There has been an increase in the size and capabilities of militias supported by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps-Quds Force in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen collectively. Middle East Iran satellite launch in early June failed, planning new one: Pentagon ... 2021 courtesy of Planet Labs Inc. and Middlebury Institute of … If and when a return to the agreement is reached, the Biden administration will also need to counter Iran’s escalating efforts in the Middle East. 150, 160. Print. The center provides in-depth analysis of the political, socioeconomic, and security issues facing the Middle East and North Africa. In many ways, the occupation turned Iran into an America bete noir, a prism that went a long way to shape US policy towards the Middle East for decades to come. Iran isn’t alone in its plight. Iran under Sanctions: India and China over a Barrel. Cmdr. Iran says IAEA access to nuclear sites images has ended. World Legal Materials from the Middle East. N.p., 17 Jan. 2017. Sep 18, 2018. The average per capita income in nations in the top quartile of economic freedom is $44,198. Middle East Israel says negotiating Pfizer surplus with other countries July 4, 2021 Middle East Iraqi minister says BP mulls quitting Iraq, Lukoil wants to sell up July 3, 2021 Read the full article on Foreign Affairs.. Israel has received a … 160–62. Providing non-partisan, expert information and analysis on the Middle East. The Middle East Institute ( MEI) is a non-profit, non-partisan think tank and cultural center in Washington, D.C., founded in 1946. 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT. T he 25-year strategic agreement between Iran and China that made headlines this past month is far from new. These are powerful messages. Tehran’s ‘turn to the East’ policy (2005), 27 consequently, had its genesis in the rejection of Iran by the US and the Western powers, and the conviction that a strategic partnership with the Asian great powers, and in particular China, serves Iran’s interests and can protect Iran at the international level. The Iran Nuclear Deal Isn’t the Problem. Areas, Carousel Home, Events, Fighting Terrorism & Extremism, Iranian Nuclear Deal, Past Events, Visions & Strategies. The Institute for the Study of War launched its Middle East Security Project in November 2011. Mounting evidence that Iran has been instrumental in spreading the Covid-19 virus throughout the Middle East adds a whole new dimension to … Ambassador to Yemen. Trump’s reckless Middle East policy has brought the US to the brink of war. The Washington Institute seeks to advance a balanced and realistic understanding of American interests in the Middle East and to promote the policies that secure them. The US also counts on the financial power of its Arab allies, especially Saudi Arabia and the UAE, who share Washington’s view of He made his remarks in a public address that was aired on Dena TV (Iran) on May 6, 2021. It is of little surprise than that both Turkey and Iran are maintaining a naval presence around the Horn of Africa. Alex Vatanka. Middle East / Levant; Iran; A Day Before Natanz Blast, Iran Nuclear Chief Says Centrifuges Activated Years Ahead of Plan ... Memri The Middle East Media Research Institute - … Iran denied on Saturday US accusations that Tehran supported attacks on US forces in Iraq and Syria, and condemned US airstrikes on Iranian-backed … Algemeiner flipped into Middle East The report calls for narrowly defining U.S. interest in the Middle East. In the March 29 letter, reported by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), 100 academics call Khamenei “the Number 1 culprit” for COVID-19 sweeping the nation unchecked. Gulf states are unsure about long-term U.S. regional commitments and are looking for ways to enhance their own security, said Alex Vatanka, director of the Iran program at the Middle East Institute. U.S. Thursday, April 29, 2021 By: Ambassador Hesham Youssef Since the end of World War II, there have been several attempts that ultimately failed to establish a regional security framework in the Middle East. INSS Middle East Strategic Perspectives 1 recounted joke above suggests, the “Iranian nation” has not lost its sense of humor and is ready to take government pronouncements about Iran’s sovereignty and national rights with a grain of salt.1 At the same time, mostly anecdotal evidence but also some limited polling2 suggests that Its foreign policy agenda will more likely be shaped by the looming question of how to come to grips with Xi Jinping’s China. A policy in the region must focus on safeguarding the United States from attack and ensuring the free flow of global commerce. U.S.