Fox - Associated with cunning, the fox has a place in many ancient cultures’ folklore. What wand does Draco Malfoy have? Ron's Patronus is a Jack Russell terrier (JKR, DH32). * Phoenixes are associated with fire, which is Dumbledore’s go to element. Seriously. To play this quiz, please finish editing it. by Arielle Calderon. In "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", how does J.K. Rowling describe Seamus's Patronus? Doe. For those of us in the Muggle world, however, this quiz will have to suffice! Upgrade to remove ads. Your Patronus takes the form of a cat, the same as Minerva McGonagall. Hermoine’s Secret – Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. What is Ernie Macmillan's Patronus? Sirius. 5. Hermione's is an otter that swims around her, and mine is a Newfoundland terrier, that bounds in front of me. 6. The form a Patronus takes can be very personal to the wizard casting it, even if they don't fully realize why. Umbridge's patronas was a cat. Her happy memories dealt with cats and a simpler time in her life. She loved them probably more than people, i.e. he... Professor Dolores Jane Umbridge, simply known as Dolores Umbridge, is a major antagonist in the Harry Potter franchise, serving as the main antagonist of the 2003 book Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and its 2007 film adaptation of the same name, and a major antagonist in the 2007 book Harry Potter and the … A horse. Warner Bros. Umbridge uses her Patronus to keep the Ministry of Magic’s Dementors in check. stand for? Delaney_Bourg. 5 Dolores Umbridge's Cat. Incidentally, a Patronus will take on the same form as the caster’s Animagus. 70 terms. What is its form? What is Luna's patronus? Dolores Umbridge (Cat) Dolores Umbridge’s took the form of a cat. From one of our very favourite professors to our very least: Dolores Umbridge’s Patronus was also a cat, just like the ones on those tasteless decorative plates she hung from her walls. 20 terms. It was cantering back toward Harry across the still surface of the water. Given his family and his ability to have stayed alive this long, it goes without saying that his Patronus is a strong one. Rowling noted on Pottermore that Umbridge is one of the few Witches or Wizards with “questionable morals” who is able to successfully conjure the charm. Did you like this quiz? Hey guys,Welcome to another installment of Harry Potter Theory. What is Prof. Umbridge's patronus? Why let a problem fester? If your patronus is a black stallion, you find comfort in a challenge. Both of their Patronuses are shown in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows . You're all forgetting that Dolores Umbridge was not actually a death eater that we know of. She worked for the Ministry but as far as we know did... Maybe the definition of Patronuses have been a bit vague. Patronuses are a good thing, but they don't necessarily need to be cast by good peopl... Despite Professor McGonagall's hatred for Umbridge, they share the same patronus form: a cat. Harry Potter Patronus Quiz. Umbridge is... What is Umbridge´s favorite color? What is Lily's patronus? The Patronus, he was sure, was Umbridge’s, and it glowed brightly because she was so happy here, in her element, upholding the twisted laws she had helped to write. Persian cat. Umbridge was a supporter of Voldemort. Later, in "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", we find out what Seamus's Patronus actually is. 7 McGonagall's Cat. They are misunderstood. Is Dolores Umbridge a Death Eater? Instead of waiting for tasks to blow through or resolve themselves, you know you can handle them head-on. Dolores Umbridge's patronus forms a cat. 50 terms. We stand by the LGBTQ+ community and all fans who found a … What does R.A.B. Many other renowned characters have different animals as their patronus like Arthur Weasley had a Weasel, Aberfoth Dumbledore a Goat, Dolores Umbridge a Cat, Nymphadora Tonks a Wolf. Flavius Belby survived a Lethifold attack by casting a Patronus Charm against it (FW, FB) As any Potterhead knows, mastering the Patronus Charm and conjuring a Patronus is no easy feat; this guardian of positive feelings is as mysterious as it is powerful, and while you may suspect what your Patronus will be, you don’t know unless you can produce one. Consider that Harry Potter had the very same Patronus as his father, or that Severus Snape and Lily Potter both had a doe. Yadda yee. I didn't feel like writing results. What does Luna Lovegood's Patronus take the form of? Voldemort could easily have lots of things that make him happy, despite them being pure evil. I agree with the fact that Umbridge was able to cast a patronus because she was very capable of thinking of good/happy thoughts. The feeling of go... Perhaps the best explanation for