University of Ljubljana School of Economics and Business; Kardeljeva ploščad 17 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, EU; T: +386 1 5892-400 E:; General Terms and Conditions Personal Data Protection About Cookies Financing of the studies. … Schools in Spain, France, Germany and the rest of Europe are announcing their first deadlines. Join to Connect University of Ljubljana. * University of Ljubljana members will announce available enrolment slots 12.2. Application Deadline: ... Also Apply: 420€ Comtrade Scholarship Program At University Of Ljubljana, Slovenia. The application form can be found on their website, the deadline for applying is 15 May (winter semester, full academic year) and 15 November (summer semester).. Helena Deršek Štuhec (Ms) 12 Kongresni trg SI-1000 Ljubljana UA Contributes to Unprecedented Observations of Black Hole; Rachalis Maharucksit (UA) – HEP Seminar – Spring 2021; Prof. Dr. Sašo Grozdanov (Massachusetts Institute of Technology / University of Ljubljana)- HEP Seminar – Spring 2021 Study at the only triple accredited business school in Slovenia - University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business - and attend one of our renowned summer programmes. MIXED METHODS RESEARCH DESIGN & ANALYSIS. Besides the beautiful city the intensive course work and also the network opportunities with like-minded PhD students from different countries have been very valuable. The joint application for all members is submitted by the University of Ljubljana to the National Agency CMEPIUS. University of Ljubljana (UL), situated in the capital of Slovenia, was founded in 1919. Higher Education Application and Information Service of the University of Ljubljana (Visokošolska prijavno-informacijska služba Univerze v Ljubljani- VPIS UL) Kongresni trg 12, p. p. 524, 1000 Ljubljana… University of Ljubljana ... meeting deadlines and have an analytical approach with creative thinking and entrepreneurial mindset with … The Final was held on 9 December, designated by the UN since 2003 as International Anti-Corruption Day. Application process and the cost of tuition. Helena Deršek Štuhec. Application deadline: 31 March. Contact person for incoming students name, title, full address, phone, fax, email. Shared by darja Fiser. Application Deadline: The application deadline is 30 September 2016. University of Ljubljana. School of Economics and Business has become the first and only Triple Crown School in Slovenia and in the broader region to have been awarded the – EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA international accreditations. It was founded in 1919. Deadlines in Applied Topology. Ljubljana University is considered to be one of the most prestigious and attractive for students of higher educational institutions. University Country Status; AGH Racing: 1: AGH University of science and technology: Poland: ADMITTED: UGATU Racing Team: 2: Ufa State Aviation Technical University University of Ljubljana | 41.520 seguidores no LinkedIn. University of Ljubljana is highly renowned as a university that managed to stay in the top 5% worldwide rankings. Written application, together with a curriculum vitae and evidence of eligibility should be sent, by regular mail, to the address: Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za strojništvo, Aškerčeva cesta 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia or email address at Office of International Relations, Kongresni trg 12, 1000 Ljubljana. : +386 1 4771 200 fax: +386 1 2518 567 The application deadline is 5 June 2020 ... University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Zoisova 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana Please attach the proof of payment and the fi lled in application form to the e-mail and send it to: With over 63,000 enrolled undergraduate and graduate students, it is among the largest universities in Europe. Over 40,000 students upgrade and develop their knowledge and skills at the country’s largest … General information at . UNIVERSITY OF LJUBLJANA. The Computer and Information Science program at University of Michigan - Dearborn is a full-time, research-based degree designed to address the growing needs of society for scientific and engineering professionals with advanced knowledge, technical skills and abilities to conduct original and high-quality translational research in Computer and Information Science. tel: 00 386 1 425 40 52 email: Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering. Scholarship Link. APPLICATION DEADLINE … University of Oulu trains future pioneers to build a more sustainable, intelligent and humane world. University of Ljubljana- School of Business and Economics, Ljubljana, Slovenia. University of Ljubljana application requirements for International Students, view University of Ljubljana GPA, IB, SAT, ACT, TOEFL, IELTS, GRE & Average score requirements for all