Nibiru Nibiru, is the name ancient Babylonians gave to a heavenly body associated with their chief deity, Marduk. Now, with all that, just to further complicate matters, is the fact that several mysterious planets have been spotted by scientists in recent months. Shattering all the shackles of physics conventions these two planets have a … TrES 2B is one of the most mysterious planets ever found. Nothing is known about the purpose of the video and the person who posted the video. The name Haniel probably derives from Hebrew hana’ah, « joy », « pleasure » (qualities associated with Venus) + the suffix -el, « God ». More Mysterious Names and Dark Names for Boys and Girls. In our system, we have 4 terrestrial planets, 4 gas giants, and a mysterious 9th planet. Ancient astronauts from the mysterious planet visited Earth about 400,000 years ago and genetically engineered the inhabitants — creating humans, according to Sitchin. Relatively small and rocky planets like Earth and Mars, known as terrestrial planets 2. Oberon sounds very sweet and nice. The prediction: Early in the 19th century, several astronomers independently observed that Uranus was... Uranus' neighbor. Jupiter, the fifth planet from the sun and the largest planet in the solar system, can make an attractive space name for boys. Luna is the Latin name for the moon. Shani Jayanti falls in the Hindu lunar month of Vaisakh. 13. It’s a gender-neutral baby name. KELT-9b is the hottest exoplanet ever found, and it’s disappearing! An aurora, shining high above the northern part of Saturn, moves from the night side to the day side of the planet in this movie recorded by Cassini. The Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean. Mercury. Mars is the name of the red planet in the solar system. Hindus celebrate Shani Jayanti on Vaishakh Vadya Chaturdasi Amavasya and follow several traditions in order to appease Lord Shani. Ursa Major — This is a name, meaning big bear. In Galaxy X, it’s as if all the lights have gone out. 12. Astronomers have long been predicting the existence of hidden planets at the farthest reaches of the... Uranus' neighbor. The planet orbits its star at a distance of 6.8 … 2. 10 Most Bizarre Planets You’ve Probably Never Heard Of 10 OGLE-2016-BLG-1195Lb The Iceball Planet. Neptune’s jet-stream winds push frozen clouds of natural gas past the north edge of the planet’s Great Dark Spot, an Earth-size hurricane, at a staggering 1,500 miles per hour. The real name of this strange planet is "55 Cancri E", the most surprising and funny thing about this planet is that the whole planet is made of diamonds! OGLE-2016-BLG-1195Lb is an icy exoplanet that can be found a whopping 13,000... 9 KELT-9b The Hot One. Need a fictional planet name for your sci-fi story, novel, or game? She makes sense because this planet has been theorized without being directly observed--and that makes me think of prophecy. Even its female version Juno has become quite famous over the years. It joined Segue 1, a dwarf galaxy discovered in 2006 that subsequent observations showed contains 1,000 times more dark matter than ordinary matter. Carmenta. And one of the most mysterious planets is mars which is the fourth planet in the solar system just after the earth. Tales of lost mariners and disappeared ships, crashed aircraft and even vanishing humans, have been emerging from the waters of the Bermuda Triangle for centuries. Haniel is generally associated with the planet Venus, and she is the archangel of the Sephirah Netzach. 18. Discovered in 2004, this planet weighs almost three times as much as our Earth. These 19 names are also the names from Roman mythological gods: 1. Plus, Planet Nine's new to us--the babiest planet we have! Gliese 581c is an exoplanet located 20 light years or 120 trillion miles (192 trillion kilometers) from Earth in the constellation of Libra. Diamond Planet. If you need an idea for an alien species that lives on this planet, see our Alien Species Generator.. To get more planet names, press the button. The 10 Strange and Mysterious Planets in The Known Universe. 