This is according to a United Nations report published in 2017 and the South African report by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) published as early as 2009. Israel is an Apartheid State. Now, ten years later, the Israel-bashing by the United Nations continues unabated. The law does nothing to limit the civil rights of non-Jews. This post is also available in: Spanish. Goldstone says “the charge that Israel is an apartheid state is a false and malicious one that precludes, rather than promotes, peace and harmony”. Palestinians are welcoming a landmark UN report that finds Israel guilty of practicing apartheid. (Photo: via On April 27, one of the world’s largest and most credible rights groups, Human Rights Watch (HRW), concluded, in a comprehensive 213-pages report, that Israel is an apartheid state. International solidarity with South Africans struggling against apartheid and international isolation of the apartheid state both formed a crucial pillar in the country’s struggle for liberation and democracy. Israel is not a democracy that has a temporary occupation attached to it; it is one regime from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, and we must look at the full picture and see it for what it is: apartheid. But while the law may have its shortcomings, Israel is definitely not an ‘apartheid’ state. 16.03.2017 - Pressenza Budapest. The United States is not an honest broker for peace but has funded, enabled and defended Israel’s crimes against the Palestinian people. That is why a reasonable Palestinian state must be the outcome of negotiations with Israel, and not the result of a thoughtless vote by the United Nations. If being an apartheid state means committing inhumane acts, systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over another, then Israel is guilty, a United Nations panel has determined in a new report. This is despite the fact that one in five citizens of Israel is an indigenous, non-Jewish Palestinian. International solidarity with South Africans struggling against apartheid and international isolation of the apartheid state both formed a crucial pillar in the country’s struggle for liberation and democracy. UNITED NATIONS, Apr 30 2021 (IPS) - When the UN’s Beirut-based Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), released a landmark 2017 report on “apartheid” in Israel, the United Nations disassociated itself with the study and left it to die— unceremoniously and unsung. Advertisement. The 2018 Basic Law: Israel-The Nation State of the Jewish People, stripped away most illusions that Israel is a democratic polity, and lends credence to the contention that it is an ethnocracy, which is a less provocative way of talking about racial hierarchy than is the apartheid discourse. This is an eloquent response by an Israeli Arab who hits back at B’Tselem, furious at its falsehoods, not only by denying its charge that Israel is an “apartheid” state, but offering his own story, as someone who both served in the IDF, and as a civilian directed “hundreds of Jewish employees,” as counter-evidence to B’Tselem’s preposterous claims. “In short, this report is tantamount to an anti-Semitic ‘blood libel’ against the Jewish state,” said Arsen Ostrovsky, an international human-rights lawyer and CEO of the International Legal Forum, of the 217-page 2021 Human Rights Watch report. These are serious allegations that are made against Israel every day, even by the United Nations. Dr. Reagan: Is it true that the Palestinians living within Israel are an oppressed and persecuted people?Is it true that Israel is an apartheid state? It should do that again with the crimes of apartheid and persecution, globally and in Israel-Palestine. The Vermont left-leaning independent sat down with CBS’s John Dickerson on “Face the Nation.” Dickerson pointed out that a number of progressives, some in the House, have called Israel an apartheid state amid the violence between militant group Hamas ― which has power over Gaza ― and the Israeli government. The man who will represent all of us at the United Nations is the same politician who proposed legislation aimed at crippling left-leaning NGOs which come to the aid of Palestinian civilians and oppose the institution of occupation, while giving the government a green light to keep financially supporting right-wing NGOs suspected of channeling funds to support violence by pro-settlement Jews. Palestinians say UN report designating Israel as an apartheid state represents “historic breakthrough” for their movement. In 2017, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) issued its special report entitled “Israeli practices towards the Palestinian people and the question of apartheid.” Is Israel an apartheid state? Still, an Israeli government with an Arab political partner conclusively debunks the ongoing lie about Israel and apartheid…. Israeli human rights organization declares Israel an apartheid state. Palestinians hail UN report declaring Israel an apartheid state. B’Tselem, the Israeli human rights organization, has taken an extraordinary step — following many