Suspected deficiency should be confirmed by a veterinarian. Two important ones include white muscle disease, which occurs primarily in foals, and equine motor neuron disease, which affects adults. Deficiency is common in North Canterbury and nation-wide so supplementation is generally required on top of what a horse is gaining from forage. protects muscles and delays the onset of Muscle fatigue. It is required in cattle for normal growth and fertility and for helping to prevent other health disorders such as mastitis and calf scours. Selenium’s Role in the Equine Diet…PLUS: New Data Shows Link to Cribbing. 44 years experience Pathology. Vitamin E Level: 0.67 ug/ml. The severity of the deficiency symptoms may depend on the degree of the deficiency and the time period over which the deficiency exists. Selenium deficiency in foals is easy to prevent through appropriate supplementation of the mare’s diet during pregnancy. ... feeding predominantly meat or even an exclusive hamburger and rice diet to dogs or cats can induce calcium deficiency and secondary hyperparathyroidism. What is the average gestation period for horses? Selenium (Se) is an antioxidant mineral that is necessary in the horse’s diet. Our assay detects Selenium above 2.5 ug/dL (equine reference interval 14.0-24.0 ug/dL). Some horses with selenium deficiencies suffer from excessive arousal. ), when the real culprit is simply a lack of Vitamin E in usable form. The clinical syndrome that results from selenium (and Vitamin E) deficiency is called white muscle disease. More Share Options . The National Research Council (NRC) recommends a minimum of 1 mg (no more than 3 mg) of selenium daily for a 1,100-pound horse. Sign of selenium over supplementation. Selenium deficiency occurs when the horse is living on the hay, grass, or pasture that is coming from a selenium-deficient soil or the food is not fulfilling the total selenium requirement (3 to 4 mg per day)of the horse. A gradual decline in weight is usually the first sign of an energy deficiency. Chronic, low-level cyanide/cyanogenic glycoside exposure (often in combination with low dietary sulfur and/or sulfur amino acid intake) is associated with neuropathy syndromes in horses and ruminants. Rapid muscle growth and repair requires the right balance of minerals, proteins, and fats. When the symptoms become visible it is called a clinical deficiency. Adjusting your horse’s diet to ensure it is receiving the proper amounts of selenium and vitamin E throughout the year will help your equine partner stay at peak level. In a recent conversation between Lucerne Farms and Scot Tolman of Shooting Star Farm, Tolman lamented his region’s lack of selenium in the soil that resulted in a deficiency in his horses’ diet. It is caused by a deficiency of selenium, vitamin E, or both and can be a problem wherever selenium levels in the soil are low or the diet is deficient in selenium. Calcium and Phosphorus Deficiency It can affect the heart, lungs, and any other large muscle groups in the back or leg area. Selenium is a trace element and horses and ponies generally only require a few milligrams in their diet.. Selenium is an essential nutrient in a horse's metabolism - but there are areas in the UK where the ground is deficient in selenium, resulting in a need add a selenium supplement a horse's feed. Selenium is a chemical element with the symbol Se and atomic number 34. Selenium helps to improve the health of your horse in a number of ways. Not only does it boost your horse's ability to produce antibodies, which will increase their immune system, but it also helps your horse’s reproduction and growth. Bracken fern also contains a carcinogen; most typically, bladder tumors result in cattle and sheep. And like any other family member, his nutritional needs are important. Muscular stimulant for horses and dogs. Recently 21 polo horses died from selenium overdose in Florida, the result of a veterinary pharmacist overdoing it in mixing the drugs. Horses, like all animals, have a range of nutrient requirements to meet their daily needs. Selenium (Se) is now recognised as an essential trace element for ruminants. deficiency can cause several nervous and musculoskeletal system disorders. Selenium toxicity in horses (an excess of selenium) has been known to interfere with appetite and digestion, muscle weakness and … If you’re reading this, your dog is a family member. Similar conditions occur in cattle, horses, dogs, poultry, and people. Horses with a deficiency in selenium will often tie-up. Discolouration of the Nails and Skin. Read on… Selenium is a micronutrient that is considered essential for both humans as well as animals. selenium deficiency and increases and helps selenium supplementation. If you have horses and a garden, you'll have to be careful that you do not have certain plants on your property. Selenium