Certificate of Competence and accompanying STCW endorsement. Copy of seaman book including pages of sea service. The assessment aims to safeguard the health and safety of both the seafarer and his other crew members as well as for the safe operation of the ship. 03. Requirements for renewal of Certificates of Competency (COC) and General Operator certificate (GOC) under Panama flag: Application form. All personnel working on board of a vessel with the Panamanian Flag is required to have a Seaman Book endorsement or Temporal Certification (CT) issued by the Panamanian authorities. (CoP), medical certificates, certificates of basic training and endorsements will be valid for up to 3 months starting from 26 March 2020, extension of ship certificates, inspection and audits until 30 June 2020 (excludes certificates issued directly by the PMA) BANGLADESH CL.4239 27/03/2020 Information on certificates, MSMD, 96,000 persons, and one-fourth of Denmark's total exports. It also has the top dental school in England – outside of London – scoring of 94/100, including a valued-added score of 8/10 (The Guardian University Guide 2018). retire in panama. It is not comparable with a shipping register for sea-going ships of the district courts. Through our attorneys, we can arrange for vessel registration under the Panamanian flag, usually within two business days. Forms. DOH-Bay is administering Moderna vaccines at our clinic located at 597 W 11th Street, Panama City on Thursdays and Fridays by appointment. The legal basis is the Flaggenrechtsgesetz (German Flag Act), Section 12. Panama Application Form. Medical certificate of good health issued in Panama by a qualified doctor Documents to demonstrate professional or economic ties with Panama Proof of financial solvency, through a bank reference letter showing a balance of at least USD $5,000 in a Panamanian bank. Copy of GOC under Panama. Include the Medical Records coversheet. aviation, and the medical sciences; and even establishing the na-tional parks and other major conservation projects. indicate additional comments below (33). To: Shipowners/Operators of Panamanian Flag Vessels Subject: Panama Policy on Technical Matters Continuing our policy of maintaining the owner/operators of Panamanian flag vessels aware of the policies that this Administration has taken on different technical matters, we hereby list a series of items where Panama has stated its position. The Panama Electronic Affidavit is a travel document required for all international arrivals wishing to enter Panama. Every crew member on board a Dutch flagged vessel, needs to have a valid Certificate of Competency (¨vaarbevoegdheidsbewijs¨) or endorsement, which complies with the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and … This section includes tables that summarise by rank the additional competencies you need to demonstrate to upgrade your certificate. Copy of Passport. ENDORSEMENTS OF SEAFARERS CERTIFICATES FROM PANAMA FLAG ADMINISTRATION. OL-1 Air Rescue and … Consumer fireworks, like sparklers, may be legal but they are not safe. Designated Person should have a minimum of formal education as follows: 1. Medical certificates shall remain valid for a maximum period of two years unless the seafarer is under the age of 18, in which case the maximum period of validity shall be one year. shipowners/operators of Panamanian flag vessels to comply with the following: 4. wordstemplates.org. For travellers further details, if required, should be sought from their healthcare professional. However, in flag and supplemental operations part 121, § 121.437 requires an SIC to hold an airline transport pilot certificate when assigned to crews of three or more pilots, and § 61.23(a)(1) requires the SIC to hold a first-class medical certificate. . This document certifies that the person holding is a seaman as per The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers (STCW), 1978, as amended 1995 and 2010. This certificate confirms you are medically fit to hold a BML, RYA commercial endorsement or to work on vessels listed on this form. Some registers like the Panama ships register may allow provisional registration valid for a 6 month period after which the required documents like the bill of sale or the ship builder’s certificate (for new vessels) must be submitted to the Registry office for permanent registration.. craigslist provides local classifieds and forums for jobs, housing, for sale, services, local community, and events 4. Template:PAN; Media in category "Flags of Panama" The following 8 files are in this category, out of 8 total. See also "Arctic Circle" and "Blue Nose" Order of Magellan Going around the World. Need assistance? PANAMA FLAG Panama Authorities will not issue endorsements if the Nationality and COC are not from the same country. No passenger will be allowed on the plane without properly using a mask, except infants 0-2 years.. People with medical conditions that makes the use of a mask impossible, must