undergraduate, masters, certificate courses. more. Univerza Ljubljana promotes gender equality by employment and work. The University of Barcelona is at the top of the main rankings of science in Spain. Deadlines Conference contributors should note the following deadlines: Receipt of papers/proposals: 1 April 2021 Notification of acceptance: 15 April 2021 ... University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Prof. Moses Makgato, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa Sara Žniderič | Horjul, Ljubljana, Slovenia | 107 connections | See Sara's complete profile on Linkedin and connect Call for papers Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics 26-29 October 2021. )Once these requirements are met, you can continue with the second step of our application process: selection based on motivation video or personal interview. 12 - 16 July 2021 15.00 - 19.00. It was established in the year 1919. University of Ljubljana, Faculty Of Mechanical Engineering Aškerčeva cesta 6, 1000 Ljubljana tel. 10 June is the last day to remit payment, otherwise participation in the programme cannot be confirmed. He works as a researcher and teaches Philosophy of Art at the University of Ljubljana. University of Ljubljana, Faculty Of Mechanical Engineering Aškerčeva cesta 6, 1000 Ljubljana tel. The Faculty of Arts is the largest and the oldest faculty of the University of Ljubljana. Access to the culture of the host country/language courses Accommodation Banking Day care, schooling & family related issues Departure conditions/formalities Call for enrolment 2021/2022 4. University of Strathclyde. Please enter your full name and surname as it is written in your personal document. if visiting student stays at the University of Eastern Finland for … Application for master’s degree programmes at the School of Economics and Business University of Ljubljana is open. Application deadlines for Master degree programes 2021/2022. Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the University of Ljubljana invites applications for the following. The University of Ljubljana is the oldest and public university located in Slovenia. Application Deadline: 27 March 2020 (early-bird discount deadline) 24 April 2020 (regular deadline) ... and the University of Ljubljana have three international accreditations which assured me of their high academic level. Summer School on Image Processing (SSIP) is a traditional, annual, gathering of researchers and professionals dealing with image analysis and machine vision. University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business IMB - INTERNATIONAL FULL-TIME MASTER'S PROGRAMME IN BUSINESS AND ORGANIZATION. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Michelo’s connections and jobs at similar companies. There is no need to send a paper copy of the application. Application deadline: 31 March. Take the Best from East and West! University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business has developed two double degree programmes together with the renowned partner institutions: NOVA IMS. People in Applied Topology. Application periods 2021/2022 5. 11.-13.9. Featured news (1.) It provides educational programs for more than 40,000 students, employs more than 5,600 teachers, researchers, and other personal. City of Oulu is a safe study and living environment with an easy access to nature. It provides educational programs for more than 40,000 students, employs more than 5,600 teachers, researchers, and other personal. The University of Ljubljana is the oldest and largest university in Slovenia. More than 4000 professors work at the 22 faculties, 3 arts academies and one university college. Application deadline: For candidates - foreign nationals, the official deadline for applications is 15 May 2015, due to procedures related to recognition of education and residency permits. PhD Students – Assistants 2015/2016, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Prof. Dr. Sašo Grozdanov (Massachusetts Institute of Technology / University of Ljubljana)- HEP Seminar – Spring 2021 Posted on March 22, 2021 Speaker: Prof. Dr. Sašo Grozdanov (Massachusetts Institute of Technology / University of Ljubljana) Program costs and inclusions. Vacancy: member of CLARIN ERIC board of directors (0.2 FTE) See for details. It is considered as large university, having around 63,000 students. Atilim University was founded by the Atilim Foundation on 15 July 1997 to serve as a Foundation University in the capacity of a legal entity pursuant to provisions of Law no. 2 per semester . Application deadlines: 15th May for the application for winter semester or full academic year; 15th November for the summer semester; Eduroam Webmail islonline. It was established in 1919 – in the same year as the Uni-versity of Ljubljana, which, today, The programme is organized and run by the School of Economics and Business of the University of Ljubljana. We are inviting applications for a postdoctoral research position at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, The university offers 25+ different courses on Bachelor’s and Master’s level, organized by the School of Economics and Business. 