deficiency has been reported in 46 states as low levels in the soil can lead to low levels in grass and hay. The majority of the horses in the study had low or deficient selenium concentrations, however, T3 serum concentrations fell within the normal range for all horses, while T4 was more varied, leading the researchers to conclude that there is not a significant correlation between selenium deficiency and hypothyroidism in horses. These 10 signs of nutrient deficiencies can help you keep an eye out for possible issues: 1. Muscular stimulant for horses and dogs. E per ml. The National Research Council (NRC) recommends a minimum of 1 mg (no more than 3 mg) of selenium daily for a 1,100-pound horse. Selenium deficiency in the equine Público Deposited. The signs associated with Selenium deficiency include poor coat and hoof quality, sore, achy muscles, poor performance and poor fertility. Even in selenium deficient areas there are other disease conditions which produce similar clinical signs. Keshan disease: Under Mao's tyranny, a bureaucrat's failure to add selenium to fertilizer caused widespread deficiency. Purebred Cow Mineral is fortified with exclusively 100% Zinpro protected trace minerals, organic selenium, and Vitalix® Proprietary Enzyme Package. An essential component in all diets, Selenium plays a vital role in a horse’s metabolism. 0:50 . Selenium deficiency results in reduced serum selenium, increased AST activity, white muscle disease, and perhaps rhabdomyolysis in working horses. ), when the real culprit is simply a lack of Vitamin E in usable form. Delayed or reduced immune … Selenium and vitamin E appear to be synergistic in preventing NMD. Selenium deficiency in horses — symptoms It is not easy to recognise a lack of selenium in a horse. 4. Vitamins Recommendations for vitamin requirements of goats are even more sparse than for mineral requirements. Therefore, most horses require supplementation. Recommended articles lists articles that we recommend and is powered by our AI driven recommendation engine. Selenium in horses Selenium levels in soil are low in many parts of New Zealand, especially in the Manawatu region, which means that Selenium levels are low in grass, hay and haylage. (tying up in horses). Selenium taken in conjunction with vitamin E is necessary for a proper functioning horse immune system. Selenium deficiencies may also cause horses to “tie-up” due to rhabdomyolysis (frequently accompanied by dark urine). Christine Smy replies: Selenium is a trace element and horses only require milligrams in their diet.It is essential in animal and plant metabolism but there are selenium … Low Se level was associated with higher incidence of reproductive-related disease, but there was no association of selenium level with muscle-related or other diseases. Selenium deficiency can cause cracked horse hooves or thin hoof walls in horses with poor quality hooves. Yes, selenium is a potentially toxic mineral (they all are) but deficiency is much more common. An owner contacted me because she had a hay selenium assay done which showed she was feeding about 3 mg per day from the hay, but she was horrified to realize the horse had been receiving another 2 mg per day on top of that. Fertility may also be reduced. Deficiency in selenium can cause a … Young, fast growing animals nursing from dams fed a diet low in selenium and vitamin E are commonly affected. The addition of selenium to feed is controlled by US law. How Much Selenium' Most people are cautious about feeding selenium, and many aren’t aware that selenium deficiency is widespread and poses potential problems for their horse. (Normal: 120-180 ng/ml) (Performance Horse: 170-180 ng/ml) We have included this example to show how important all vitamins and minerals are in the diet. Selenium Deficiency in Horses. A doe’s failure to conceive can be the result of either selenium deficiency or toxicity. Related research . Selenium deficiency symptoms can include: hair loss, reproductive issues, muscle weakness, fatigue, brain fog and thyroid dysfunction. Weight Loss. For Treatment of Selenium deficiency: Adult Horses: 20ml every 3 days (total of 4 injections). Selenium was reported essential for animal health in 1957, nearly three decades after its implication with alkali disease and animal death (Schwartz and Foltz, 1957). Selenium deficiency could exacerbate iodine deficiency, potentially increasing the risk of cretinism in infants [2,5]. Kynoselen is a cardiac & respiratory tonic & selenium supplement. Dr. Ed Friedlander answered. Selenium (and selenium deficiency) goes along with vitamin E but vitamin E will be the primary focus of this article. A slight deficiency often leads to an impaired immune response to infections or an increased tendency to allergies. Selenium deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in horses as selenium-deficient