We all know that plants produce Oxygen by taking inside the toxic carbon dioxide gas produced by both nature and mankind. Due to rampant deforestat... The country has also recorded high numbers of new cases. Indonesia's government has ordered oxygen producers to prioritise medical needs as a surge in Covid cases has led to shortages in a number of cities. Hard Science Here: Not soft opinion. * Nitrogen — 78 percent. * Oxygen — 21 percent. * Argon — 0.93 percent. * Carbon dioxide — 0.04 percent. —- So... However there are a few high boreal (north boreal zone) forests that the organic matter becomes locked in peat and/or permafrost and they have a net positive oxygen production. The country has reported 4.25 million cases to date. Local media have been reporting that hospitals have been struggling to cope and the minister confirmed that resources were stretched. The country has added over 1 million cases in four days. India recorded 3,49,691 new Covid-19 cases, the highest single-day spike since the pandemic broke out last year. Boreal forests comprise the largest land based biome on the planet and they are situated at high ltitudes. To my surprise it appears that the taiga... India, Nepal, Argentina, Colombia, Pakistan, South Africa, and Iran are among the countries most at risk, the report showed, with fewer than one in 10 people having been vaccinated and the need for oxygen supplies rising more than 20% since March. It’s a tragic example of … Health Minister Harsh Vardhan said India has enough oxygen but is facing capacity constraints in moving it. India reported 368,147 new infections over the previous 24 hours, taking the number of people who have suffered an infection so far to 19.93 million, government data showed, the second-highest … Indonesia to get Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine from August Among all the planets, only one of them has plants that produce food via photosynthesis. Among all the planets, only one of them has plants that produce food via photosynthesis. That planet is earth and thus has the highest amount of oxygen among the planets. Mercury and Mars have traces of oxygen in their atmospheres as well. Photosynthesis is the process that plants make food out of water and carbon dioxide while releasing oxygen as a byproduct. The country also reported its highest daily death toll for the ninth consecutive day, adding 2,767 fatalities in the past 24 hours. Also, low vaccination rates in these countries have also increased their susceptibility to the virus. Indonesia, the world’s fourth-most populous country, has seen a … 474 … Gujarat has probably the highest number of oxygen beds in the country, said Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Friday after visiting the 900-bed Dhanvantari Covid Care hospital set up jointly by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), the Gujarat University and the state government at the Gujarat University Convention and Exhibition Centre in Ahmedabad. This train has highest volumes of LMO being transported on a single train," Ministry tweeted. Definitely! Most places in the open air have roughly the same amount of oxygen - wind stirs the air remarkably well. Many people think that being a... in International. This chart shows the countries with the highest month-to-month increase in oxygen need between April and May 2021. According to data, the country has approximately 1,200-1,500 tankers that supply oxygen to hospitals, whose movement is expected to ease with the new relaxations in … Against this, the total production has been 100 percent since the past two days, as … The Indian Railways has so far delivered nearly 4,200 metric tonnes (MT) of liquid medical oxygen in 268 tankers across the country. Keep in mind that the places with the best accommodations usually have a higher cost of living, and higher taxes. WHO is working in the most vulnerable countries to scale up oxygen … Country Elevation Afghanistan 1,885 m (6,184 ft) Albania 708 m (2,323 ft) Algeria 800 m (2,625 ft) Andorra 1,996 m (6,549 ft) Angola 1,112 m (3,648 ft) Antarctica 2,300 m (7,546 ft) 474 Oxygen Expresses complete oxygen deliveries across India. The oceans. They are the source of 70% of the Earth’s conversion/production of O2. So no country can be said to produce “most of” Earth’s oxygen. Higher income countries have solved their supply problems but the situation elsewhere remains dire, Jane Feinmann reports It became known locally as “the massacre”: the day in August 2017 when the medical oxygen supply was shut down over unpaid bills in a hospital in one of the poorest areas in Uttar Pradesh, … Find out which countries have the highest demand for medical oxygen, plus how America's marginal tax rate has evolved, and more of this week's trends