4. * Different deadlines (May - Sept) Different deadlines (May - Sept) TUITION FREE STUDIES FOR • EU students • Students from countries with which the Republic of Slovenia has concluded bilateral agreement Our degree programmes are student-centered and the teacher-student ratio is high. Level: Bachelor and Master Language of instruction: English University code: SI LJUBLJA01. Nearly one tenth of Ljubljana’s inhabitants are students, which gives the city a young and lively character. Kardeljeva ploščad 17 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia; tel. Pavasovic Trost Tamara, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Please check for the deadline in the Call for enrollment into master degree programmes for the 2021/2022 academic year. The University of Ljubljana offers a wide range of bachelor, master and doctoral programmes covering all fields of study: Natural Science, Technology and Engineering, Social Sciences, Humanities, Medicine, Art.. Impressions. FELU encourages and supports applicants with an outstanding track record and those with a drive and … MBA Scholarships at University of Ljubljana in Slovenia, 2017 The Faculty of Economics Ljubljana University (FELU) is offering scholarships to study two-year part-time MBA programme. Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland NUMBER OF UTRECHT NETWORK SEMESTERS ACCEPTING DURING 2021/2022 20 semesters in total (some of departments may accept more than 20 students, while other only 2 per Semester) Team Name Car Nr. After your home university has nominated you to study at the University of Ljubljana as an exchange student, you should fill in an online application. About Sigmund Freud University Vienna - Ljubljana Branch. Both Slovenian and international citizens who have at least three years of work experience are eligible to apply. View Michelo Banda’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Faculties and Academies of the University of Ljubljana offer a broad selection of over 20 summer school courses in various disciplines from economic and business sciences, law to social work, pharmacy, art, and technical sciences.Some summer schools will be organized for primary school students, others for undergraduate and graduate … The University of Ljubljana is inviting applications for FELU MBA Scholarships.Scholarships are open to international students for pursuing MBA programme. 06.04.2021 Comments are closed. Dates may vary each year. Ljubljana - Slovenia. Young Researcher at University of Ljubljana Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia 415 connections. The University is the largest university in Slovenia. The seat of the university was in the central Congress Square of Ljubljana in a building that had served as the State Mansion of Carniola from 1902 to 1918. 8 – 26 July 2019. There is a choice of any combination of the three EGC ONLINE modules listed below. The Campus: The FELU has a long tradition in research and education as it was founded in 1946. University of Ljubljana is one of the oldest and most renowned universities of Slovenia. EGC Online Summer School by University of Warwick. Established in 1919, University of Ljubljana is the oldest and largest higher education and scientific research institution in Slovenia. After the 2nd application deadline: Exceptionally, it will be possible to apply and enrol for all those who have already completed their previous studies (graduates) by September 30, 2021 at the latest until the occupied enrolment places are filled and will submit the undergraduate degree certificate with … Key European MedChem symposium to learn about drug discovery advances in major therapeutic areas! University of Ljubljana. POPR - Personal and Professional Development Portal 9. UNIVERSITY OF LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA. Contact: Mateja D. Murgelj. University of Ljubljana University of Ljubljana among top 3% in the world The University of Ljubljana is the oldest univer-sity in Slovenia, proud of its strong tradition. Study at the only triple accredited business school in Slovenia - University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business - and attend one of our renowned summer programmes. The University of Ljubljana was founded in 1919 and is the oldest educational and research institution in Slovenia. University. The programme is organized and run by the School of Economics and Business of the University of Ljubljana. de Jong Ad, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. Application deadlines for Erasmus mobility at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education 