25 Harry Potter Memes Sad. Cho Chang at Hogwarts. See more ideas about harry potter, potter, harry. that is very true. Lupin. Back in 2005, she said: ‘I see him as isolated, and a few people have said to me, rightly I think, that he is detached. But after three novels of build-up, their relationship hit the deck like Neville in a Body-Bind curse. Cho's impression of Harry was favourable, and when she later wished Harry good luck before Gryffindor had a Quidditch match against Slytherin, Harry went bright red. You couldn’t help but root for Harry Potter and Cho Chang at the beginning. Remus and Harry make me so sad. Think about the first time Harry met Remus, on the Hogwarts Express. Remus is staring at this teenager, this boy that is so painfully Lily and James’ son. In another life he would have been ‘Uncle Remus’, swinging by every Sunday for supper, babysitting Harry with Sirius. Instead he’s a complete stranger. After all, Harry had sort of fancied her since they played Quidditch against each other in Prisoner of Azkaban, was totally infatuated in Goblet of Fire, finally falling into a relationship in Order of the Phoenix. And now let's just agree that it's canon. Although the Dumbledore we know and love is always there to help with a twinkle in his eye, J.K. Rowling has admitted that Albus can be a little, well, cold. /. February 10, 2015 February 10, 2015 C.Ant. We liked Fortescue -- after all, he's the ice cream guy -- but he's not the one we're saddest about. Hands down: Stop All The Clocks (This Is The Last Time I Am Leaving Without You) by firethesound It’s based on a poem by W.H Auden—that’s where it draws it’s title from. 9 May 2020 by Brinton Parker. Think about the first time Harry met Remus, on the Hogwarts Express. He had known that Azkaban was a cruel kind of hell, with the wails of dementors that echoed in his ears and the harsh scent of coppery blood that … Snape kills Dumbledore The most shocking moment in the Harry Potter series is also one of the saddest: The death of Dumbledore at the hands of … See more ideas about harry potter, potter, harry. In the Harry Potter universe, there is a spell to fulfill every single need from getting your dishes done to killing somebody with nothing more than a swish and flick. Lifestyle Editor. by Jemima Skelley. Seriously, this should get an Oscar nod for Best Short Film. Just before he turns 5 years old, Fenrir Greyback breaks into his bedroom and attacks him to get revenge on his father. Harry tried not to let his knees buckle as he stared, wide-eyed at the man that he once knew. I can never get enough of Harry Potter, both the books and movies.Even though the sad moments aren’t as tragic as the first time I witnessed them, they still make me tear up every single time. Harry Potter ⚡ A Heartbreaking Betrayal Pt. Shop Etsy, the place to express your creativity through the buying and selling of handmade and vintage goods. However, it was noticed by several followers of the Fantastic Beasts franchise and the Harry Potter films: J.K. Rowling now has a co-screenwriter in Steve Kloves. pretty much as sad as the one who posted the question- devestated. Read This 25 Harry Potter Memes Sad. None of J.K. Rowling’s numerous changes to the story can alter this character’s sad tale.. RELATED: Harry Potter: 10 Things About Neville Longbottom the Movies Deliberately Changed People Are Loving This Person's Edit Of The Last "Harry Potter" Book. Suggestions and branded content hosted and created by WatchMojo.com Remus is staring at this teenager, this boy that is … While Harry forgot about the mirror, it was probably all that Sirius had. Mar 29, 2013 - Explore Bretta Bay's board "Harry Potter - Sad", followed by 201 people on Pinterest. Harry Potter ⚡ Blissful (Epilogue) Draco Malfoy ⚡ The Dark Secret Pt.1. Just a friendly reminder that when harry was in third year, he thought about letting himself get attacked by dementors just so he could hear his parents voices. September 12, 2019. During a Gryffindor-Ravenclaw Quidditch match in her fourth year, Cho first met Harry Potter, who was a year below her and a fellow Seeker.Harry noticed she was very pretty and she made his stomach "feel funny". Draco Malfoy ⚡ A Spark of Hope Pt.2. The Top Seven Sad Moments from Harry Potter Movies Aiden Mason 3 years ago I remember when I first started reading Harry Potter it was like going into a new world. The most shocking moment in the Harry Potter series is also one of the saddest: The death of Dumbledore at the hands of Snape. While the incident seemed to prove that Snape was inherently evil, we later learn it was actually an act of true loyalty to Dumbledore himself, and that Snape is dedicated to Harry’s safety. 1. The series end This was sad moment, mostly because you felt for Hagrid. He'd already had to go through so much, and then he lost an animal who didn't deserve to die. But the good news is, Harry and Hermione saved Buckbeak in the end (thanks to the time turner), so you — and Hagrid — didn't have to be sad for too long. Saddest Harry Potter Moments 38 Devastating Harry Potter Moments to Always Remember Our Favourite Wizard By. Now, haunted by the demons of a tragic childhood, dreaming of worlds that never were and those that will be, a child with a … 4,209 Likes, 44 Comments - ⚯͛ (@potterdementors) on Instagram: “[ Quote edit ] ☆ QOTD: the saddest death in Harry Potter? If you’re a huge Harry Potter fan like me, chances are the series left you with an up-and-down roller coaster of emotions, including heart-wrenching moments. Harry Potter ⚡ Deadly Jealous Pt.1. One of the saddest Potter moments comes in the first film Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone which introduces the mirror of Erised, a magical device which according to