Palestinian and human rights groups around the world — in calling the state of Israel what it is: an apartheid regime and thus anything but a democracy. ILRC article. The Evolution of Apartheid: Why Israel is Becoming a Pariah State. The findings from an Arab-led group were not cleared or fully backed by U.N. leadership and do not set new policies toward Israel. Meanwhile Israel and its US patron have reacted with rage. The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), the largest coalition in Palestinian society, has warmly welcomed as a “historic breakthrough” a report released today by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) … There are varying degrees of apartheid. On February 9, 2021, the University of California Irvine (UCI) student government passed a Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) resolution against Israel in a vote of 19-3. Israel’s critics and enemies make an invidious and erroneous comparison between Israel and apartheid South Africa. According to a March 2017 report in Foreign Policy Journal, both the Israeli and the Trump … This is according to a United Nations report published in 2017 and the South African report by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) published as early as 2009. University of Michigan Press, 2010. The HRW report is yet another move in the decades-long series of obsessive attacks against Israel, and its legitimacy as the nation-state of the Jewish people. On Tuesday, Israel’s ‘vaccine apartheid’ was the topic of discussion in an event held in parallel to the United Nations Human Rights Council 46th session. Israel ranks consistently as one of the most open and democratic countries in the world in Freedom House rankings. UNITED NATIONS, Apr 30 (IPS) – When the UN’s Beirut-based Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), released a landmark 2017 report on “apartheid” in Israel, the United Nations disassociated itself with the study and left it to die— unceremoniously and unsung. The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), the largest coalition in Palestinian society, has warmly welcomed as a “historic breakthrough” a report released today by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) that proves beyond doubt that Israel has imposed a system of apartheid on the entire Palestinian people. Source: Michael Curtis “Israel is an apartheid state, Israel is a racist state” will again be trumpeted to the world on March 14-21, 2021, this year’s Israel Apartheid Week (IAW). Like South Africa’s diplomat Dr. Clinton Swemmer, at the United Nations Human Rights Council said, “Israel is the only state in the world that can be called an apartheid state†. No country has ever been deemed by the international community as an apartheid state since South Africa, not even China, Russia or Iran. This IAW, a familiar event since 2004, has been organized by Palestinian groups supposedly to demonstrate “against racism, colonialism, and apartheid.” The forthright branding of Israel as an apartheid state by Human Rights Watch could be a watershed moment in mainstream acceptance of what Israel has become. In March 2017 a UN report found Israel to be an "apartheid State" ... evidence of its use can already be found before the United Nation’s General Assembly declared apartheid a … “Israel is an apartheid state, Israel is a racist state” will again be trumpeted to the world on March 14-21, 2021, this year’s Israel Apartheid Week (IAW). As the HRW report and the previous report by Israel’s own rights group, B’tselem, demonstrate, the use of the word ‘apartheid’ is grounded in a legal framework, which was articulated by the United Nations itself. Of all these nations, and so many others in the 193 member states of the United Nations, Israel is the only nation accused of being an apartheid state. Israel is an apartheid state, let’s talk about that. ISRAELI APARTHEID SYSTEM IS ILLEGAL: L aws V io lat ed: I ntrn onal Co v hSupp rsnd Pun m of C me fAp d (1976). The Israel Action Network (IAN), in a Jan. 2015 resource titled “Israel Is Not an Apartheid State,” posted on its website, wrote: “Apartheid is a state-sanctioned system of racial separation and discrimination which dominated nearly every aspect of daily life in South Africa between 1948 and 1994. United Nations: Israel attempts to silence growing condemnation of its apartheid regime. At least 750,000 Palestinians were displaced from their homes in 1948 () Early injustices and rebukes. The United Nations and apartheid South Africa Part 1 . Concerned human rights advocates and UN officials highlighted the stark inequalities between the inoculated Israeli population and the neglected situation of five million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. The Israel Action Network (IAN), in a Jan. 2015 resource titled “Israel Is Not an Apartheid State,” posted on its website, wrote: “Apartheid is a state-sanctioned system of racial separation and discrimination which dominated nearly every aspect of daily life in South Africa between 1948 and 1994. A new United Nations report states definitively