It broke, and pieces of china and coffee where everywhere. Snape's First Words To Harry Have A Hidden Meaning. Harry is right: Snape can read minds and has probably learned that the trio is investigating the Sorcerer’s Stone (and that they suspect him of trying to steal it). Elizabeth Snape - a 13 year old girl who's mind wished for adventure and magic. Whether he is, as yet, aware of this connection is for the moment unclear. “This is your copy of Advanced Potion-Making, is it, Potter?” “Yes,” said Harry, still breathing hard. As readers or viewers, we’re surprised that no one besides Harry and his friends is aware of Snape’s evil. "Merlin save me from overdramatic children", Snape said to himself. Both characters are/were skilled in the art of Legilimency, a.k.a. In the Philosopher's Stone: Why was Snape helping Harry all the time, and why he was questioning Quirrell on which side he really was? "well you should be," Snape said. Clear your mind. "The mind is a complex and many-layered thing, Potter – or at least, most minds are." Harry than realized his mouth was wide open in shock not really thinking about anything else than what was just said to him. Neither fact is likely to ingratiate Harry to Snape, but it probably does make Snape worried enough about Harry’s … the ability to read minds. Perhaps it was the chill or the sound of the rain, or even the difference in her professors voice, but something was distracting her and pulling her thoughts towards the fact that she was very strongly attracted to the man. I've read all the books years ago. "That is the second time you have spoken out of turn, Miss Granger. The Best Sarcastic Comments, Insults and Burns by Severus Snape. In … Now, look at this sentence from TPS: "Harry didn't see how he could -- yet he sometimes had that horrible feeling that Snape could read minds." Worst: The Dark Arts. It is safe to assume that the art has been around for a fairly long time, as Salazar Slytherin, a very skilled Legillimens, lived in the 11th century, and, along with the other Hogwarts founders, enchanted the Sorting Hat to have the skill.Other witches and wizards have used Legilimency on several different occasions as well. I have never understood why some people find the moment in the films in which he holds Lily's body and weeps anything… "Merlin, I never use her full name unless she's in trouble." It is unknown who invented the art of Legilimency and just when it was invented. Twenty years later and this series is still tormenting our feelings. Calliope is a delight." Their Final Moments Were UnsettlingI have never understood why some people find the moment in the films in which he holds Lily's body and weeps anything… Played by the late, great Alan Rickman in the films, Snape is a mysterious and unforgiving figure who, as a professor, favors Slytherin students and discriminates against Gryffindors, especially Harry and his group of friends. However, if you've read the books or watched the films, you know there's much more to Severus Snape than meets the eye. Severus Snape does not weaken Harry’s protection against Legilimency at any point in the series. Too bad Dumbledore didn’t try reading Professor Quirrell’s mind, or his old buddy, Mad-Eye Moody. We’re drip-fed with information about his past bit by bit. He was also a master of dry wit and insults. I remember very well that in the Deathly Hallows Snape pretended to the end to be Voldemort's Death Eater. He spends a lot of time on internet and when dumbledore/Snape tries to read his mind he pulls up gory and inappropriate images. Chapter 8. by HogwartsDonutxX (Four + Drapple + Dramione) with 9,799 reads. The other one I don't remember but it was a crack fic where Lily's protection manifested in Harry's mind and kept Voldemort at bay. screamed Harry and threw his cup on the floor. Harry stared back at Snape, determined not to blink, or to look guilty. Harry smiled to himself and picked up his teacup again. Did I say that, make an escape "Don't bloody bump into me again," Snape nearly yelling. The first thing Snape asks Harry is “Potter! Her mind was elsewhere. He also read Severus Snape’s mind, Horace Slughorn’s mind, and just about anyone else’s mind he had the gumption to, if it suited him. Severus Snape: Always.” Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2. By Emma Lord. In the book version of Half-Blood Prince, Snape is finally teaching a Defense … Because of this, quite naturally, we identify him as a villain. Harry stormed off and Snape heard him slam the door shut to his room. If Voldemort should read Harry's mind and see you acting for him--" "I know," said Snape curtly. "It's like Christmas, my birthday, and Halloween all in one!" Follow/Fav Reading Minds Severus Snape Oneshot. A great memorable quote from the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix movie on - Snape: It appears there is a connection between the Dark Lord's mind and your own. "She was the Goddess of Music," Snape said and harry smiled. It's nearly impossible … So, in Order Of The Phoenix, (I think), Harry takes Occlumency lessons from Snape, yeah? So this means Snape can see inside of Harry's mind and that Snape is a skilled Legilimens*. In truth, he hadn’t stolen either of these things from Snape. [1] … Harry Potter: " He can read minds?" Severus Snape: " You have no subtlety, Potter. You do not understand fine distinctions. Only Muggles talk of 'mind-reading'. The mind is not a book, to be opened at will and examined at leisure. Thoughts are not etched on the inside of skulls, to be perused by any invader. Why Isn't It Taught At Hogwarts? For this reason, it’s a much bigger surprise when we discover the truth. 