process a medical certification.. Adapted from: Silvey, Frank. MLC, standard A1.2.7 (a) states that a medical certificate shall be valid for a maximum period of two years and Liberian regulation RLM-108/10.325 (3) states that the medical certificate must be issued not more than two (2) years prior to the date of signing the articles of agreement in force. The applicant must take these tests yearly. SD/ recognized medical practitioners Competence. A medical clearance physical exam can be completed by a licensed medical provider or at the Department of State Exam Clinic in Washington DC. The owner or Master of a vessel who refuses the Inspection Service to which Law No.39 of July 8, 1976 A Presidential Memorial Certificate (PMC) is an engraved paper certificate, signed by the current President, to honor the memory of deceased Veterans who are eligible for burial in a national cemetery. Standard Guide of Facts on Board a Panama Flag Ship, in Cases of Theft, Sexual Assault, Natural Death, Suicide and Homicide. All Panamanian Flag ships carrying 100 or more persons and ordinarily engaged on international voyages of more than 3 days duration shall carry a qualified medical doctor. Recommended for all travelers ≥9 months of age traveling to all mainland areas east of the area surrounding the canal (the entire provinces of Darién (including Emberá) and Kuna Yala [also spelled Guna Yala] and areas of the provinces of Colón and Panamá that are east of the canal) (see Map 2-21). medical certificate. BAN 8.JPG 984 × 603; 66 KB. Mail a completed copy to the Division of Vital Records. We pride ourselves on being your most reliable online source for the highest quality USA-made flags of all types. Step 2: Get a medical exam in Panama City. All Hands 633 (Oct. 1969): 16-21. Local authorities and IATA (International Air Transport Association) have defined the mandatory use of face mask during your trip. PANAMA MARITIME AUTHORITY MERCHANT MARINE CIRCULAR MMC-261 PanCanal Building Albrook, Panama City Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 501-5348 Medical Chest Certification. 24th Medical Group. Number of medical certificate: Name of medical practitioner (typed or printed): License number of medical practitioner: Address of medical practitioner: Authorized by: Panama Maritime Authority. Read the entire Travel Advisory. This program was initiated in March 1962 by President John F. Kennedy and has been continued by all subsequent Presidents. We keep our customers updated on any upcoming changes in regulations. 280+ FREE CERTIFICATE Templates - Download Now Microsoft Word (DOC), Adobe Photoshop (PSD), Adobe InDesign (INDD & IDML), Apple (MAC) Pages, Microsoft Publisher, Adobe Illustrator (AI) Medical Certificate Templates in PDF. 0220 - Certificates of competency Any certificate required by the convention must be kept available in its original form on board the ship of which the holder is serving. indicate additionalcomments below (33). certificate and need to update your certificate to 2010 amended STCW. Click on the form name to access the applicable form. An additional $2,000 will be needed for each dependent. "The Certified Sailor." Renewal and Upgrade of Panama Certificate of Competency. Malta Yacht Registration. All personnel working on board of a vessel registered with the Panamanian Flag is required to have either a Full Term Panama Certificate of Competency (CoC) or a Certificate of Endorsement (known as CoE, CRA, CDC) for a CoC issued by another Flag-State, and a Panamanian Seaman Discharge Book. Flag State Circulars, WHO and ILO conventions. LIST OF PANAMA FLAG CIRCULARS www.leadsmar.com P ge 2 42 Stowage and Securing of Containers, Unitized Cargo and Vehicles May 1992 43 Minimum Safe Manning Certificate Cancelled 44 Medical Certificate Cancelled 45 International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969 May 1992 46 Notice to mariners and Summary of Corrections May 1992 47 years must present a special medical certificate of Good Health with emphasis on the eye, ear evaluation; heart conditions (including effort exam), drugs, alcohol and comments on the applicant’s physical condition provided by a Doctor who exerts his practices in the Republic of Panama. Once the provisional patent is issued, the vessel’s title documents (bill of sale, construction certificate, if new, or naval mortgage) must be filed at Panama… Blue Denmark creates jobs for approx. The United States and the United Kingdom had only about 1% each. Panamanian Flag State Annual Safety Inspections shall also be used to verify that medicine chests. Remuera Doctors Limited. In order to work on board a ship, seafarers must make a valid health certificate available documenting that the seafarer has been found fit for ship service, if relevant with certain limitations, through the special medical examination of seafarers and fishermen. It is a non-public appendage to the Flag Register. Ship registration is the process by which a ship is documented