what human rights activists have been arguing for decades: “The weight of the evidence supports beyond a reasonable doubt the proposition that Israel is guilty of imposing an apartheid regime on the Palestinian people, which amounts to the commission of a crime against humanity.” The report, which was released by the U.N. Economic and … Israel ranks consistently as one of the most open and democratic countries in the world in Freedom House rankings. By Israel Kasnett. ** It is important to note that this video mentions that Arab Israelis felt discriminated against after the Nation State Law was passed a few years ago. Nonetheless, an investigation into Apartheid in the occupied Palestinian territories would also implicate the Israeli State itself. This is a significant point to note, as with most votes cast … Meanwhile Israel and its US patron have reacted with rage. So much of the world believes that Israel is an apartheid state. A recent U.N. report has found Israel guilty of apartheid, causing a diplomatic skirmish between Israel’s supporters and opponents. 'Across these areas and in most aspects of life, Israeli authorities methodically privilege Jewish Israelis and discriminate against Palestinians. Yes, he … It depends. Are they true, or are they myths? Apartheid State? The report does not set out to compare Israel with South Africa under apartheid or to determine whether Israel is an “apartheid state”—a concept that is not defined in international law. The failure of the United Nations to hold Israel accountable for its apartheid policies emboldens the Jewish state to build more settlements despite worldwide condemnation. South African President Cyril Ramaphosa told France24 on May 19 that the violence in Gaza reminded him of the apartheid era in his own country, and that Israel’s attacks on Palestinian civilians were evocative of an apartheid state. by testset July 20, 2020. A United Nations arbitrations committee is poised to examine a Palestinian Authority complaint that Israel has committed acts of apartheid. Richard J. Goldstone, a former justice of the South African Constitutional Court, led the United Nations fact-finding mission on the Gaza conflict of 2008-9. Building settlements in international law is illegal and the United Nations has repeatedly upheld the view that Israel’s construction of settlements constitutes a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention. ." The United Nations and apartheid South Africa Part 1 . There is simply no way to sustain a Jewish ethnostate with 6+ million native Palestinians. Tilley, Virginia. Notably, amongst the four Nations voting against this adoption were the United States, the United Kingdom and South Africa itself. A new United Nations report accuses Israel of having established “an apartheid regime that oppresses and dominates the Palestinian people as a whole”. One of the core themes of the withdrawn UN report is Israel’s immigration policy as a central tool for apartheid. Issues relating to the State of Israel and aspects of the Arab–Israeli conflict and more recently the Iran-Israel conflict occupy repeated annual debate times, resolutions and resources at the United Nations. The charge that Israel is an apartheid state is a false and malicious one that precludes, rather than promotes, peace and harmony. The growing divide in the United States between Zionists and supporters of Palestinian rights has led to pronounced tensions in academia. In Arab Countries, International Advocacy Program, United Nations Human Rights Council by CIHRS June 17, 2020 But people who know the definition of apartheid know that Israel does not practice anything close to that. According to international law, Israel can unequivocally be defined as an apartheid state. On April 27, one of the world's largest and most credible rights groups, Human Rights Watch (HRW), concluded, in a comprehensive 213-pages report, that Israel is an apartheid state. This report accused Israel of imposing an "Apartheid regime" of … Israel's adversaries are waging an ideological war against the Jewish state. Israel's apartheid status will eventually become the global designation of Israel's practices in Palestine, as was the case in South Africa. In contextualising Israeli apartheid and the hypocrisy in the racially structured global order I highlight some Palestinians are welcoming a landmark UN report that finds Israel guilty of practicing apartheid. In 1973, the United Nations declared that South Africa’s system of apartheid was a crime under international law. The idea of Israel as an apartheid state, or as a racial state that has established an apartheid regime, is disputed. United Nations: In response to Unprecedented Recognition of Israel's Apartheid Regime, States Must Take Concrete Steps to End this "unjust reality" 18، Jun 2020. Gilad Erdan, Israel’s ambassador to the United States, said the report bordered on anti-Semitism. Since its founding in 1948, the United Nations Security Council, has adopted 79 resolutions directly related to the Arab–Israeli conflict as of January 2010. "Across these areas and in