15 MAY – winter semester and full year 15 nOVEMBER – summer semester Application procedure 1. er your home university has nominated you to study at the University of Ljubljana as Aft Application deadline: 4 June 2019. Ljubljana Summer School is a 3-week internationally recognized programme launched in July 2000. With over 63,000 enrolled undergraduate and graduate students, it is among the largest universities in Europe. Founded in 1919. Atılım’s goal is … Please note the application deadline at the partner university! Study Subject: award is awarded in Computer and Information Science. Four possible combinations of co-tutelle were offered: Warwick-CY, VUB-CY, Ljubljana-CY and Pompeu Fabra-CY . It is located in the capital of Slovenia, in the city of Ljubljana. View University of Ljubljana acceptance rate & admission requirements, find out University of Ljubljana student enrollment application requirements such as … MAUI. Take the Best from East and West! Deadline: 30 September 2017 Open to: candidates who have at least three years of work experience Award: 4.000 EUR Description. The list of courses and the online application form will be available from mid-January 2019! Language of Instruction: English. +386 1 5892 400; fax: +386 1 5892 698 The University of Ljubljana was founded in 1919 and is the oldest educational and research institution in Slovenia. It adopts a whole-person approach to education which enables its students to think, judge, care and, ultimately, act responsibly in the changing circumstances of Hong Kong, the region and the world. Post-doc (regular employment, application deadline May 14, 2021) A 3-year post-doctoral position is open in the group of Prof. Nedjeljka Žagar at the University of Hamburg. In 1979 it was renamed " Edvard Kardelj University in Ljubljana" after the Communist leader. In 1990, with the fall of Yugoslavia, it was regiven its original name. The university was initially located in the centre of Ljubljana where the central university building and the majority of its faculties are located. The whole university has more than 38,000 undergraduate and post-graduate students, making it one of the biggest universities in the world with continuous growth of international students enrolling in its courses. With a total of 23 faculties, UL is one of the largest university in the world. Application deadline is 60 days from the publication of the job vacancy. Application deadlines: 15th May for the application for winter semester or full academic year; 15th November for the summer semester; Eduroam Webmail islonline. University of Ljubljana is highly renowned as a university that managed to stay in the top 5% worldwide rankings. Application process and the cost of tuition. The admission process involves prior academic performance evaluation. The academic schedule is divided into semesters. The composition of the university. During the first step of our application process you need to meet the below mentioned admission requirements. Summer School 2021. Join to Connect University of Ljubljana. Most renowned Slovenian University committed to academic & research excellence, devoted to co-creating a better society. 3. University of Ljubljana Master's degree Civil Engineering (Structural engineering) 2018 - Present. chapters 1. Oct 27, 2016 MBA Application Deadlines for Fall 2017 - European Business Schools Oct 27, 2016. The application and admission procedure for the first deadline is managed and implemented centrally by the Application and Information Service of the University of Ljubljana. Deadlines for submission of documents and applications are published here. 1. SPECIAL NOTE FOR PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS 2. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT WELCOME DAY, 15 September 2021 at 2 pm CEST 3. Junior Researcher at AI lab & PhD candidate in Statistics at University of Ljubljana Slovenia 195 connections. Level of Study: Undergraduate and Postgraduate. More information can be found here. View University of Ljubljana application deadlines for undergraduate, master & PHD programs, check Important dates and admission deadlines for International students. (Keep in mind that we calculate your GPA at the moment of application. University of Ljubljana (UL) was founded in 1919. Additional requirements / proofs required . MULTILEVEL ANALYSIS. Application Deadline: 1 May 2012. 