10. Planet Osiris HD 209458 b, located 150 light years away from planet Earth, in the Pegasus constellation, and is the first exoplanet to be discovered in transit of its orbiting star. Enjoy our list of the most mysterious places in the world: 1. Uranus — This is the name of a planet in the galaxy. It is called by various names Planet 9, Planet X, and many more. The Betz Mystery Sphere: When the Betz family was examining the damage of a strange fire that had decimated 88 acres of their woodland, they made a strange discovery: a silvery sphere, about 20 centimeters (eight inches) in diameter, completely smooth except for a strange, elongated triangle symbol. 516 likes. The smallest planet in the solar system, Mercury will suit your son if he is the youngest in the family. Let’s go over them, but first, here’s a quick rundown of each planet in order of size and distance from the sun. Neptune. The Solar system poster, Planets wall art, Nursery wall decor prints, Space art print, Planet names, educational printable, digital download PintikStudio. Inevitably, not every animal made it home safely and this has led to a very creepy - but entirely plausible theory - as to the whereabouts of their remains. It is the name of the major moon on the planet Uranus. Vela — This refers to the sail of the Argonauts’ ship. Zlema; Theda; Requiem; Zillah; Mortica; Tacuna; Jinexa; Zafia; Drudell; Mystica; Framona; Chalice; Stayne; Qunitina; Tranquila; Ferkin; Chaotica; Aruza; Blurcine; Sephara; Ephra; Moonista; Ulrika; Gruki; Synth; Umbra; Landis; Mayze; Drace; Zaphara; Viscardi; Tacora; Cyran; Echto; Suspiria; Thyme; Nicozain; Iluz; Larsa; … Now, with all that, just to further complicate matters, is the fact that several mysterious planets have been spotted by scientists in recent months. In the early days of space travel, many animals - including cats, several dogs and famously, a chimpanzee - were sent up into the great unknown in the name of scientific discovery. The video is kind of creepy. Its name honors the chief God of Roman mythology. According to ancient Sumerian tablets, it also referred to a mysterious Planet … On Neptune, one can find constant jet stream winds that whip around the planet at terrifying speeds. There’s literally a planet named URANUS (thanks science!). Luna is also the Roman goddess who is the personification of the moon. Planets In … It does not reflect even 1% of the light that reaches its surface. Caltech researchers have found mathematical evidence suggesting there may be a "Planet X" deep in the solar system. Jupe would make a cool nickname. Northern Aurora in Motion The Seven Sisters meet the evening star, Mars continues its getaway, and unpacking the Moon illusion. Ursa Minor — This is a name, meaning little bear. If you’re looking for any untold Mysteries,Unknown Facts and Fascinating topics in Telugu Language? Top 10 Mysterious Planets in the Universe: Kepler 36B and 36C This pair of sibling planets revolving around a star of the size of sun Kepler 36, is too close for physics. Mysterious Planet. Mars gets its name by the Roman “God of War” and mars is also known as “Red planet” cause of the huge amount of Iron oxide on the surface of Mars land and rock that’s why it … The fact that these planets aren't given names like "Speederoo, the Wonder World" illustrates the enormous amount of restraint these astronomers have. Koozebane — A mysterious planet full of weird aliens, encountered several times in the television puppet comedy The Muppet Show. . "This planet is so unusual that at first we thought it was a false alarm—something that appeared to be a planet but wasn't," stated Gáspár Bakos, discoverer of planet HAT-P-2b. From aliens building the pyramids to the “faked” moon landing, the universe holds some bizarre (and ridiculous) mysteries.So, pull up a chair and join us as we put on our tinfoil hats and dig into some of the deepest, darkest conspiracies involving space, aliens, and…BEYOOONND. Many of the known exoplanets, according to Digital Trends, have characteristics similar to those of the eight major planets in our solar system. The goddess of childbirth and prophecy. The name Luna would be a nice name for a female cat with silvery or mottled fur that resembles the moon’s surface. Our solar system revolves around the sun, hence the name solar system. Indeed, many scientists believe that there is an unknown mysterious planet in our solar system. Short and easy to pronounce it will suit your little boy perfectly. Jupiter Two — A planet mentioned by name in Spaceballs. 