soils are common in many parts of the U.S. Its role in your horse’s health is as an antioxidant. Aids in control of muscular dystrophy in horses and dogs. In severe cases of selenium deficiency, even correcting with injectable selenium won’t help. Oregon State University (OSU) Ag Extension lists the following symptoms for common livestock: Horses. Since forage is the main natural source of selenium for horses, many horses become selenium deficient over time if they are not supplemented appropriately. Selenium deficiency in equine can cause problems such as impaired muscle function, heart health, immune function, growth and energy levels in your horse. Nutritional myodegeneration Nutritional myodegeneration (NMD), also referred to as white muscle disease, affects skeletal or cardiac muscle of rapidly growing, active foals and is primarily due to a dietary deficiency of selenium beginning in the uterus. Selenium accumulation. More severe symptoms, such as cataracts, can develop in aggressive cases of selenium deficiency. A selenium deficiency may cause white muscle disease, muscular dystrophy, tying up, reproductive problems, and impaired immunity. Signs in the horse included hair loss from mane and tail, sloughing of hooves, joint erosion, and lameness. It is a nonmetal (more rarely considered a metalloid) with properties that are intermediate between the elements above and below in the periodic table, sulfur and tellurium, and also has similarities to arsenic.It rarely occurs in its elemental state or as pure ore compounds in the Earth's crust. Selenium Deficiency. Selenium Deficiency. In some, but not all cases, there may also be a vitamin E deficiency. Selenium Yeast, the organic form of the mineral, is better absorbed than inorganic Selenium Selenate or … (Normal: 120-180 ng/ml) (Performance Horse: 170-180 ng/ml) We have included this example to show how important all vitamins and minerals are in the diet. Deficiency in vitamin B7 is rare because it’s found in many foods such as meat, fish, cheese, legumes, nuts, eggs, etc. Selenium (Se) is one of many antioxidant catalysts, as a component of the glutathione peroxidase enzymes. Severe selenium deficiency can also cause the leg and underarm hair to come out. Selenium Tocopherol Rx 1mg of selenium and 68 IU of vitamin E per ml. Selenium deficiency in the diet is usually associated with nutritional muscular dystrophy, retained placentas and metritis, poor growth, weak or premature kids, and mastitis. During the first Match Day celebration of its kind, the UCSF School of Medicine class of 2020 logged onto their computers the morning of Friday, March 20 to be greeted by a video from Catherine Lucey, MD, MACP, Executive Vice Dean and Vice Dean for Medical Education. The .gov means it’s official. (for Selenium/E without a prescription and without having to give a shot, see Selenium-E Gel, below) Brand Names: Bo-Se- 1mg of selenium and 68 IU of vit. But for horses, with their more limited diet, selenium deficiency is common and often corrected with dietary supplements. Precautions. In zinc-deficient foals (content of diet: 4 mg zinc/kg DM) Harrington et al. Selenium and vitamin E are essential in sheep diets, and work together to prevent and repair cell damage in the body. Deficiencies of either or both selenium and vitamin E can cause weaner illthrift, reduced wool production, reduced ewe fertility, reduced immune response and white muscle disease. Preparation . Selenium excesses of as little as 5 ppm in the ration cause loss of mane and tail hairs and sloughing of the distal portion of the hoof. However, just as Selenium deficiency is a problem, so is Selenium toxicity. Introduction. Blind staggers characterized by ataxia, blindness, head pressing, and respiratory failure were also thought to be caused by selenium. Selenium For Horses. Luckily, Horse Guard Inc. has researched the importance of selenium as a supplement for horses. This is a degenerative condition of the muscles. In horses, Vitamin E and selenium deficiency often occur together and show similar signs. Deficiency effects on the muscle can cause cardiomyopathy, myositis (muscle inflammation), and white muscle disease (weak, pale muscles). They had been fed commercial horse pellets containing 22 IU vitamin E and 0.3 mg selenium/kg, timothy hay, and fresh grass in the summer. Together with Vitamin E it is a powerful antioxidant, protecting their cells from damage. While it's important to avoid selenium deficiency (which is very rare in the U.S.), too much of the nutrient — aka selenium toxicity — can lead to health issues, including severe gastrointestinal and neurological symptoms, hair loss, muscle tenderness and (rarely) death, per the NIH. Adult horses can also be easily supplemented. Selenium in horses was initially identified as a toxin in 1930. Selenium supplementation is a very topical issue