21 projects were initially submitted from five alliance partner universities: University of Warwick, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, CY Cergy Paris University, University of Ljubljana, Pompeu Fabra University. Position of employment: university teacher of technical safety, natural sciences or technical sciences, Chair of Occupational, Process and Fire Safety, for an indefinite time, full time employment. or regular mail to the address: Univerza Ljubljana, Fakulteta za farmacijo, Aškerčeva cesta 7, 1000 Ljubljana. Project (1) University of Ljubljana – among top 3% in the world. The University of Ljubljana is the oldest and public university located in Slovenia. The University is the largest university in Slovenia. It was established in the year 1919. The University of Ljubljana offers undergraduate and unique masters degrees, master degree programs, doctoral degree programs. SFU Ljubljana offers undergraduate and master's study programs in the sciences of psychotherapeutic science and psychology. The University was founded in the centre of Ljubljana, where the central university building and the majority of its departments are located. The University of Ljubljana is a centre of excellence for the Balkans with extensive expertise in water resources management. Pforzheim University Business School. The admission process involves prior academic performance evaluation. University of Ljubljana Faculty of Economics Established in 1919 50.000 students 130 undergraduate and 110 graduate programmes Established in 1946 The biggest member of UL ... E-Application deadline for students E-nomination period for Partner University Orientation Email: 2017 - 2020. : +386 1 4771 200 fax: +386 1 2518 567 UA Contributes to Unprecedented Observations of Black Hole; Rachalis Maharucksit (UA) – HEP Seminar – Spring 2021; Prof. Dr. Sašo Grozdanov (Massachusetts Institute of Technology / University of Ljubljana)- HEP Seminar – Spring 2021 Projects. UNIVERSITY OF LJUBLJANA Name of University UNIVERSITY OF LJUBLJANA Erasmus Code SI LJUBLJA01 Website Address (postal) Kongresni trg 12 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Address (visitors/courrier) Kongresni trg 12 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Fax +386 1 2418 660 E-mail Head of the institution Prof. dr. Ivan Svetlik, Rector UNIVERSITY OF LJUBLJANA Name of University UNIVERSITY OF LJUBLJANA Erasmus Code SI LJUBLJA01 Website Address (postal) Kongresni trg 12 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Address (visitors/courrier) Kongresni trg 12 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Fax +386 1 2418 660 E-mail Head of the institution Prof. dr. Igor Papič , Rector Full name of University . Language of Instruction: English. The University of Ljubljana is the oldest and largest university in Slovenia. Close Menu Singh Jagdip, Case Western Reserve University, United States. Presentation … Today, it is the largest faculty of the University of Ljubljana with almost 10,000 full-time and part-time undergraduate and graduate students and occupies part of a spacious campus close to the city centre. Johannes, University of Antwerp, Belgium University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science Master's degree Computer and Information Science. The University of Ljubljana is the oldest and largest university in Slovenia. Date: various dates. In 1919, the university comprised five faculties: law, philosophy, technology, theology and medicine. Participating in the Ljubljana Doctoral Summer School has been an enriching experience for my academic and personal development. One of the largest universities in the world. APPLICATION DEADLINE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: June 21, 2021 SLOVENIA. Deadlines Submission of contributed papers: June 16, 2021 Referee’s reports: July 16, 2021 Submission of revised papers and copies of bank transfer: August 25, ... • J. Povh, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia • L. Zadnik Stirn, University of Ljubljana, Glasgow , Scotland , … The total sum for the DBLP publications for leading scientists in Slovenia is 931 with a mean value for DBLP publications is 155.17. STAG aims to offer a forum for discussing novel ideas and results in Computer Graphics and Visual Computing. A team from the university of Ljubljana (Slovenia) won the first European Ethics Bowl, a competition to raise awareness of the relevance and complexity of current ethical issues in the European context. It is a member of the League of European Research Universities (LERU), comprised of the twenty-three best research universities in Europe. 8 – 26 July 2019. The 29th Summer School on Image Processing will be held at the University of Rijeka Faculty of Engineering in Rijeka, Croatia, between 8 and 17 July 2021. Michelo has 2 jobs listed on their profile. In the Computer and Information Sciences programme at the University of Strathclyde, you can study an MPhil over the course of one year or a PhD over the course of three years here in Scotland. Ljubljana Summer School offers accredited courses on Bachelor´s and Master´s level which are taught by international academics. Ljubljana Summer School is an intensive 3-week programme in English that is open to undergraduate and graduate students. Tuition fee is also required if exchange lasts less than one semester (e.g. University of Ljubljana School of Economics