most aspects of life, Israeli authorities methodically privilege Jewish Israelis and discriminate against Palestinians. They understand that Israel is the only country whose legitimacy was recognized by both the United Nations … Israel is definitely not an ‘apartheid’ state. The idea of evoking the term "apartheid" to describe Israel's treatment of Palestinians was not invented by Israel's critics, but by Israel itself. This video is short and simple, but it gets the point across: Israel is not an apartheid state. South Africans Disagree. Those pushing the “Israel is an Apartheid state” rhetoric are playing with fire. By Ramzy Baroud. In response to its statement, the left-wing Israeli NGO was accused of being antisemitic. A legal opinion released last year by another Israeli rights group, Yesh Din, had concluded that what Israel was doing in the West Bank was Apartheid; so even looking just at the West Bank there is an argument to make. July 19, 2018 — Today, Israeli lawmakers gave their final approval to the “ Basic Law: Israel as the Nation State of the Jewish People ” bill that unambiguously defines Israel as a state that belongs exclusively to the “Jewish people.”. We have been working to build a new network of ties with Arab states from Sudan to the United Arab Emirates. Verwoerd, the architect of South Africa’s apartheid policies, dismissed Israel’s vote against South African apartheid at the United Nations. It is high time people who believe that apartheid and racism are illegal call on the United States to stop subsidizing apartheid and racism under the guise of supporting Israel. UNITED NATIONS, Apr 30 (IPS) - When the UN’s Beirut-based Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), released a landmark 2017 report on “apartheid” in Israel, the United Nations disassociated itself with the study and left it to die--- unceremoniously and unsung. British historian Arnold Toynbee called Israel "a racialist state. Palestinians hail UN report declaring Israel an apartheid state. These are serious allegations that are made against Israel every day, even by the United Nations. Israel’s apartheid status will eventually become the global designation of Israel’s practices in Palestine, as was the case in South Africa. We are Israel’s largest human rights group – and we are calling this apartheid, The Guardian. As an occupier, Israel is therefore forbidden from using state land and natural resources for purposes other than military or security needs or for the benefit of the local population. One of the first people to use the word “apartheid” in relation to Israel was Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben Gurion, who warned following the 1967 War of Israel becoming an “apartheid state” if it retained control of the occupied territories. In truth, the cracks in the wall of the Israeli narrative were always present. Israeli leaders. I want to clarify something before diving into the waters of this article. No, Israel is not an Apartheid State. Those who urge a worldwide divestment from Israel use this comparison, trying to rally the same forces that used the international divestment sanction as a significant factor in toppling the white supremacy regime in South Africa. (Geneva – 8 October 2020) On 1 October 2020, the Government of Israel attempted to silence civil society groups at the UN Human Rights Council (the Council) for condemning its imposition of apartheid on the Palestinian people. Those pushing the “Israel is an Apartheid state” rhetoric are playing with fire. Republicans and many Democrats will try to dismiss B’Tselem’s position paper simply by saying that Israel is a democracy and cannot be called an apartheid state. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and the UAE employ expat migrant workers from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, etc. The law does nothing to limit the civil rights of non-Jews. According to the United Nations’ International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid, apartheid is defined as denial equal rights to people, falsely imprisoning people, and genocide against people based on race. Israeli NGO: Israel Is an Apartheid Regime. By Mitchell Plitnick. The appearance of Ra’am in the ruling coalition is the latest bit of evidence that contradicts the charge that “Israel is an apartheid state.” We have been working to build a new network of ties with Arab states from Sudan to the United Arab Emirates. Biden Must Face the Facts: Israel Is an Apartheid Regime The leading human rights organization B’Tselem has now joined others in making that claim—one that will be difficult for the Biden administration to ignore or dismiss. The findings from an Arab-led group were not cleared or fully backed by U.N. leadership and do not set new policies toward Israel. Abunimah, Ali. Some commentators extend the analogy to include treatment of Arab citizens of Israel, describing their status as second-class citizens. Dr. Reagan: Is it true that the Palestinians living within Israel are an oppressed and persecuted people?Is it true that Israel is an apartheid state? Human