why Umbridge could create a Patronus lies in her attitude, that a " true and confident belief in the rightness of one’s actions can supply the necessary happiness" (Pm-Patronus Charm)." A. 1 Answer. The Patronus is one of the most popular and most difficult defensive charms in the Harry Potter universe. While Harry couldn't cast a Patronus charm while wearing the locket, Umbridge manages to conjure a Patronus which takes form of a cat. The fact that he lived in Hogsmeade during the Death Eater and Dementor prowls says it all. What is your opinion of Slytherin? Harry Potter was one of the youngest wizards to cast a corporeal Patronus, having been taught by Professor Lupin at the tender age of 13. He had performed a Patronus charm to defend himself and his Muggle cousin Dudley Dursley against two Dementors. BuzzFeed Staff. Umbridge was evil in part because Rowling based her on a real-life person she very much disliked: Dolores Jane Umbridge was the eldest child and only daughter of Orford Umbridge, a wizard, and Ellen Cracknell, a Muggle, who also had a Squib son. OK, so basically I will be asking you what a character's patronus is, for example: What is Harry Potter's patronus? 6 Aberforth Dumbledore's Goat. While Umbridge is an objectively hateful woman, she is also a skilled witch. How did Hermione die? cat. It can connect you to others and express some of … BuzzFeed Quiz Party! 7. I don't know if Voldemort can produce a Patronus, but I doubt he feels the need to. (Don´t pick yes just because you want to get it right, every answer is right, it is a poll.) Delores Umbridge. 4. 5. Their Patronus could be different Depending on what they have gone through, like death, love, and hope. What is Umbridge's patronus? Subjects. Yadda yu. Persian cat. RELATED: Fantastic Beasts 2's Professor McGonagall Plot Hole Can't Be Fixed Harry Potter: The 10 Most Powerful Patronus, Ranked 1 Professor Dumbledore's Phoenix. Wizards Without Patronuses. The Patronus, he was sure, was Umbridge’s, and it glowed brightly because she was so happy here, in her element, upholding the twisted laws she had helped to write. Diego_RD. Harry casts his own Patronus — a big, badass stag — to keep back the dementors and escape from the courtroom. Today, you will be testing your Harry Potter knowledge by seeing if you know everyone's patronus in the Harry Potter series! 29 terms. Dolores Umbridge’s Cat. What did Dolores Umbridge do? Now please continue to annoy the hell out of Umbridge; it’s such an enjoyable experience. Why is umbridge so evil? 4 Kingsley Shacklebolt's Lynx. What is Ginny's patronus? Minerva McGonagall's Patronus was a cat with markings around the eyes similar to her Animagus form . 01-My house. YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE... World Arch Exam 2 Building Identification. 8 Nymphadora Tonk's Wolf. Dolores Umbridge and Professor McGonagall both share the same cat shaped Patronus. As explained on the Pottermore page, a Patronus is a form of advanced magic in which the witch or wizard casting the spell draws upon their happiest memories to … Well, there are some Wizards who are unable to perform the patronus charm; even an incorporeal one. The most emotional moment is when Harry sees the stag-shaped patronus appear in the woods to ward off the dementor attack, thus saving his and his godfather’s lives. C. Lord Voldemort. I hate cheese. If you want to suggest that she was late getting to the banquet, that’s ok, but in the end, death eaters were just as well suited in fluffy pink cardigans as in black hoods. You find this out in The Deathly Hallows. He could also have a white peacock Patronus, since Malfoy Manor has white peacocks at the entrance. 256 views Rowling has said that Snape was the only Death Eater who could summon a patronus, but the wording indicates that it is more of a lack of need o... A cat. 5. since. Editor’s Note: BuzzFeed does not support discriminatory or hateful speech in any form. On April 16, Riddle sets a mountain troll made immune to … As any Potterhead knows, mastering the Patronus Charm and conjuring a Patronus is no easy feat; this guardian of positive feelings is as mysterious as it is powerful, and while you may suspect what your Patronus will be, you don’t know unless you can produce one. dragonHis Patronus is a dragon, since his name means dragon in Latin and he shows no particular fondness for any other creature. Only $2.99/month. Paronus' are conjured using warm memories, and a Death Eater most likey don't have any, being too full of malice and hate. For all her wickedness... Yadda yo. Umbridge could cast a Patronus, so I think happiness may be entirely subjective in this case. 3 Snape's Doe. Despite her wickedness and pure-blood supremacist attitude, Umbridge was repeatedly stated to be no Death Eater, as