The Resurrection Stone (SNARRY) {#JustWriteIt #AltEnding} Fanfiction. "Be well, Potter." The Resurrection Stone was one of the fabled Deathly Hallows. Upon going gentle into that good night, Harry awakened in what appeared to be a milky white vision of King's Cross … That Harry didn’t see Snape’s spirit-ghost-thing while using the Resurrection Stone doesn’t mean he’s not dead. August 21st, 2007, 8:55 am. It’s pretty obvious that Snape wasn’t close enough to Harry to be summoned with the Resurrection Stone (though one does wonder why Dumbledore didn’t show up), and that the … He and Harry stared at each other for a moment, before the shade gave a miniscule nod. There doesn’t appear to be any distinction between Muggles and Wizards/Witches for whatever magic is involved. Disclaimer: J. K. Rowling owns Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape, and Lily Evans. Fred shows up, but then he appears to push back at an imaginary wall, flickers, then fades away. Perhaps it was because Nagini, a Horcrux, was still alive, or it may have been because Harry intended to die, much as Dumbledore did when facing Snape in the Astronomy Tower. Finally, he met Harry's eyes and said softly, "Off with you, Potter." Snape Theory. The Resurrection Stone hidden in the Snitch Almost a year later, at the Battle of Hogwarts , Harry witnessed the dying memories of Severus Snape, and thus learned that he was a Horcrux as well, and thus must be killed by Voldemort in order for Voldemort himself to die. Just slamming the door opening and walking in to get students to stop talking. Resurrection Stone. When everyone had gone to bed, Albus slipped out off the dormitories and ran out of the castle. The Resurrection Stone allows the holder to bring back deceased loved ones, in a semi-physical form, and communicate with them. The resurrection stone was not destroyed. The stone was then placed into the Golden Snitch for Harry to find. Now, back to your question about whether he used it correctly. Just imagine if Snape was in the Resurrection stone scene. The curse and the potion did it. There are some interesting fan theories as to why Harry drops the Resurrection Stone. It just means that Snape, despite the … When it … silver ink pot. He kept it to himself that Harry and Voldemort’s connection was deeper than simple visions, and that it was due to … I think Snape didnt come back was because the Resurrection Stone brought back people that Harry loved - at this time, Snape being a 'good guy' still hadnt sunk in fully with Harry, and Harry hadnt loved Snape as much as he had ever loved his parents, Lupin and Sirius. Rated T. Snape/Lily. The Resurrection Stone was the last Hallow that Dumbledore had yet to find. Albus Dumbledore sat down in the chair behind his desk and looked across the room at Severus Snape. If I were Harry, and I knew I was nearing the end of my life, I wouldn't care about the negative feelings I had had about Dumbledore in the past. Summary: Dumbledore offers Snape a reward for his years of sacrifice. What if Snape didn't actually die? He didn't see it anywhere. A relevant passage from the book HP and the Half-Blood Prince 1:. 1: Snape doesn't appear when Harry uses the resurrection stone: You'd think Snape was very important to Harry, he loved his mother, gave his life to save him, and shielded him all his life. The legend of the Deathly Hallows claims that they were created by Death himself and that the Elder Wand is unbeatable, the Resurrection Stone brings back shades of the dead and the Cloak of Invisibility hides the wearer from anything, including Death. He definitely was not able to fully break down his feelings and grow to admire Snape just because he saw some memories a few hours before he uses the stone. Harry also saw Snape die, the stone was to bring back the people he didn't get a chance to say goodbye to. The people he yearned most to talk to. If a Horcrux creation requires a human soul be separated from its body, a reasonable interpretation of the murder requirement, then Muggles must have souls. Although Harry had offered to share his book with both of them, Ron had more difficulty deciphering the handwriting than Harry did, and could not keep asking Harry to read aloud or it might look suspicious. You’d think Snape was very important to Harry, he loved his mother, gave his life to save him, and shielded him all his life. And he didn't show up when Harry used the Resurrection Stone. Mum pops up, repeating what she said in the graveyard. Redditor DER_GOTTKAISER first questions why Snape doesn’t appear when Harry uses the resurrection stone. Snarry. Did Snape split his soul? Wishing to use it to redeem his family and make amends for his past mistakes, Dumbledore put on the Ring. I'd think he'd be pretty … When Dumbledore found the Marvolo Gaunt’s Ring, he immediately recognized it as the Resurrection Stone, one of the Deathly Hallows. This is the only answer in my opinion. Snape didn’t appear when Harry used the resurrection stone because he didn’t mean enough to Harry. Theory: The Resurrection Stone