in data with these 11 charts. How Much Oxygen Does India Produce Daily and How Much Do We Need? India has the capacity to produce 7,127 metric tonnes of oxygen on a daily basis. According to the Union Health Ministry, on 12 April, India’s medical oxygen consumption was 3,842 metric tonnes, which is 54 percent of the daily production capacity. Oxygen Expresses cross the mark of 20,000 MT LMO delivery in southern states of India. Definitely! Oxygen supplies have been running low for days. Despite the lack of oxygen and health risks, high-altitude locations are home to at least 140 million people around the world. The company has requested me to convey the message to the concerned authorities in India and talks are progressing,” he said. (open canopy taiga), followed very closely by Canada. Our atmosphere gets thinner as you go up the Rocky mountains is higher elevation and there for harder to breath oxygen is thinner in comparison to... Before the question can be answered please consider these points: 1. Very big trees have very big respiratory burden. So they breathe the oxygen th... Primary productivity on land is as follows: You can watch the animation here: Primary production - Wikipedia [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primar... It has close to 16 million confirmed cases, second only to the US. The oxygen can be airlifted immediately without any delay. AFP have this despatch on the desperate measures that people are going to in order to obtain medical treatment in India, as the country sets a new world record for the highest … The country with the most of this type forest is Russia where it is called the sparse taiga. He said all local manufacturers of purified oxygen had been roped in and the country was now importing the gas from neighbouring South Africa. The method is known as photosynthesis. “We need more oxygen supply. Tamil Nadu receives highest LMO delivery from oxygen expresses. But it does not mean there is no supply at all,” he said. India also reported its highest single-day death toll since the pandemic began, with 2,263 deaths Friday. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated global demand for oxygen and made the delivery of oxygen supplies more urgent. The WHO African Region has the highest prevalence of hypertension (27%) while the WHO Region of the Americas has the lowest prevalence of hypertension (18%). The gas production industry, which provides oxygen for both medical and industrial use, has prioritized distribution here. by Nii Larte Lartey. COVID-19: India sees world’s highest daily cases amid oxygen shortage. ... have been supplying oxygen to affected states. That planet is earth and thus has the highest amount of oxygen among the planets. Tamil Nadu has the highest number of oxygen-supported beds in the country, while more than 1.7 lakh RT-PCR tests are performed in a day in the … This list has been based on the things you will need, such as easy public transportation, accessibility for those with disabilities, the best average climate conditions for people with COPD, and the best nearby pulmonary clinics. Why did the oxygen levels in the Earth’s atmosphere drop from prehistoric times to what it is now? Conditions allowed the Earth’s atmosphere to con... In remote areas, supply none as the majority comes from oceans %3E rainforests are responsible for roughly one-third (28%) of the Earth’s oxygen but most (70%) of the oxyg... It has … Indeed, this was a scientific problem for hundreds of years: if Sun consisted of oxygen, it would run out of fuel in a few hundred years. So what’s... More than 60 people died in a hospital in Indonesia this weekend after oxygen supplies nearly ran out, as the country battles a severe wave of Covid-19 that authorities say is … “Medical oxygen has been around for over a century yet countries are struggling to prevent Covid patients from suffocating. Very close to net zero. Strictly according to your question, the answer is no. The layer of the atmosphere we breathe is called the troposphere. There is so much mixing of... These areas have higher volume sales and relatively stable infrastructure. There are subtle differences between oxygen, and this comes down to different isotopes. As oxygen-16 is lighter than oxygen-18, in hotter times wat... Italy has registered 127,253 deaths linked to Covid-19 since its outbreak in February last year, the second-highest toll in Europe after Britain and the eighth-highest in the world. Comparison shows that Mumbai has 1,325 and 332 oxygen and ICU beds per million respectively. Vietnam, on the other hand, didn’t see a huge outbreak but the increase in its previously low numbers of infection resulted in an increased demand for oxygen more than that by Sri Lanka. India has a daily