for all horse owners. (Also see Nutritional Myopathies in Horses.) Like any nutrient, selenium in excess can be toxic. Vitamin E Deficiency in Horses. Selenium is an essential element that has a narrow margin of safety, with the difference between adequate and potentially toxic concentrations in the diet being approximately 10- to 20-fold. E per ml. Kynoselen is a cardiac & respiratory tonic & selenium supplement. For Prevention of Selenium deficiency: Adult Horses: 20ml weekly for 2 to 3 weeks. Signs of Selenium Deficiency in Horses The mechanism of selenium poisoning in horses still isn’t clear yet the blocking of sulfur uptake, as well as use inside the cells is a likely prospect. How can you tell if your horse is receiving enough selenium, and are there … Read more Most Common Signs Of Selenium Deficiency In Horses Rhodes grass is known to be a selenium accumulator, and, when grown on selenium-rich soils, its selenium content can cause mortality or morbidity in livestock (NSWDPI, 2004). Selenium below the detectable amount is considered a profound deficiency in an adult animal. Unlike most minerals that have a broad safety range, selenium has a very low threshold of safety for horses--only a few parts per million beyond or below the recommended levels can be problematic. Selenium deficiency has also been implicated in masseter muscle myopathy and occasionally nonexertional rhabdomyolysis in adult horses. Selenium deficiency selenium supplementation horses. Deficiency of selenium may cause health problems in horses and so, they are administered with supplements containing this trace mineral. Vitamin E Deficiency Average Cost. Common signs of selenium deficiency include weak hoof walls, hoof cracking and horizontal ridging; skin problems and rashes, hair loss (especially from the mane and tail), fatigue, liver toxicity, loss of appetite (especially in younger horses or ponies), muscle weakness, episodes of “tying up” (rhabdomyolysis), and muscle cramps. Bracken contains a thiaminase inhibitor that leads to the development of thiamine deficiency in horses that can be remedied by giving thiamine. Selenium is present either as organic selenium in plants or inorganic selenium added to supplements. A Lack or an oversupply of selenium both can cause serious problems for the organism of a horse. Selenium-Tocopherol Deficiency (STD) syndrome produces a variety and complexity of symptoms often interfering with a proper diagnosis. The second ingredient is blood meal.Blood meal is a by-product of slaughter and used to make high-protein (very low ash) animal feeds.. However, some regions such as Western Pennsylvania, have selenium deficient soil which means that the hays and grains grown in our area can vary widely in selenium but are generally on the low side. Note: Selenium levels in forage and soil vary by region. Selenium is toxic at low dosages, and the dosing margin of safety is narrow. In horses, Vitamin E and selenium deficiency often occur together and show similar signs. However, selenium deficiency in horses isn't just a theory, it's a fact of ownership that many horse owners must overcome by supplementing their feed with selenium. Deficiency of antioxidants can further alter this balance in favor of pro-oxidation. Equine diseases that develop in the face of vitamin E deficiency in young animals include nutritional myodegeneration in conjunction with selenium deficiency, equine neuroaxonal dystrophy (eNAD), and equine degenerative myeloencephalopathy … Hypothyroidism may also be a subtle sign of selenium deficiency, although the connection has not been proven in horses. SELENIUM IN LIVESTOCK Selenium Deficiency Selenium has long been recognized as a mineral toxic to animals, but only recently has it been shown to be a nutritional requirement. Alkali disease of cattle and horses was proven to be caused by selenium. Selenium: Toxicity vs. Selenium is a trace mineral that is found in soil, and an essential micronutrient for horses. Videos for related products. Research has indicated that bracken fern is also carcinogenic. Selenium is an essential trace mineral and like a lot of essential nutrients, a small amount does a lot of good but it doesn’t mean that more will do more good, in fact too much is actually toxic. Not to be used in horses intended for food. Selenium (Se) is a part of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, which metabolizes hydroperoxides formed from polyunsaturated fatty acids. Together, vitamin E and selenium work to reduce the risk of your horse suffering from muscle problems, such as exertional rhabdomyolysis syndrome and white muscle disease. With this in mind, supplementing selenium and vitamin E can have a tremendous positive impact on your horses overall health and performance. For horses living in the Great Lakes region, areas in the Pacific Northwest, and the Eastern