Snape’s Patronus is a silver doe, the same as Lily Evans (Potter), the love of his life ( DH19, DH33 ). Most corporeal patronuses resemble living animals from the wizard’s country of origin, such as Hermione Granger’s otter or Luna Lovegood’s hare ( OP27 ). Magical creatures such as dragons, Thestrals,... What is Your Harry Potter Patronus? In the novels, Harry Potter’s Patronus is a stag, reflecting his father’s Animagus transformation. Meanwhile, Professor Snape’s is a doe, representing his love for Lily Potter, Harry’s mother. 2. Advertisement. The Patronus is one of the most popular and most difficult defensive charms in the Harry Potter universe. Find out which Harry Potter spirit animal you belong with once and for all! HEADS UP: You might not get the one you expect to, so get ready to possibly be really surprised! . And while you may suspect what your Patronus will be, you don’t know for sure until you produce one. This large bird can be summoned by the fewest fans of … Expecto Patronum! Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! by annabethchase101. Well think again! You know your Harry Potter house—both Hogwarts and Ilvermorny.You’ve chosen your wand. His Patronus is a Stag—a caring and powerful leader. Harry Potter Patronus List. The Patron is ‘a sort of an anti-deceit or — a guard who works as a shield between yourself and the demented,’ as Professor Lupin said to Harry in Azkaban’s prison. Advertisements. Find out what your Patronus is with our Patronus quiz! The same patronus as Harry Potter. Good luck, my fellow wizard! As any true Harry Potter fan knows, mastering the Patronus Charm and conjuring a Patronus is as hard as it gets. Harry was first able to conjure at the age of 13, which was seen as an impressive feat. Try my Patronus Quiz now! J.K. Rowling invented the test on Wizarding World’s website. Patronus quiz. Professor Dumbledore’s Phoenix. No wand necessary. A stag is a male deer and we got to see Harry use it several times during the series. In the Harry Potter series, the Patronus Charm is one of the most complex and powerful defensive spells a witch or wizard can perform. The Harry Potter Sorting Hat Quiz - Which House Are You In? All The Known Patronus Forms of The Harry Potter Characters Harry Potter's Patronus is a stag, just like his dad. Hermione's Patronus takes the shape of an Otter. Ron Weasley's Patronus Is a Jack Russell Terrier. Albus Dumbledore's Patronus is, shockingly, a Phoenix. Luna Lovegood's Patronus takes the form of a Hare. Ginny Weasley's Patronus is a Horse. More items... So, the thing is that taking the Harry Potter Patronus Quiz is some kind of character test for the Potterheads. There are four possible results you can get. What is your patronus? Harry not only attained incorporeal patronus but in his encounter with dementers Prisoner of Azkaban he conjured a corporeal patronus which turned into a Stag; similar to his father. Written by Toniann Pasqueralle. Answer these quick questions to find out. Harry Potter Quiz: Patronus. One particular species of deer is the Scottish stag. Stag 118th on our list is the stag Patronus we associate so closely with Harry, as well as his father, James Potter. Find which patronus best suits you from a list of nearly 30 animals! There are five questions you have to answer. Albus Dumbledore’s Patronus is, shockingly, a Phoenix. It belongs to very different characters that share a few common traits. What Is Your True Patronus Based On How You Rate These "Harry Potter" Characters? These questions will build your knowledge and your own create quiz will build yours and others people knowledge. This quiz will quickly identify the traits within yourself that manifest into your very own Patronus! The spell is cast when a person says, "Expecto Patronum," and for the witches and wizards who can cast it, a silvery-white guardian spews out of the wand taking the form of an animal. Harry Potter Patronus. In Harry Potter, the Patronus is a powerful spell. It’s also a sort of ‘positive force,’ a projection of what the Dementor feeds on – hope, happiness, the … The spell itself requires the caster to visualize their happiest memory – and hold on very tightly to it. Harry Potter: Staggering Personality Facts About Each Patronus. Harry’s Stag. Can We Guess Your Age? Contrary to what many assume, a Fox Patronus is a sign of intense