meeting. About Azle ISD; Accountability; Alumni; Attendance Zones; Azle ISD Strategic Plan; Board of Trustees; Board Policy; Calendars; Campus Directory; Campus Social Media Directory VPN. View a list of 100 apps like Lightspeed Filter and compare alternatives. View by size - small, medium, large. For the Conneaut Lake Elementary School Student Handbook 2020/2021 SY, please click here. Here you can see a brief overview of Users, Schools, Groups, Apps, Devices, ... example, teacher owned iPads that will be used for Apple Classroom. Lightspeed Systems. Policy Management Dashboard The Policy Management Dashboard ... (e.g. SkyPort Dashboard Configuring Your Dashboard Additional Options Administrator Access Gradebook Tracker ... Lightspeed Reports ... allows you to view teachers’ gradebooks and also to track how the gradebooks are being used. -Safe to Say Something. Glad to hear it has another life as KPIG. Helps you prepare job interviews and practice interview skills and techniques. The mission of Summit Hill District 161, in collaboration with the family and the community, is to provide our students with the highest quality educational opportunities in a safe, supportive,and stimulating learning environment which will empower them to become productive global … This training will highlight the best in teaching tools for the virtual classroom, p rograms include: ClassHook, ClassroomScreen, Lightspeed Web Filtering, Adobe PDF Markup, Screencastify, and Greenshot! Alert Report Dashboard. Free tech support during operation hours. Information for research of yearly salaries, wage level, bonus and compensation data comparison. Reports are easily shared with staff and/or parents for transparency and disciplinary reasons. A community where all recognize and fulfill their unique potential to contribute to a globally connected society. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Make Money Online By Being an E-hailing Service Driver Cover Letter for Jobs For the Conneaut Area Senior High School Student Handbook 2020/2021 SY, please click here. Updated 2020-2021 Calendar - Approved January 11, 2021 (revised March 8, 2021) 2021-2022 Calendar - Approved February 8, 2021. Forte Junior High. Worked with a team of 8 developers on the development of a teacher dashboard for the Zeeguu open-source ecosystem based on the Flask web framework (written in Python) as a university project. general fund vendor name claims description total 43 north iowa 1 spec ed transition services 1,557.36 abcreative, inc 1 je instruction equipment 459.00 … Screen Sharing. ... so teachers can keep students on-task and monitor class activities remotely. The mission of Summit Hill District 161, in collaboration with the family and the community, is to provide our students with the highest quality educational opportunities in a safe, supportive,and stimulating learning environment which will empower them to become productive global … With a comprehensive and educations specific database, Lightspeed is able to provide detailed drill-down reporting with tiered management roles along with a teacher dashboard. Obviously not cost effective for our small school. YouTube and other websites are filtered through the District's Web Filtering Software, Lightspeed. If your school currently has a BYOD programme without an MDM, Lightspeed is worth looking into as it streamlines… Public school system site offering links for campuses and administration. Begins @ 6:00 PM. Looking after these BYOD devices is called Mobile Device Management – or MDM for short. Item Availability. Teacher Dashboard. My main task was helping to manage the team and being a front-end developer (while sometimes also collaborating on the backend whenever necessary). Every day. Lightspeed powers complex independent businesses with its cloud-based, omnichannel commerce platform in over 100 countries. Do you have a teacher or staff member you would like to give a shout out to? THE EDTECH AWARDS 2021 | Getting Closer Hearty congratulations to The EdTech Awards 2021 finalists and winners! Lightspeed Activate app pairs with a Lightspeed audio system to control the Activate System, record video and audio in the classroom, and other advanced features. Advanced AI technology gives teachers real-time visibility and control of their students’ digital workspaces and online activity. The safety check feature is amazing at identifying possible self harm and violent students. The sign-up process takes only a few minutes to complete, after which you can browse through survey options from your dashboard. For teachers on the frontlines of navigating remote learning, Lightspeed Classroom Management™ was enhanced with an increase in class sizes, custom one-way messaging, and Zoom integration launcher. Teachmint is a one-stop solution for the teachers and tutors who have had to use Facebook Live, Zoom or Google Meet to teach the students. Video Tools : ClipConverter: Screencastify: EDpuzzle : Hovercam: Lightspeed Web Filtering Sitting in Malaysia, you can log into any of these websites and start earning money. SchoolPass Wellness Admin Login. The result is highly personalized and intuitive software. Companies like Swagbucks, MyPoints, LightSpeed Research and 20/20 Research are quite popular in the market. 