'Harry Potter' From Snape's Perspective Reads Like a Spy Novel Just as Nearly-Headless Nick celebrates his Death Day in Harry Potter, the real world celebrates Severus Snape’s birthday. Queenie Goldsteinwas a talented Le… Harry was seething. He knew of the rivalry of James Potter and Severus Snape from reading his father's journal. She was the daughter of Severus Snape , who kept her locked away in their broken and dark home. "And you still aren't going to tell me why it's so important to give Potter the sword?" Snape simply nodded, "Thank you for letting me stay. Perhaps Harry had eaten a bit too much, because he had a very strange dream. While his father had not been a saint, neither had Snape been anything less than nasty. While I was re watching the movies earlier, some things don't tie up. 10. I regret to inform all of the fans of this page, whether it be from years past or some of the random new likes we've gotten over the years, that Alan Rickman, who played Snape… Of course, Snape … Books Harry Potter. - Snape, 'Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban', 'Grim Defeat', 1999. Five more points from Gryffindor for being an insufferable know-it-all." So, sure, Dumbledore read Harry’s mind. He pushed by harry running to his dungeons. He has been known to use passive Legilimency (the kind that distinguishes lie from truth) semi-frequently on Harry. What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?”. November 11, 2015. Re-interpreting his actions in this light—seeing things with his eyes—answers, in … He also knew of the man's friendship with his mother until the end of their fifth year when they ended it when Snape had called his mother a mudblood. According to Severus Snape , this term was used only by Muggles and was a notably inaccurate description of Legilimency (as there are far broader possibilities for this ability). And occasionally a more active version (such as when he read Harry’s mind to search for how he came to learn Sectumsempra). Snape's Secret (Harry Potter) Ashes. A moment passed and Harry felt some clarity force itself into his mind. I regret to inform all of the fans of this page, whether it be from years past or some of the random new likes we've gotten over the years, that Alan Rickman, who played Snape… However, if you've read the books or watched the films, you know there's much more to Severus Snape than meets the eye. — Severus Snape explains "mind-reading" to Harry Potter Mind-reading was the magical ability to perceive the thoughts or feelings of others through extrasensory means. He thought. He was wearing Professor Quirrell's turban, which kept talking to him, telling him he must transfer to Slytherin at once, because it was his destiny. Alright, it was actually to teach Harry Occlumency, the delicate art of defending your mind against intrusion – specifically, Lord Voldemort’s intrusion. Snape pressed the tip of a needle into his thigh and pushed, hard. . Severus Snape strolled down the hallways of Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry towards the headmaster's office with a spring in his step. SNAPE COULD READ HARRY'S MIND! She loved her father and he loved her- but there was one thing that she longed for more than anything - Hogwarts. Nobody does sarcasm like Severus Snape! 'No, they don't,' said Harry, his jaw set and his fingers clenched tightly around the handle of his wand. 'That is just as well, Potter,' said Snape coldly, 'because you are neither special nor important, and it is not up to you to find out what the Dark Lord is saying to his Death Eaters.' 'No - that's your job, isn't it?' Harry shot at him. It swung forward, revealing a hidden cavity behind it from which he took the sword of Gryffindor. Snape still smelled delicious, but significantly less so. As Dumbledore knows Harry’s emotional side and vulnerability, he needs to find out how to prevent Lord Voldemort from having access to Harry’s mind. Dumbledore assigned Snape yet another task, and it may have been Snape’s biggest mission yet: to hang out with Harry Potter. Harry wondered briefly why Snape hadn’t reacted to him in some way. "Snape: A Definitive Reading is a must read for general fans as well as those of us who have a Snape-centric love of the Harry Potter series. We know that Snape has the dark mark, an indication that he was once a Death Eater. “Harry didn’t see how he could – yet he sometimes had the horrible feeling that Snape could read minds” (SS 221). In Half Blood Prince he reads Harry's mind in a similar fashion to find out where he learnt Sectumsempra. Working from the assumption that Snape has been reading Harry’s mind since he arrived at Hogwarts as a student, I will seek to explain the Potions Master’s behavior toward Harry. ... To help Harry learn to defend his mind, Dumbledore asks Snape to … (Beware of spoilers!) It turns out that what we all thought was a throwaway line, meant only to set up Snape as the Big Mean Jerk of the series, was actually a thick veil obscuring more angst than even fifth-book Harry. Here is what tomhiddles figured out: The first thing Snape asks Harry is “Potter! There are plenty of characters in the book who are capable of … seeing Harry failing in repelling him from his mind can make Snape forget niceties and go back to his usual self, but it can also be a trigger for him to realize once again the dangers surrounding Harry and how he’s going to die if he doesn’t make an effort (which is, tbf, the image Harry has built in his 5 years as Snape’s student). He approached the portrait of Dumbledore and pulled at its side. 9. Pray he remains ignorant.Harry: You mean if he knows about it then, he'll be able to read my mind?Snape: Read it, control it, unhinge it. Snape easily overpowers Harry by reading his mind and predicting his opponent's moves, using them against him - he only directly struck out once, at the climax of the duel, after revealing himself as the eponymous "Half-Blood Prince" (being the half-blood son of Muggle Tobias Snape … Ever since Black had died he had been in an exceedingly good mood. Harry watched Snape for a while, but Snape didn't look at him again. Look, I am not — nor will I ever be — #TeamSnape, but even I am a little bit emotionally compromised by this. Read Severus Snape from the story Harry Potter jokes!! Snape deliberately provoked Harry to better read his mind While rereading Order of the Phoenix, I put particular focus on the chapter Occlumency, where the mechanics of Legilimency and Occlumency are first described. Alan Rickman almost didn't play Severus Snape in the "Harry Potter" movies. If Snape could perform Legilimency, why didn't he know it hadn't been Harry? He sat back down on the couch, leaned his head back and closed his eyes.
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