loyalty. Harry Potter Patronus Quiz. Male deer are called stags, whereas females are called does. (Or rather, it’s chosen you.) For all those Harry Potter fans out there (and there are SO many of you!) of. The Patronus takes the … You will find out at the end of the quiz!!!!!!!!!! Approved and edited by BuzzFeed Community Team — Harry Potter's corporeal stag Patronus. (ft. And, erm, what exactly is it? Take The Most Accurate Harry Potter Patronus Quiz. Harry Potter Quiz: Patronus. Do you love all loved Harry Potter books and movies and always wanted to know who would be your Patronus ever since you were children? A Patronus is your guardian, your spirit animal, and a complex charm that any good witch or wizard needs to keep the dementors away. It's one of many things Harry shares with his late father. How Much Do You Know About The Patronus Charm? Created by: amazon. Expecto patronum, this spell bounds to one of the most efficacious spells of all time in the wizarding world. Floo Network. Your patronus should reflect your inner and outer self. FAQ Harry Potter Patronus What is the rarest Patronus? What is my Patronus animal? It shows who you are deep down in your heart. Every one is unique, just like the caster and this can make you better suited to one patronus over another. This is a quiz about Harry Potter that will determine which patronus you should have. Obsessed with travel? You are brave and mysterious and even though you are a bit tough, you are actually not that bad. A Patronus Charm is adefensive spell used to protect a witch or wizard against Dementors. who want and deserve to know their TRUE Patronus! Your patronus is a little Jack Russell terrier just like Ron Weasley, which means you like messing around and jumping up at people when they knock on the door. Severus Snape used his Patronus to lead Harry Potter to the forest pool wherein Gryffindor's sword was hidden in The Deathly Hallows. Warner Bros. The following quiz is a test designed in such a way that it will help you in finding your Patronus. Your patronus would be a doe. The personality of the witch or wizard defines its magical creature. Harry Potter was one of the youngest wizards to cast a corporeal Patronus, having been taught by Professor Lupin at the tender age of 13. Unlike his somewhat grounded brother, Albus Dumbledore is quite the mystical and unconventional character. Feb 11, 2018 - Patronus quiz. Which Fortnite Skin Are You? Harry’s Patronus is impressive for that feat. Doe. When a wizard or witch speaks this incantation, a barrier arises between themselves and their attacker, a dementor that sucks happiness from its victim. As Professor Lupin told Harry in Prisoner of Azkaban, the Patronus is ‘a kind of Anti-Dementor – a guardian which acts as a shield between you and the Dementor.’ It’s also ‘a kind of positive force, a projection of the very … Doe. If a wizard or witch is especially powerful, their spell creates a Patronus — an animal representation of their very soul. Here you can create your own quiz and questions like What is ginnys patronus also and share with your friends. Play it now! But it isn’t an easy spell to cast, in fact, some of the most advanced wizards out there would struggle with the spell. What Is Your Patronus? Expecto Patronum! She claimed that the team had been working on it several years ago. See more ideas about harry potter, harry potter patronus, harry. Hey everyone,Welcome to another installment of Harry Potter Theory. For those of us in the Muggle world, however, this quiz will have to suffice! This Patronus Quiz reveals the magical creature in Pottermore and Harry Potter world. just so you know there are none questions related to Harry Potter … This quiz is going to pick your Harry Potter patronus. Best carry a bag of carrots in case they're peckish. It acts as a spirit guardian against a “Lethifold” and cold hearten, soul-sucking creatures called out as a “dementor”. Take Harry, for instance. While the Floo Network (a play on the word 'flue') is intended for use as a method of transport, it also occasionally serves as a method of communication. SCORE: 0 (opens in a new window) Next Question. One of the most iconic spells in Harry Potter is Expecto Patronum. Through your knowledge of Harry Potter and your instinctual answers to many of the dilemas faced by the characters you will be able to discover