-European nuclear-related sanctions on Iran in 2011 resulted in a major reduction of Japanese crude oil imports from Iran, which were largely offset by increased purchases from other Middle Eastern producers. Of the 17 most water-stressed states in the world, 12 are in the Middle East and North Africa, which includes all the littoral states of the Persian Gulf. According to an Israeli security research institute, the repeated failure to deter Hamas makes it necessary for Israel to occupy the Gaza Strip and overthrow th Hellyer is a senior associate fellow and scholar at the Royal United Services Institute in London and a nonresident scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Barely a week goes by without Iran and Russia announcing some joint adventure in the sea, on land, or in space.Just last week, as Iran’s minister of communications and information technology, Mahmoud Vaezi, made his way to Moscow, he promised “a new phase in all aspects” of relations between the two countries. The Cyber & Jihad Lab monitors, tracks, translates, researches, and analyzes cyber jihad originating from the Middle East, Iran, South Asia, and North and West Africa. “Iran Appoints Seasoned Qods Force Operative as Ambassador to Iraq.”Iran Appoints Seasoned Qods Force Operative as Ambassador to Iraq – The Washington Institute for Near East Policy. Iran's political elite has decided that the next face of the Islamic Republic should be a figure steeped in its conservative roots and directly linked to some of the darkest chapters of its history. As in Qatar, Turkey has maintained a military presence in Somalia since 2014. The corona crisis could trigger a change in Iran’s foreign policy. Here is what scholars of the Middle East think. 58 Phillips, The Battle for Syria: International Rivalry in the New Middle East, pp. Subscribe to our mailing list to receive notification of … Despite strong religious and cultural ties and a long shared border, Iran has a somewhat complicated relationship with Afghanistan. Iran Nuclear Talks Open a Window for Broader Middle East Security . Download the Brief The Issue There is growing Iranian activism in the Middle East despite U.S. and allied efforts to weaken Iran’s economy and politically isolate Tehran. The Trump administration appears to be betting on a high-compliance outcome in its effort to drive Iran to the negotiating table. Today, Iran, Turkey and Russia are drawing a road map for the new Middle East.” Saudi Arabia hosted, contemporaneously with the Sochi summit, a meeting of Syrian opposition groups, aimed at forming a united opposition delegation for the Geneva talks. January 3, 2020. Barbara Leaf, a former ambassador to the United Arab Emirates and an expert on the Gulf, was named NSC senior director for the Middle East. Middle East News | Iran. Iran, Iraq, Lebanon | Special Dispatch No. Russia has justified its presence in Syria by saying it is fighting Islamic State and other extremist groups, Galeeva says in a paper published by the Middle East Institute, a … 60 Phillips, The Battle for Syria: International Rivalry in the New Middle East, pp. The Persian Gulf In one fell swoop, the United States has taken out the two masterminds behind Iran’s policy in Iraq. Kenneth M. Pollack. Attend Iran's Land Bridge: Countering a Growing Influence in the Middle East, on September, 2017 at Hudson Institute. Iran’s Networks of Influence in the Middle East is the latest Strategic Dossier from the IISS. April 29, 2021, 12:34 PM. The status of women varies widely in the Middle East, and one should not project the norms in Saudi Arabia—one of the most sexist and oppressive states in the region—onto the larger Muslim world. Friday, February 26, 2021. He says the two sides are in … Joint Roundtable between the Middle East Political and Economic Institute (MEPEI) and the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR) on 18th July 2019. Hassan Dai, co-editor of the Iranian-American Forum, spoke to an April 30 Middle East Forum webinar ( video) about the pro-Iranian-regime lobby in America. middle east israel iran turkey strategy national security foreign policy The recent protests in Iran, particularly, have brought into focus a longstanding issue: Iran likely conducted a failed launch of a satellite-carrying rocket in recent days and now appears to be preparing to try again, their latest effort to advance their space program amid tensions with the West over its tattered nuclear deal. MEMRI bridges the language gap which exists between the West and the Middle East, providing timely translations of Arabic, Persian, Urdu-Pashtu, and Turkish media, as well as original analysis of political, ideological, intellectual, social, cultural, and religious trends in the Middle East. 606 West 122 Street Knox Hall - Third Floor New York, New York 10027 President Jimmy Carter and the Middle East: Reexamining his legacy forty years later. The IISS Middle East programme analyses the region’s conflicts and security system, as well as relations between powers inside and outside the Middle East. According to Dai, the majority of Iranian-Americans "despise" the clerical regime in Tehran, but most are "not fully engaged in political activism." The occupation of the US Embassy in Tehran in 1979 cemented anti-Americanism as a cornerstone of the revolution’s response to American support for the Shah. ... Middle East states––which are striving to pursue their own priorities—are now paying close attention to changes in the regional and global arena that require a nimble diplomacy in both Washington and the capitals of the region. Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei will replace Ebrahim Raisi, who takes office in August as president after winning the June 18 election. This 18-month long study, based on field work, interviews and open source analysis examines how Iran projects its influence in the Middle East through a variety of complex relationships with regional partners. He has done field research in Iran and Egypt with a focus on the sociology of Islam. Kristian Coates Ulrichsen, Ph.D., is a Baker Institute fellow for the Middle East. Middle East / Levant; Iran; Iranian President: We Have Cut off the Hands of Those Behind Natanz ‘Nuclear Terrorism’ ... Memri The Middle East Media Research Institute - … Demonization of Iran Is a “Mistake” That Has Trapped the U.S. in Perpetual Middle East Conflict. Online Only. The Kurdish factor has become a key element in the Middle East after the war against the Islamic State. 