Seaboard, selenium deficiency may occur. Horses that graze selenium deficient pastures grass or consume forages grown in these areas can become deficient in selenium if not supplemented. Older goats don't put on weight, have weak legs, and generally stay in poor condition and poor health. Symptoms are stiffness of the hind legs with an arched back and tucked in flanks. Average Cost. equine selenium deficiency symptoms. Yes, selenium is a potentially toxic mineral (they all are) but deficiency is much more common. Dr. Ed Friedlander answered. However, the safety margin for feeding selenium … ... Thiamine deficiency: ... usually considered safe, however, another species of horsetail, named Equisetum palustre was found to be poisonous to horses. Selenium is also found in horsetail; this is a mineral, known to help the hair grow. However, if you live in a region with low selenium levels in the soil, your horse’s forage may be deficient in … Because their rumen microflora produce thiamin, cattle and sheep do not show the signs of thiamin deficiency that horses and swine do. Equine diseases that develop in the face of vitamin E deficiency in young animals include nutritional myodegeneration in conjunction with selenium deficiency, equine neuroaxonal dystrophy (eNAD), and equine degenerative myeloencephalopathy (EDM). The maximum tolerable level of selenium in a horse… Merchant Video. Foals: 10ml weekly for 2 to 3 weeks. All Excel Equine feeds are fortified with vitamin E and selenium to meet the needs of each horse. Signs of deficiency include: Muscle weakness and altered movement In foals, weak suckle response and dysphagia Whole blood selenium and plasma vitamin E samples can be used to assess intermediate to long-term nutritional status. Again, this requires great care. $1,000. (tying up in horses). Rarely, episodes of muscle pain and stiffness can be quite severe, resulting in a horse being unable to stand and being uncomfortable even when lying down. Before sharing sensitive information online, make sure you’re on a .gov or .mil site by inspecting your browser’s address (or “location”) bar. The amount of selenium that horse's require in their diet varies by age, weight, level of training/work load, and stage/type (growing, lactating, pregnant, etc). In fact 98% of the thousands of horses I have tested over 10 years are deficient or have non existent levels. “Clinically, selenium deficient horses will often ‘tie-up,’ a degenerative condition of the muscles also known as rhabdomyolysis,” says Dr. Scoggins. Some symptoms of selenium deficiency are identical to those of selenium toxicity. Not to be used in horses intended for food. Benefits of Feeding Selenium Supplements to a Horse . All horses in our study were considered at risk of selenium deficiency because they were located in a region with low soil selenium content and fed locally sourced hay. What are the signs of selenium deficiency? (Normal: 2-4 ug/ml) (Performance Horse: 3-4 ug/ml) Selenium: 136 ng/ml. A 500kg horse in work would require approximately 2.5-3.5 mg /day but a range of 1 to 10 mg per day is generally considered safe and adequate. Another common problem is that the nails and skin start to change color. Consequently, most horses are lacking this essential trace element. Before adding any supplement to your horse’s diet, be sure to consult your veterinarian. Soils and forages vary widely in Se concentration and a deficient diet can lead to sub-clinical or clinical deficiency in horses. A lot of commercial feeds and minerals have supplementary selenium and these should be noted on the packaging. Many people object to eating meat out of respect for sentient life. Vitamin E Level: 0.67 ug/ml. Supplements that include high-selenium yeast are best absorbed by horses, and a variety of supplements are available that provide balanced trace minerals and vitamins. (Normal: 2-4 ug/ml) (Performance Horse: 3-4 ug/ml) Selenium: 136 ng/ml. A common suggestion by horse owners is that mineral or vitamin deficiencies may be the cause. Serum vitamin E concentration in the horse was 345 ug/dL (equine reference interval 200-1,000 ug/dL). In severe deficiency the horse becomes symptomatic usually with muscle dysfunction like tying up. What It Is & Who It’s For: Selenium is a trace mineral that plays critical roles in the horse’s antioxidant defense system, immune response, and thyroid function. A 40-year-old member asked: what is selenium deficiency is associated with? The world of independent media, all in one place. Vegetarianism is the practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat (red meat, poultry, seafood, and the flesh of any other animal), and may also include abstention from by-products of animal slaughter.. Vegetarianism may be adopted for various reasons. There have been many reports of selenium deficiency myopathy, also known as nutritional