2021-22 Pre-Kindergarten School Supply List (English and Spanish) 2021-22 Kindergarten-4th Grade School Supply Lists (English and Spanish) 2021-22 5th and 6th Grade School Supply Lists. Provided by Alexa ranking, has ranked N/A in N/A and 6,614,425 on the reaches roughly 466 users per day and delivers about 13,993 users each month. One option is software from Lightspeed Systems, writes Andrew Fergus. We don't have any 1:1 devices, and we don't have any users in the MDM with a device assigned to them. With products such as web filtering, MDM and Relay, Lightspeed offers several solutions that aid in on/offsite filtering, SIS integration and hands-off SSL decryption. With the new funding, Clever has raised a total of about $43 million. This training will highlight the best in teaching tools for the virtual classroom, p rograms include: ClassHook, ClassroomScreen, Lightspeed Web Filtering, Adobe PDF Markup, Screencastify, and Greenshot! District supplied Chromebook. Your partner in learning. 4 years ago. Schools across the country are running BYOD programmes for their students. My Big Campus users can continue using the LMS as they always have, and can complete a form on the FAQ page to work with the Lightspeed Systems team to prepare for content migration. We switched to iBoss and never looked back. Screen, photo and video proctoring with AI alarms. The Dashboard After years of working with the Lightspeed Rocket, I can categorically say the dashboard of the WebTitan is vastly superior. The mission of Summit Hill District 161, in collaboration with the family and the community, is to provide our students with the highest quality educational opportunities in a safe, supportive,and stimulating learning environment which will empower them to become productive global … Barnard College: A Small Women's College Within an Ivy League University. 814-683-5900 Extension 2720. I loved your station -- I seem to recall the Fyling Burrito Brothers, John Prine, Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks, and Asleep at the Wheel as bands KFAT played -- and it was music with which I immediately bonded. Detailed view of individual screens. Reading Plus Teacher Login. Lightspeed Sign-In; Performance Matters; PowerSchool - Admin; PowerSchool - Subs; PowerSchool - Teachers; SafeSchools Training Portal; School Messenger; Staff/Sub Handbooks; Standards For Success; Time Clock - Admin; Time Clock - Staff; Departments" Teachers can view individual or all screens, remotely control, lock or unlock and record student screens from their device. A policy is a set of rules that controls the behavior of a Lightspeed Rocket feature such as the Web Filter, Power Agent, or ... You manage Web Filter policies from the Policy Management Dashboard. What do you dislike? Take your school, college or coaching's assignments and tests online. Today's Deals New deals. Lightspeed technology for glitch-free test-taking experience. With the new funding, Clever has raised a total of about $43 million. The startup has secured $3.5 million in a seed funding round backed by Lightspeed India, with participation from Titan Capital and Better Capital. Percentage of students of color - 53.9%.The largest student group of color is Hispanic/Latino(a) followed by Asian American. domain.. We would like to show you a description … Let's start talking. Teacher Rule Set with Overrides). OETC Part: LS-CO-1 | MFG Part: CO-1. Austin, Texas, April 15, 2021-Lightspeed Systems®, the leading K-12 online safety and effectiveness solutions provider, announces the launch of Lightspeed Alert™, a threat detection solution for self-harm, bullying, and school violence, helping to provide schools and districts with early warning detection to prevent incidents and promote student safety. Record to store screen views. Real-time e-invigilation with two way chat. Admin Contracts.pdf 1.63 MB (Last Modified on January 14, 2019) Comments (-1) Easy to deploy to Chromebooks, very robust dashboard, and easy to apply custom Allow/Deny lists. An Incident is created if a student or teacher inputs a concerning phrase that triggers Lightspeed Alert. Applicants - Beaverton School District. who's who and what's next in edtech. Lightspeed Teacher Dashboard. See if the competition offers the features you need, at the price you want. How to use this online resource in your class. Cloud-based filtering and an AI-based student safety monitor enable administrators and teachers to follow students’ daily activities and overall academic progress. Partnered with 6,500 districts in the United States and 25,000 schools around the world, Lightspeed Systems offers integrated solutions for smarter K-12 … 2020 Lightspeed Web Filtering 2.0. My main task was helping to manage the team and being a front-end developer (while sometimes also collaborating on the backend whenever necessary). ... Lightspeed Classroom for teachers, giving teachers control and monitoring students browsing in a classroom or during distant learning. Lightspeed Systems ® is a committed ally to schools around the world. Our teachers have felt empowered by the Lightspeed Classroom Management tool, which has allowed them to manage Chromebooks in their classroom without the help of IT. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Event Logs. What a year it’s been already! 3. Jul 07 Board of Directors Combined Work Session and Board Voting Meeting. The domain uses a Commercial suffix and it's server(s) are located in N/A with the IP number and it is a .com. CSD Discrimination Policy. GoGuardian Team. It saves time and money with multi-OS support, intuitive IUs, integration with Apple and Windows programs, and a school-based hierarchy and policy inheritance. 1. level 1. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. AUSTIN, TX. Please the visit the A Year of COVID-19 page to register for a link to this online event. Additional information, including the school report card, is available on the district's academic performance page. Lightspeed Technologies, Inc. 11509 SW Herman Road Tualatin, OR 97062 USA Phone: (800) 732-8999 Fax: (503) 684-3197 The elements of GoGuardian Admin that seemed to stand out were the Youtube filter, the Teacher classroom management piece, and the Theft Recovery. Lightspeed Platform (formerly Relay) Lightspeed web filtering using the Chromebook Relay agent is amazing and does a great job for a cloud filtering solution. … Management will host a conference call and webcast to discuss the Company's financial results at 7:30 am ET on Thursday, November 5, 2020. 