I don’t know whether you are part of a family or have a partner, but imagine this scenario: You travel a lot for business, and you ask your partner to email you about every interaction … Thanks. not to mention definition: 1. used when you want to emphasize something that you are adding to a list: 2. used when you want…. I'd appreciate your help. ‘To cut characters in stone is not an easy task for normal people, not to mention for a man with one hand.’ ‘I am in negative equity having to pay off the mortgage on this land, not to mention two lots of council tax.’ ‘It's absurd, not to mention very expensive, with a … Because it is an idiom, it is a fixed phrase whose meaning can’t be deduced from the words that make it up. She is not tall. So basically “not to mention” actually = “there's another thing I want to mention,” but it can take on a more like superlative or ironic tone depending on … warning Request revision. Note how I bracketed the word in my previous post.SnarfIs that sentence not stand-alone?Is that why you connected it to the first part as if it's a dependent clause? mention someone or something in something. Example sentences with Mention. What does not to mention mean? To speak or write about, especially briefly or incidentally. You'd better not go. not to forget to cite. Find 24 ways to say NOT TO MENTION, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. open_in_new Link to source. 4. not to mention: In addition to or as well as what's been discussed; used for adding a comment that emphasizes the main idea of what you have already said. It's hard for us to study linguistics in Chinese, not to mention that in English. not to mention ——: used to refer to an additional fact or point which reinforces the speaker's case (a rhetorical device suggesting that the full strength of the speaker's argument is not being presented). How to use make no mention of in a sentence. . Other useful subordinators include in the same way and not to mention. How to use mention in a sentence. (as well as) sans parler de expr : I've got to take the kids to school, not to mention do the shopping. This was remiss of me, and for that I apologize unreservedly. "Don't mention it". I would rather not go. "He knows German and French, not to mention English". "Not" He's not in. Learn more. (verb) I mentioned your idea during the conversation. He can speak Spanish, not to mention English. not to mention In addition to or as well as what's been discussed. Typically used to mention an additional item when listing things that one considers negative. Also, not to speak of; to say nothing of. In addition to, besides what's already been said. In addition to; as well as. You also didn’t mention whether everyone on the team has to cc you on correspondence. Simon Sharwood, APAC Editor Wed 23 Jun 2021 // 04:58 UTC. exact ( 1 ) Not to forget to mention, "Hindi speakers don't have all the opportunities that English speakers have in India," Andy said. open_in_new Link to source. (name, word) Used with adverbs: " He rarely mentions his late wife. Example sentences with Not To Mention. Both have a … cite (formal) to mention something as a reason or an example, or in order to support what you are saying: It was both deliberate and malicious, not to mention clever. What does mention mean? The mentioning while professing not to mention is a figure of speech known as apophasis. An alternative to not to mention is let alone. Seems like "let alone" is also a case of apophasis, as would be "much less" or "never mind". Look it up now! The first sentence, a mention example, is a statement about the word 'copper' and not the chemical element. RELATED ( 2 ) not to forget to tell. English idiom. They tell the reader what you are going to do at key points in your assignment. She may not come. Both were breathing pretty heavy, and not to mention, a couple of people were staring from different tables. Learn Ludwig Add to Chrome for free. Je dois emmener les enfants à … "It's unethical, not to mention crazy". Matthew Prior. Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017. refer to somebody/ something (rather formal) to mention or speak about somebody/ something: I promised not to refer to the matter again. I'm not sleepy. Hi, Does the following use of not to mention (the fact) that sound natural? English I will just mention one. 1. to name someone or something in a particular context. Do both of the above sound right and good? We are not amused. It's difficult to see remiss in a sentence . ; We cannot avoid mentioning some matters that happened there when it was in charge of Ours. Examples of mention in a sentence, how to use it. warning Request revision. But we would be remiss if we did not prepare for other eventualities. Signposting sentences explain the logic of your argument. You can't reword it without changing the meaning. See also: mention, not, something, to. when someone mentions something or someone in a conversation, piece of writing etc mention of He made no mention of his wife’s illness. — doesn’t mean you need to insert it into your blog, promo copy or anything else. Not to mention definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. mention. It marks things that are kind of "extra" items on the list. Also, here's the dictionary's definition of "not to mention": "Use "not to mention ___" when you're listing reasons or excuses. 4. Explanation of the English phrase "not to mention (something)": Use "not to mention ___" when you're listing reasons or excuses. They would agree to sponsor us because no one would reject good publicity, not to mention (the fact) that more publicity means more business. We mentioned you in regard to nominations for the congress. English Amongst these I would mention: volume_up more_vert. They are most useful when used in the following places: ... Building on from the idea that ... (mention previous idea), this section illustrates that ... (introduce your new idea). She hit me, not him. 2. to name someone or something in a will, lecture, story, article, etc. 1. not to forget to mention. (forgot, neglected, failed) Used with nouns: " The report mentioned her name. : Nine's ratings problems and management changes barely rated a mention around the market. :It would be remiss not to mention Ann Hodgman. "Don't mention the war". (as well as) sans parler de expr : I've got to take the kids to school, not to mention do the shopping. I am not a teacher. volume_up more_vert. I'm not at all tired. Mention definition is - the act or an instance of citing or calling attention to someone or something especially in a casual or incidental manner. I'm not ready yet. In the same way, not to mention. Oct 08 2007 15:52:46. Sentence examples for. For example, in this sentence: Smoking is a nasty habit – bad for your health, expensive, not to mention the odor. It marks things that are kind of … 4 million firefighting bill. He might not be happy. . In this sentence, the noun phrase is medicine and food. Hallie didn’t mention the surprise party to her husband because she wanted to keep it a secret. What does not-to-mention mean? “Don't mention it” is an idiom used as a response when someone thanks you. You use not to mention when you want to add extra information which emphasizes the point that you are making. "But other plants are equally worthy of a mention ". I was not neglectful, nor remiss, nor careless. used to introduce extra information and emphasize what you are saying: He’s got a house in London and a cottage in the country, not to mention the villa in Spain. Nutanix is finally happy to mention its name and ‘profit’ in the same sentence Give it a year or two, but it will happen, says CEO, as COVID-crushed industries start spending again. I mention the matter only to establish that I do know the subject exceptionally well and am not talking through my hat in what I am about to say. use "not to mention" in a sentence He cannot afford the common comforts of life, not to mention luxuries. Je dois emmener les enfants à … The darkness, not to mention the immaturity, seems an essential element for heavy metal bands. It's not my fault. mention2 noun [ countable usually singular, uncountable] MENTION. "How sad, not to mention symbolic". Distrust of people, not to mention hate, is the root of human suffering. Grandpa doesn’t like talking politics at the dinner table, so I knew not to mention the election during supper. not to mention something. Examples of not to mention in a Sentence. at the mention of something At the mention of a … 98 examples: Similarly, the first names of characters in the book are mentioned over and… Information and translations of not to mention in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. English In fact there is not a single mention … The word is composed of six letters, but not any kind of metal or other tangible thing. Definition of 'not to mention'. not to mention. You use not to mention when you want to add extra information which emphasizes the point that you are making. The audience, not to mention the bewildered cast, were not amused. Let's not do the work. Synonyms for Not to mention: adv. •also (adverb) in addition, further, along with, And, together with, besides, too, as well as, additionally, moreover, also, likewise. •furthermore (adverb) along, yet. Other synonyms: • either, Which, only, anyhow, namely, anyway. I try to use "not to mention" in my sentence, but I'm sure if it should be "let alone" in the above context. High quality example sentences with “and not to mention” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English.

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