myopathy and white muscle disease (WMD), in the equine veterinary literature 1-11.Selenium deficiency has been documented in horses in 46 states within the United States and in many countries worldwide. Selenium (Se) deficiency occurs in horses that don't receive enough selenium in their diet. Acute toxicity occurs at 3 mg of selenium per kg BW in cattle and causes death within a few days after intoxication, with no known treatment. Learn to identify these plants in your pastures and yards and be sure to remove them as soon as possible to keep your horses safe. Selenium is an essential mineral for horses, which means it must be part of their diet in order for your horse to maintain optimal health. Selenium deficiency usually shows itself in the form of weak rear legs in kids. Precautions. It may be entirely possible that the symptoms of selenium deficiency may actually be mediated through their effects on your thyroid. Some of its additional functions include: Controlling thyroid hormone levels Clinical Signs White muscle disease is a degenerative disease that affects skeletal and cardiac muscle in foals and other farm animals. Selenium deficiency is also associated with male infertility and might play a role in Kashin-Beck disease, a type of osteoarthritis that occurs in certain low-selenium areas of China, Tibet, and Siberia [1,2,5,6,8,22]. Symptoms of selenium deficiency vary from species to species and life stage as well. However, if given in too large a dose or more than one supplement containing selenium is given at the same time, it can be toxic. Muscular stimulant for horses and dogs. The absorption of organic selenium is slightly higher, selenium has an absorption of at least 50%. Hilton Herbs Echinacea Plus Herbal Supplement for Healthy Immune System in Horses, 1kg Tub . Federal government websites always use a .gov or .mil domain. Deficiency. It may suffer from loss of coat and a drop in performance. Selenium-Tocopherol Deficiency (STD) syndrome produces a variety and complexity of symptoms often interfering with a proper diagnosis. Kynoselen treats selenium deficiency and increases and helps selenium supplementation. The first ingredient in this dog food is chicken meal.Chicken meal is considered a meat concentrate and contains nearly 300% more protein than fresh chicken.. Yes, this is another symptom that is involved in numerous other problems. Learn more about the signs of selenium deficiency and why it might become a bigger health issue in the future. Include selenium foods in your diet to help bring levels up. Kynoselen treats selenium deficiency and increases and helps selenium supplementation. A deficit of selenium can impair the processes. Selenium deficiency is widespread in Australia and New Zealand. You’ll usually find that the hair loss overall is quick and even. Selenium concentrations were either marginal (0.0053 to 0.1200 ppm) or deficient (< 0.0053 ppm) in 79% of horses based on current reference ranges for Se in serum. Kynoselen – Product information. Toxicity leads to blindness, paralysis, permanent lameness, abdominal pain, respiratory failure, heart failure, teeth grinding and death. A horse can overdose on selenium at less than 2 mg/kg per day over their requirements. 44 years experience Pathology. See the whole Webinar at Government Agencies CDC CIA DEA EPA FBI FCC FDA FEMA IRS NSA TSA USDA Stephanie J. Valberg, Sue J. Dyson, in Diagnosis and Management of Lameness in the Horse (Second Edition), 2011 Diagnosis. Nutrient deficiencies in horses are one of those problems that can cause unexpected symptoms that leave you scratching your head. A 40-year-old member asked: what is selenium deficiency is associated with? As the muscular system is highly solicited in the athletic horse, selenium deficiency has a direct impact on performance. Bracken fern is poisonous to cattle, sheep, and horses; sheep, however, are more resistant. Unfortunately, Vitamin E deficiency conditions are difficult for even vets to detect and they may treat your horse for lameness issues, or you may be calling the equine chiropractor to balance your horse’s hips or spinal alignment (always a good thing by the way! A lot of people falsely believe that their horses require continuous Selenium supplementation, which is often not the case. If these minimum requirements are not met, the horse may experience deficiency symptoms. horse selenium deficiency symptoms. Kynoselen protects muscles and delays the onset of Muscle fatigue. (tying up in horses). Selenium toxicosis in horses occurs when a horse’s diet has been over-supplemented with vitamins and minerals. Selenium deficiency has been shown to directly impair thyroid hormone production from the thyroid gland and it may reduce the peripheral conversion of T4 thyroid hormone into the active T3 thyroid hormone (9).

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