Line Bar Map. China. We Need Your Support! Society Latest Trend Ranking; Elderly population Indicator: 11.2 Total % of population That’s the lowest since records began in 1971. Overall, the price increase was 391.81 %. The tech startups he worked at in 2018 and 2019 … China is the second largest economy in the world. March 2021 quarter. Unemployment Rate in Nigeria increased to 33.30 percent in the fourth quarter of 2020 from 27.10 percent in the second quarter of 2020. Data retrieved on June 15, 2021. Unemployment rate unchanged at 3.6 percent in May 2019. China Unemployment Forecast 2019-2024, Data and Charts. Jun 2019. Summary Table: Unemployment. Historical chart and data for the united states national unemployment rate back to 1948. For my experience and knowledge of the welfare system in China, I can give you some information on your question. Label. China's labor market was highly regulated and dominated by state-owned enterprises, with an average of 3.7 per cent, but this rose sharply during the numerous lay-offs between 1995 and 2002 and average 9.5 per cent in the three years between 2002 and 2009. Then unemployment rate fell throughout the period, particularly between 1995 and 2002. The influence of foreign investment in China has greatly increased since the Open Door Policy was implemented in the early 1980s. In 2020, unemployment rate for Japan was 2.8 %. The greatest risk to China’s growth in the near term is rising unemployment around the Lunar New Year, J.P. Morgan’s chief China economist, Haibin Zhu, says in … The number of unemployed persons in China decreased to 1060 Tens of Thousands in the first quarter of 2021 from 1186 Tens of Thousands in the fourth quarter of 2020. In 2019, the unemployment rate in urban areas of China ranged at about 3.6 percent. International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database. Jun 2019. : compare key data on. The uniform application of this definition results in estimates of unemployment rates that are more internationally comparable than estimates based on national definitions of unemployment. Kenya ranked first for unemployment rate amongst Religious countries in 2008. Their release includes data on job growth, unemployment, and wage growth, which gives us a snapshot of the health of the economy and whether it’s working for ordinary Americans. The highest rate of U.S. unemployment was 24.9% in 1933, during the Great Depression. The description is composed by our digital data assistant. Data for all U.S. states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico is from April 2020, data from the Virgin Islands is from December 2019, data for Guam is from September 2019, data for American Samoa is from 2018, and data for the Northern Mariana Islands is from April 2010. By September 2020, the unemployment rate decreased to 7.9%. China labor force participation rate for 2019 was 45.15%, a 0.3% decline from 2018. Compares the level and annual rate of change. The graph shows the quarterly registered unemployment rate in China from the first quarter of 2016 to the first quarter of 2021. NOTE: The information regarding Unemployment rate on this page is re-published from the CIA World Factbook 2019. Over the last two decades alone, China’s Gross National Income (GNI) per capita grew more than ten-fold from just $940 in 2000 to $10,410 in 2019. Graph and download economic data for Youth Unemployment Rate for China (SLUEM1524ZSCHN) from 1991 to 2019 about 15 to 24 years, China, unemployment, and rate. One Chinese economist challenges the govt numbers, estimating the rate at 20%. Although this increase suggests rising unemployment levels, a glance at the unemployment rate in China shows that official national unemployment levels for urban areas have remained stable at around four percent in recent years and even saw a slight decline from around 4.1 percent in 2014 to 3.8 percent in 2018. There were over 8.4 million college graduates in 2019, and the employment rate in China reached 91.5 percent. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Unemployment rate should be addressed to the CIA. Budget > Revenues : Revenues calculated on an exchange rate basis, i.e., not in purchasing power parity (PPP) terms. In June 2013, 11.8 million persons were unemployed, putting the unemployment rate at 7.6 percent. Percent Civilian unemployment rate, seasonally adjusted Click and drag within the chart to zoom in on time periods Total Men, 20 years and over Women, 20 years and over 16 to 19 years old White Black or African American Asian Hispanic or Latino 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 Hover over chart to view data. Unemployment for China from National Bureau of Statistics of the People's Republic of China for the China Statistical Yearbook release. Graph. Unemployment rate. China ’s official, but highly doubted, urban unemployment rate jumped in February to 6.2%, its highest on record, the National Bureau of Statistics said. Number of unemployed people. It’s also why the quality of China’s unemployment data has long been questioned, even after a change in methodology in 2018 that was supposed to make the jobless rate more accurate. Budget surplus > + or deficit > - : This entry records the difference between national government revenues and expenditures, expressed as a percent of GDP. For retail sales, there is a break in method from 2017 due to the benchmarking to the 4th Economic Census, so active series contain a "[Break in method from 2017]" notation. 