production capacity of at least 7,100 tonnes of oxygen, including for industrial use, which appears to be enough to meet current demand. “Oxygen delivery to the patient is not at a satisfactory … Peru more than doubled its official coronavirus death toll, becoming the country with the highest Covid-19 mortality per capita anywhere in the world. India has recorded the highest one-day tally of new COVID-19 cases anywhere in the world – and the country’s highest number of deaths over 24 hours. Hospitals say they are struggling at the limit of their capacity, with one reporting that 63 patients died as they grappled with depleting oxygen. On the other hand, Pune has 1,192 and 406 oxygen and ICU beds per million respectively. My pathetic answer , diffusion, Brownian movement, entropy( the principle of) helps us on this, systems tend to maximum choas,its like the Universe... Countries don’t produce much net oxygen. Mature forests are in balance — the plants produce oxygen, but when the plant dies and decays, it absorbs... The method is known as photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process that plants make food out of water and carbon dioxide while releasing oxygen as a byproduct. Among all the planets, only one of them has plants that produce food via photosynthesis. That planet is earth and thus has the highest amount of oxygen among the planets. The number of adults with hypertension increased from 594 million in 1975 to 1.13 billion in 2015, with the increase seen largely in low- and middle-income countries. "The country has a daily production capacity of 7,127 MT of oxygen per day. “Gasal is willing to supply oxygen to our country, 60 tonnes per day, which would require three ISO tanks of 20 KL capacity each for transportation. But now nearly 90 percent of its oxygen supply – 7,500 metric tonnes daily – is required for medical use. Let’s get one big misconception out of the way to begin with. The vast majority of forests over geological time are a net zero in oxygen production... Oxygen is in short supply in Afghanistan as the country is battling a third wave of COVID-19 cases and its hospitals are being overrun. Medical oxygen’s role has been highlighted during the pandemic. Hospital staff across the country have been warning they will run out of oxygen as the health system collapses around them amid a surge in cases which has … Currently, our atmosphere contains about 20% oxygen with most of the remainder being Nitrogen at 78%. If we open up some kind of cosmic oxygen valv... It reported that as of April 12, the medical oxygen consumption in the country was 3842 MTs, that is 54 per cent of the daily production capacity. Local media have been reporting that hospitals have been struggling to cope and the minister confirmed that resources were stretched. The country's healthcare facilities consume about 15 percent of oxygen supply. The country has also recorded high numbers of new cases. India has recorded the highest one-day tally of new Covid-19 cases anywhere in the world - and the country's highest number of deaths over 24 hours. As per the Ministry of Railways, Indian Railways has delivered nearly 34,760 MT of LMO so far, in more than 1976 tankers to various states across the country. What makes oxygen the same everywhere on Earth? As Bill Hazelton [ https://www.quora.com/profile/Bill-Hazelton-1 ] points out, there can be differe... Most oxygen is produced in the eastern parts of India … This means that the countries that produce most oxygen (first equation) are the ones the consume more oxygen (second equation) as it is logical: it is a cycle. I would say that primary candidates are Brazil and Colombia: they have the largest biodiversity, the most complex ecosystems and thus, they are most productive by area. Health … Most places in the open air have roughly the same amount of oxygen - wind stirs the air remarkably well. The country now has 28, 13, 656 active cases of which 3,52,991 cases were registered in the last 24 hours but the Centre has not disclosed the number of people hospitalized, on oxygen … In urban centers and higher-population regions, oxygen is often available in gas cylinders or liquid oxygen tanks. Currently, our atmosphere contains about 20% oxygen with most of the remainder being Nitrogen at 78%. If we open up some kind of cosmic oxygen valv... Half of all the oxygen on Earth is produced by phytoplankton — microalgae growing in the upper few meters of the ocean (the photic zone). Approxima... The government admitted it … For the past one year, the group has been meeting and interacting frequently with the states, oxygen manufacturers and other stakeholders to facilitate medical oxygen supply to states are per necessity.

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