she never showed support for them until they took over the … Umbridge was portrayed by Imelda Staunton in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1. What house was Umbridge in? Audiences know that McGonagall is an Animagus, a being who can take the form of an animal, and takes the shape of a tabby cat. You are never afraid to face adversity and are fully aware that overcoming it will bring positive change on your life. Game of Thrones Mottos. The spell is cast when a person says, "Expecto Patronum," and for the witches and wizards who can cast it, a silvery-white guardian spews out of the wand taking the form of an animal. We know that Dumbledore’s Patronus is a Phoenix, so it would be a strong, almost guaranteed, assumption that his Animagi form would match at well. In the book, Umbridge’s Patronus is described as a long-haired cat. rishima0217. This Patronus represents a person that was born and/or has lived under pressing circumstances but overcomes every obstacle, getting stronger each day. With the fall of Lord Voldemort, Dolores Umbridge was put on trial for her enthusiastic co-operation with his regime, and convicted of the torture, imprisonment and deaths of several people (some of the innocent Muggle-borns she sentenced to Azkaban did not survive their ordeal). Later on, Harry stuns Umbridge, and her Patronus disappears. And, erm, what exactly is it? Those with this patronus often have a creative side too, excelling in creative subjects. The reason she is able to cast the Patronus charm is because the horcrux helped her rather than hindered her due to the fact that she was already evil. I also hate mint, chocolate, and Maximum Ride. ... Do you love all loved Harry Potter books and movies and always wanted to know who would be your Patronus ever since you were children? silhiro. The Patronus turned. 2 Harry's Stag. There is no mention of it being skeletal. Expecto Patronum! Barty Crouch Sr. Who was Winky's Ex-Master? Because she believed in her own righteousness It is true that Death Eaters and other Dark Wizards are generally incapable of casting a Patronus. A... Arthur Weasley's Patronus is a weasel (DH7, DH9). Luna´s is a bunny that can hop through the air. A Patronus is unique to the caster and is very personal. What's Your Patronus? A hare. Yadda ya. You believe in equality and discourage special treatment, which makes you morally good and trustworthy. Harry Potter's Patronus is a stag, like his father. It's one of many things Harry shares with his late father. Harry's ability to produce a powerful, corporeal Patronus at age 13 — under the guidance of his third year Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Remus Lupin — is noted throughout the series as a mark of his impressive talent. The Patronus Charm, introduced in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, is a defensive spell which produces a silver, animal guardian, used to protect a witch or wizard against Dementors. Dolores Jane Umbridge is a fictional character from the Harry Potter series created by J.K. Rowling.The character is the primary antagonist of the fifth novel Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and was stationed at Hogwarts by the Ministry of Magic to take power away from Harry Potter and Albus Dumbledore, who were informing the Wizarding World of Lord Voldemort's return. What is Dolores Umbridge’s Patronus? “At the foot of the platform a bright silver, long-haired cat prowled up and down, up and down, and Harry realised that it was there to protect the prosecutors from the despair that emanated from the Dementors: that was for the accused to feel, not the accusers.” Dumbledore is the only named character we know of with a magical creature as his Patronus. Some witches and wizards will never have a corporeal Patronus (such as Lupin and Neville) while others will have theirs appear as an animal. What was umbridge Patronus? The Patronus is a form of advanced magic which even the most qualified wizards can struggle with. The Final 50 NLE Quizlet for Latin I MMXVIII. People who conjure this patronus can be solitary on nature, spending lots of time alone. Umbridge's first appearance in the film took place at Harry Potter's hearing, to address his underage use of magic in the presence of Muggles (non-magic people). For those of us in the Muggle world, however, this quiz will have to suffice! D. Bellatrix Lestrange. Dolores Umbridge's Patronus is a cat (see) . What is Dolores Umbridge´s Patronus? Who gives Harry permission to go to Hogsmeade? You can find out more about what a Patronus can do here. Ginny Weasley (Horse) Ginny Weasley’s took the form of a horse. People with this Patronus love challenges and are good at handling stress. Regulus Arcturus Black.

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