and given the nationality of the country to which the ship has been documented. Wreck Removal Convention (WRC) AME can process the following certificates on behalf of PANAMA MARITIME AUTHORITY, MACOSNAR CLASS AND PANAMA SHIPPING REGISTRAR INC. CLASS. The Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) course is twelve (12) credit hours. Panama’s private healthcare services and infrastructure meet developed-world standards of quality. Valid Medical Fitness Certificate (Regulation I/9). Certificate of Inspection of Crew Accommodations (CICA) 7. International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC) $12. Annual tax payment for Panama Flag Vessels. Fees. Neutron Owners Certificate Plank owner certificate issued to crew of USS Nautilus (SSN-571) on 17 Jan. 1955 at latitude 40 20' 46. Medical Application: Complete the first section of Form 8500-8, the FAA Application for Airman Medical Certification. Call us at 1-800-481-3524 or contact us online and we can help you complete your order. Manufacturers interested to obtain approval for their Ballast Water Management System Panama is open to international travelers, keeping the safety and health of both tourists and locals our top priority. This is often in addition to a UK ENG1 medical. application form for medical examination surname first name middle name (s) sex age weight grade of the officer medical history: do any of the medical conditions listed apply? In order to receive a Merchant Mariner Credential or Medical Certificate you will need to complete the correct applications. MLC 2006 Regulation 1.2 deals with medical certificate & examinations and are a means not only of protecting the individual seafarer from exposure to the risks of work at sea when not fit to withstand them, but also of protecting all seafarers, any passengers and cargo on board against the possible harm when a seafarer is not medically fit for the duties she or he is to perform. ML5 Medical Certificate. Panama ship medical chest regulation Seafarma-admin 2019-06-21T17:26:37+02:00 Seafarma-admin 2019-06-21T17:26:37+02:00 We are a family run business with more than 45 years of experience in the flag business. History. Competence As well on 1986 and 1987 the requirement for a "Minimum Safe Manning Certificate" was extended to Mobile Offshore Drilling Units and FREE Shipping on your first order shipped by Amazon. Seafarers must complete section 1 of the form. Valid Medical Fitness Certificate: According to MLC 2006 or STCW/ ILO. If you do not have it please use MLC 2006 form. Panama COC to be renewed and Panama SSO license or DSD endorsement course. Panama Seaman’s book: Only first page showing your data and pages showing sea service experience. Phone: +64 9 524 6504. The Panama City Fire Department is encouraging citizens to attend a public fireworks display on this Fourth of July weekend and leave the pyrotechnics to the professionals. Northern Domain of the Polar Bear Crossing the Arctic Circle (66- 32 North latitude). 19. As at January 2010, Panama was the world's largest flag state, with almost a quarter of the world's ocean-going tonnage registered there. The revised medical certification policy during the COVID 19 pandemic, for merchant seafarers and fishermen, should only be followed once you have made every effort to obtain a medical certificate. Certificate of Competency. MLC Category: Make sure you are fully vaccinated before traveling to Panama. Sample Medical Certificate Template. While the average Panamanian made USD7,987 a year in 2010, this figure had reached USD13,268 in 2015, the most recent year recorded by the World Bank. The high season for renewal of WRC, BCC, CLC, and PAL will begin in December 2020 and end by February 2021. The following organizations have authorized American Outpatient Clinic to carry out Pre-Employment Medical Examinations in a manner conforming to their individually recommended protocols. No:036/2021: Panama MMN-14/2021 Reg. medical certificate until the next port of call where the seafarer can obtain a medical certificate from a qualified medical practitioner, provided that: (a) the period of such permission does not exceed three months; and (b) the seafarer concerned is in possession of an expired medical certificate of recent date. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a Level 3 Travel Health Notice for Panama due to COVID-19, indicating … I hereby certify that the personal declaration above is a true statement to the best of my knowledge: For additional details on medical certificates, including Duplicate Medical Certificate Requests: Qualifications from a tertiary institution recognized by the Administration or by the recognized organization, within a relevant field of management, engineering or physical science, or 2. six (6) photos full colour of 3x3 centimeters ( shoulders and face without hat) the photograph must be recent no more than six months . 