31 Jan 2019 The unemployment ... (NSSO) between July 2017 and June 2018, showed that the unemployment rate stood at 6.1 percent, higher than the … The inflation rate for consumer prices in China moved over the past 33 years between -1.4% and 24.3%. Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) (modeled ILO estimate) - China. The International Labor Organization's World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2019 reported that the world's unemployment rate dropped below 5% in 2018, the lowest since the 2008 financial crisis. In 2015, public debt amounted to 15.6% of GDP. From 2002 to 2017, the Chinese unemployment rate never rose above 4.3 percent or dropped below 3.9 percent. China’s unemployment rate jumps in July as graduates enter the job market 14 August 2019 China’s urban unemployment rate increased by 0.2 percentage points last month to stand at 5.3 percent at the end of July, according to a National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) bulletin issued today . Unemployment rate in China 2019, by region Published by C. Textor, Nov 16, 2020 This statistic shows the unemployment rate in urban areas of China in 2019, by region. This page provides forecast and historical data, charts, statistics, news and updates for China Unemployment. The women’s unemployment rate has hit a new all-time low, at 3.7%, down from 3.8%. That’s up … National Bureau of Statistics of China. For employment, there is a break in method from 2019 due to the benchmarking to the 4th Economic Census, so active series contain a "[Break in method from 2019]" notation. On 29 October, China’s top leadership finalized the blueprint of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021—2025) and unveiled its “Vision 2035” program, which intends to catapult China to “moderately developed economy” status in 15 years. China Unemployment Rate is updated quarterly, available from Dec 1999 to … 2002 - 2021. Export entire page or individual visualizations to Excel (.xlsx), PowerPoint (.pptx), PDF or image (.png). Registered unemployment in China is normally lower than the actually surveyed unemployment. The unemployment rate that year was about 5%. E-16. One possible reason is that China’s official unemployment rate has been remarkably stable at roughly 4 percent for decades, seemingly unaffected by the economy’s ups and downs. While China's official unemployment data has … Feb 2020. In 2020, unemployment rate for Germany was 4.2 %. This statistic shows the unemployment rate in urban areas of China in 2019, by region. In 2019, the unemployment rate in urban areas of Heilongjiang province was around 3.5 percent. May 3, 2019, at 10:27 a.m. Unemployment Rate Lowest in 49 Years. Unemployment Rate in Nigeria averaged 13.55 percent from 2006 until 2020, reaching an all time high of 33.30 percent in the fourth quarter of 2020 and a record low of 5.10 percent in the fourth quarter of 2010. It remained in the single digits until September 1982 when it reached 10.1%. Inflation came in at 1.3% in May, up from April’s 0.9%. The official unemployment rate … In recent years, the government has said it has to create 11 million new jobs annually to keep employment on track. Having a low unemployment rate does not mean a country's economy is particularly strong. China’s success at alleviating poverty is largely the result of decades of rapid economic growth. Unemployment Rate in Ghana increased to 4.50 percent in 2020 from 4.10 percent in 2019. During the observation period from 1987 to 2020, the average inflation rate was 5.1% per year. Strikingly few discussions of China’s declining growth trajectory include mention of the country’s unemployment rate. The unemployed are people of working age who are without work, are available for work, and have taken specific steps to find work. This indicator is the official unemployment rate for New Zealand. Monthly surveyed urban youth unemployment rate in China May 2019-2021 Published by C. Textor, Jun 17, 2021 In May 2021, the surveyed unemployment rate of young people between 16 and 24 years of age in urban areas of China ranged at 13.8 percent. Index performance for China Unemployment Rate (%) (EHUPCN) including value, chart, profile & other market data. According to IMF, the unemployment rate in China has continually decreased from 4.3% in 2009 to 3.8% in 2018. Unemployment rate of Japan fell gradually from 5 % in 2001 to 2.8 % in 2020. The same can’t be said for jobless numbers. By May 2020, the unemployment rate may have been as high as 16%. Unemployment rates by age, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity [Percent] NOTE: Persons whose ethnicity is identified as Hispanic or Latino may be of any race. United States. 3.61 %. License : CC BY-4.0. Current US Unemployment Rate is 5.80%. Unemployment rate can be defined by either the national definition, the ILO harmonized definition, or the OECD harmonized definition. Monthly Earnings of China stood at 1,070.78 USD in Dec 2019. The country's Labour Force Participation Rate dropped to 66.82 % in Dec 2020. There is no data available for your selected dates. The government would also establish social security policy to improve the unemployment. In the mid-1980s, china established the unemployment insurance system, which provides unemployment benefits and medical insurance subsidies to the unemployed. This social insurance policy stimulates SME's to employee unemployed. Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) (modeled ILO estimate) International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database.
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