814-683-5900 Extension 4526. For Faculty Lightspeed Classroom is a great tool for classroom management with our student Chromebooks. Overview. Conneaut Area Senior High. GoStudent becomes edtech unicorn after €1.4bn valuation - The PIE News July 5, 2021 ‘AI and Data Driven Technologies Are the Next Big Thing in Edtech’, Says Smruti Sudarshan - LatestLY July 5, 2021; The role of edtech in supporting English as an additional language students - … Cases How is a case created? The Mission of the Conneaut School District is to provide a safe and supportive environment where all acquire the skills to become productive citizens of a globally connected society. To view the Alert report, log in to Relay and click Reports > Alert from the main navigation menu. Staff Video. Much more lightweight and it worked so well! Just like so many of you, GoGuardian took no breaks. Teacher Dashboard Teacher Dashboard Teacher Dashboard Unique benefits of this Management Bundle: • Made just for schools • Integration with your favorite Windows device features • No hardware, manage from anywhere in the cloud One option is software from Lightspeed Systems, writes Andrew Fergus. Research Talks presents A Year of COVID-19: Teaching and Learning The final installment of the A Year of COVID-19 series is planned for Thursday, June 17 from 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Play. Graphical analytics adding value in parent-teacher meets. For additional information, please call 814-838-1146. Check the Web Resources Status Dashboard in case of known outages or services impacted. Partnered with Microsoft Education, Lightspeed Classroom Management is able to integrate seamlessly with the Microsoft suite, including Microsoft Teams. Lightspeed Systems ® is a committed ally to schools around the world. Begins @ 7:00 PM. 2020 Created by Buhl School District. Mute. Administrators can use it to filter websites, identify high-risk activity and locate lost or stolen devices. ... Lightspeed - Content Filter. Teachers can see all screens at once, record a student's screen, send sites to a student computer, lock their laptop, and much more. Students, educators, the workforce were all hit hard; schools, workplaces, conferences shut down or went virtual. Lightspeed Launches New Web Filtering Rocket. Compare vs. Lightspeed Filter View Software. January 3, 2018 Public Work Session Minutes; January 8, 2018 Budget Finance Committee Meeting Minutes ... Granular insights and clear reporting with a single dashboard and license fee across mailboxes and enterprise apps. The law that makes it legal tender goes into effect in September, but the first Bitcoin company is already up and running. According to the vendor, Lightspeed Filter powers learning on any device, on any OS, and takes minutes to get started. Current Time 0:00. The mission of Summit Hill District 161, in collaboration with the family and the community, is to provide our students with the highest quality educational opportunities in a safe, supportive,and stimulating learning environment which will empower them to become productive global … We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Internet reimbursement up to $30 a month. Rock the Classroom 2: Teacher Tools . Lightspeed Mobile Device Management™ - April 12, 2021. Lightspeed MDM Lightspeed (forkortet LS) er som kjent vårt valgte administrasjonssystem for iPader. — Lightspeed Systems, the leading provider of filtering and MDM solutions for K-12 schools, has released a crucial new feature for its Lightspeed Filter™ and Lightspeed Mobile Device Management™ solutions. When you visit any Lightspeed Systems website, we may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Lightspeed Mobile Device Management - April 1, 2021. It categorizes videos and websites into different categories. Prom 2020-2021-Girls Provided by Alexa ranking, has ranked N/A in N/A and 3,901,087 on the reaches roughly 794 users per day and delivers about 23,825 users each month. myViewBoard allows real-time wireless collaboration, screen mirroring/sharing, and digital whiteboarding. We are doing device-based app assignments, Lightspeed's way to do so is a bit of a headache though. Play Video. @Alice Schafer Annex cafeteria/gym. Lightspeed Mobile Device Management™ - April 7, 2021. Talented & Gifted (TAG) - 15.6% Percentage of students qualifying for free and reduced lunch - 34.8% For the Conneaut Valley Elementary School Student Handbook 2020/2021 SY, please click here. MySchoolBucks. From: Kathy Date: Apr. @CASH Auditorium/Gymatorium. Lightspeed MDM™ can issue, track, manage, and monitor every device and remotely deploy apps and install updates even after the device is issued. Empower teachers with real-time student online visibility for both in-person and remote instruction. Schools across the country are running BYOD programmes for their students. Click on this Shout Out link to complete the form. White-labeling & API integrations with current ERP. Usage: Unblock blocked sites; block unblocked sites Strengths: This is a good product to deal with the excesses of District wide blocking which frequently interferes with student research projects.Examples of subjects that my students had trouble researching included Nazis, gun control, and cancer support groups (breast cancer blocked).

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