28th June 2021. Lebanon’s Hezbollah may conduct attacks against US interests, and the Iran-backed group continues to try to push the United States out of the region, an … You are helping Iran through its proxies in the Middle East -- Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Houthis - spread terrorism in the Arab world." Biden wants to reduce the U.S. footprint in the Middle East and de-escalate with Iran, and congressional leaders like Murphy want to avoid open-ended uses of force in the name of self-defense. A think tank and research center dedicated to nonpartisan analysis of US and international economic, security, and political issues. The Institute is a 501(c)3 organization; all donations are tax-deductible. Production of uranium enriched to 5% – Iran is continuing to produce uranium enriched to 5% beyond the quantity permitted it. Dr. H.A. Iran names hardline cleric as top judge amid calls for probe. A comprehensive U.S. attack on Iran could spell the end of the Islamic republic "as we know it," says Alex Vatanka of the Middle East Institute. From 2006 to 2010, he was the managing editor of Jane’s Islamic Affairs Analyst. The word “protest” has become part of the common vocabulary in the last few months, with demonstrations in Hong Kong, the Middle East, India, and across Latin America making headlines around the world. Jerusalem Post Middle East Iran News. Working across the disciplines of political science, international relations and international political economy, his research examines the changing position of … Israel’s attempt to swap soon-to-expire Covid-19 vaccines with a future shipment of Pfizer doses earmarked for Palestinians in the occupied West Bank has sparked outrage on social media. John Calabrese. Iran’s Networks of Influence in the Middle East 1st Edition by The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) (Editor) ISBN-13: 978-0860792185 The neoconservative Hudson Institute hosted the son of Iran’s late Shah. “The Tehran of today poses a strategic threat to international security, to the entire Middle East and to the state of Israel,” Gantz said. The Middle East Institute ( MEI) is a non-profit, non-partisan think tank and cultural center in Washington, D.C., founded in 1946. It seeks to "increase knowledge of the Middle East among the citizens of the United States and to promote a better understanding between the people of these two areas". This subject forms the basis of the third Iran dossier by the IISS: Iran’s Networks of Influence. Three-month monitoring deal between Tehran and the UN nuclear watchdog expires, raising questions over … The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) published a new report on Thursday—titled Iran's Networks of Influence in the Middle East—detailing Tehran's success in … Alex Vatanka (الکس وطن خواه) specializes in Middle Eastern regional security affairs with a particular focus on Iran. In this conversation. Diplomacy. This essay is part of a series that explores the geopolitical dimensions, economic ties, transnational networks, and other aspects of India's links with the Middle East (West Asia) — a region that plays a vital role in India's economy and future. The Iranian regime has among its strategic objectives expanding its power in the Middle East and rolling back U.S. influence in the region. Quantico: Middle East Studies, 2017. President Donald Trump doesn't want war with Iran — but Tehran seems inclined to "test the Trump administration," says Gerald Feierstein, a former U.S. The London Middle East Institute (LMEI) closed in the summer of 2019 and is transitioning into a new SOAS Middle East Institute (SMEI) under the umbrella of the Centres and Institutes Office (C&1O). The Islamic Republic is facing waves of external pressure stemming from international sanctions and tensions with the United States over the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) – or Iran Nuclear Deal – and regional conflicts, alongside its own internal economic crisis, political factionalism, governance, and social challenges. While parliament (Majles) and the president are directly elected, power in Iran is largely consolidated within a few governing bodies. The Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center is an independent policy research institute based in Beirut, Lebanon, and part of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Bahrain: Constitution | National Charter | Government | Government Overview | Monetary Agency | Government Agencies | Additional Legal Resources. A serious disruption of the maritime routes in the Red Sea and its environs may have a tremendous impact on the oil supply from the Middle East to Europe. 