the true nature of your own Patronus. As any Potterhead knows, mastering the Patronus Charm and conjuring a Patronus is no easy feat; this guardian of positive feelings is as mysterious as it is powerful, and while you may suspect what your Patronus will be, you don’t know unless you can produce one. This is the same form of his father’s Animagus and Patronus. Your patronus is a stag just like Harry Potter, which means you are brave. Community Contributor. This is a quiz about Harry Potter that will determine which patronus you should have. Dumbledore… The same patronus as Severus Snape. Sep 4, 2019 - Explore Georgia Bizal's board "Harry Potter - Patronus", followed by 435 people on Pinterest. 10 Questions - Developed by: Karim Fawze - Updated on: 2008-01-01 - Developed on: 2007-12-24 - 35,542 taken - User Rating: 4.3 of 5 - 67 votes - 19 people like it. Who is your Teen Wolf boyfriend? Your patronus is a JACK RUSSELL! Online Patronus Quizzes Explained. You are brave and outgoing and have powerful magic. Answer 20 personality questions to unleash your powerful spirit animal. Patronus or patron was first appeared in ancient Roman mythology. Fantastic Beasts may not have dementors or ghouls for us to send away but the Patronus Charm is one of Harry Potter's most famous and, canonically speaking, one of the most difficult spells. Harry Potter's Patronus is a stag, like his father. Which UnderTale character are you? Harry Potter’s Patronus is a stag, just like his dad. By Rachel Reed - on Jul 16th in Movies And TV 389 Views. 1. Harry Potter’s took the form of a stag. It was used to define the distinctive relation between the patron(the animal) and their cliens(the user). Think you already know what your patronus will be? Hermione’s Patronus takes the shape of an Otter. ... Do You Belong With Frodo Baggins Or Harry Potter? Doe - As the Patronus of Severus Snape and Lily Potter, the doe is fiercely protective of its loved ones, as displayed through its caring and nurturing nature. Which NCT Member Are You? Luna Lovegood’s Patronus takes the form of a Hare. A guardian in the form of an animal, empowered by positive feelings, is as mysterious as powerful. Ron Weasley’s Patronus Is a Jack Russell Terrier. And frankly, it’s impressive that a boy like Harry had room for happy memories in his life, and had the ability to recall them so strongly. What is ginnys patronus is related to THE Harry Potter quiz. The spell is cast when a person says, "Expecto Patronum," and for the witches and wizards who can cast it, a silvery-white guardian spews out of the wand taking the form of an animal. It’s an important part of every wizard’s cache of spells, from Harry Potter to Severus Snape. What's Your Patronus? All The Known Patronus Forms of The Harry Potter CharactersHarry Potter's Patronus is a stag, just like his dad.Hermione's Patronus takes the shape of an Otter.Ron Weasley's Patronus Is a Jack Russell Terrier.Albus Dumbledore's Patronus is, shockingly, a Phoenix.Luna Lovegood's Patronus takes the form of a Hare.Ginny Weasley's Patronus is a Horse.More items... Which Doki Doki Literature Club (DDLC) Character are you? According to the Pottermore website, the most elusive Patronus is the sea-soaring albatross. In Harry Potter universe, the Patronus is regarded as one of the most popular, powerful and difficult defensive charms. Expecto Patronum! Dumbledore is the only named character we know of with a magical creature as his Patronus. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – not the park, but the overall setting of the Harry Potter series – is full of unbelievable spells and … The Fox Patronus is a very unique charm as it is versatile. Facebook Comments. Otter - Hermione GrangerOut of all of the characters in Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling has stated that Hermione is the one she identifies with… Begin Quiz. Deer is the common name for a family of ruminant animals grouped by the fact that the males grow antlers in adulthood. Expecto Patronum! Take this Harry Potter Patronus Quiz to find out what is yours. . Now, it’s time to discover your Patronus. Harry Potter - Stag Harry Potter is considered as one of the youngest wizard to accomplish the patronus spell and was taught by Remus Lupin. Have you ever wondered what your Patronus would be?

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