3. Application for a Birth Certificate. A ship is subject to the law of its flag state. marine-surveyors.eu are authorised inspectors for Panama Maritime Authority and can conduct the compulsory Annual Safety Inspection (ASI) on board Panamanian registered vessels. A Seaman Book is a continuous record of a seaman’s service. It was designed as part of the government’s health measures to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 and reduce the spread of cases due to tourists. But perhaps the Army’s most singular achievement is its role in the construc-tion of the Panama Canal. 6.Copy of passport. Subscribe (Free!) The latest instructions and information from IMO, Flag Administrations and Port State Control Organisations on COVID-19 (Coronavirus) are detailed below. Ship Registration. For more information on entry requirements as well as per country restrictions, please refer to the “Prior to Traveling” section. Since merchant ships typically did not carry a physician, there was obviously a need to provide some kind of basic medical instruction for … Administration has further informed that; If the medical certificate of a seafarer expires, it shall continue in force in this exceptional circumstances for a period of three (3) months from its expiry date (MLC, 2006 Standard A1.2.9). The CERTIFICATE of Medical Fitness - STCW or STCW-F seafarers must be submitted to Maritime NZ. Charterers Inspections normally also include verification of compliance with all applicable rules and regulations, e.g. If you do not require a EMBASSY OF PANAMA IN THE UNITED STATES, 2862 McGILL TERRACE N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20008 Tel: +1 (202) 483-1407 email: [email protected] Must be original, in panama medical form, and signed by the physician with stamp, telephone number and address of the clinic. You must specify the certificate is for “ Uso Internacional ”. The Definitive Regulatory Certificates are only issued in Panama. A Yellow Fever vaccination certificate is only required for travellers 1 year of age and older coming from a country with risk of Yellow Fever transmission.. patient. This includes items 1-20 of the medical certification application (the pilot portion) . ; Unvaccinated travelers should avoid nonessential travel to Panama. Processing for Minimum Safe Manning. on ships under Panama flag, provided it’s been approved in accordance with the Guidelines on the Type Approval process for BWMS (Resolution MEPC.174 (58) or Resolution MEPC.279(70) as applicable). 5. Click the “Medical Exam Instructions” button below for a list of designated doctors’ offices in Panama City. PANAMA MARITIME AUTHORITY MERCHANT MARINE CIRCULAR MMC-339 PanCanal Building Albrook, Panama City Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 501-5355 [email protected] wiper application form (please include all your contact details). Our dynamic organization let us complete medical chests according to various international, local and flag regulations and is in close contact with Flags, class and national authorities all around the world. The signatory union is normally from the country where the beneficial shipping company of the ship is based. Waives the requirement under 49 CFR 383.73(o)(2) that the State Driver Licensing Agency change the CDL or CLP holder’s medical certification status to “not certified” upon the expiration of the medical examiner’s certificate or medical variance, provided that the CDL or CLP holders have proof of a valid medical certification that expired on or after March 1, 2020. These certificate pages are easy to download and print. Visitors from all countries are welcome to visit Panama, however, a negative COVID-19 test is required for entry. Copy of the COC under Panama. 320 Remuera Road. follow the advice of local authorities. Please schedule and attend a medical exam with one of these doctors before your interview. As soon as you receive your appointment date, you must schedule a medical exam in Panama City. Processing Certificates for Seafarers Licenses/Ratings Endorsement. 82B Gladstone Road. The Ship Security Alert System (SSAS) is part of the ISPS Code and is a system that contributes to the IMO’s efforts to strengthen maritime security and suppress acts of terrorism and piracy against shipping. The flag of Panama was adopted on March 25th, 1925 and features a divided rectangle of four quarters: the upper field close to the pole white with a blue star of five points. tsunamis. PANAMA MARITIME AUTHORITY MERCHANT MARINE CIRCULAR MMC-226 PanCanal Building Albrook, Panama City Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 501-5000 [email protected] that issued the pertinent Safety Certificate, shall be made to ensure safety is not diminished. Welcome to Flag Store USA. What happens during a Panama Seafarer medical assessment? The Panama Ship Registry, established in 1925, is one of the oldest and is largest open ship registry in the world. 