59 Uskowi, Temperature Rising: Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and Wars in the Middle East, p. 82. None of America’s core national interests in the Middle East warrant a large U.S. military presence — let alone military domination of the region. Tier Three: strengths or potential strengths in some of the categories in the IISS cyber-power methodology but significant weaknesses in others. The Middle East Institute (MEI) is a non-profit, non-partisan think tank and cultural center in Washington, D.C., founded in 1946.It seeks to "increase knowledge of the Middle East among the United States citizens and promote a better understanding between the people of these two areas." “We are seeking to have good relations with Iran,” Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman told Saudi television this week. The administration’s approach thus far has, somewhat paradoxically, damaged all these hopes. Ranj Alaaldin. In doing so, they will provide a basis for discussion of Iran’s and China’s perspectives on creating a regional security architecture in the region that could reduce tension and help ensure that regional conflicts do not spin out of control. Iran. President Xi Jinping will wade into the feud between Iran and Saudi Arabia on Tuesday as he begins a Middle East tour that shows a new willingness by China to … Florida International University Modesto A. Maidique Campus SIPA Building, Room 528 11200 SW 8th Street Miami, FL 33199 ... Institute for Iranian Contemporary Historical Studies-Iran; Institute for National Security Studies-Israel; Institute for Political and International Studies-Iran (IPIS) The average in the bottom quartile is $5,754. However, in the contemporary Middle East a third Iranian strategic capability is proving the determinant of strategic advantage: the ability to fight by, with and through third parties. Arab Horizons. Middle East Program. The mission of the Middle East Institute is to promote knowledge of the Middle East in America and strengthen understanding of the United States by the people and govern-ments of the region. For further information see Cornell Law Library's " Foreign and International Law Sources on the Internet ". 7033. Hassan Ahmadian, Associate Professor, University of Tehran, Iran. This subject forms the basis of the third Iran dossier by the IISS: Iran’s Networks of Influence. Iran says the US should spend its money on healthcare for Americans rather than intimidation tactics after the US military once again flew B-52 bombers over the Middle East. Among his publications are Religion and Politics in Contemporary Iran: Clergy-State Relations in the Pahlavi Period (SUNY, 1980) and The Middle East: The Politics of the Sacred and Secular (Zed, 2009). Middle East Studies Program. Michael Doran, an expert in Foreign Policy Terrorism & Radical Ideologies Middle East Defense Strategy Security Alliances National Security International Relations at Hudson Institute, a think tank and research center dedicated to nonpartisan analysis of US and international economic, security, and political issues. The coronavirus pandemic has put the whole world into a state of lockdown. Biden will contend with divergent Middle East preferences on Iran . Non-resident Senior Fellow, Middle East Institute, Washington. At present, the United States and Iran are clear competitors in the Middle East, and the social, political, and security vacuums that have emerged in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen over the course of the civil wars is benefiting the IRGC-QF as it scales up its network of proxy militias. Dlawer Ala’Aldeen, President, Middle East Research Institute… The Middle East Program heads CSIS’s work on the region, which analyzes a wide range of political, security, and socioeconomic issues related to the Middle East and North Africa, with special attention to the ways that changes in the Middle East and … However, in the contemporary Middle East a third Iranian strategic capability is proving the determinant of strategic advantage: the ability to fight by, with and through third parties. The path to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) started through a platform established by the Europeans in June 2003, when a Mar 29, 2021. Robert Malley, former NSC coordinator for the Middle East and current head of the International Crisis Group, is also reportedly under consideration for a lead role on Biden’s Iran policy. Iran Is. Then, the prestigious Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C. issued “Toward Peace in the Middle East,” a blueprint for an Arab-Israeli settlement. So when the Quincy Institute’s plan for U.S. policy in the Middle East dropped on July 17, the timing was fairly momentous. Iran presently lacks the hard power a state would need to dominate the Middle East’s vast and deeply divided set of countries. July 31, 2017. Middle East and North Africa; Iran; Country focus Iran. image caption Iran's leaders said its policies would not change based ... an Iran expert at London's Royal United Services Institute (Rusi). Galip Dalay, Richard von Weizsäcker Fellow, Robert Bosch Academy, Germany. Strikes on Pro-Iran Militias Reveal Iran's Arms Trafficking Hub Middle East Forum 13:21 2-Jul-21 Order from Ashes Podcast: Closing Syria’s Border to Aid The Century Foundation 13:12 2-Jul-21 No air strikes in Syria’s NW as ceasefire declared New Age 13:03 2-Jul-21 Middle East and the Gulf. According to an Israeli security research institute, the repeated failure to deter Hamas makes it necessary for Israel to occupy the Gaza Strip and overthrow th Their rationale – involving Iran and Israel, as so many of Washington’s priorities in the Middle East do – is facile, naïve and dangerous to the region’s minorities. The New York City-based Columbia University Middle East Institute in early March deleted an entry listing former Iranian regime UN ambassador Mohammad Jafar Mahallati as a …

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