62.10401554464931 24.459908986464143 is another extremely mysterious thing on the internet and YouTube. 1986 Doctor Who serial 143a – The Trial of a Time Lord: The Mysterious Planet Doctor Who serial Cast Doctor Colin Baker – Sixth Doctor Companion Nicola Bryant – Peri Brown Others Lynda Bellingham – The Inquisitor Michael Jayston – The Valeyard Tony Selby – Sabalom Glitz Joan Sims – Queen Katryca Glen Murphy – Dibber Tom Chadbon – Merdeen Roger Brierley – Drathro David Rodigan – Broken … It is located about 450 light years from our planet and, to date, it is the darkest planet known. The True Stories of 5 Mystery Planets Unseen planets. 9. There is a long story to Planet 9, which has made it a closed book whose pages are quite visible to us … Vulcan. It could also work for a regal female cat who enjoys the occasional yowl at the moon or romp through the night air. This name generator will generate 10 random names for planets. The object, which the researchers have nicknamed "Planet Venus — This is the name of a planet in the galaxy. It is mentioned as being close to Druidia, but it is not actually shown on-screen. The video with the name 62.10401554464931 24.459908986464143 went online on YouTube by a user known as 626544984949854984858948l1. But by using those planets that do have a name, as well as a little inspiration from popular works of fiction, this generator will generate randomized names similar to these existing planets. There's a wide variety of names though, some will fit real life better, others will fit a specific type of planet better, and so on. The Mysterious Planet was the unbroadcast title given to the first four episodes of The Trial of a Time Lord, the season-long story that constituted season 23 of Doctor Who.The story marked the first appearance of the Inquisitor and the Valeyard, two characters who would appear throughout the season, along with Sabalom Glitz, who would appear again later in the season and also in Season 24. Shani Jayanti is a Hindu festival celebrating the birth of Lord Shani, who is the son of Lord Surya and the ruler of the planet Saturn. Here are some suggestions from our random Planet Name Generator. Nicknames for the eight planets in the solar system are Swift Planet for Mercury, Morning Star and Evening Star for Venus, Blue Planet for Earth, Red Planet for Mars, Giant Planet for Jupiter, Ringed Planet for Saturn, Ice Giant for Uranus and Big Blue Planet for Neptune. Bermuda Triangle. This planet is a gas giant, which contains a high presence of sodium and potassium in its visible spectrum. Back in February, Caltech Researchers Found Evidence of Sitchin’s Planet X , so they said, but as of now, it appears that they did find another planet… An intermediate group called Back in February, Caltech Researchers Found Evidence of Sitchin’s Planet X, so they said, but as of now, it appears that they did find another planet… Vega – This means falling star in Arabic. These fall into one of three broad groups: 1. Source: pinterest. 10 Terrifying Planets You Don’t Want To Visit 1 Carbon Planet. 2 Neptune. 3 51 Pegasi b. 4 COROT exo-3b. 5 Mars. 6 WASP-12b. 7 Jupiter. 8 Pluto. 9 CoRoT-7b. 10 Venus. The Terrestrial Planets In Order 1 Mercury. The planet Mercury. The first planet in our solar system is Mercury. ... 2 Venus. Venus is the second planet in our solar system and is named after the Roman goddess of love. ... 3 Earth. The Earth is the third planet from the sun and is the planet that we call home. ... 4 Mars. The planet Mars. ... This hypothetical Neptune-sized planet orbits our Sun in a highly elongated orbit far beyond Pluto. Not many planets have an actual name, most simply have a code assigned to them. Much larger planets resembling Jupiter or Saturn, called gas giants because they are believed to be mostly gaseous 3. In 2016, a Milky Way-sized galaxy known as Dragonfly 44 was found to be made of 99.99 per cent dark matter. Planet name generator. Oberon.
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