is a total fraud. The speech is exactly how I imaged Severus Snape speaking… that he can hook you in just by his words show why Slytherins respect him and shows that he doesn't sugar coat what potions can do. By darkchakram. The only reason he didn't appear was because he was in a limbo state at Kings Cross. Harry just found out how Snape had been protecting him the whole time and died to save him, so when he used the magic ring that brings the spirits of dead people, you'd think Snape would be there. ... “So Voldemort's snake didn't actually kill Snape… The first point Reddit user DER_GOTTKAISER makes is that Snape doesn’t appear when Harry used the Resurrection Stone. "Hold on for your father, Harry." I sigh in relief, as Sirius nods appreciatively, "He's a fighter, that one." I Wingardium Leviosa a twig over to the knot, and it … Even worse, Dumbledore didn’t explain the full connection until Sirius’ death. Sir. Harry turned and strode back to his mother and father, a crushing weight now lifted from his heart. The form of Sirius Black generated by the stone tells Harry that he and the other forms created by the stone are part of him and invisible to others. Snape looked surprised, then fidgeted as if he didn't know what to say. Started: 7th December 2016 Finished: 6th January 2017 Number of Words: 10,549 (not counting Prolouge) Word Number Required: 10,000 (I'll try to write 5-10 chapters of 1,000-2,000 words each) Theme/Topic: Write an Alternate ending to a well-known Story (movie/TV show/book/fairytale et cetera) WARNING: Snarry. Harry Potter! Snape's handwriting changed a lot over the course of 20 years. He couldn't wait another second. Snape didn’t die at the end of Deathly Hallows because his corpse was never mentioned, he didn’t appear when Harry used the Resurrection Stone before facing Voldemort, and, as a Potions professor, he should’ve had access to anti-venom. When he reached the location where the spirits were last night, he frantically searched for the stone James had shown him. Sure, he was in love with Lily Potter and wanted Harry to live but he still bullied Harry for six years and caused him so much pain that Harry was unable to count him as a “loved one” and therefore he did not appear in the forbidden forest. Many of them are rooted in the fact that Harry didn't believe, personally, that anyone should ever use the Resurrection Stone, which, as the name entails, is able to bring people back to life. SEE ALSO: 'Fantastic Beasts' gets the Honest Trailers skewering that (let's be real) it totally deserves Our Reddit detective Der_Gottkaiser has two main reasons for believing Snape is alive in Harry Potter : First, that he didn't appear when Harry used the resurrection stone, and second, that Snape's dead body is neither found nor spoken of. Harry's son Albus Severus was given Snape's name because he was the bravest man Harry ever knew. An incredible performance by Alan Rickman. Reddit user Der_Gottkaiser’s theory is based on two significant details: one, why didn’t Snape appear when Harry used the resurrection stone? And two, where’s the body? I mean, he was Potions Master, so he could've had an antidote for snake bites with him. Ans standing at the end of the line away from the rest, looking a curious mix of puzzled and disgruntled, stood Snape's shade. He was debatably the most influential person in Harry's life. He didn't tell him why. After Snape and Lily leave Hogwarts, the space between them only grows as Snape joins Voldemort, the Dark Lord, … Although this does make one wonder why it didn't backfire on Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest, as Harry was already the Master of the Elder Wand by then. Who believes the Snape theory of him being alive? So, Snape killed Dumbledore but he didn’t cause his death. Firstly, when Harry dropped the resurrection stone in the forest, it was most definitely intentionally. He did this because he knew that the 'people' who were brought back to life were not real. Also, he didn't want to be the master of death, he just wanted a peaceful life. Resurrection Stone. He didn't need the Resurrection Stone. That Harry didn’t see Snape’s spirit-ghost-thing while using the Resurrection Stone doesn’t mean he’s not dead. It just means that Snape, despite the sacrifices he made, wasn’t all that near and dear to Harry’s heart. What can Snape say to Harry now that Harry knows everything, even the things Snape would rather not have shared? Severus Snape's biggest regret. 1: Snape doesn't appear when Harry uses the resurrection stone: You'd think Snape was very important to Harry, he loved his mother, gave his life to save him, and shielded him all his life. In "The Tale of the Three Brothers", it was the second Hallow created, supposedly by Death himself. Harry went through the events of Chamber of Secrets thinking he was the Heir of Slytherin, with Dumbledore hiding the fact that he had a mental connection with Voldemort until the conclusion. He raced past Hagrid's hut and into the forest.

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