4.Copy of national Certificates of Competency. Universal Marine Medical facilitates the complete certification process including requirements assessment, inventory review, adjustments, restocking, and final issuance of a Medical Chest certificate. Our technical capability is backed up by a professional, multi-lingual customer support team with offices in the United Kingdom, Hong Kong and Panama. Adoptee's Application for Noncertified Copy of Original Birth Record. Phone: +64 9 377 4427. 1. loss os vision 2. color blindness 3. seizures 4. frequent headaches 5. heart difficultles yes no 6. hypertension 7. Housed under FSU Panama City’s Public Safety & Security program, the law enforcement intelligence major integrates analytic and hands-on practical exercises with theoretical principles to provide students with the knowledge, skills and abilities to succeed in law enforcement, security, intelligence or investigations. Entry Requirements for U.S. Citizens: 1) No Visa required. 3) Round a trip ticket. CREW LICENSES. Please read the information below carefully, as certificate requirements may be relevant to certain travellers only. There are serious ones, humorous ones, and unusual ones. Signature of medical practitioner: _________________________________. Seal: F-ALM-011. Latest IMO, Flag and Port State instructions on COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Visit the House website. During an exam of crew licenses and endorsements it was discovered that the chief engineer could not provide proof of a valid license nor flag endorsement. Panama's GDP per capita nearly doubled between 2010 and 201. The International Technical Office of Segumar Panama shall issue at no cost, the Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance, Part I, (DMLC-Part I) in digital format where the national regulations required to certificate the vessel in accordance to the guidelines of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006), are regulated. IMO envisages what a ‘fair future for seafarers’ will look like on Day of the Seafarer 2021 The Day of… yes no . The Health Certificate must be signed by a USDA Accredited veterinarian and endorsed by USDA APHIS. House Flags. Read the Department of State’s COVID-19 page before you plan any international travel.. Panama Seafarer Medicals: Bristol Frequently Asked Questions. Important Note: Beginning in 2024 (previously 2023), individuals will be eligible to apply for ECFMG Certification—the first step in the certification process—and take the required examinations if, at the time of application, their medical school is accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME). Bermudian Flag of Convenience & Cruise Weddings. Requirements for officers endorsements under Malta: Application form. such examinations. Panama Flag Administration SSAS Guidance. Apply for Cook Islands Endorsement online! The PDE Certificate of Competency from Panama is one of the mandatory requirements that are a must as per the international seafarers' jobs and in order to be eligible to get employment onboard Panamanian flagged ships that is one of the biggest registries all over the world. Online verification available . medical certificate for personnel service on board female c] year republic of panama given name place of birth country mailing address of applicant: color test type sex male c] day month position on board. Hong Kong Georgia Malaysia Liberia Ukraine Marshall Islands 10. Bandera de Corozal - Macaracas.jpg. Because of the current situation in Panama, all travelers may be at risk for getting and spreading COVID-19 variants. volcanic activity. Therefore, interested parties are encouraged to apply for certificates at … Permanent residency leading to full citizenship can be achieved with just a minimum $80,000 USD investment to purchase at least 5 hectares of titled land in a government certified reforestation project. We attend and contribute to the relevant IMO COMSAR, NAV, MSC, Engineering and Working Group meetings. Under the Panamanian flag operate 2 major cruise ship companies - Carnival (CCL started the "Panama flag state" cruising experience with the Mardi Gras ship in 1972) and MSC Cruises (brand of the Mediterranean Shipping Company, one of the world's largest container shipping lines). Each Consulate is obliged to request the Maritime Authority of the Country the “List of Approved Doctors” and send a copy to the respective Regional Documentation office of the Panama maritime Authority. Medical Certificate Samples. As the responsible Flag Administration, the BSH maintains the GIS as well. Private Use Under 24 M. Private Use Over 24 M. From € 780*. 