and Business; Kardeljeva ploščad 17 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, EU; T: +386 1 5892-400 E:; General Terms and Conditions Personal Data Protection About Cookies Learn more/Apply University Events Calendar; Faculty & Staff. Here is a selection of faculty with a pronounced interest in applied topology or topological data analysis. With over 63,000 enrolled undergraduate and graduate students, it is among the largest universities in Europe. University of Ljubljana- School of Business and Economics, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 2. UL is ranked #601-650 in QS World University Ranking. The Faculty of Economics Ljubljana University (FELU) is both a national leader and an internationally recognised academic and research institution in the fields of business and economics. After the Office of International Relations of the University of Ljubljana has received your application and the Faculty of Health Sciences has approved your application, they will send you an Acceptance letter and information on living and studying in Ljubljana. More information can be found here. APPLICATION DEADLINE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: June 21, 2021 SLOVENIA. This program is one of the greatest experiences Written application, together with a curriculum vitae and evidence of eligibility should be sent, by regular mail, to the address: Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za strojništvo, Aškerčeva cesta 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia or email address at CONTACT PERSON AT THE UNIVERSITY MEMBER: Name: Katja Bošnak University of Ljubljana among the World’s 700 Best Universities (QS World) Day of Wine and Chocolate in Koper Deadlines for Applying to Master’s Programs of the University of Maribor 23.03.2017 University of Maribor School of Economics and Business (SEB LU) was established in 1946 and forms an integral part of the University of Ljubljana. The tuition fee for visiting students is 3500 euros for the full academic year or 1750 euros for one semester. Computer Science Logic (CSL) is the annual conference of the European Association for Computer Science Logic ( EACSL ). Available places: 2. University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Zoisova 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana Please attach the proof of payment and the fi lled in application form to the e-mail and send it to: The original invoice will be sent to you after the completion of the summer school to the address provided in the application form. 10.05.2021 Climate change affecting the composition of forests and varieties … We shall contact you in due course about further information to prepare for your exchange. University of Ljubljana ... Its design was accompanied by very short deadlines and a deep layer of soft foundation... View. Additional Multiple locations. Language of instruction: English, Slovenian. More information and the registration form can be found at the website. Course Level: award is available to pursue master programme. The application deadline is 5 June 2020 ... University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Zoisova 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana Please attach the proof of payment and the fi lled in application form to the e-mail and send it to: 1. The Senate of the Faculty of Computer and Information Science has adopted the following study calendar for the 2020/2021 academic year: Winter semester From Up to and including Class work Thursday 1 October 2020 Friday 15 January 2021 Winter exam period Monday 18 January 2021 Friday 12 February 2021 Summer semester From Up to and including Class work Monday 15 February The highest number of scientists is affiliated with University of Ljubljana (3 scientists). Sep 13, 2017 Application Deadlines for MBA programs in Europe beginning Fall 2018 Sep 13, 2017. Study at the only triple accredited business school in Slovenia - University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business - and attend one of our renowned summer programmes. Lingnan University seeks to provide its students with quality education distinguished by the best liberal arts tradition from both East and West. Please enter your personal data to access to other forms needed to complete your application. Technical Faculty, University of Bihac ... whith whom it is necessary to plan a production so that every position could be done undisturbedly and in planned deadlines. On 3 December 2019, the University of Ljubljana celebrates its 100th anniversary. Overview. It offers a full range of bachelor's degrees, university master’s degrees, UB-specific master's degrees and postgraduate courses, and doctoral programmes. Back to previous content ... University of Ljubljana Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology 11.
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