Dumbledore reveals the deepest desire of those who look in it. In the movie it’s one of the saddest scenes of them all. Seriously, this should get an Oscar nod for Best Short Film. boolander25 said: It will only end when you stop believing in the magic of Harry Potter. He can be rather detached. Harry Potter; Sad Harry Potter Memes These 20 Harry Potter Memes Will Tear Your Soul Into a Thousand Pieces. RELATED: Harry Potter: 7 Characters With The Best Parents. "It was an excellent collaboration," Temime recalled. That being said, this is also sad because Sirius, a grown man, has tied most of his emotional well-being to the existence of a 15-year-old boy in the middle of a solo mission to take down Voldemort. That's a big change … Answers. Hedwig's Death I’ve therefore compiled a list of my top ten cry-worthy moments from the Harry Potter series. Watch Almost Every Snape Scene From Harry Potter Edited into the Saddest Film Ever Made. The main character in the Harry Potter series was touted as an example of a tragic character who grew into the role of a hero, but an unsung protagonist came in the form of Neville Longbottom. Harry Potter … While using the invisibility cloak, Harry finds the mirror and looks in it to see his mother and father appear. Welcome to r/HarryPotter, the place where fans from around the world can meet and discuss everything in the Harry Potter universe! posted over a year ago. Tweet. In particular, Lynch made Luna's famous beaded, radish-shaped earrings herself. For millions across the globe, the Harry Potter book and film series was the closest thing they'd ever come to … AOTD: Fred's ☆ Comment your opinion on…” Severus From Evil: The Story of Snape. Tumblr Follow. On a scale of 1 to 10 — with 10 being the saddest — here are 28 notable deaths from the "Harry Potter" film series, ranked from least to most heartbreaking. As seen in: "Deathly Hallows: Part 1" (2010) In the penultimate Harry Potter movie, Harry made a delayed pilgrimage to the town where he was born and where his parents are buried. Sad, but not the saddest. The Ending Of Harry Potter Finally Explained. Below are the top 10 spells of Harry Potter: 10. Hedwig, Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 Image via IMDB/Warner Bros. Accio: The charm that summons things to you. Dec 8, 2017 - Explore Nothing And Everything's board "Harry Potter sad", followed by 124 people on Pinterest. There are many casualties in the Battle of Hogwarts and the events that lead up to it, but the loss of Harry Potter's ( Daniel Radcliffe ) trusty owl, Hedwig, is a tough one. Harry draws his own birthday cake in the dirt on the floor and then blows out imaginary candles. Be sorted, earn house points, take classes with our fine Hogwarts staff, debate which actor portrayed Dumbledore the best, and finally get some closure for your Post-Potter … Watch Almost Every Snape Scene From Harry Potter Edited into the Saddest Film Ever Made. It's a touching yet sad moment of quiet as everyone else celebrates Christmas, and you can't help reflecting on everything Harry has lost. February 10, 2015 February 10, 2015 C.Ant. I’m currently rereading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and just reached a particularly sad scene. Harry Potter ⚡ Disaster Strikes Pt.2. Harry’s 11th birthday doesn’t start too well. The Sorting Hat has only been wrong once in its entire life. 2. Welcome to r/HarryPotter, the place where fans from around the world can meet and discuss everything in the Harry Potter universe! This is the one death that J.K. Rowling says she regrets writing into the books. We liked Fortescue -- after all, he's the ice cream guy -- but he's not the one we're saddest about. Sad, but not the saddest. They died like heroes for being part of the Order of the Phoenix, but they still died. She's a brat, but she's our toilet brat. Hermione is attacked towards the end of … Remus and Harry make me so sad. Rectify that mistake when it falls on Harry Potter's head in the Chamber of Secrets. July 27, 2016 by Hilary White. Tweet. Sad Harry Potter Headcanons by ᴍᴏᴍɪᴀᴀ 3K 63 24 'the ones that love us.., never really leave us'-Sirius Black 'Everything was beautiful, every hour we spent together, lives … It really choked me up and I realised how amazing it is that, even now, the Harry Potter books STILL make me cry, despite how many times I’ve read them. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Summary. The Dursleys didn’t remember about it – and even if they did, they probably wouldn’t care at all. Be sorted, earn house points, take classes with our fine Hogwarts staff, debate which actor portrayed Dumbledore the best, and finally get some closure for your Post-Potter … Laughing is a good thing.It’s make your life so awesome.Today we collect Harry Potter Memes sad for looking that laughing on your face.It’s really so funny in sad version.Just check out these Harry Potter Memes sad and also share with your friends. “Took you long enough, Potter.”. Originally Answered: Who has the saddest story in Harry Potter? Shop Etsy, the place to express your creativity through the buying and selling of handmade and vintage goods. One of the "Harry Potter" costume designers, Jany Temime, previously told Insider that actress Evanna Lynch helped craft a lot of her character's jewelry. Evanna Lynch as Luna Lovegood. 24.5K Shares View On One Page Photo 3 of 20 Harry Potter ⚡ Bittersweet Pt.3. Severus From Evil: The Story of Snape. Note: Animals, particularly owls like Hedwig, are exempt from this list. LinaHarrow posted over a year ago. Colin Creevey, Justin Finch-Fletchley and Nearly Headless Nick also fall victim to the Basilisk, but the saddest of the lot is Hermione Granger.

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