6 months old. No matter what kind of Panama City Beach vacation you're dreaming about, we've got you covered. Often, the union(s) of the crew’s home nation(s) also takes part in the negotiations. copy of the passport. Apply for Cook Islands Endorsement online! The nationality allows a ship to travel internationally as it is proof of ownership of the vessel. panama maritime authority guide for basic standards of medical condition surname first name middle name (s) sex age weight grade of the officer medical history: do any of the medical conditions listed apply? Order of the Ditch Transiting the Panama Canal. The EMT courses are held on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Medical Certificates must be made available to third States, companies and interested seafarers, by each Administration, in compliance with Section A-I/9, point 4 of the STCW 78 Convention as amended. Royal Order of Whale Bangers, 1943. International law requires that every ship be registered in a country, called its flag state. As from 01 January 2018, all ships flying Panama Flag which complying and certified according to the ISPS Code shall carry out annual SSAS TEST with PMA which will be send through the use of an electronic platform for the Supply and Operation of the Ship Identification and Monitoring System. 630th Air Control and Warning Squadron. Foreign Regulations. the Panamanian flag, as well as their agents representatives or the Master of such vessels shall be under obligation to admit the Panama Flag Inspector on board, cooperate with them and allow them to fully carry out the inspection. CERTIFICATE OF ENDORSEMENT. Parnell Medical Centre. Provisional Registration in 2/3 days. Processing for Authorizations. More ships, boats, and vessels are registered under the Panama flag than in any other country in the world. This 3' x 5' Fly Bright flag is finished with a canvas header and brass grommets. At the Consulate we can issue the temporal certification (CT) and request the Seamen Book to one of our regional offices. Each vessel sailing under the Panamanian flag in Foreign Service and dedicated to the international commerce and other commercial activities shall be subject to an Annual Safety Inspection, in order to determine whether it complies with the National Law and International Maritime Conventions adopted by the Republic of Panama. Application for a Birth Certificate with Fees Waived for … Panama ships are subject to the provisions in accordance with the STCW 78/95/2010 Convention concerning the competency of officers and seamen. Amdesco Men's Panama Flag, Love Home Flag of Panama T-Shirt. The University of Plymouth’s medical school has a high score of 96/100 and 100% employment for graduates six months from graduation (Complete University Guide 2019). monitor local media and other sources. It will help the doctor to know the information to include in a medical certificate. Finally, Section 5 lists other sources of information you can consult should you want to know more about the 2010 amended STCW. 2.Passport photo. master deck officer engineering officer radio operator rating declaration of the authorized physician vision vmthout glasses right eye left eye The medical certificate is a document that serves as proof that a mariner meets the required medical and physical standards. Panama City Beach, named the top 3 beach in the United States by TripAdvisor, has 27-miles of beautiful beaches to choose from and you'll find a different experience at each stop along the way. 3.) Available for NON EU citizens. Certificate of Competency. Accreditation Flags and Certificates. yes no . In cases where the Recognized Organization which has issued the vessel’s Statutory Medical certification. Information from CDRH about exporting medical devices. Panama experiences natural disasters and severe weather, including: hurricanes. Panama is most famous for the Panama Canal, but it also features natural attractions life birding, snorkeling, and whitewater rafting. In 1907, after so many other would-be builders, foreign and domestic, had failed, Army leaders undertook what seemed to be (No spam, ever!) Effective as of January 1983, Panama registry requires that every Passenger and Cargo Vessel of more than 200 GRT registered under the Panamanian Flag should have on board a Minimum Safe Manning Certificate. We assist you in processing a Panama Seaman book in the shortest possible time. 1978th Communications Group. 2002 statistics indicated 10,143 ships registered with a total tonnage of 146,458,175 GT. Panama reported the fastest-growing GDP per capita levels in Latin America between 2010 and 2015, almost doubling in just five years. 3.Medical examination for seafarers, max. valid medical certificate in accordance ti regulation i/9 of the stcw, amended and regulation 1.2 of the mlc,2006. Do I need a Panama Seafarer Medical? Fiscal stamps, purchased from Banco Nacional, are required to issue the certificate. Many seafarers operating on ships registered under the Panama flag require a Panama seafarer medical. Processing for Authorizations. Please call (850) 872-4455, select option 1, to schedule an appointment. Pet Cats . The U.S. – Panama TPA eliminates tariffs on most U.S. products with remaining tariffs phasing out by 2022. Each page is available in two versions: a free, ready-to-use version and a $5.00 version that you can customize..

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