Rights Watch issued a report last month that stated that Israel has created a legally defined apartheid state. The United Nations Should Not Recognize an Apartheid, Judenrein, Islamic Palestine :: Hudson New York by Alan M. Dershowitz September 21, 2011 at 11:30 am The United Nations is being asked to grant the Palestinians the status of a "state," for at least some purposes. New UN Report Confirms Israel is an “Apartheid” State. Israel and its allies have reacted with anger to a new report from the United Nations which has found that “Israel is guilty of imposing an apartheid regime on the Palestinian people”.. Human Rights Watch is not an outlier or left wing organisation. Ban Ki-moon calls for a new approach to the conflict that recognises the 'fundamental asymmetry between the parties' Pressure from the U.S. and Israel forced out a United Nations official, but plenty of Israelis have spoken about their country becoming an apartheid state. Israeli Actions: The State of Israel has a formal system of legalized discrimination against Palestinian Arabs which technically fits the official UN definition of Apartheid. If being an apartheid state means committing inhumane acts, systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over another, then Israel is guilty, a United Nations panel has determined in a new report. L k u ac et Is Apartheid. Israel is a racist state that has established an apartheid regime. According to a March 2017 report in Foreign Policy Journal, both the Israeli and the Trump … The United Nations played a central role in undoing South Africa’s system of apartheid. The United States, an ally of Israel, said it was outraged by the report. The study concluded that the Israeli state has imposed a state of apartheid on the Palestinian people, in that Israel is guilty of many of the practices and policies identified in the Apartheid Convention adopted by the United Nations in 1973, and that these acts together constitute the “integrated and complementary elements of an institutionalised and oppressive system of Israeli domination and oppression over … The HRW report asserted that Israel is preventing Palestinian immigration to Israel after marriage, and thus it constitutes “apartheid.” It is apparent that Shakir’s report employs various falsehoods to smear and malign Israel, including Israel’s Law of Return. The one-state solution: A breakthrough for peace in the Israeli-Palestinian deadlock. By Mario Speedwagon. Anti-Israel demonstrations today frequently have signs that refer to apartheid. On Wednesday, March 15, 2017 the United Nations issued a new report on Israel. Because people have no idea what “Apartheid” actually means. A new United Nations report has concluded that Israel is an apartheid state, citing its government’s inhumane acts, systematic oppression and domination of Palestinian people. UN report: Israel has established an ‘apartheid regime’ Report breaks new ground on the UN’s examination of the situation in occupied Palestine by using the word ‘apartheid’. In 2014, Tutu urged the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States to divest from companies that contributed to the occupation, saying that Israel "has created an apartheid reality within its borders and through its occupation", and that the alternative to Israel being "an apartheid state in perpetuity" was to end the occupation through either a one-state solution or a two-state solution. It’s either one democratic state, one apartheid state, or two states perennially at war with one another. It was for this reason that the United Nations’ Economic Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) published a report in 2017 concluding that Israel had “established an apartheid regime that dominates the Palestinian people as a whole”, including its Palestinian citizens. Israel does not discriminate against Arabs. Report on U.N. Social Media Posts Accusing Israel of ‘Apartheid’ Study of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia – ESCWA. Israel is not defending the rule of law. The United Nations secretary general swiftly repudiated the report, and it was removed from the agency’s website. Three local unions affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers, the country's second-largest teachers' union, passed statements in June condemning Israel as an apartheid state. These are serious allegations that are made against Israel every day, even by the United Nations. The findings from an Arab-led group were not cleared or fully backed by U.N. leadership and do not set new policies toward Israel. January 12th, 2021. When people call Israel an apartheid state, they are referring to the crime of apartheid as defined in international law. But while the law may have its shortcomings, Israel is definitely not an ‘apartheid’ state. Palestinians cross Israeli apartheid wall. Apartheid is in violation of the United Nations (UN) charter and when the Apartheid Convention was adopted in 1973 by the UN General Assembly, the vote was unanimous with 90 nations voting against 4.

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